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package org.hibernate.jpa.criteria.expression.function;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;
import javax.persistence.criteria.Expression;
import javax.persistence.criteria.Root;

import org.hibernate.jpa.criteria.CriteriaBuilderImpl;
import org.hibernate.jpa.criteria.compile.RenderingContext;
import org.hibernate.jpa.criteria.expression.LiteralExpression;

Models SQL aggregation functions (MIN, MAX, COUNT, etc).
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * Models SQL aggregation functions (<tt>MIN</tt>, <tt>MAX</tt>, <tt>COUNT</tt>, etc). * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class AggregationFunction<T> extends ParameterizedFunctionExpression<T> implements Serializable {
Constructs an aggregation function with a single literal argument.
  • criteriaBuilder – The query builder instance.
  • returnType – The function return type.
  • functionName – The name of the function.
  • argument – The literal argument
/** * Constructs an aggregation function with a single literal argument. * * @param criteriaBuilder The query builder instance. * @param returnType The function return type. * @param functionName The name of the function. * @param argument The literal argument */
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public AggregationFunction( CriteriaBuilderImpl criteriaBuilder, Class<T> returnType, String functionName, Object argument) { this( criteriaBuilder, returnType, functionName, new LiteralExpression( criteriaBuilder, argument ) ); }
Constructs an aggregation function with a single literal argument.
  • criteriaBuilder – The query builder instance.
  • returnType – The function return type.
  • functionName – The name of the function.
  • argument – The argument
/** * Constructs an aggregation function with a single literal argument. * * @param criteriaBuilder The query builder instance. * @param returnType The function return type. * @param functionName The name of the function. * @param argument The argument */
public AggregationFunction( CriteriaBuilderImpl criteriaBuilder, Class<T> returnType, String functionName, Expression<?> argument) { super( criteriaBuilder, returnType, functionName, argument ); } @Override public boolean isAggregation() { return true; } @Override protected boolean isStandardJpaFunction() { return true; }
Implementation of a COUNT function providing convenience in construction.

Parameterized as Long because thats what JPA states that the return from COUNT should be.
/** * Implementation of a <tt>COUNT</tt> function providing convenience in construction. * <p/> * Parameterized as {@link Long} because thats what JPA states * that the return from <tt>COUNT</tt> should be. */
public static class COUNT extends AggregationFunction<Long> { public static final String NAME = "count"; private final boolean distinct; public COUNT(CriteriaBuilderImpl criteriaBuilder, Expression<?> expression, boolean distinct) { super( criteriaBuilder, Long.class, NAME , expression ); this.distinct = distinct; } @Override protected void renderArguments(StringBuilder buffer, RenderingContext renderingContext) { if ( isDistinct() ) { buffer.append("distinct "); } else { // If function specifies a single non-distinct entity with ID, its alias would normally be rendered, which ends up // converting to the column(s) associated with the entity's ID in the rendered SQL. However, some DBs don't support // the multiple columns that would end up here for entities with composite IDs. So, since we modify the query to // instead specify star since that's functionally equivalent and supported by all DBs. List<Expression<?>> argExprs = getArgumentExpressions(); if (argExprs.size() == 1) { Expression argExpr = argExprs.get(0); if (argExpr instanceof Root<?>) { Root<?> root = (Root<?>)argExpr; if (!root.getModel().hasSingleIdAttribute()) { buffer.append('*'); return; } } } } super.renderArguments(buffer, renderingContext); } public boolean isDistinct() { return distinct; } }
Implementation of a AVG function providing convenience in construction.

Parameterized as Double because thats what JPA states that the return from AVG should be.
/** * Implementation of a <tt>AVG</tt> function providing convenience in construction. * <p/> * Parameterized as {@link Double} because thats what JPA states that the return from <tt>AVG</tt> should be. */
public static class AVG extends AggregationFunction<Double> { public static final String NAME = "avg"; public AVG(CriteriaBuilderImpl criteriaBuilder, Expression<? extends Number> expression) { super( criteriaBuilder, Double.class, NAME, expression ); } }
Implementation of a SUM function providing convenience in construction.

Parameterized as N extends Number because thats what JPA states that the return from SUM should be.
/** * Implementation of a <tt>SUM</tt> function providing convenience in construction. * <p/> * Parameterized as {@link Number N extends Number} because thats what JPA states * that the return from <tt>SUM</tt> should be. */
public static class SUM<N extends Number> extends AggregationFunction<N> { public static final String NAME = "sum"; @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public SUM(CriteriaBuilderImpl criteriaBuilder, Expression<N> expression) { super( criteriaBuilder, (Class<N>)expression.getJavaType(), NAME , expression); // force the use of a ValueHandler resetJavaType( expression.getJavaType() ); } public SUM(CriteriaBuilderImpl criteriaBuilder, Expression<? extends Number> expression, Class<N> returnType) { super( criteriaBuilder, returnType, NAME , expression); // force the use of a ValueHandler resetJavaType( returnType ); } }
Implementation of a MIN function providing convenience in construction.

Parameterized as N extends Number because thats what JPA states that the return from MIN should be.
/** * Implementation of a <tt>MIN</tt> function providing convenience in construction. * <p/> * Parameterized as {@link Number N extends Number} because thats what JPA states * that the return from <tt>MIN</tt> should be. */
public static class MIN<N extends Number> extends AggregationFunction<N> { public static final String NAME = "min"; @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public MIN(CriteriaBuilderImpl criteriaBuilder, Expression<N> expression) { super( criteriaBuilder, ( Class<N> ) expression.getJavaType(), NAME , expression); } }
Implementation of a MAX function providing convenience in construction.

Parameterized as N extends Number because thats what JPA states that the return from MAX should be.
/** * Implementation of a <tt>MAX</tt> function providing convenience in construction. * <p/> * Parameterized as {@link Number N extends Number} because thats what JPA states * that the return from <tt>MAX</tt> should be. */
public static class MAX<N extends Number> extends AggregationFunction<N> { public static final String NAME = "max"; @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public MAX(CriteriaBuilderImpl criteriaBuilder, Expression<N> expression) { super( criteriaBuilder, ( Class<N> ) expression.getJavaType(), NAME , expression); } }
Models the MIN function in terms of non-numeric expressions.
See Also:
  • MIN
/** * Models the <tt>MIN</tt> function in terms of non-numeric expressions. * * @see MIN */
public static class LEAST<X extends Comparable<X>> extends AggregationFunction<X> { public static final String NAME = "min"; @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public LEAST(CriteriaBuilderImpl criteriaBuilder, Expression<X> expression) { super( criteriaBuilder, ( Class<X> ) expression.getJavaType(), NAME , expression); } }
Models the MAX function in terms of non-numeric expressions.
See Also:
  • MAX
/** * Models the <tt>MAX</tt> function in terms of non-numeric expressions. * * @see MAX */
public static class GREATEST<X extends Comparable<X>> extends AggregationFunction<X> { public static final String NAME = "max"; @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public GREATEST(CriteriaBuilderImpl criteriaBuilder, Expression<X> expression) { super( criteriaBuilder, ( Class<X> ) expression.getJavaType(), NAME , expression); } } }