 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.internal;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;

import org.hibernate.ConnectionAcquisitionMode;
import org.hibernate.ConnectionReleaseMode;
import org.hibernate.ResourceClosedException;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.connections.spi.JdbcConnectionAccess;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.JdbcServices;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper;
import org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.ResourceRegistry;
import org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.spi.JdbcObserver;
import org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.spi.JdbcSessionContext;
import org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.spi.LogicalConnectionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.spi.PhysicalConnectionHandlingMode;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

Represents a LogicalConnection where we manage obtaining and releasing the Connection as needed.
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * Represents a LogicalConnection where we manage obtaining and releasing the Connection as needed. * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class LogicalConnectionManagedImpl extends AbstractLogicalConnectionImplementor { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( LogicalConnectionManagedImpl.class ); private final transient JdbcConnectionAccess jdbcConnectionAccess; private final transient JdbcObserver observer; private final transient SqlExceptionHelper sqlExceptionHelper; private final transient PhysicalConnectionHandlingMode connectionHandlingMode; private transient Connection physicalConnection; private boolean closed; private boolean providerDisablesAutoCommit; public LogicalConnectionManagedImpl( JdbcConnectionAccess jdbcConnectionAccess, JdbcSessionContext jdbcSessionContext, ResourceRegistry resourceRegistry) { this.jdbcConnectionAccess = jdbcConnectionAccess; this.observer = jdbcSessionContext.getObserver(); this.resourceRegistry = resourceRegistry; this.connectionHandlingMode = determineConnectionHandlingMode( jdbcSessionContext.getPhysicalConnectionHandlingMode(), jdbcConnectionAccess ); this.sqlExceptionHelper = jdbcSessionContext.getServiceRegistry() .getService( JdbcServices.class ) .getSqlExceptionHelper(); if ( connectionHandlingMode.getAcquisitionMode() == ConnectionAcquisitionMode.IMMEDIATELY ) { acquireConnectionIfNeeded(); } this.providerDisablesAutoCommit = jdbcSessionContext.doesConnectionProviderDisableAutoCommit(); if ( providerDisablesAutoCommit ) { log.debug( "`hibernate.connection.provider_disables_autocommit` was enabled. This setting should only be " + "enabled when you are certain that the Connections given to Hibernate by the " + "ConnectionProvider have auto-commit disabled. Enabling this setting when the " + "Connections do not have auto-commit disabled will lead to Hibernate executing " + "SQL operations outside of any JDBC/SQL transaction." ); } } private PhysicalConnectionHandlingMode determineConnectionHandlingMode( PhysicalConnectionHandlingMode connectionHandlingMode, JdbcConnectionAccess jdbcConnectionAccess) { if ( connectionHandlingMode.getReleaseMode() == ConnectionReleaseMode.AFTER_STATEMENT && !jdbcConnectionAccess.supportsAggressiveRelease() ) { return PhysicalConnectionHandlingMode.DELAYED_ACQUISITION_AND_RELEASE_AFTER_TRANSACTION; } return connectionHandlingMode; } private LogicalConnectionManagedImpl( JdbcConnectionAccess jdbcConnectionAccess, JdbcSessionContext jdbcSessionContext, boolean closed) { this( jdbcConnectionAccess, jdbcSessionContext, new ResourceRegistryStandardImpl() ); this.closed = closed; } private Connection acquireConnectionIfNeeded() { if ( physicalConnection == null ) { // todo : is this the right place for these observer calls? observer.jdbcConnectionAcquisitionStart(); try { physicalConnection = jdbcConnectionAccess.obtainConnection(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw sqlExceptionHelper.convert( e, "Unable to acquire JDBC Connection" ); } finally { observer.jdbcConnectionAcquisitionEnd( physicalConnection ); } } return physicalConnection; } @Override public boolean isOpen() { return !closed; } @Override public PhysicalConnectionHandlingMode getConnectionHandlingMode() { return connectionHandlingMode; } @Override public boolean isPhysicallyConnected() { return physicalConnection != null; } @Override public Connection getPhysicalConnection() { errorIfClosed(); return acquireConnectionIfNeeded(); } @Override public void afterStatement() { super.afterStatement(); if ( connectionHandlingMode.getReleaseMode() == ConnectionReleaseMode.AFTER_STATEMENT ) { if ( getResourceRegistry().hasRegisteredResources() ) { log.debug( "Skipping aggressive release of JDBC Connection after-statement due to held resources" ); } else { log.debug( "Initiating JDBC connection release from afterStatement" ); releaseConnection(); } } } @Override public void afterTransaction() { super.afterTransaction(); if ( connectionHandlingMode.getReleaseMode() != ConnectionReleaseMode.ON_CLOSE ) { // NOTE : we check for !ON_CLOSE here (rather than AFTER_TRANSACTION) to also catch AFTER_STATEMENT cases // that were circumvented due to held resources log.debug( "Initiating JDBC connection release from afterTransaction" ); releaseConnection(); } } @Override public Connection manualDisconnect() { if ( closed ) { throw new ResourceClosedException( "Logical connection is closed" ); } final Connection c = physicalConnection; releaseConnection(); return c; } @Override public void manualReconnect(Connection suppliedConnection) { if ( closed ) { throw new ResourceClosedException( "Logical connection is closed" ); } throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot manually reconnect unless Connection was originally supplied by user" ); } private void releaseConnection() { if ( physicalConnection == null ) { return; } // todo : is this the right place for these observer calls? observer.jdbcConnectionReleaseStart(); try { if ( !physicalConnection.isClosed() ) { sqlExceptionHelper.logAndClearWarnings( physicalConnection ); } jdbcConnectionAccess.releaseConnection( physicalConnection ); } catch (SQLException e) { throw sqlExceptionHelper.convert( e, "Unable to release JDBC Connection" ); } finally { observer.jdbcConnectionReleaseEnd(); physicalConnection = null; getResourceRegistry().releaseResources(); } } @Override public LogicalConnectionImplementor makeShareableCopy() { errorIfClosed(); // todo : implement return null; } @Override public void serialize(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException { oos.writeBoolean( closed ); } public static LogicalConnectionManagedImpl deserialize( ObjectInputStream ois, JdbcConnectionAccess jdbcConnectionAccess, JdbcSessionContext jdbcSessionContext) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { final boolean isClosed = ois.readBoolean(); return new LogicalConnectionManagedImpl( jdbcConnectionAccess, jdbcSessionContext, isClosed ); } @Override public Connection close() { if ( closed ) { return null; } getResourceRegistry().releaseResources(); log.trace( "Closing logical connection" ); try { releaseConnection(); } finally { // no matter what closed = true; log.trace( "Logical connection closed" ); } return null; } // PhysicalJdbcTransaction impl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @Override protected Connection getConnectionForTransactionManagement() { return getPhysicalConnection(); } boolean initiallyAutoCommit; @Override public void begin() { initiallyAutoCommit = !doConnectionsFromProviderHaveAutoCommitDisabled() && determineInitialAutoCommitMode( getConnectionForTransactionManagement() ); super.begin(); } @Override protected void afterCompletion() { resetConnection( initiallyAutoCommit ); initiallyAutoCommit = false; afterTransaction(); } @Override protected boolean doConnectionsFromProviderHaveAutoCommitDisabled() { return providerDisablesAutoCommit; } }