 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

import org.hibernate.NullPrecedence;
import org.hibernate.QueryException;
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.SQLFunction;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.antlr.SqlGeneratorBase;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.antlr.SqlTokenTypes;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.FromElement;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.FunctionNode;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.Node;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.ParameterContainer;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.ParameterNode;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.ASTPrinter;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.TokenPrinters;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreLogging;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.collections.CollectionHelper;
import org.hibernate.param.ParameterSpecification;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;

import antlr.RecognitionException;
import antlr.collections.AST;

Generates SQL by overriding callback methods in the base class, which does the actual SQL AST walking.
Author:Joshua Davis, Steve Ebersole
/** * Generates SQL by overriding callback methods in the base class, which does * the actual SQL AST walking. * * @author Joshua Davis * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class SqlGenerator extends SqlGeneratorBase implements ErrorReporter { private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = CoreLogging.messageLogger( SqlGenerator.class ); public static boolean REGRESSION_STYLE_CROSS_JOINS;
all append invocations on the buf should go through this Output instance variable. The value of this variable may be temporarily substituted by sql function processing code to catch generated arguments. This is because sql function templates need arguments as separate string chunks that will be assembled into the target dialect-specific function call.
/** * all append invocations on the buf should go through this Output instance variable. * The value of this variable may be temporarily substituted by sql function processing code * to catch generated arguments. * This is because sql function templates need arguments as separate string chunks * that will be assembled into the target dialect-specific function call. */
private SqlWriter writer = new DefaultWriter(); private ParseErrorHandler parseErrorHandler; private SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory; private LinkedList<SqlWriter> outputStack = new LinkedList<SqlWriter>(); private List<ParameterSpecification> collectedParameters = new ArrayList<ParameterSpecification>(); // handle trace logging ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ private int traceDepth; @Override public void traceIn(String ruleName, AST tree) { if ( !LOG.isTraceEnabled() ) { return; } if ( inputState.guessing > 0 ) { return; } String prefix = StringHelper.repeat( '-', ( traceDepth++ * 2 ) ) + "-> "; String traceText = ruleName + " (" + buildTraceNodeName( tree ) + ")"; LOG.trace( prefix + traceText ); } private String buildTraceNodeName(AST tree) { return tree == null ? "???" : tree.getText() + " [" + TokenPrinters.SQL_TOKEN_PRINTER.getTokenTypeName( tree.getType() ) + "]"; } @Override public void traceOut(String ruleName, AST tree) { if ( !LOG.isTraceEnabled() ) { return; } if ( inputState.guessing > 0 ) { return; } String prefix = "<-" + StringHelper.repeat( '-', ( --traceDepth * 2 ) ) + " "; LOG.trace( prefix + ruleName ); } public List<ParameterSpecification> getCollectedParameters() { return collectedParameters; } @Override protected void out(String s) { if ( exprs.size() > 1 ) { super.out( s ); } else { writer.clause( s ); } } @Override protected void out(AST n) { if ( n instanceof Node ) { out( ( (Node) n ).getRenderText( sessionFactory ) ); } else { super.out( n ); } if ( n instanceof ParameterNode ) { collectedParameters.add( ( (ParameterNode) n ).getHqlParameterSpecification() ); } else if ( n instanceof ParameterContainer ) { if ( ( (ParameterContainer) n ).hasEmbeddedParameters() ) { ParameterSpecification[] specifications = ( (ParameterContainer) n ).getEmbeddedParameters(); if ( specifications != null ) { collectedParameters.addAll( Arrays.asList( specifications ) ); } } } } @Override protected void betweenFunctionArguments() { writer.betweenFunctionArguments(); } @Override public void reportError(RecognitionException e) { parseErrorHandler.reportError( e ); } @Override public void reportError(String s) { parseErrorHandler.reportError( s ); } @Override public void reportWarning(String s) { parseErrorHandler.reportWarning( s ); } public ParseErrorHandler getParseErrorHandler() { return parseErrorHandler; } public SqlGenerator(SessionFactoryImplementor sfi) { super(); parseErrorHandler = new ErrorTracker(); sessionFactory = sfi; } public String getSQL() { return getStringBuilder().toString(); } @Override protected void optionalSpace() { int c = getLastChar(); switch ( c ) { case -1: return; case ' ': return; case ')': return; case '(': return; default: out( " " ); } } @Override protected void beginFunctionTemplate(AST node, AST nameNode) { // NOTE for AGGREGATE both nodes are the same; for METHOD the first is the METHOD, the second is the // METHOD_NAME FunctionNode functionNode = (FunctionNode) node; SQLFunction sqlFunction = functionNode.getSQLFunction(); if ( sqlFunction == null ) { // if SQLFunction is null we just write the function out as it appears in the hql statement super.beginFunctionTemplate( node, nameNode ); } else { // this function has a registered SQLFunction -> redirect output and catch the arguments outputStack.addFirst( writer ); if ( node.getType() == CAST ) { writer = new CastFunctionArguments(); } else { writer = new StandardFunctionArguments(); } } } @Override protected void endFunctionTemplate(AST node) { FunctionNode functionNode = (FunctionNode) node; SQLFunction sqlFunction = functionNode.getSQLFunction(); if ( sqlFunction == null ) { super.endFunctionTemplate( node ); } else { final Type functionType = functionNode.getFirstArgumentType(); // this function has a registered SQLFunction -> redirect output and catch the arguments FunctionArgumentsCollectingWriter functionArguments = (FunctionArgumentsCollectingWriter) writer; writer = outputStack.removeFirst(); out( sqlFunction.render( functionType, functionArguments.getArgs(), sessionFactory ) ); } } // --- Inner classes (moved here from sql-gen.g) ---
Writes SQL fragments.
/** * Writes SQL fragments. */
interface SqlWriter { void clause(String clause); void betweenFunctionArguments(); } interface FunctionArgumentsCollectingWriter extends SqlWriter { public List getArgs(); }
SQL function processing code redirects generated SQL output to an instance of this class which catches function arguments.
/** * SQL function processing code redirects generated SQL output to an instance of this class * which catches function arguments. */
static class StandardFunctionArguments implements FunctionArgumentsCollectingWriter { private int argInd; private final List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>( 3 ); @Override public void clause(String clause) { if ( argInd == args.size() ) { args.add( clause ); } else { args.set( argInd, args.get( argInd ) + clause ); } } @Override public void betweenFunctionArguments() { ++argInd; } public List getArgs() { return args; } }
SQL function processing code redirects generated SQL output to an instance of this class which catches function arguments.
/** * SQL function processing code redirects generated SQL output to an instance of this class * which catches function arguments. */
static class CastFunctionArguments implements FunctionArgumentsCollectingWriter { private String castExpression; private String castTargetType; private boolean startedType; @Override public void clause(String clause) { if ( startedType ) { if ( castTargetType == null ) { castTargetType = clause; } else { castTargetType += clause; } } else { if ( castExpression == null ) { castExpression = clause; } else { castExpression += clause; } } } @Override public void betweenFunctionArguments() { if ( startedType ) { throw new QueryException( "CAST function should only have 2 arguments" ); } startedType = true; } public List getArgs() { List<String> rtn = CollectionHelper.arrayList( 2 ); rtn.add( castExpression ); rtn.add( castTargetType ); return rtn; } }
The default SQL writer.
/** * The default SQL writer. */
class DefaultWriter implements SqlWriter { @Override public void clause(String clause) { getStringBuilder().append( clause ); } @Override public void betweenFunctionArguments() { getStringBuilder().append( ", " ); } } public static void panic() { throw new QueryException( "TreeWalker: panic" ); } @Override protected void fromFragmentSeparator(AST a) { // check two "adjecent" nodes at the top of the from-clause tree AST next = a.getNextSibling(); if ( next == null || !hasText( a ) ) { return; } FromElement left = (FromElement) a; FromElement right = (FromElement) next; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HACK ALERT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // Attempt to work around "ghost" ImpliedFromElements that occasionally // show up between the actual things being joined. This consistently // occurs from index nodes (at least against many-to-many). Not sure // if there are other conditions // // Essentially, look-ahead to the next FromElement that actually // writes something to the SQL while ( right != null && !hasText( right ) ) { right = (FromElement) right.getNextSibling(); } if ( right == null ) { return; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ( !hasText( right ) ) { return; } if ( right.getType() == ENTITY_JOIN ) { out( " " ); } else if ( right.getRealOrigin() == left || ( right.getRealOrigin() != null && right.getRealOrigin() == left.getRealOrigin() ) ) { // right represents a joins originating from left; or // both right and left reprersent joins originating from the same FromElement if ( right.getJoinSequence() != null && right.getJoinSequence().isThetaStyle() ) { writeCrossJoinSeparator(); } else { out( " " ); } } else { // these are just two unrelated table references writeCrossJoinSeparator(); } } private void writeCrossJoinSeparator() { if ( REGRESSION_STYLE_CROSS_JOINS ) { out( ", " ); } else { out( sessionFactory.getDialect().getCrossJoinSeparator() ); } } @Override protected void nestedFromFragment(AST d, AST parent) { // check a set of parent/child nodes in the from-clause tree // to determine if a comma is required between them if ( d != null && hasText( d ) ) { if ( parent != null && hasText( parent ) ) { // again, both should be FromElements FromElement left = (FromElement) parent; FromElement right = (FromElement) d; if ( right.getRealOrigin() == left ) { // right represents a joins originating from left... if ( right.getJoinSequence() != null && right.getJoinSequence().isThetaStyle() ) { writeCrossJoinSeparator(); } else { out( " " ); } } else { // not so sure this is even valid subtree. but if it was, it'd // represent two unrelated table references... writeCrossJoinSeparator(); } } out( d ); } } @Override protected String renderOrderByElement(String expression, String order, String nulls) { final NullPrecedence nullPrecedence = NullPrecedence.parse( nulls, sessionFactory.getSettings() .getDefaultNullPrecedence() ); return sessionFactory.getDialect().renderOrderByElement( expression, null, order, nullPrecedence ); } }