 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.hql.internal.classic;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.QueryException;
import org.hibernate.engine.internal.JoinSequence;
import org.hibernate.hql.spi.QueryTranslator;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.ReflectHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.persister.collection.CollectionPropertyNames;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.Queryable;
import org.hibernate.sql.InFragment;
import org.hibernate.type.EntityType;
import org.hibernate.type.LiteralType;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;

import static org.hibernate.hql.spi.QueryTranslator.ERROR_LEGACY_ORDINAL_PARAMS_NO_LONGER_SUPPORTED;

Parses the where clause of a hibernate query and translates it to an SQL where clause.
/** * Parses the where clause of a hibernate query and translates it to an * SQL where clause. */
// We should reengineer this class so that, rather than the current ad - // hoc linear approach to processing a stream of tokens, we instead // build up a tree of expressions. // We would probably refactor to have LogicParser (builds a tree of simple // expressions connected by and, or, not), ExpressionParser (translates // from OO terms like foo, foo.Bar, foo.Bar.Baz to SQL terms like // FOOS.ID, FOOS.BAR_ID, etc) and PathExpressionParser (which does much // the same thing it does now) public class WhereParser implements Parser { private final PathExpressionParser pathExpressionParser; { pathExpressionParser = new PathExpressionParser(); pathExpressionParser.setUseThetaStyleJoin( true ); //Need this, since join condition can appear inside parens! } private static final Set<String> EXPRESSION_TERMINATORS = new HashSet<String>(); //tokens that close a sub expression private static final Set<String> EXPRESSION_OPENERS = new HashSet<String>(); //tokens that open a sub expression private static final Set<String> BOOLEAN_OPERATORS = new HashSet<String>(); //tokens that would indicate a sub expression is a boolean expression private static final Map<String,String> NEGATIONS = new HashMap<String,String>(); static { EXPRESSION_TERMINATORS.add( "and" ); EXPRESSION_TERMINATORS.add( "or" ); EXPRESSION_TERMINATORS.add( ")" ); //expressionTerminators.add(","); // deliberately excluded EXPRESSION_OPENERS.add( "and" ); EXPRESSION_OPENERS.add( "or" ); EXPRESSION_OPENERS.add( "(" ); //expressionOpeners.add(","); // deliberately excluded BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "<" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "=" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( ">" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "#" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "~" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "like" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "ilike" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "regexp" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "rlike" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "is" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "in" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "any" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "some" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "all" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "exists" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "between" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "<=" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( ">=" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "=>" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "=<" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "!=" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "<>" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "!#" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "!~" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "!<" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "!>" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "is not" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "not like" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "not ilike" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "not regexp" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "not rlike" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "not in" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "not between" ); BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.add( "not exists" ); NEGATIONS.put( "and", "or" ); NEGATIONS.put( "or", "and" ); NEGATIONS.put( "<", ">=" ); NEGATIONS.put( "=", "<>" ); NEGATIONS.put( ">", "<=" ); NEGATIONS.put( "#", "!#" ); NEGATIONS.put( "~", "!~" ); NEGATIONS.put( "like", "not like" ); NEGATIONS.put( "ilike", "not ilike" ); NEGATIONS.put( "regexp", "not regexp" ); NEGATIONS.put( "rlike", "not rlike" ); NEGATIONS.put( "is", "is not" ); NEGATIONS.put( "in", "not in" ); NEGATIONS.put( "exists", "not exists" ); NEGATIONS.put( "between", "not between" ); NEGATIONS.put( "<=", ">" ); NEGATIONS.put( ">=", "<" ); NEGATIONS.put( "=>", "<" ); NEGATIONS.put( "=<", ">" ); NEGATIONS.put( "!=", "=" ); NEGATIONS.put( "<>", "=" ); NEGATIONS.put( "!#", "#" ); NEGATIONS.put( "!~", "~" ); NEGATIONS.put( "!<", "<" ); NEGATIONS.put( "!>", ">" ); NEGATIONS.put( "is not", "is" ); NEGATIONS.put( "not like", "like" ); NEGATIONS.put( "not ilike", "ilike" ); NEGATIONS.put( "not regexp", "regexp" ); NEGATIONS.put( "not rlike", "rlike" ); NEGATIONS.put( "not in", "in" ); NEGATIONS.put( "not between", "between" ); NEGATIONS.put( "not exists", "exists" ); } // Handles things like: // a and b or c // a and ( b or c ) // not a and not b // not ( a and b ) // x between y and z (overloaded "and") // x in ( a, b, c ) (overloaded brackets) // not not a // a is not null (overloaded "not") // etc...... // and expressions like // foo = bar (maps to: foo.id = bar.id) // foo.Bar = 'foo' (maps to: foo.bar = 'foo') // foo.Bar.Baz = 1.0 (maps to: foo.bar = bar.id and bar.baz = 1.0) // 1.0 = foo.Bar.Baz (maps to: bar.baz = 1.0 and foo.Bar = bar.id) // foo.Bar.Baz = a.B.C (maps to: bar.Baz = b.C and foo.Bar = bar.id and a.B = b.id) // foo.Bar.Baz + a.B.C (maps to: bar.Baz + b.C and foo.Bar = bar.id and a.B = b.id) // ( foo.Bar.Baz + 1.0 ) < 2.0 (maps to: ( bar.Baz + 1.0 ) < 2.0 and foo.Bar = bar.id) private boolean betweenSpecialCase; //Inside a BETWEEN ... AND ... expression private boolean negated; private boolean inSubselect; private int bracketsSinceSelect; private StringBuilder subselect; private boolean expectingPathContinuation; private int expectingIndex; // The following variables are stacks that keep information about each subexpression // in the list of nested subexpressions we are currently processing. private LinkedList<Boolean> nots = new LinkedList<Boolean>(); //were an odd or even number of NOTs encountered private LinkedList<StringBuilder> joins = new LinkedList<StringBuilder>(); //the join string built up by compound paths inside this expression private LinkedList<Boolean> booleanTests = new LinkedList<Boolean>(); //a flag indicating if the subexpression is known to be boolean private String getElementName(PathExpressionParser.CollectionElement element, QueryTranslatorImpl q) throws QueryException { String name; if ( element.isOneToMany ) { name = element.alias; } else { Type type = element.elementType; if ( type.isEntityType() ) { //ie. a many-to-many String entityName = ( ( EntityType ) type ).getAssociatedEntityName(); name = pathExpressionParser.continueFromManyToMany( entityName, element.elementColumns, q ); } else { throw new QueryException( "illegally dereferenced collection element" ); } } return name; } public void token(String token, QueryTranslatorImpl q) throws QueryException { String lcToken = token.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); //Cope with [,] if ( token.equals( "[" ) && !expectingPathContinuation ) { expectingPathContinuation = false; if ( expectingIndex == 0 ) { throw new QueryException( "unexpected [" ); } return; } else if ( token.equals( "]" ) ) { expectingIndex--; expectingPathContinuation = true; return; } //Cope with a continued path expression (ie. ].baz) if ( expectingPathContinuation ) { boolean pathExpressionContinuesFurther = continuePathExpression( token, q ); if ( pathExpressionContinuesFurther ) { return; //NOTE: early return } } //Cope with a subselect if ( !inSubselect && ( lcToken.equals( "select" ) || lcToken.equals( "from" ) ) ) { inSubselect = true; subselect = new StringBuilder( 20 ); } if ( inSubselect && token.equals( ")" ) ) { bracketsSinceSelect--; if ( bracketsSinceSelect == -1 ) { QueryTranslatorImpl subq = new QueryTranslatorImpl( subselect.toString(), q.getEnabledFilters(), q.getFactory() ); try { subq.compile( q ); } catch ( MappingException me ) { throw new QueryException( "MappingException occurred compiling subquery", me ); } appendToken( q, subq.getSQLString() ); inSubselect = false; bracketsSinceSelect = 0; } } if ( inSubselect ) { if ( token.equals( "(" ) ) { bracketsSinceSelect++; } subselect.append( token ).append( ' ' ); return; } //Cope with special cases of AND, NOT, () specialCasesBefore( lcToken ); //Close extra brackets we opened if ( !betweenSpecialCase && EXPRESSION_TERMINATORS.contains( lcToken ) ) { closeExpression( q, lcToken ); } //take note when this is a boolean expression if ( BOOLEAN_OPERATORS.contains( lcToken ) ) { booleanTests.removeLast(); booleanTests.addLast( Boolean.TRUE ); } if ( lcToken.equals( "not" ) ) { nots.addLast( !( nots.removeLast() ) ); negated = !negated; return; //NOTE: early return } //process a token, mapping OO path expressions to SQL expressions doToken( token, q ); //Open any extra brackets we might need. if ( !betweenSpecialCase && EXPRESSION_OPENERS.contains( lcToken ) ) { openExpression( q, lcToken ); } //Cope with special cases of AND, NOT, ) specialCasesAfter( lcToken ); } public void start(QueryTranslatorImpl q) throws QueryException { token( "(", q ); } public void end(QueryTranslatorImpl q) throws QueryException { if ( expectingPathContinuation ) { expectingPathContinuation = false; PathExpressionParser.CollectionElement element = pathExpressionParser.lastCollectionElement(); if ( element.elementColumns.length != 1 ) { throw new QueryException( "path expression ended in composite collection element" ); } appendToken( q, element.elementColumns[0] ); addToCurrentJoin( element ); } token( ")", q ); } private void closeExpression(QueryTranslatorImpl q, String lcToken) { if ( booleanTests.removeLast() ) { //it was a boolean expression if ( booleanTests.size() > 0 ) { // the next one up must also be booleanTests.removeLast(); booleanTests.addLast( Boolean.TRUE ); } // Add any joins appendToken( q, ( joins.removeLast() ).toString() ); } else { StringBuilder join = joins.removeLast(); joins.getLast().append( join.toString() ); } if ( nots.removeLast() ) { negated = !negated; } if ( !")".equals( lcToken ) ) { appendToken( q, ")" ); } } private void openExpression(QueryTranslatorImpl q, String lcToken) { nots.addLast( Boolean.FALSE ); booleanTests.addLast( Boolean.FALSE ); joins.addLast( new StringBuilder() ); if ( !"(".equals( lcToken ) ) { appendToken( q, "(" ); } } private void preprocess(String token, QueryTranslatorImpl q) throws QueryException { // ugly hack for cases like "elements(foo.bar.collection)" // (multi-part path expression ending in elements or indices) String[] tokens = StringHelper.split( ".", token, true ); if ( tokens.length > 5 && ( CollectionPropertyNames.COLLECTION_ELEMENTS.equals( tokens[tokens.length - 1] ) || CollectionPropertyNames.COLLECTION_INDICES.equals( tokens[tokens.length - 1] ) ) ) { pathExpressionParser.start( q ); for ( int i = 0; i < tokens.length - 3; i++ ) { pathExpressionParser.token( tokens[i], q ); } pathExpressionParser.token( null, q ); pathExpressionParser.end( q ); addJoin( pathExpressionParser.getWhereJoin(), q ); pathExpressionParser.ignoreInitialJoin(); } } private void doPathExpression(String token, QueryTranslatorImpl q) throws QueryException { preprocess( token, q ); StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer( token, ".", true ); pathExpressionParser.start( q ); while ( tokens.hasMoreTokens() ) { pathExpressionParser.token( tokens.nextToken(), q ); } pathExpressionParser.end( q ); if ( pathExpressionParser.isCollectionValued() ) { openExpression( q, "" ); appendToken( q, pathExpressionParser.getCollectionSubquery( q.getEnabledFilters() ) ); closeExpression( q, "" ); // this is ugly here, but needed because its a subquery q.addQuerySpaces( q.getCollectionPersister( pathExpressionParser.getCollectionRole() ).getCollectionSpaces() ); } else { if ( pathExpressionParser.isExpectingCollectionIndex() ) { expectingIndex++; } else { addJoin( pathExpressionParser.getWhereJoin(), q ); appendToken( q, pathExpressionParser.getWhereColumn() ); } } } private void addJoin(JoinSequence joinSequence, QueryTranslatorImpl q) throws QueryException { //JoinFragment fromClause = q.createJoinFragment(true); //fromClause.addJoins( join.toJoinFragment().toFromFragmentString(), StringHelper.EMPTY_STRING ); q.addFromJoinOnly( pathExpressionParser.getName(), joinSequence ); try { addToCurrentJoin( joinSequence.toJoinFragment( q.getEnabledFilters(), true ).toWhereFragmentString() ); } catch ( MappingException me ) { throw new QueryException( me ); } } private void doToken(String token, QueryTranslatorImpl q) throws QueryException { if ( q.isName( StringHelper.root( token ) ) ) { //path expression doPathExpression( q.unalias( token ), q ); } else if ( token.startsWith( ParserHelper.HQL_VARIABLE_PREFIX ) ) { //named query parameter q.addNamedParameter( token.substring( 1 ) ); appendToken( q, "?" ); } else if ( token.startsWith( "?" ) ) { // ordinal query parameter if ( token.length() == 1 ) { q.addLegacyPositionalParameter(); appendToken( q, "?" ); } else { final String labelString = token.substring( 1 ); try { final int label = Integer.parseInt( labelString ); q.addOrdinalParameter( label ); appendToken( q, "?" ); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new QueryException( "Ordinal parameter label must be numeric : " + labelString, e ); } } } else { Queryable persister = q.getEntityPersisterUsingImports( token ); if ( persister != null ) { // the name of a class final String discrim = persister.getDiscriminatorSQLValue(); if ( InFragment.NULL.equals(discrim) || InFragment.NOT_NULL.equals(discrim) ) { throw new QueryException( "subclass test not allowed for null or not null discriminator" ); } else { appendToken( q, discrim ); } } else { Object constant; if ( token.indexOf( '.' ) > -1 && ( constant = ReflectHelper.getConstantValue( token, q.getFactory() ) ) != null ) { Type type; try { type = q.getFactory().getTypeResolver().heuristicType( constant.getClass().getName() ); } catch ( MappingException me ) { throw new QueryException( me ); } if ( type == null ) { throw new QueryException( QueryTranslator.ERROR_CANNOT_DETERMINE_TYPE + token ); } try { //noinspection unchecked appendToken( q, ( ( LiteralType ) type ).objectToSQLString( constant, q.getFactory().getDialect() ) ); } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new QueryException( QueryTranslator.ERROR_CANNOT_FORMAT_LITERAL + token, e ); } } else { //anything else String negatedToken = negated ? NEGATIONS.get( token.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) ) : null; if ( negatedToken != null && ( !betweenSpecialCase || !"or".equals( negatedToken ) ) ) { appendToken( q, negatedToken ); } else { appendToken( q, token ); } } } } } private void addToCurrentJoin(String sql) { joins.getLast().append( sql ); } private void addToCurrentJoin(PathExpressionParser.CollectionElement ce) throws QueryException { try { addToCurrentJoin( ce.joinSequence.toJoinFragment().toWhereFragmentString() + ce.indexValue.toString() ); } catch ( MappingException me ) { throw new QueryException( me ); } } private void specialCasesBefore(String lcToken) { if ( lcToken.equals( "between" ) || lcToken.equals( "not between" ) ) { betweenSpecialCase = true; } } private void specialCasesAfter(String lcToken) { if ( betweenSpecialCase && lcToken.equals( "and" ) ) { betweenSpecialCase = false; } } void appendToken(QueryTranslatorImpl q, String token) { if ( expectingIndex > 0 ) { pathExpressionParser.setLastCollectionElementIndexValue( token ); } else { q.appendWhereToken( token ); } } private boolean continuePathExpression(String token, QueryTranslatorImpl q) throws QueryException { expectingPathContinuation = false; PathExpressionParser.CollectionElement element = pathExpressionParser.lastCollectionElement(); if ( token.startsWith( "." ) ) { // the path expression continues after a ] doPathExpression( getElementName( element, q ) + token, q ); // careful with this! addToCurrentJoin( element ); return true; //NOTE: EARLY EXIT! } else { // the path expression ends at the ] if ( element.elementColumns.length != 1 ) { throw new QueryException( "path expression ended in composite collection element" ); } appendToken( q, element.elementColumns[0] ); addToCurrentJoin( element ); return false; } } }