 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.hql.spi.id;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;

import org.hibernate.QueryException;
import org.hibernate.boot.model.relational.QualifiedTableName;
import org.hibernate.boot.spi.MetadataBuildingOptions;
import org.hibernate.boot.spi.MetadataImplementor;
import org.hibernate.boot.spi.SessionFactoryOptions;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.connections.spi.JdbcConnectionAccess;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.env.spi.JdbcEnvironment;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.JdbcServices;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Column;
import org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Table;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.Queryable;

Convenience base class for MultiTableBulkIdStrategy implementations.
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * Convenience base class for MultiTableBulkIdStrategy implementations. * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public abstract class AbstractMultiTableBulkIdStrategyImpl<TT extends IdTableInfo, CT extends AbstractMultiTableBulkIdStrategyImpl.PreparationContext> implements MultiTableBulkIdStrategy { private final IdTableSupport idTableSupport; private Map<String,TT> idTableInfoMap = new HashMap<String, TT>(); public AbstractMultiTableBulkIdStrategyImpl(IdTableSupport idTableSupport) { this.idTableSupport = idTableSupport; } public IdTableSupport getIdTableSupport() { return idTableSupport; } @Override public final void prepare( JdbcServices jdbcServices, JdbcConnectionAccess connectionAccess, MetadataImplementor metadata, SessionFactoryOptions sessionFactoryOptions) { // build/get Table representation of the bulk-id tables - subclasses need hooks // for each: // handle DDL // build insert-select // build id-subselect final CT context = buildPreparationContext(); initialize( metadata.getMetadataBuildingOptions(), sessionFactoryOptions ); final JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnvironment = jdbcServices.getJdbcEnvironment(); for ( PersistentClass entityBinding : metadata.getEntityBindings() ) { if ( !IdTableHelper.INSTANCE.needsIdTable( entityBinding ) ) { continue; } final String idTableName = jdbcEnvironment.getQualifiedObjectNameFormatter().format( determineIdTableName( jdbcEnvironment, entityBinding ), jdbcEnvironment.getDialect() ); final Table idTable = new Table(); idTable.setName( idTableName ); idTable.setComment( "Used to hold id values for the " + entityBinding.getEntityName() + " entity" ); Iterator itr = entityBinding.getTable().getPrimaryKey().getColumnIterator(); while( itr.hasNext() ) { Column column = (Column) itr.next(); idTable.addColumn( column.clone() ); } augmentIdTableDefinition( idTable ); final TT idTableInfo = buildIdTableInfo( entityBinding, idTable, jdbcServices, metadata, context ); idTableInfoMap.put( entityBinding.getEntityName(), idTableInfo ); } finishPreparation( jdbcServices, connectionAccess, metadata, context ); } protected CT buildPreparationContext() { return null; }
Configure ourselves. By default, nothing to do; here totally for subclass hook-in
  • buildingOptions – Access to user-defined Metadata building options
  • sessionFactoryOptions –
/** * Configure ourselves. By default, nothing to do; here totally for subclass hook-in * * @param buildingOptions Access to user-defined Metadata building options * @param sessionFactoryOptions */
protected void initialize(MetadataBuildingOptions buildingOptions, SessionFactoryOptions sessionFactoryOptions) { // by default nothing to do } protected QualifiedTableName determineIdTableName(JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnvironment, PersistentClass entityBinding) { final String entityPrimaryTableName = entityBinding.getTable().getName(); final String idTableName = getIdTableSupport().generateIdTableName( entityPrimaryTableName ); // by default no explicit catalog/schema return new QualifiedTableName( null, null, jdbcEnvironment.getIdentifierHelper().toIdentifier( idTableName ) ); } protected void augmentIdTableDefinition(Table idTable) { // by default nothing to do } protected abstract TT buildIdTableInfo( PersistentClass entityBinding, Table idTable, JdbcServices jdbcServices, MetadataImplementor metadata, CT context); protected String buildIdTableCreateStatement(Table idTable, JdbcServices jdbcServices, MetadataImplementor metadata) { final JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnvironment = jdbcServices.getJdbcEnvironment(); final Dialect dialect = jdbcEnvironment.getDialect(); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder( getIdTableSupport().getCreateIdTableCommand() ) .append( ' ' ) .append( jdbcEnvironment.getQualifiedObjectNameFormatter().format( idTable.getQualifiedTableName(), dialect ) ) .append( " (" ); Iterator itr = idTable.getColumnIterator(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { final Column column = (Column) itr.next(); buffer.append( column.getQuotedName( dialect ) ).append( ' ' ); buffer.append( column.getSqlType( dialect, metadata ) ); if ( column.isNullable() ) { buffer.append( dialect.getNullColumnString() ); } else { buffer.append( " not null" ); } if ( itr.hasNext() ) { buffer.append( ", " ); } } buffer.append( ") " ); if ( getIdTableSupport().getCreateIdTableStatementOptions() != null ) { buffer.append( getIdTableSupport().getCreateIdTableStatementOptions() ); } return buffer.toString(); } protected String buildIdTableDropStatement(Table idTable, JdbcServices jdbcServices) { final JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnvironment = jdbcServices.getJdbcEnvironment(); final Dialect dialect = jdbcEnvironment.getDialect(); return getIdTableSupport().getDropIdTableCommand() + " " + jdbcEnvironment.getQualifiedObjectNameFormatter().format( idTable.getQualifiedTableName(), dialect ); } protected void finishPreparation( JdbcServices jdbcServices, JdbcConnectionAccess connectionAccess, MetadataImplementor metadata, CT context) { } protected TT getIdTableInfo(Queryable targetedPersister) { return getIdTableInfo( targetedPersister.getEntityName() ); } protected TT getIdTableInfo(String entityName) { TT tableInfo = idTableInfoMap.get( entityName ); if ( tableInfo == null ) { throw new QueryException( "Entity does not have an id table for multi-table handling : " + entityName ); } return tableInfo; } public static interface PreparationContext { } }