package org.jboss.resteasy.tracing;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;


import org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.server.servlet.ResteasyContextParameters;
import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.HttpRequest;
import org.jboss.resteasy.tracing.api.RESTEasyTracing;
import org.jboss.resteasy.tracing.api.RESTEasyTracingConfig;
import org.jboss.resteasy.tracing.api.RESTEasyTracingLevel;

public class RESTEasyTracingUtils {
   static final List<String> SUMMARY_HEADERS = new ArrayList<>();

   static {

   private RESTEasyTracingUtils() {

   static String getTracingThreshold(RESTEasyTracingLevel appThreshold, HttpRequest request) {
      final String thresholdText = getHeaderString(request, RESTEasyTracing.HEADER_THRESHOLD);
      return (thresholdText == null) ? appThreshold.toString() : thresholdText;

   static String getHeaderString(HttpRequest request, String header) {
      if (request == null) {
         return null;
      if (request.getHttpHeaders() != null) {
         return request.getHttpHeaders().getHeaderString(header);
      return null;

   static String toStringOrNA(Object object) {
      if (object == null) {
         return "n/a";
      } else {
         return String.valueOf(object);

Test if application and request settings enabled tracing support.
  • type – application tracing configuration type.
  • request – request instance to check request headers.
Returns:true if tracing support is switched on for the request.
/** * Test if application and request settings enabled tracing support. * * @param type application tracing configuration type. * @param request request instance to check request headers. * @return {@code true} if tracing support is switched on for the request. */
static boolean isTracingSupportEnabled(RESTEasyTracingConfig type, HttpRequest request) { return (type == RESTEasyTracingConfig.ALL) || ((type == RESTEasyTracingConfig.ON_DEMAND) && (getHeaderString(request, RESTEasyTracing.HEADER_ACCEPT) != null)); }
Return configuration type of tracing support according to application configuration.

By default tracing support is switched OFF.

/** * Return configuration type of tracing support according to application configuration. * <p> * By default tracing support is switched OFF. */
static RESTEasyTracingConfig getRESTEasyTracingConfig(Configuration configuration) { final Object tracingText = configuration.getProperty(ResteasyContextParameters.RESTEASY_TRACING_TYPE); final RESTEasyTracingConfig result; if (tracingText != null) { result = RESTEasyTracingConfig.valueOf((String) tracingText); } else { result = RESTEasyTracingConfig.OFF; } return result; }
Get request header specified JDK logger name suffix.
Returns:Logger name suffix or null if not set.
/** * Get request header specified JDK logger name suffix. * * @param request container request instance to get request header {@link RESTEasyTracing#HEADER_LOGGER} value. * @return Logger name suffix or {@code null} if not set. */
static String getTracingLoggerNameSuffix(HttpRequest request) { return getHeaderString(request, RESTEasyTracing.HEADER_LOGGER); }
Get application-wide tracing level threshold.
Returns:tracing level threshold.
/** * Get application-wide tracing level threshold. * * @return tracing level threshold. */
static RESTEasyTracingLevel getRESTEasyTracingThreshold(Configuration configuration) { final Object thresholdText = configuration.getProperty(ResteasyContextParameters.RESTEASY_TRACING_THRESHOLD); return (thresholdText == null) ? RESTEasyTracing.DEFAULT_LEVEL : RESTEasyTracingLevel.valueOf((String) thresholdText); } protected static String getTracingInfoFormat(HttpRequest request) { return getHeaderString(request, RESTEasyTracing.HEADER_ACCEPT_FORMAT); } }