 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.persister.collection;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.cache.CacheException;
import org.hibernate.cache.spi.access.CollectionDataAccess;
import org.hibernate.collection.spi.PersistentCollection;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.batch.internal.BasicBatchKey;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.LoadQueryInfluencers;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SharedSessionContractImplementor;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SubselectFetch;
import org.hibernate.internal.FilterAliasGenerator;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.collections.ArrayHelper;
import org.hibernate.jdbc.Expectation;
import org.hibernate.jdbc.Expectations;
import org.hibernate.loader.collection.BatchingCollectionInitializerBuilder;
import org.hibernate.loader.collection.CollectionInitializer;
import org.hibernate.loader.collection.SubselectOneToManyLoader;
import org.hibernate.loader.entity.CollectionElementLoader;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Collection;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.Joinable;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.OuterJoinLoadable;
import org.hibernate.persister.spi.PersisterCreationContext;
import org.hibernate.pretty.MessageHelper;
import org.hibernate.sql.Update;

Collection persister for one-to-many associations.
Author:Gavin King, Brett Meyer
/** * Collection persister for one-to-many associations. * * @author Gavin King * @author Brett Meyer */
public class OneToManyPersister extends AbstractCollectionPersister { private final boolean cascadeDeleteEnabled; private final boolean keyIsNullable; private final boolean keyIsUpdateable; @Override protected boolean isRowDeleteEnabled() { return keyIsUpdateable && keyIsNullable; } @Override protected boolean isRowInsertEnabled() { return keyIsUpdateable; } public boolean isCascadeDeleteEnabled() { return cascadeDeleteEnabled; } public OneToManyPersister( Collection collectionBinding, CollectionDataAccess cacheAccessStrategy, PersisterCreationContext creationContext) throws MappingException, CacheException { super( collectionBinding, cacheAccessStrategy, creationContext ); cascadeDeleteEnabled = collectionBinding.getKey().isCascadeDeleteEnabled() && creationContext.getSessionFactory().getDialect().supportsCascadeDelete(); keyIsNullable = collectionBinding.getKey().isNullable(); keyIsUpdateable = collectionBinding.getKey().isUpdateable(); }
Generate the SQL UPDATE that updates all the foreign keys to null
/** * Generate the SQL UPDATE that updates all the foreign keys to null */
@Override protected String generateDeleteString() { final Update update = new Update( getDialect() ) .setTableName( qualifiedTableName ) .addColumns( keyColumnNames, "null" ) .addPrimaryKeyColumns( keyColumnNames ); if ( hasIndex && !indexContainsFormula ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < indexColumnNames.length ; i++ ) { if ( indexColumnIsSettable[i] ) { update.addColumn( indexColumnNames[i], "null" ); } } } if ( hasWhere ) { update.setWhere( sqlWhereString ); } if ( getFactory().getSessionFactoryOptions().isCommentsEnabled() ) { update.setComment( "delete one-to-many " + getRole() ); } return update.toStatementString(); }
Generate the SQL UPDATE that updates a foreign key to a value
/** * Generate the SQL UPDATE that updates a foreign key to a value */
@Override protected String generateInsertRowString() { final Update update = new Update( getDialect() ) .setTableName( qualifiedTableName ) .addColumns( keyColumnNames ); if ( hasIndex && !indexContainsFormula ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < indexColumnNames.length ; i++ ) { if ( indexColumnIsSettable[i] ) { update.addColumn( indexColumnNames[i] ); } } } //identifier collections not supported for 1-to-many if ( getFactory().getSessionFactoryOptions().isCommentsEnabled() ) { update.setComment( "create one-to-many row " + getRole() ); } return update.addPrimaryKeyColumns( elementColumnNames, elementColumnWriters ) .toStatementString(); }
Generate the SQL UPDATE that inserts a collection index
/** * Generate the SQL UPDATE that inserts a collection index */
@Override protected String generateUpdateRowString() { final Update update = new Update( getDialect() ).setTableName( qualifiedTableName ); update.addPrimaryKeyColumns( elementColumnNames, elementColumnIsSettable, elementColumnWriters ); if ( hasIdentifier ) { update.addPrimaryKeyColumns( new String[] {identifierColumnName} ); } if ( hasIndex && !indexContainsFormula ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < indexColumnNames.length ; i++ ) { if ( indexColumnIsSettable[i] ) { update.addColumn( indexColumnNames[i] ); } } } return update.toStatementString(); }
Generate the SQL UPDATE that updates a particular row's foreign key to null
/** * Generate the SQL UPDATE that updates a particular row's foreign * key to null */
@Override protected String generateDeleteRowString() { final Update update = new Update( getDialect() ) .setTableName( qualifiedTableName ) .addColumns( keyColumnNames, "null" ); if ( hasIndex && !indexContainsFormula ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < indexColumnNames.length ; i++ ) { if ( indexColumnIsSettable[i] ) { update.addColumn( indexColumnNames[i], "null" ); } } } if ( getFactory().getSessionFactoryOptions().isCommentsEnabled() ) { update.setComment( "delete one-to-many row " + getRole() ); } //use a combination of foreign key columns and pk columns, since //the ordering of removal and addition is not guaranteed when //a child moves from one parent to another String[] rowSelectColumnNames = ArrayHelper.join( keyColumnNames, elementColumnNames ); return update.addPrimaryKeyColumns( rowSelectColumnNames ) .toStatementString(); } @Override public void recreate(PersistentCollection collection, Serializable id, SharedSessionContractImplementor session) throws HibernateException { super.recreate( collection, id, session ); writeIndex( collection, collection.entries( this ), id, true, session ); } @Override public void insertRows(PersistentCollection collection, Serializable id, SharedSessionContractImplementor session) throws HibernateException { super.insertRows( collection, id, session ); writeIndex( collection, collection.entries( this ), id, true, session ); } @Override protected void doProcessQueuedOps(PersistentCollection collection, Serializable id, SharedSessionContractImplementor session) throws HibernateException { writeIndex( collection, collection.queuedAdditionIterator(), id, false, session ); } private void writeIndex( PersistentCollection collection, Iterator entries, Serializable id, boolean resetIndex, SharedSessionContractImplementor session) { // If one-to-many and inverse, still need to create the index. See HHH-5732. if ( isInverse && hasIndex && !indexContainsFormula && ArrayHelper.countTrue( indexColumnIsSettable ) > 0 ) { try { if ( entries.hasNext() ) { int nextIndex = resetIndex ? 0 : getSize( id, session ); Expectation expectation = Expectations.appropriateExpectation( getUpdateCheckStyle() ); while ( entries.hasNext() ) { final Object entry = entries.next(); if ( entry != null && collection.entryExists( entry, nextIndex ) ) { int offset = 1; PreparedStatement st = null; boolean callable = isUpdateCallable(); boolean useBatch = expectation.canBeBatched(); String sql = getSQLUpdateRowString(); if ( useBatch ) { if ( recreateBatchKey == null ) { recreateBatchKey = new BasicBatchKey( getRole() + "#RECREATE", expectation ); } st = session .getJdbcCoordinator() .getBatch( recreateBatchKey ) .getBatchStatement( sql, callable ); } else { st = session .getJdbcCoordinator() .getStatementPreparer() .prepareStatement( sql, callable ); } try { offset += expectation.prepare( st ); if ( hasIdentifier ) { offset = writeIdentifier( st, collection.getIdentifier( entry, nextIndex ), offset, session ); } offset = writeIndex( st, collection.getIndex( entry, nextIndex, this ), offset, session ); offset = writeElement( st, collection.getElement( entry ), offset, session ); if ( useBatch ) { session.getJdbcCoordinator() .getBatch( recreateBatchKey ) .addToBatch(); } else { expectation.verifyOutcome( session.getJdbcCoordinator() .getResultSetReturn() .executeUpdate( st ), st, -1 ); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { if ( useBatch ) { session.getJdbcCoordinator().abortBatch(); } throw sqle; } finally { if ( !useBatch ) { session.getJdbcCoordinator().getResourceRegistry().release( st ); session.getJdbcCoordinator().afterStatementExecution(); } } } nextIndex++; } } } catch (SQLException sqle) { throw sqlExceptionHelper.convert( sqle, "could not update collection: " + MessageHelper.collectionInfoString( this, collection, id, session ), getSQLUpdateRowString() ); } } } public boolean consumesEntityAlias() { return true; } public boolean consumesCollectionAlias() { return true; } public boolean isOneToMany() { return true; } @Override public boolean isManyToMany() { return false; } private BasicBatchKey deleteRowBatchKey; private BasicBatchKey insertRowBatchKey; @Override protected int doUpdateRows(Serializable id, PersistentCollection collection, SharedSessionContractImplementor session) { // we finish all the "removes" first to take care of possible unique // constraints and so that we can take better advantage of batching try { int count = 0; if ( isRowDeleteEnabled() ) { final Expectation deleteExpectation = Expectations.appropriateExpectation( getDeleteCheckStyle() ); final boolean useBatch = deleteExpectation.canBeBatched(); if ( useBatch && deleteRowBatchKey == null ) { deleteRowBatchKey = new BasicBatchKey( getRole() + "#DELETEROW", deleteExpectation ); } final String sql = getSQLDeleteRowString(); PreparedStatement st = null; // update removed rows fks to null try { int i = 0; Iterator entries = collection.entries( this ); int offset = 1; while ( entries.hasNext() ) { Object entry = entries.next(); if ( collection.needsUpdating( entry, i, elementType ) ) { // will still be issued when it used to be null if ( useBatch ) { st = session .getJdbcCoordinator() .getBatch( deleteRowBatchKey ) .getBatchStatement( sql, isDeleteCallable() ); } else { st = session .getJdbcCoordinator() .getStatementPreparer() .prepareStatement( sql, isDeleteCallable() ); } int loc = writeKey( st, id, offset, session ); writeElementToWhere( st, collection.getSnapshotElement( entry, i ), loc, session ); if ( useBatch ) { session .getJdbcCoordinator() .getBatch( deleteRowBatchKey ) .addToBatch(); } else { deleteExpectation.verifyOutcome( session.getJdbcCoordinator() .getResultSetReturn() .executeUpdate( st ), st, -1 ); } count++; } i++; } } catch (SQLException e) { if ( useBatch ) { session.getJdbcCoordinator().abortBatch(); } throw e; } finally { if ( !useBatch ) { session.getJdbcCoordinator().getResourceRegistry().release( st ); session.getJdbcCoordinator().afterStatementExecution(); } } } if ( isRowInsertEnabled() ) { final Expectation insertExpectation = Expectations.appropriateExpectation( getInsertCheckStyle() ); boolean useBatch = insertExpectation.canBeBatched(); boolean callable = isInsertCallable(); if ( useBatch && insertRowBatchKey == null ) { insertRowBatchKey = new BasicBatchKey( getRole() + "#INSERTROW", insertExpectation ); } final String sql = getSQLInsertRowString(); PreparedStatement st = null; // now update all changed or added rows fks try { int i = 0; Iterator entries = collection.entries( this ); while ( entries.hasNext() ) { Object entry = entries.next(); int offset = 1; if ( collection.needsUpdating( entry, i, elementType ) ) { if ( useBatch ) { st = session .getJdbcCoordinator() .getBatch( insertRowBatchKey ) .getBatchStatement( sql, callable ); } else { st = session .getJdbcCoordinator() .getStatementPreparer() .prepareStatement( sql, callable ); } offset += insertExpectation.prepare( st ); int loc = writeKey( st, id, offset, session ); if ( hasIndex && !indexContainsFormula ) { loc = writeIndexToWhere( st, collection.getIndex( entry, i, this ), loc, session ); } writeElementToWhere( st, collection.getElement( entry ), loc, session ); if ( useBatch ) { session.getJdbcCoordinator().getBatch( insertRowBatchKey ).addToBatch(); } else { insertExpectation.verifyOutcome( session.getJdbcCoordinator() .getResultSetReturn() .executeUpdate( st ), st, -1 ); } count++; } i++; } } catch (SQLException sqle) { if ( useBatch ) { session.getJdbcCoordinator().abortBatch(); } throw sqle; } finally { if ( !useBatch ) { session.getJdbcCoordinator().getResourceRegistry().release( st ); session.getJdbcCoordinator().afterStatementExecution(); } } } return count; } catch (SQLException sqle) { throw getFactory().getSQLExceptionHelper().convert( sqle, "could not update collection rows: " + MessageHelper.collectionInfoString( this, collection, id, session ), getSQLInsertRowString() ); } } public String selectFragment( Joinable rhs, String rhsAlias, String lhsAlias, String entitySuffix, String collectionSuffix, boolean includeCollectionColumns) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); if ( includeCollectionColumns ) { // buf.append( selectFragment( lhsAlias, "" ) )//ignore suffix for collection columns! buf.append( selectFragment( lhsAlias, collectionSuffix ) ) .append( ", " ); } OuterJoinLoadable ojl = (OuterJoinLoadable) getElementPersister(); return buf.append( ojl.selectFragment( lhsAlias, entitySuffix ) )//use suffix for the entity columns .toString(); }
Create the OneToManyLoader
See Also:
  • OneToManyLoader
/** * Create the <tt>OneToManyLoader</tt> * * @see org.hibernate.loader.collection.OneToManyLoader */
@Override protected CollectionInitializer createCollectionInitializer(LoadQueryInfluencers loadQueryInfluencers) throws MappingException { return BatchingCollectionInitializerBuilder.getBuilder( getFactory() ) .createBatchingOneToManyInitializer( this, batchSize, getFactory(), loadQueryInfluencers ); } @Override public String fromJoinFragment(String alias, boolean innerJoin, boolean includeSubclasses) { return ( (Joinable) getElementPersister() ).fromJoinFragment( alias, innerJoin, includeSubclasses ); } @Override public String fromJoinFragment( String alias, boolean innerJoin, boolean includeSubclasses, Set<String> treatAsDeclarations) { return ( (Joinable) getElementPersister() ).fromJoinFragment( alias, innerJoin, includeSubclasses, treatAsDeclarations ); } @Override public String whereJoinFragment(String alias, boolean innerJoin, boolean includeSubclasses) { return ( (Joinable) getElementPersister() ).whereJoinFragment( alias, innerJoin, includeSubclasses ); } @Override public String whereJoinFragment( String alias, boolean innerJoin, boolean includeSubclasses, Set<String> treatAsDeclarations) { return ( (Joinable) getElementPersister() ).whereJoinFragment( alias, innerJoin, includeSubclasses, treatAsDeclarations ); } @Override public String getTableName() { return ( (Joinable) getElementPersister() ).getTableName(); } @Override public String filterFragment(String alias) throws MappingException { String result = super.filterFragment( alias ); if ( getElementPersister() instanceof Joinable ) { result += ( (Joinable) getElementPersister() ).oneToManyFilterFragment( alias ); } return result; } @Override protected String filterFragment(String alias, Set<String> treatAsDeclarations) throws MappingException { String result = super.filterFragment( alias ); if ( getElementPersister() instanceof Joinable ) { result += ( (Joinable) getElementPersister() ).oneToManyFilterFragment( alias, treatAsDeclarations ); } return result; } @Override protected CollectionInitializer createSubselectInitializer(SubselectFetch subselect, SharedSessionContractImplementor session) { return new SubselectOneToManyLoader( this, subselect.toSubselectString( getCollectionType().getLHSPropertyName() ), subselect.getResult(), subselect.getQueryParameters(), subselect.getNamedParameterLocMap(), session.getFactory(), session.getLoadQueryInfluencers() ); } @Override public Object getElementByIndex(Serializable key, Object index, SharedSessionContractImplementor session, Object owner) { return new CollectionElementLoader( this, getFactory(), session.getLoadQueryInfluencers() ) .loadElement( session, key, incrementIndexByBase( index ) ); } @Override public FilterAliasGenerator getFilterAliasGenerator(String rootAlias) { return getElementPersister().getFilterAliasGenerator( rootAlias ); } }