/* Copyright (c) 2001-2019, The HSQL Development Group
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
 * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
 * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
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package org.hsqldb.rights;

import org.hsqldb.Expression;
import org.hsqldb.HsqlNameManager.HsqlName;
import org.hsqldb.NumberSequence;
import org.hsqldb.Routine;
import org.hsqldb.SchemaObject;
import org.hsqldb.Session;
import org.hsqldb.Table;
import org.hsqldb.Tokens;
import org.hsqldb.error.Error;
import org.hsqldb.error.ErrorCode;
import org.hsqldb.lib.HashMap;
import org.hsqldb.lib.HsqlArrayList;
import org.hsqldb.lib.Iterator;
import org.hsqldb.lib.MultiValueHashMap;
import org.hsqldb.lib.OrderedHashSet;
import org.hsqldb.types.Type;

A Grantee Object holds the name, access and administrative rights for a particular grantee.

It supplies the methods used to grant, revoke, test and check a grantee's access rights to other database objects. It also holds a reference to the common PUBLIC User Object, which represent the special user referred to in GRANT ... TO PUBLIC statements.

The check(), isAccessible() and getGrantedClassNames() methods check the rights granted to the PUBLIC User Object, in addition to individually granted rights, in order to decide which rights exist for the user. Method names ending in Direct indicate methods which do not recurse to look through Roles which "this" object is a member of. We use the word "Admin" (e.g., in private variable "admin" and method "isAdmin()) to mean this Grantee has admin priv by any means. We use the word "adminDirect" (e.g., in private variable "adminDirect" and method "isAdminDirect()) to mean this Grantee has admin priv directly.

Author:Campbell Burnet (campbell-burnet@users dot sourceforge.net), Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net), Blaine Simpson (blaine dot simpson at admc dot com)
/** * A Grantee Object holds the name, access and administrative rights for a * particular grantee.<p> * It supplies the methods used to grant, revoke, test * and check a grantee's access rights to other database objects. * It also holds a reference to the common PUBLIC User Object, * which represent the special user referred to in * GRANT ... TO PUBLIC statements.<p> * The check(), isAccessible() and getGrantedClassNames() methods check the * rights granted to the PUBLIC User Object, in addition to individually * granted rights, in order to decide which rights exist for the user. * * Method names ending in Direct indicate methods which do not recurse * to look through Roles which "this" object is a member of. * * We use the word "Admin" (e.g., in private variable "admin" and method * "isAdmin()) to mean this Grantee has admin priv by any means. * We use the word "adminDirect" (e.g., in private variable "adminDirect" * and method "isAdminDirect()) to mean this Grantee has admin priv * directly. * * @author Campbell Burnet (campbell-burnet@users dot sourceforge.net) * @author Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net) * @author Blaine Simpson (blaine dot simpson at admc dot com) * * @version 2.3.4 * @since 1.8.0 */
public class Grantee implements SchemaObject { boolean isRole;
true if this grantee has database administrator priv directly (ie., not by membership in any role)
/** * true if this grantee has database administrator priv directly * (ie., not by membership in any role) */
private boolean isAdminDirect = false;
true if this grantee has database administrator priv by any means.
/** true if this grantee has database administrator priv by any means. */
private boolean isAdmin = false;
true if this grantee is PUBLIC.
/** true if this grantee is PUBLIC. */
boolean isPublic = false;
true if this grantee is _SYSTEM.
/** true if this grantee is _SYSTEM. */
boolean isSystem = false;
Grantee name.
/** Grantee name. */
protected HsqlName granteeName;
map with database object identifier keys and access privileges values
/** map with database object identifier keys and access privileges values */
private MultiValueHashMap directRightsMap;
contains rights granted direct, or via roles, except those of PUBLIC
/** contains rights granted direct, or via roles, except those of PUBLIC */
HashMap fullRightsMap;
These are the DIRECT roles. Each of these may contain nested roles
/** These are the DIRECT roles. Each of these may contain nested roles */
OrderedHashSet roles;
map with database object identifier keys and access privileges values
/** map with database object identifier keys and access privileges values */
private MultiValueHashMap grantedRightsMap;
Needed only to give access to the roles for this database
/** Needed only to give access to the roles for this database */
protected GranteeManager granteeManager; /** */ protected Right ownerRights;
/** * Constructor. */
Grantee(HsqlName name, GranteeManager man) { fullRightsMap = new HashMap(); directRightsMap = new MultiValueHashMap(); grantedRightsMap = new MultiValueHashMap(); granteeName = name; granteeManager = man; roles = new OrderedHashSet(); ownerRights = new Right(); ownerRights.isFull = true; ownerRights.grantor = GranteeManager.systemAuthorisation; ownerRights.grantee = this; } public int getType() { return SchemaObject.GRANTEE; } public HsqlName getName() { return granteeName; } public HsqlName getSchemaName() { return null; } public HsqlName getCatalogName() { return null; } public Grantee getOwner() { return null; } public OrderedHashSet getReferences() { return new OrderedHashSet(); } public OrderedHashSet getComponents() { return null; } public void compile(Session session, SchemaObject parentObject) {} public String getSQL() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(Tokens.T_CREATE).append(' ').append(Tokens.T_ROLE); sb.append(' ').append(granteeName.statementName); return sb.toString(); } public long getChangeTimestamp() { return 0; } public boolean isRole() { return isRole; } public boolean isSystem() { return isSystem; }
Gets direct roles, not roles nested within them.
/** * Gets direct roles, not roles nested within them. */
public OrderedHashSet getDirectRoles() { return roles; }
Gets direct and indirect roles.
/** * Gets direct and indirect roles. */
public OrderedHashSet getAllRoles() { OrderedHashSet set = getGranteeAndAllRoles(); // Since we added "Grantee" in addition to Roles, need to remove self. set.remove(this); return set; } public OrderedHashSet getGranteeAndAllRoles() { OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); addGranteeAndRoles(set); return set; } public OrderedHashSet getGranteeAndAllRolesWithPublic() { OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); addGranteeAndRoles(set); set.add(granteeManager.publicRole); return set; } public boolean isAccessible(HsqlName name, int privilegeType) { if (isFullyAccessibleByRole(name)) { return true; } Right right = (Right) fullRightsMap.get(name); if (right == null) { return false; } return right.canAccess(privilegeType); }
returns true if grantee has any privilege (to any column) of the object
/** * returns true if grantee has any privilege (to any column) of the object */
public boolean isAccessible(SchemaObject object) { return isAccessible(object.getName()); } public boolean isAccessible(HsqlName name) { if (isFullyAccessibleByRole(name)) { return true; } Right right = (Right) fullRightsMap.get(name); if (right != null && !right.isEmpty()) { return true; } if (!isPublic) { return granteeManager.publicRole.isAccessible(name); } return false; }
Adds to given Set this.sName plus all roles and nested roles.
Returns:Given role with new elements added.
/** * Adds to given Set this.sName plus all roles and nested roles. * * @return Given role with new elements added. */
private OrderedHashSet addGranteeAndRoles(OrderedHashSet set) { Grantee candidateRole; set.add(this); for (int i = 0; i < roles.size(); i++) { candidateRole = (Grantee) roles.get(i); if (!set.contains(candidateRole)) { candidateRole.addGranteeAndRoles(set); } } return set; } private boolean hasRoleDirect(Grantee role) { return roles.contains(role); } public boolean hasRole(Grantee role) { return getAllRoles().contains(role); }
Grants the specified rights on the specified database object.

Keys stored in rightsMap for database tables are their HsqlName attribute. This allows rights to persist when a table is renamed.

/** * Grants the specified rights on the specified database object. <p> * * Keys stored in rightsMap for database tables are their HsqlName * attribute. This allows rights to persist when a table is renamed. <p> */
void grant(HsqlName name, Right right, Grantee grantor, boolean withGrant) { final Right grantableRights = grantor.getAllGrantableRights(name); Right existingRight = null; if (right == Right.fullRights) { if (grantableRights.isEmpty()) { return; // has no rights } right = grantableRights; } else { if (!grantableRights.contains(right)) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_0L000); } } Iterator it = directRightsMap.get(name); while (it.hasNext()) { Right existing = (Right) it.next(); if (existing.grantor == grantor) { existingRight = existing; existingRight.add(right); break; } } if (existingRight == null) { existingRight = right.duplicate(); existingRight.grantor = grantor; existingRight.grantee = this; directRightsMap.put(name, existingRight); } if (withGrant) { if (existingRight.grantableRights == null) { existingRight.grantableRights = right.duplicate(); } else { existingRight.grantableRights.add(right); } } if (!grantor.isSystem()) { // based on assumption that there is no need to access grantor.grantedRightsMap.put(name, existingRight); } updateAllRights(); }
Revokes the specified rights on the specified database object.

If, after removing the specified rights, no rights remain on the database object, then the key/value pair for that object is removed from the rights map

/** * Revokes the specified rights on the specified database object. <p> * * If, after removing the specified rights, no rights remain on the * database object, then the key/value pair for that object is removed * from the rights map */
void revoke(SchemaObject object, Right right, Grantee grantor, boolean grantOption) { HsqlName name = object.getName(); if (object instanceof Routine) { name = ((Routine) object).getSpecificName(); } Iterator it = directRightsMap.get(name); Right existing = null; while (it.hasNext()) { existing = (Right) it.next(); if (existing.grantor == grantor) { break; } } if (existing == null) { return; } if (existing.grantableRights != null) { existing.grantableRights.remove(object, right); } if (grantOption) { return; } if (right.isFull) { directRightsMap.remove(name, existing); grantor.grantedRightsMap.remove(name, existing); updateAllRights(); return; } existing.remove(object, right); if (existing.isEmpty()) { directRightsMap.remove(name, existing); grantor.grantedRightsMap.remove(name, existing); } updateAllRights(); }
Revokes all rights on the specified database object.

This method removes any existing mapping from the rights map

/** * Revokes all rights on the specified database object.<p> * * This method removes any existing mapping from the rights map */
void revokeDbObject(HsqlName name) { directRightsMap.remove(name); grantedRightsMap.remove(name); fullRightsMap.remove(name); }
Update own table column set rights to include a newly created column.
/** * Update own table column set rights to include a newly created column.<p? */
void updateRightsForNewColumn(HsqlName tableName, HsqlName columnName) { Iterator it = directRightsMap.get(tableName); Right existing = null; while (it.hasNext()) { existing = (Right) it.next(); } if (existing == null) { return; } existing.addNewColumn(columnName); updateAllRights(); }
Update granted rights to include a newly created column.
/** * Update granted rights to include a newly created column.<p? */
void updateRightsForNewColumn(HsqlName tableName) { Iterator it = grantedRightsMap.get(tableName); Right existing = null; while (it.hasNext()) { existing = (Right) it.next(); } if (existing == null) { return; } updateAllRights(); }
Revokes all rights from this Grantee object. The map is cleared and the database administrator role attribute is set false.
/** * Revokes all rights from this Grantee object. The map is cleared and * the database administrator role attribute is set false. */
void clearPrivileges() { roles.clear(); directRightsMap.clear(); grantedRightsMap.clear(); fullRightsMap.clear(); isAdmin = false; } public OrderedHashSet getColumnsForAllPrivileges(SchemaObject object) { if (object instanceof Table) { Table table = (Table) object; if (isFullyAccessibleByRole(table.getName())) { return table.getColumnNameSet(); } Right right = (Right) fullRightsMap.get(table.getName()); return right == null ? Right.emptySet : right.getColumnsForAllRights(table); } return Right.emptySet; } public OrderedHashSet getAllDirectPrivileges(SchemaObject object) { if (object.getOwner() == this) { OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); set.add(ownerRights); return set; } HsqlName name = object.getName(); if (object instanceof Routine) { name = ((Routine) object).getSpecificName(); } Iterator rights = directRightsMap.get(name); if (rights.hasNext()) { OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); while (rights.hasNext()) { set.add(rights.next()); } return set; } return Right.emptySet; } public OrderedHashSet getAllGrantedPrivileges(SchemaObject object) { HsqlName name = object.getName(); if (object instanceof Routine) { name = ((Routine) object).getSpecificName(); } Iterator rights = grantedRightsMap.get(name); if (rights.hasNext()) { OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); while (rights.hasNext()) { set.add(rights.next()); } return set; } return Right.emptySet; }
Checks if a right represented by the methods have been granted on the specified database object.

This is done by checking that a mapping exists in the rights map from the dbobject argument. Otherwise, it throws.

/** * Checks if a right represented by the methods * have been granted on the specified database object. <p> * * This is done by checking that a mapping exists in the rights map * from the dbobject argument. Otherwise, it throws. */
public Right checkSelect(SchemaObject object, boolean[] checkList) { if (object instanceof Table) { Table table = (Table) object; if (isFullyAccessibleByRole(table.getName())) { return Right.fullRights; } Right right = (Right) fullRightsMap.get(table.getName()); if (right != null && right.canSelect(table, checkList)) { return right; } } throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42501, object.getName().name); } public void checkInsert(SchemaObject object, boolean[] checkList) { if (object instanceof Table) { Table table = (Table) object; if (isFullyAccessibleByRole(table.getName())) { return; } Right right = (Right) fullRightsMap.get(table.getName()); if (right != null && right.canInsert(table, checkList)) { return; } } throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42501, object.getName().name); } public void checkUpdate(SchemaObject object, boolean[] checkList) { if (object instanceof Table) { Table table = (Table) object; if (isFullyAccessibleByRole(table.getName())) { return; } Right right = (Right) fullRightsMap.get(table.getName()); if (right != null && right.canUpdate(table, checkList)) { return; } } throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42501, object.getName().name); } public void checkReferences(SchemaObject object, boolean[] checkList) { if (object instanceof Table) { Table table = (Table) object; if (isFullyAccessibleByRole(table.getName())) { return; } Right right = (Right) fullRightsMap.get(table.getName()); if (right != null && right.canReference(table, checkList)) { return; } } throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42501, object.getName().name); } public void checkTrigger(SchemaObject object, boolean[] checkList) { if (object instanceof Table) { Table table = (Table) object; if (isFullyAccessibleByRole(table.getName())) { return; } Right right = (Right) fullRightsMap.get(table.getName()); if (right != null && right.canReference(table, checkList)) { return; } } throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42501, object.getName().name); } public void checkDelete(SchemaObject object) { if (object instanceof Table) { Table table = (Table) object; if (isFullyAccessibleByRole(table.getName())) { return; } Right right = (Right) fullRightsMap.get(table.getName()); if (right != null && right.canDelete()) { return; } } throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42501, object.getName().name); } public void checkAccess(SchemaObject object) { if (isFullyAccessibleByRole(object.getName())) { return; } HsqlName name = object.getName(); if (object instanceof Routine) { name = ((Routine) object).getSpecificName(); } Right right = (Right) fullRightsMap.get(name); if (right != null && !right.isEmpty()) { return; } throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42501, object.getName().name); }
Checks if this object can modify schema objects or grant access rights to them.
/** * Checks if this object can modify schema objects or grant access rights * to them. */
public void checkSchemaUpdateOrGrantRights(String schemaName) { if (!hasSchemaUpdateOrGrantRights(schemaName)) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42501, schemaName); } }
Checks if this object can modify schema objects or grant access rights to them.
/** * Checks if this object can modify schema objects or grant access rights * to them. */
public boolean hasSchemaUpdateOrGrantRights(String schemaName) { // If a DBA if (isAdmin()) { return true; } Grantee schemaOwner = granteeManager.database.schemaManager.toSchemaOwner(schemaName); // If owner of Schema if (schemaOwner == this) { return true; } // If a member of Schema authorization role if (hasRole(schemaOwner)) { return true; } return false; } public boolean isGrantable(SchemaObject object, Right right) { if (isFullyAccessibleByRole(object.getName())) { return true; } Right grantableRights = getAllGrantableRights(object.getName()); return grantableRights.contains(right); } public boolean isGrantable(Grantee role) { return isAdmin; } public boolean isFullyAccessibleByRole(HsqlName name) { Grantee owner; if (isAdmin) { return true; } if (name.type == SchemaObject.SCHEMA) { owner = name.owner; } else if (name.schema == null) { return false; } else { owner = name.schema.owner; } if (owner == this) { return true; } if (hasRole(owner)) { return true; } return false; }
Checks whether this Grantee has administrative privs either directly or indirectly. Otherwise it throws.
/** * Checks whether this Grantee has administrative privs either directly * or indirectly. Otherwise it throws. */
public void checkAdmin() { if (!isAdmin()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42507); } }
Returns true if this Grantee has administrative privs either directly or indirectly.
/** * Returns true if this Grantee has administrative privs either directly * or indirectly. */
public boolean isAdmin() { return isAdmin; }
Returns true if this Grantee can create schemas with own authorization.
/** * Returns true if this Grantee can create schemas with own authorization. */
public boolean isSchemaCreator() { return isAdmin || hasRole(granteeManager.schemaRole); }
Returns true if this Grantee can change to a different user.
/** * Returns true if this Grantee can change to a different user. */
public boolean canChangeAuthorisation() { return isAdmin || hasRole(granteeManager.changeAuthRole); }
Returns true if this grantee object is for the PUBLIC role.
/** * Returns true if this grantee object is for the PUBLIC role. */
public boolean isPublic() { return isPublic; }
Iteration of all visible grantees, including self.

For grantees with admin, this is all grantees. For regular grantees, this is self plus all roles granted directly or indirectly

/** * Iteration of all visible grantees, including self. <p> * * For grantees with admin, this is all grantees. * For regular grantees, this is self plus all roles granted directly * or indirectly */
public OrderedHashSet visibleGrantees() { OrderedHashSet grantees = new OrderedHashSet(); GranteeManager gm = granteeManager; if (isAdmin()) { grantees.addAll(gm.getGrantees()); } else { grantees.add(this); Iterator it = getAllRoles().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { grantees.add(it.next()); } } return grantees; } public boolean hasNonSelectTableRight(SchemaObject table) { if (isFullyAccessibleByRole(table.getName())) { return true; } Right right = (Right) fullRightsMap.get(table.getName()); if (right == null) { return false; } return right.canAccesssNonSelect(); } public boolean hasColumnRights(SchemaObject table, int[] columnMap) { if (isFullyAccessibleByRole(table.getName())) { return true; } Right right = (Right) fullRightsMap.get(table.getName()); if (right == null) { return false; } return right.canAccess((Table) table, columnMap); }
Violates naming convention (for backward compatibility). Should be "setAdminDirect(boolean").
/** * Violates naming convention (for backward compatibility). * Should be "setAdminDirect(boolean"). */
void setAdminDirect() { isAdmin = isAdminDirect = true; }
Recursive method used with ROLE Grantee objects to set the fullRightsMap and admin flag for all the roles. If a new ROLE is granted to a ROLE Grantee object, the ROLE should first be added to the Set of ROLE Grantee objects (roles) for the grantee. The grantee will be the parameter. If the direct permissions granted to an existing ROLE Grantee is modified no extra initial action is necessary. The existing Grantee will be the parameter. If an existing ROLE is REVOKEed from a ROLE, it should first be removed from the set of ROLE Grantee objects in the containing ROLE. The containing ROLE will be the parameter. If an existing ROLE is DROPped, all its privileges should be cleared first. The ROLE will be the parameter. After calling this method on all other roles, the DROPped role should be removed from all grantees. After the initial modification, this method should be called iteratively on all the ROLE Grantee objects contained in RoleManager. The updateAllRights() method is then called iteratively on all the USER Grantee objects contained in UserManager.
  • role – a modified, revoked or dropped role.
Returns:true if this Grantee has possibly changed as a result
/** * Recursive method used with ROLE Grantee objects to set the fullRightsMap * and admin flag for all the roles. * * If a new ROLE is granted to a ROLE Grantee object, the ROLE should first * be added to the Set of ROLE Grantee objects (roles) for the grantee. * The grantee will be the parameter. * * If the direct permissions granted to an existing ROLE Grantee is * modified no extra initial action is necessary. * The existing Grantee will be the parameter. * * If an existing ROLE is REVOKEed from a ROLE, it should first be removed * from the set of ROLE Grantee objects in the containing ROLE. * The containing ROLE will be the parameter. * * If an existing ROLE is DROPped, all its privileges should be cleared * first. The ROLE will be the parameter. After calling this method on * all other roles, the DROPped role should be removed from all grantees. * * After the initial modification, this method should be called iteratively * on all the ROLE Grantee objects contained in RoleManager. * * The updateAllRights() method is then called iteratively on all the * USER Grantee objects contained in UserManager. * @param role a modified, revoked or dropped role. * @return true if this Grantee has possibly changed as a result */
boolean updateNestedRoles(Grantee role) { boolean hasNested = false; if (role != this) { for (int i = 0; i < roles.size(); i++) { Grantee currentRole = (Grantee) roles.get(i); hasNested |= currentRole.updateNestedRoles(role); } } if (hasNested) { updateAllRights(); } return hasNested || role == this; } /** * Method used with all Grantee objects to set the full set of rights * according to those inherited form ROLE Grantee objects and those * granted to the object itself. */
@todo-- see if this is correct and the currentRole.fullRightsMap is always updated prior to being added to this.fullRightsMap
/** * @todo -- see if this is correct and the currentRole.fullRightsMap * is always updated prior to being added to this.fullRightsMap */
void updateAllRights() { fullRightsMap.clear(); isAdmin = isAdminDirect; for (int i = 0; i < roles.size(); i++) { Grantee currentRole = (Grantee) roles.get(i); addToFullRights(currentRole.fullRightsMap); isAdmin |= currentRole.isAdmin(); } addToFullRights(directRightsMap); if (!isRole && !isPublic && !isSystem) { addToFullRights(granteeManager.publicRole.fullRightsMap); } }
Full or partial rights are added to existing
/** * Full or partial rights are added to existing */
void addToFullRights(HashMap map) { Iterator it = map.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object key = it.next(); Right add = (Right) map.get(key); Right existing = (Right) fullRightsMap.get(key); if (existing == null) { existing = add.duplicate(); fullRightsMap.put(key, existing); } else { existing.add(add); } if (add.grantableRights == null) { continue; } if (existing.grantableRights == null) { existing.grantableRights = add.grantableRights.duplicate(); } else { existing.grantableRights.add(add.grantableRights); } } }
Full or partial rights are added to existing
/** * Full or partial rights are added to existing */
private void addToFullRights(MultiValueHashMap map) { Iterator it = map.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object key = it.next(); Iterator values = map.get(key); Right existing = (Right) fullRightsMap.get(key); while (values.hasNext()) { Right add = (Right) values.next(); if (existing == null) { existing = add.duplicate(); fullRightsMap.put(key, existing); } else { existing.add(add); } if (add.grantableRights == null) { continue; } if (existing.grantableRights == null) { existing.grantableRights = add.grantableRights.duplicate(); } else { existing.grantableRights.add(add.grantableRights); } } } } Right getAllGrantableRights(HsqlName name) { if (isAdmin) { return name.schema.owner.ownerRights; } if (name.schema.owner == this) { return ownerRights; } if (roles.contains(name.schema.owner)) { return name.schema.owner.ownerRights; } OrderedHashSet set = getAllRoles(); for (int i = 0; i < set.size(); i++) { Grantee role = (Grantee) set.get(i); if (name.schema.owner == role) { return role.ownerRights; } } Right right = (Right) fullRightsMap.get(name); return right == null || right.grantableRights == null ? Right.noRights : right .grantableRights; }
Retrieves the map object that represents the rights that have been granted on database objects.

The map has keys and values with the following interpretation:

  • The keys are generally (but not limited to) objects having an attribute or value equal to the name of an actual database object.
  • Specifically, the keys act as database object identifiers.
  • The values are Right objects.
/** * Retrieves the map object that represents the rights that have been * granted on database objects. <p> * * The map has keys and values with the following interpretation: <P> * * <UL> * <LI> The keys are generally (but not limited to) objects having * an attribute or value equal to the name of an actual database * object. * * <LI> Specifically, the keys act as database object identifiers. * * <LI> The values are Right objects. * </UL> */
private MultiValueHashMap getRights() { // necessary to create the script return directRightsMap; }
Grant a role
/** * Grant a role */
void grant(Grantee role) { roles.add(role); }
Revoke a direct role only
/** * Revoke a direct role only */
void revoke(Grantee role) { if (!hasRoleDirect(role)) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_0P503, role.getName().getNameString()); } roles.remove(role); } private String roleMapToString(OrderedHashSet roles) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < roles.size(); i++) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(','); } Grantee role = (Grantee) roles.get(i); sb.append(role.getName().getStatementName()); } return sb.toString(); } HsqlArrayList getRightsSQL() { HsqlArrayList list = new HsqlArrayList(); String roleString = roleMapToString(roles); if (roleString.length() != 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128); sb.append(Tokens.T_GRANT).append(' ').append(roleString); sb.append(' ').append(Tokens.T_TO).append(' '); sb.append(getName().getStatementName()); list.add(sb.toString()); } MultiValueHashMap rightsMap = getRights(); Iterator dbObjects = rightsMap.keySet().iterator(); while (dbObjects.hasNext()) { Object nameObject = dbObjects.next(); Iterator rights = rightsMap.get(nameObject); while (rights.hasNext()) { Right right = (Right) rights.next(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128); HsqlName hsqlname = (HsqlName) nameObject; switch (hsqlname.type) { case SchemaObject.TABLE : case SchemaObject.VIEW : Table table = granteeManager.database.schemaManager .findUserTable(hsqlname.name, hsqlname.schema.name); if (table != null) { sb.append(Tokens.T_GRANT).append(' '); sb.append(right.getTableRightsSQL(table)); sb.append(' ').append(Tokens.T_ON).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_TABLE).append(' '); sb.append( hsqlname.getSchemaQualifiedStatementName()); Expression expr = right.getFilterExpression(); if (expr != null) { sb.append(' ').append(Tokens.T_FILTER); sb.append(Tokens.T_OPENBRACKET); sb.append(Tokens.T_WHERE).append(' '); sb.append(expr.getSQL()); sb.append(Tokens.T_CLOSEBRACKET); } } break; case SchemaObject.SEQUENCE : NumberSequence sequence = (NumberSequence) granteeManager.database .schemaManager .findSchemaObject(hsqlname.name, hsqlname.schema.name, SchemaObject.SEQUENCE); if (sequence != null) { sb.append(Tokens.T_GRANT).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_USAGE); sb.append(' ').append(Tokens.T_ON).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_SEQUENCE).append(' '); sb.append( hsqlname.getSchemaQualifiedStatementName()); } break; case SchemaObject.DOMAIN : Type domain = (Type) granteeManager.database.schemaManager .findSchemaObject(hsqlname.name, hsqlname.schema.name, SchemaObject.DOMAIN); if (domain != null) { sb.append(Tokens.T_GRANT).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_USAGE); sb.append(' ').append(Tokens.T_ON).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_DOMAIN).append(' '); sb.append( hsqlname.getSchemaQualifiedStatementName()); } break; case SchemaObject.TYPE : Type type = (Type) granteeManager.database.schemaManager .findSchemaObject(hsqlname.name, hsqlname.schema.name, SchemaObject.DOMAIN); if (type != null) { sb.append(Tokens.T_GRANT).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_USAGE); sb.append(' ').append(Tokens.T_ON).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_TYPE).append(' '); sb.append( hsqlname.getSchemaQualifiedStatementName()); } break; case SchemaObject.PROCEDURE : case SchemaObject.FUNCTION : case SchemaObject.SPECIFIC_ROUTINE : SchemaObject routine = granteeManager.database.schemaManager .findSchemaObject(hsqlname.name, hsqlname.schema.name, hsqlname.type); if (routine != null) { sb.append(Tokens.T_GRANT).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_EXECUTE).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_ON).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_SPECIFIC).append(' '); if (routine.getType() == SchemaObject.PROCEDURE) { sb.append(Tokens.T_PROCEDURE); } else { sb.append(Tokens.T_FUNCTION); } sb.append(' '); sb.append( hsqlname.getSchemaQualifiedStatementName()); } break; default : } if (sb.length() == 0) { continue; } sb.append(' ').append(Tokens.T_TO).append(' '); sb.append(getName().getStatementName()); list.add(sb.toString()); } } return list; } }