 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.antlr.HqlSqlTokenTypes;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.antlr.HqlTokenTypes;
import org.hibernate.param.ParameterSpecification;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;

import antlr.SemanticException;
import antlr.collections.AST;

Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class InLogicOperatorNode extends BinaryLogicOperatorNode implements BinaryOperatorNode { public Node getInList() { return getRightHandOperand(); } @Override public void initialize() throws SemanticException { final Node lhs = getLeftHandOperand(); if ( lhs == null ) { throw new SemanticException( "left-hand operand of in operator was null" ); } final Node inList = getInList(); if ( inList == null ) { throw new SemanticException( "right-hand operand of in operator was null" ); } // for expected parameter type injection, we expect that the lhs represents // some form of property ref and that the children of the in-list represent // one-or-more params. if ( SqlNode.class.isAssignableFrom( lhs.getClass() ) ) { Type lhsType = ( (SqlNode) lhs ).getDataType(); AST inListChild = inList.getFirstChild(); while ( inListChild != null ) { if ( ExpectedTypeAwareNode.class.isAssignableFrom( inListChild.getClass() ) ) { ( (ExpectedTypeAwareNode) inListChild ).setExpectedType( lhsType ); } // fix for HHH-9605 if ( CollectionFunction.class.isInstance( inListChild ) && ExpectedTypeAwareNode.class.isInstance( lhs ) ) { final Type rhsType = ((CollectionFunction) inListChild).getDataType(); ((ExpectedTypeAwareNode) lhs).setExpectedType( rhsType ); } inListChild = inListChild.getNextSibling(); } } final SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory = getSessionFactoryHelper().getFactory(); if ( sessionFactory.getDialect().supportsRowValueConstructorSyntaxInInList() ) { return; } final Type lhsType = extractDataType( lhs ); if ( lhsType == null ) { return; } final int lhsColumnSpan = lhsType.getColumnSpan( sessionFactory ); final Node rhsNode = (Node) inList.getFirstChild(); if ( !isNodeAcceptable( rhsNode ) ) { return; } int rhsColumnSpan; if ( rhsNode == null ) { // early exit for empty IN list return; } else if ( rhsNode.getType() == HqlTokenTypes.VECTOR_EXPR ) { rhsColumnSpan = rhsNode.getNumberOfChildren(); } else { final Type rhsType = extractDataType( rhsNode ); if ( rhsType == null ) { return; } rhsColumnSpan = rhsType.getColumnSpan( sessionFactory ); } if ( lhsColumnSpan > 1 && rhsColumnSpan > 1 ) { mutateRowValueConstructorSyntaxInInListSyntax( lhsColumnSpan, rhsColumnSpan ); } }
this is possible for parameter lists and explicit lists. It is completely unreasonable for sub-queries.
/** * this is possible for parameter lists and explicit lists. It is completely unreasonable for sub-queries. */
private boolean isNodeAcceptable(Node rhsNode) { return rhsNode == null /* empty IN list */ || rhsNode instanceof LiteralNode || rhsNode instanceof ParameterNode || rhsNode.getType() == HqlTokenTypes.VECTOR_EXPR; }
Mutate the subtree relating to a row-value-constructor in "in" list to instead use a series of ORen and ANDed predicates. This allows multi-column type comparisons and explicit row-value-constructor in "in" list syntax even on databases which do not support row-value-constructor in "in" list.

For example, here we'd mutate "... where (col1, col2) in ( ('val1', 'val2'), ('val3', 'val4') ) ..." to "... where (col1 = 'val1' and col2 = 'val2') or (col1 = 'val3' and val2 = 'val4') ..."
  • lhsColumnSpan – The number of elements in the row value constructor list.
/** * Mutate the subtree relating to a row-value-constructor in "in" list to instead use * a series of ORen and ANDed predicates. This allows multi-column type comparisons * and explicit row-value-constructor in "in" list syntax even on databases which do * not support row-value-constructor in "in" list. * <p/> * For example, here we'd mutate "... where (col1, col2) in ( ('val1', 'val2'), ('val3', 'val4') ) ..." to * "... where (col1 = 'val1' and col2 = 'val2') or (col1 = 'val3' and val2 = 'val4') ..." * * @param lhsColumnSpan The number of elements in the row value constructor list. */
private void mutateRowValueConstructorSyntaxInInListSyntax( int lhsColumnSpan, int rhsColumnSpan) { String[] lhsElementTexts = extractMutationTexts( getLeftHandOperand(), lhsColumnSpan ); Node rhsNode = (Node) getInList().getFirstChild(); ParameterSpecification lhsEmbeddedCompositeParameterSpecification = getLeftHandOperand() == null || ( !ParameterNode.class.isInstance( getLeftHandOperand() ) ) ? null : ( (ParameterNode) getLeftHandOperand() ) .getHqlParameterSpecification(); final boolean negated = getType() == HqlSqlTokenTypes.NOT_IN; if ( rhsNode != null && rhsNode.getNextSibling() == null ) { /** * only one element in the vector grouping. * <code> where (a,b) in ( (1,2) ) </code> this will be mutated to * <code>where a=1 and b=2 </code> */ String[] rhsElementTexts = extractMutationTexts( rhsNode, rhsColumnSpan ); setType( negated ? HqlTokenTypes.OR : HqlSqlTokenTypes.AND ); setText( negated ? "or" : "and" ); ParameterSpecification rhsEmbeddedCompositeParameterSpecification = rhsNode == null || ( !ParameterNode.class.isInstance( rhsNode ) ) ? null : ( (ParameterNode) rhsNode ).getHqlParameterSpecification(); translate( lhsColumnSpan, negated ? HqlSqlTokenTypes.NE : HqlSqlTokenTypes.EQ, negated ? "<>" : "=", lhsElementTexts, rhsElementTexts, lhsEmbeddedCompositeParameterSpecification, rhsEmbeddedCompositeParameterSpecification, this ); } else { List andElementsNodeList = new ArrayList(); while ( rhsNode != null ) { String[] rhsElementTexts = extractMutationTexts( rhsNode, rhsColumnSpan ); AST group = getASTFactory().create( negated ? HqlSqlTokenTypes.OR : HqlSqlTokenTypes.AND, negated ? "or" : "and" ); ParameterSpecification rhsEmbeddedCompositeParameterSpecification = rhsNode == null || ( !ParameterNode.class.isInstance( rhsNode ) ) ? null : ( (ParameterNode) rhsNode ).getHqlParameterSpecification(); translate( lhsColumnSpan, negated ? HqlSqlTokenTypes.NE : HqlSqlTokenTypes.EQ, negated ? "<>" : "=", lhsElementTexts, rhsElementTexts, lhsEmbeddedCompositeParameterSpecification, rhsEmbeddedCompositeParameterSpecification, group ); andElementsNodeList.add( group ); rhsNode = (Node) rhsNode.getNextSibling(); } setType( negated ? HqlSqlTokenTypes.AND : HqlSqlTokenTypes.OR ); setText( negated ? "and" : "or" ); AST curNode = this; for ( int i = andElementsNodeList.size() - 1; i > 1; i-- ) { AST group = getASTFactory().create( negated ? HqlSqlTokenTypes.AND : HqlSqlTokenTypes.OR, negated ? "and" : "or" ); curNode.setFirstChild( group ); curNode = group; AST and = (AST) andElementsNodeList.get( i ); group.setNextSibling( and ); } AST node0 = (AST) andElementsNodeList.get( 0 ); AST node1 = (AST) andElementsNodeList.get( 1 ); node0.setNextSibling( node1 ); curNode.setFirstChild( node0 ); } } }