 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.sql;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;

import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;

A translated HQL query
Author:Gavin King
/** * A translated HQL query * * @author Gavin King */
public class QuerySelect { private Dialect dialect; private JoinFragment joins; private StringBuilder select = new StringBuilder(); private StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(); private StringBuilder groupBy = new StringBuilder(); private StringBuilder orderBy = new StringBuilder(); private StringBuilder having = new StringBuilder(); private String comment; private boolean distinct; private static final HashSet<String> DONT_SPACE_TOKENS = new HashSet<String>(); static { //dontSpace.add("'"); DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( "." ); DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( "+" ); DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( "-" ); DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( "/" ); DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( "*" ); DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( "<" ); DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( ">" ); DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( "=" ); DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( "#" ); DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( "~" ); DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( "|" ); DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( "&" ); DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( "<=" ); DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( ">=" ); DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( "=>" ); DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( "=<" ); DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( "!=" ); DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( "<>" ); DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( "!#" ); DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( "!~" ); DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( "!<" ); DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( "!>" ); DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( "(" ); //for MySQL DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.add( ")" ); } public QuerySelect(Dialect dialect) { this.dialect = dialect; joins = new QueryJoinFragment( dialect, false ); } public JoinFragment getJoinFragment() { return joins; } public void addSelectFragmentString(String fragment) { if ( fragment.length() > 0 && fragment.charAt( 0 ) == ',' ) { fragment = fragment.substring( 1 ); } fragment = fragment.trim(); if ( fragment.length() > 0 ) { if ( select.length() > 0 ) { select.append( ", " ); } select.append( fragment ); } } public void addSelectColumn(String columnName, String alias) { addSelectFragmentString( columnName + ' ' + alias ); } public void setDistinct(boolean distinct) { this.distinct = distinct; } public void setWhereTokens(Iterator tokens) { //if ( conjunctiveWhere.length()>0 ) conjunctiveWhere.append(" and "); appendTokens( where, tokens ); } public void prependWhereConditions(String conditions) { if ( where.length() > 0 ) { where.insert( 0, conditions + " and " ); } else { where.append( conditions ); } } public void setGroupByTokens(Iterator tokens) { //if ( groupBy.length()>0 ) groupBy.append(" and "); appendTokens( groupBy, tokens ); } public void setOrderByTokens(Iterator tokens) { //if ( orderBy.length()>0 ) orderBy.append(" and "); appendTokens( orderBy, tokens ); } public void setHavingTokens(Iterator tokens) { //if ( having.length()>0 ) having.append(" and "); appendTokens( having, tokens ); } public void addOrderBy(String orderByString) { if ( orderBy.length() > 0 ) { orderBy.append( ", " ); } orderBy.append( orderByString ); } public String toQueryString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( 50 ); if ( comment != null ) { buf.append( "/* " ).append( comment ).append( " */ " ); } buf.append( "select " ); if ( distinct ) { buf.append( "distinct " ); } String from = joins.toFromFragmentString(); if ( from.startsWith( "," ) ) { from = from.substring( 1 ); } else if ( from.startsWith( " inner join" ) ) { from = from.substring( 11 ); } buf.append( select.toString() ) .append( " from" ) .append( from ); String outerJoinsAfterWhere = joins.toWhereFragmentString().trim(); String whereConditions = where.toString().trim(); boolean hasOuterJoinsAfterWhere = outerJoinsAfterWhere.length() > 0; boolean hasWhereConditions = whereConditions.length() > 0; if ( hasOuterJoinsAfterWhere || hasWhereConditions ) { buf.append( " where " ); if ( hasOuterJoinsAfterWhere ) { buf.append( outerJoinsAfterWhere.substring( 4 ) ); } if ( hasWhereConditions ) { if ( hasOuterJoinsAfterWhere ) { buf.append( " and (" ); } buf.append( whereConditions ); if ( hasOuterJoinsAfterWhere ) { buf.append( ")" ); } } } if ( groupBy.length() > 0 ) { buf.append( " group by " ).append( groupBy.toString() ); } if ( having.length() > 0 ) { buf.append( " having " ).append( having.toString() ); } if ( orderBy.length() > 0 ) { buf.append( " order by " ).append( orderBy.toString() ); } return dialect.transformSelectString( buf.toString() ); } private static void appendTokens(StringBuilder buf, Iterator iter) { boolean lastSpaceable = true; boolean lastQuoted = false; while ( iter.hasNext() ) { String token = (String) iter.next(); boolean spaceable = !DONT_SPACE_TOKENS.contains( token ); boolean quoted = token.startsWith( "'" ); if ( spaceable && lastSpaceable ) { if ( !quoted || !lastQuoted ) { buf.append( ' ' ); } } lastSpaceable = spaceable; buf.append( token ); lastQuoted = token.endsWith( "'" ); } } public void setComment(String comment) { this.comment = comment; } public QuerySelect copy() { QuerySelect copy = new QuerySelect( dialect ); copy.joins = this.joins.copy(); copy.select.append( this.select.toString() ); copy.where.append( this.where.toString() ); copy.groupBy.append( this.groupBy.toString() ); copy.orderBy.append( this.orderBy.toString() ); copy.having.append( this.having.toString() ); copy.comment = this.comment; copy.distinct = this.distinct; return copy; } }