 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree;

import java.util.Arrays;

import org.hibernate.dialect.function.SQLFunction;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.CollectionProperties;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.antlr.SqlTokenTypes;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.TypeDiscriminatorMetadata;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.ASTUtil;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.ColumnHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreLogging;
import org.hibernate.persister.collection.CollectionPropertyNames;
import org.hibernate.persister.collection.QueryableCollection;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

import antlr.SemanticException;
import antlr.collections.AST;
import java.util.Locale;

Represents a method call.
/** * Represents a method call. * * @author josh */
public class MethodNode extends AbstractSelectExpression implements FunctionNode { private static final Logger LOG = CoreLogging.logger( MethodNode.class ); private String methodName; private FromElement fromElement; private String[] selectColumns; private SQLFunction function; private boolean inSelect; @Override public boolean isScalar() throws SemanticException { // Method expressions in a SELECT should always be considered scalar. return true; } @Override public SQLFunction getSQLFunction() { return function; } @Override public Type getFirstArgumentType() { AST argument = getFirstChild(); while ( argument != null ) { if ( argument instanceof SqlNode ) { final Type type = ( (SqlNode) argument ).getDataType(); if ( type != null ) { return type; } argument = argument.getNextSibling(); } } return null; } public void resolve(boolean inSelect) throws SemanticException { // Get the function name node. AST nameNode = getFirstChild(); AST exprListNode = nameNode.getNextSibling(); initializeMethodNode( nameNode, inSelect ); // If the expression list has exactly one expression, and the type of the expression is a collection // then this might be a collection function, such as index(c) or size(c). if ( ASTUtil.hasExactlyOneChild( exprListNode ) ) { if ( "type".equals( methodName ) ) { typeDiscriminator( exprListNode.getFirstChild() ); return; } if ( isCollectionPropertyMethod() ) { collectionProperty( exprListNode.getFirstChild(), nameNode ); return; } } dialectFunction( exprListNode ); } public void initializeMethodNode(AST name, boolean inSelect) { name.setType( SqlTokenTypes.METHOD_NAME ); String text = name.getText(); // Use the lower case function name. methodName = text.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); // Remember whether we're in a SELECT clause or not. this.inSelect = inSelect; } private void typeDiscriminator(AST path) throws SemanticException { if ( path == null ) { throw new SemanticException( "type() discriminator reference has no path!" ); } FromReferenceNode pathAsFromReferenceNode = (FromReferenceNode) path; FromElement fromElement = pathAsFromReferenceNode.getFromElement(); TypeDiscriminatorMetadata typeDiscriminatorMetadata = fromElement.getTypeDiscriminatorMetadata(); setDataType( typeDiscriminatorMetadata.getResolutionType() ); setText( typeDiscriminatorMetadata.getSqlFragment() ); setType( SqlTokenTypes.SQL_TOKEN ); } private void dialectFunction(AST exprList) { function = getSessionFactoryHelper().findSQLFunction( methodName ); if ( function != null ) { AST firstChild = exprList != null ? exprList.getFirstChild() : null; Type functionReturnType = getSessionFactoryHelper() .findFunctionReturnType( methodName, function, firstChild ); setDataType( functionReturnType ); } } public boolean isCollectionPropertyMethod() { return CollectionProperties.isAnyCollectionProperty( methodName ); } private void collectionProperty(AST path, AST name) throws SemanticException { if ( path == null ) { throw new SemanticException( "Collection function " + name.getText() + " has no path!" ); } SqlNode expr = (SqlNode) path; Type type = expr.getDataType(); LOG.debugf( "collectionProperty() : name=%s type=%s", name, type ); resolveCollectionProperty( expr ); } protected void resolveCollectionProperty(AST expr) throws SemanticException { String propertyName = CollectionProperties.getNormalizedPropertyName( methodName ); if ( expr instanceof FromReferenceNode ) { FromReferenceNode collectionNode = (FromReferenceNode) expr; // If this is 'elements' then create a new FROM element. if ( CollectionPropertyNames.COLLECTION_ELEMENTS.equals( propertyName ) ) { handleElements( collectionNode, propertyName ); } else { // Not elements(x) fromElement = collectionNode.getFromElement(); final CollectionPropertyReference cpr = fromElement.getCollectionPropertyReference( propertyName ); setDataType( cpr.getType() ); selectColumns = cpr.toColumns( fromElement.getTableAlias() ); // setDataType( fromElement.getPropertyType( propertyName, propertyName ) ); selectColumns = fromElement.toColumns( fromElement.getTableAlias(), propertyName, inSelect ); } if ( collectionNode instanceof DotNode ) { prepareAnyImplicitJoins( (DotNode) collectionNode ); } if ( !inSelect ) { fromElement.setText( "" ); fromElement.setUseWhereFragment( false ); } prepareSelectColumns( selectColumns ); setText( selectColumns[0] ); setType( SqlTokenTypes.SQL_TOKEN ); } else { throw new SemanticException( "Unexpected expression " + expr + " found for collection function " + propertyName ); } } private void prepareAnyImplicitJoins(DotNode dotNode) throws SemanticException { if ( dotNode.getLhs() instanceof DotNode ) { DotNode lhs = (DotNode) dotNode.getLhs(); FromElement lhsOrigin = lhs.getFromElement(); if ( lhsOrigin != null && "".equals( lhsOrigin.getText() ) ) { String lhsOriginText = lhsOrigin.getQueryable().getTableName() + " " + lhsOrigin.getTableAlias(); lhsOrigin.setText( lhsOriginText ); } prepareAnyImplicitJoins( lhs ); } } private void handleElements(FromReferenceNode collectionNode, String propertyName) { FromElement collectionFromElement = collectionNode.getFromElement(); QueryableCollection queryableCollection = collectionFromElement.getQueryableCollection(); String path = collectionNode.getPath() + "[]." + propertyName; LOG.debugf( "Creating elements for %s", path ); fromElement = collectionFromElement; if ( !collectionFromElement.isCollectionOfValuesOrComponents() ) { getWalker().addQuerySpaces( queryableCollection.getElementPersister().getQuerySpaces() ); } setDataType( queryableCollection.getElementType() ); selectColumns = collectionFromElement.toColumns( fromElement.getTableAlias(), propertyName, inSelect ); } @Override public void setScalarColumnText(int i) throws SemanticException { if ( selectColumns == null ) { // Dialect function ColumnHelper.generateSingleScalarColumn( this, i ); } else { // Collection 'property function' ColumnHelper.generateScalarColumns( this, selectColumns, i ); } } protected void prepareSelectColumns(String[] columns) { } @Override public FromElement getFromElement() { return fromElement; } public String getDisplayText() { return "{" + "method=" + methodName + ",selectColumns=" + ( selectColumns == null ? null : Arrays.asList( selectColumns ) ) + ",fromElement=" + fromElement.getTableAlias() + "}"; } }