 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.loader.custom.sql;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.hibernate.QueryException;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.ParameterParser;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.param.ParameterBinder;
import org.hibernate.persister.collection.SQLLoadableCollection;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.SQLLoadable;

Author:Gavin King, Max Andersen, Steve Ebersole, Paul Benedict
/** * @author Gavin King * @author Max Andersen * @author Steve Ebersole * @author Paul Benedict */
public class SQLQueryParser { private static final Pattern PREPARED_STATEMENT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "^\\{.*?\\}$" ); private static final String HIBERNATE_PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX = "h-"; private static final String DOMAIN_PLACEHOLDER = "h-domain"; private static final String CATALOG_PLACEHOLDER = "h-catalog"; private static final String SCHEMA_PLACEHOLDER = "h-schema"; private final SessionFactoryImplementor factory; private final String originalQueryString; private final ParserContext context; private long aliasesFound; private List<ParameterBinder> paramValueBinders; interface ParserContext { boolean isEntityAlias(String aliasName); SQLLoadable getEntityPersisterByAlias(String alias); String getEntitySuffixByAlias(String alias); boolean isCollectionAlias(String aliasName); SQLLoadableCollection getCollectionPersisterByAlias(String alias); String getCollectionSuffixByAlias(String alias); Map getPropertyResultsMapByAlias(String alias); } public SQLQueryParser(String queryString, ParserContext context, SessionFactoryImplementor factory) { this.originalQueryString = queryString; this.context = context; this.factory = factory; } public List<ParameterBinder> getParameterValueBinders() { return paramValueBinders == null ? Collections.emptyList() : paramValueBinders; } public boolean queryHasAliases() { return aliasesFound>0; } protected String getOriginalQueryString() { return originalQueryString; } public String process() { String processedSql = substituteBrackets( originalQueryString ); processedSql = substituteParams( processedSql ); return processedSql; } // TODO: should "record" how many properties we have reffered to - and if we // don't get'em'all we throw an exception! Way better than trial and error ;) protected String substituteBrackets(String sqlQuery) throws QueryException { if ( PREPARED_STATEMENT_PATTERN.matcher( sqlQuery.trim() ).matches() ) { return sqlQuery; } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder( sqlQuery.length() + 20 ); int left, right; // replace {....} with corresponding column aliases for ( int curr = 0; curr < sqlQuery.length(); curr = right + 1 ) { if ( ( left = sqlQuery.indexOf( '{', curr ) ) < 0 ) { // No additional open braces found in the string, append the // rest of the string in its entirety and quit this loop result.append( sqlQuery.substring( curr ) ); break; } // apend everything up until the next encountered open brace result.append( sqlQuery.substring( curr, left ) ); if ( ( right = sqlQuery.indexOf( '}', left + 1 ) ) < 0 ) { throw new QueryException( "Unmatched braces for alias path", sqlQuery ); } final String aliasPath = sqlQuery.substring( left + 1, right ); boolean isPlaceholder = aliasPath.startsWith( HIBERNATE_PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX ); if ( isPlaceholder ) { // Domain replacement if ( DOMAIN_PLACEHOLDER.equals( aliasPath ) ) { final String catalogName = factory.getSettings().getDefaultCatalogName(); if ( catalogName != null ) { result.append( catalogName ); result.append( "." ); } final String schemaName = factory.getSettings().getDefaultSchemaName(); if ( schemaName != null ) { result.append( schemaName ); result.append( "." ); } } // Schema replacement else if ( SCHEMA_PLACEHOLDER.equals( aliasPath ) ) { final String schemaName = factory.getSettings().getDefaultSchemaName(); if ( schemaName != null ) { result.append(schemaName); result.append("."); } } // Catalog replacement else if ( CATALOG_PLACEHOLDER.equals( aliasPath ) ) { final String catalogName = factory.getSettings().getDefaultCatalogName(); if ( catalogName != null ) { result.append( catalogName ); result.append( "." ); } } else { throw new QueryException( "Unknown placeholder ", aliasPath ); } } else if (context != null) { int firstDot = aliasPath.indexOf( '.' ); if ( firstDot == -1 ) { if ( context.isEntityAlias( aliasPath ) ) { // it is a simple table alias {foo} result.append( aliasPath ); aliasesFound++; } else { // passing through anything we do not know : to support jdbc escape sequences HB-898 result.append( '{' ).append(aliasPath).append( '}' ); } } else { final String aliasName = aliasPath.substring( 0, firstDot ); if ( context.isCollectionAlias( aliasName ) ) { // The current alias is referencing the collection to be eagerly fetched String propertyName = aliasPath.substring( firstDot + 1 ); result.append( resolveCollectionProperties( aliasName, propertyName ) ); aliasesFound++; } else if ( context.isEntityAlias( aliasName ) ) { // it is a property reference {foo.bar} String propertyName = aliasPath.substring( firstDot + 1 ); result.append( resolveProperties( aliasName, propertyName ) ); aliasesFound++; } else { // passing through anything we do not know : to support jdbc escape sequences HB-898 result.append( '{' ).append(aliasPath).append( '}' ); } } } else { result.append( '{' ).append(aliasPath).append( '}' ); } } // Possibly handle :something parameters for the query ? return result.toString(); } private String resolveCollectionProperties( String aliasName, String propertyName) { Map fieldResults = context.getPropertyResultsMapByAlias( aliasName ); SQLLoadableCollection collectionPersister = context.getCollectionPersisterByAlias( aliasName ); String collectionSuffix = context.getCollectionSuffixByAlias( aliasName ); if ( "*".equals( propertyName ) ) { if( !fieldResults.isEmpty() ) { throw new QueryException("Using return-propertys together with * syntax is not supported."); } String selectFragment = collectionPersister.selectFragment( aliasName, collectionSuffix ); aliasesFound++; return selectFragment + ", " + resolveProperties( aliasName, propertyName ); } else if ( "element.*".equals( propertyName ) ) { return resolveProperties( aliasName, "*" ); } else { String[] columnAliases; // Let return-propertys override whatever the persister has for aliases. columnAliases = ( String[] ) fieldResults.get(propertyName); if ( columnAliases==null ) { columnAliases = collectionPersister.getCollectionPropertyColumnAliases( propertyName, collectionSuffix ); } if ( columnAliases == null || columnAliases.length == 0 ) { throw new QueryException( "No column name found for property [" + propertyName + "] for alias [" + aliasName + "]", originalQueryString ); } if ( columnAliases.length != 1 ) { // TODO: better error message since we actually support composites if names are explicitly listed. throw new QueryException( "SQL queries only support properties mapped to a single column - property [" + propertyName + "] is mapped to " + columnAliases.length + " columns.", originalQueryString ); } aliasesFound++; return columnAliases[0]; } } private String resolveProperties(String aliasName, String propertyName) { Map fieldResults = context.getPropertyResultsMapByAlias( aliasName ); SQLLoadable persister = context.getEntityPersisterByAlias( aliasName ); String suffix = context.getEntitySuffixByAlias( aliasName ); if ( "*".equals( propertyName ) ) { if( !fieldResults.isEmpty() ) { throw new QueryException("Using return-propertys together with * syntax is not supported."); } aliasesFound++; return persister.selectFragment( aliasName, suffix ) ; } else { String[] columnAliases; // Let return-propertys override whatever the persister has for aliases. columnAliases = (String[]) fieldResults.get( propertyName ); if ( columnAliases == null ) { columnAliases = persister.getSubclassPropertyColumnAliases( propertyName, suffix ); } if ( columnAliases == null || columnAliases.length == 0 ) { throw new QueryException( "No column name found for property [" + propertyName + "] for alias [" + aliasName + "]", originalQueryString ); } if ( columnAliases.length != 1 ) { // TODO: better error message since we actually support composites if names are explicitly listed. throw new QueryException( "SQL queries only support properties mapped to a single column - property [" + propertyName + "] is mapped to " + columnAliases.length + " columns.", originalQueryString ); } aliasesFound++; return columnAliases[0]; } }
Substitues JDBC parameter placeholders (?) for all encountered parameter specifications. It also tracks the positions of these parameter specifications within the query string. This accounts for ordinal-params, named-params, and ejb3-positional-params.
  • sqlString – The query string.
Returns:The SQL query with parameter substitution complete.
/** * Substitues JDBC parameter placeholders (?) for all encountered * parameter specifications. It also tracks the positions of these * parameter specifications within the query string. This accounts for * ordinal-params, named-params, and ejb3-positional-params. * * @param sqlString The query string. * @return The SQL query with parameter substitution complete. */
private String substituteParams(String sqlString) { final ParameterSubstitutionRecognizer recognizer = new ParameterSubstitutionRecognizer( factory ); ParameterParser.parse( sqlString, recognizer ); paramValueBinders = recognizer.getParameterValueBinders(); return recognizer.result.toString(); } public static class ParameterSubstitutionRecognizer implements ParameterParser.Recognizer { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); int jdbcPositionalParamCount; private List<ParameterBinder> paramValueBinders; public ParameterSubstitutionRecognizer(SessionFactoryImplementor factory) { this.jdbcPositionalParamCount = factory.getSessionFactoryOptions().jdbcStyleParamsZeroBased() ? 0 : 1; } @Override public void outParameter(int position) { result.append( '?' ); } @Override public void ordinalParameter(int position) { result.append( '?' ); registerPositionParamBinder( jdbcPositionalParamCount++ ); } private void registerPositionParamBinder(int label) { if ( paramValueBinders == null ) { paramValueBinders = new ArrayList<>(); } paramValueBinders.add( new PositionalParamBinder( label ) ); } @Override public void jpaPositionalParameter(int name, int position) { result.append( '?' ); registerPositionParamBinder( name ); } @Override public void namedParameter(String name, int position) { result.append( '?' ); registerNamedParamBinder( name ); } private void registerNamedParamBinder(String name) { if ( paramValueBinders == null ) { paramValueBinders = new ArrayList<>(); } paramValueBinders.add( new NamedParamBinder( name ) ); } @Override public void other(char character) { result.append( character ); } public List<ParameterBinder> getParameterValueBinders() { return paramValueBinders; } @Override public void complete() { } } }