 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.loader.plan.build.internal;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

import org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.CollectionReturn;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.EntityReturn;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.LoadPlan;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.QuerySpaces;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.Return;

Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class LoadPlanImpl implements LoadPlan { private final List<? extends Return> returns; private final QuerySpaces querySpaces; private final Disposition disposition; private final boolean areLazyAttributesForceFetched; protected LoadPlanImpl( List<? extends Return> returns, QuerySpaces querySpaces, Disposition disposition, boolean areLazyAttributesForceFetched) { this.returns = returns; this.querySpaces = querySpaces; this.disposition = disposition; this.areLazyAttributesForceFetched = areLazyAttributesForceFetched; }
Creates a Disposition.ENTITY_LOADER LoadPlan.
  • rootReturn – The EntityReturn representation of the entity being loaded.
  • querySpaces – The QuerySpaces containing all the query space references required for rootReturn and joined entity, collection, and composite references.
/** * Creates a {@link Disposition#ENTITY_LOADER} LoadPlan. * * @param rootReturn The EntityReturn representation of the entity being loaded. * @param querySpaces The QuerySpaces containing all the query space references * required for <code>rootReturn</code> and joined entity, collection, * and composite references. */
public LoadPlanImpl(EntityReturn rootReturn, QuerySpaces querySpaces) { this( Collections.singletonList( rootReturn ), querySpaces, Disposition.ENTITY_LOADER, false ); }
  • rootReturn – The CollectionReturn representation of the collection being initialized.
  • querySpaces – The QuerySpaces containing all the query space references required for rootReturn and joined entity, collection, and composite references.
/** * Creates a {@link Disposition#COLLECTION_INITIALIZER} LoadPlan. * * @param rootReturn The CollectionReturn representation of the collection being initialized. * @param querySpaces The QuerySpaces containing all the query space references * required for <code>rootReturn</code> and joined entity, collection, * and composite references. */
public LoadPlanImpl(CollectionReturn rootReturn, QuerySpaces querySpaces) { this( Collections.singletonList( rootReturn ), querySpaces, Disposition.COLLECTION_INITIALIZER, false ); }
Creates a Disposition.MIXED LoadPlan.
  • returns – The mixed Return references
  • querySpaces – The QuerySpaces containing all the query space references required for rootReturn and joined entity, collection, and composite references.
  • areLazyAttributesForceFetched – Should lazy attributes (bytecode enhanced laziness) be fetched also? This effects the eventual SQL SELECT-clause which is why we have it here. Currently this is "all-or-none"; you can request that all lazy properties across all entities in the loadplan be force fetched or none. There is no entity-by-entity option. FETCH ALL PROPERTIES is the way this is requested in HQL. Would be nice to consider this entity-by-entity, as opposed to all-or-none. For example, "fetch the LOB value for the Item.image attribute, but no others (leave them lazy)". Not too concerned about having it at the attribute level.
/** * Creates a {@link Disposition#MIXED} LoadPlan. * * @param returns The mixed Return references * @param querySpaces The QuerySpaces containing all the query space references * required for <code>rootReturn</code> and joined entity, collection, * and composite references. * @param areLazyAttributesForceFetched Should lazy attributes (bytecode enhanced laziness) be fetched also? This * effects the eventual SQL SELECT-clause which is why we have it here. Currently this is "all-or-none"; you * can request that all lazy properties across all entities in the loadplan be force fetched or none. There is * no entity-by-entity option. {@code FETCH ALL PROPERTIES} is the way this is requested in HQL. Would be nice to * consider this entity-by-entity, as opposed to all-or-none. For example, "fetch the LOB value for the Item.image * attribute, but no others (leave them lazy)". Not too concerned about having it at the attribute level. */
public LoadPlanImpl(List<? extends Return> returns, QuerySpaces querySpaces, boolean areLazyAttributesForceFetched) { this( returns, querySpaces, Disposition.MIXED, areLazyAttributesForceFetched ); } @Override public List<? extends Return> getReturns() { return returns; } @Override public QuerySpaces getQuerySpaces() { return querySpaces; } @Override public Disposition getDisposition() { return disposition; } @Override public boolean areLazyAttributesForceFetched() { return areLazyAttributesForceFetched; } @Override public boolean hasAnyScalarReturns() { return disposition == Disposition.MIXED; } }