 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.exception.spi;

import java.sql.SQLException;

Knows how to extract a violated constraint name from an error message based on the fact that the constraint name is templated within the message.
Author:Steve Ebersole, Brett Meyer
/** * Knows how to extract a violated constraint name from an error message based on the * fact that the constraint name is templated within the message. * * @author Steve Ebersole * @author Brett Meyer */
public abstract class TemplatedViolatedConstraintNameExtracter implements ViolatedConstraintNameExtracter { @Override public String extractConstraintName(SQLException sqle) { try { String constraintName = null; // handle nested exceptions do { constraintName = doExtractConstraintName(sqle); if (sqle.getNextException() == null || sqle.getNextException() == sqle) { break; } else { sqle = sqle.getNextException(); } } while (constraintName == null); return constraintName; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return null; } } protected abstract String doExtractConstraintName(SQLException sqle) throws NumberFormatException;
Extracts the constraint name based on a template (i.e., templateStartconstraintNametemplateEnd).
  • templateStart – The pattern denoting the start of the constraint name within the message.
  • templateEnd – The pattern denoting the end of the constraint name within the message.
  • message – The templated error message containing the constraint name.
Returns:The found constraint name, or null.
/** * Extracts the constraint name based on a template (i.e., <i>templateStart</i><b>constraintName</b><i>templateEnd</i>). * * @param templateStart The pattern denoting the start of the constraint name within the message. * @param templateEnd The pattern denoting the end of the constraint name within the message. * @param message The templated error message containing the constraint name. * @return The found constraint name, or null. */
protected String extractUsingTemplate(String templateStart, String templateEnd, String message) { int templateStartPosition = message.indexOf( templateStart ); if ( templateStartPosition < 0 ) { return null; } int start = templateStartPosition + templateStart.length(); int end = message.indexOf( templateEnd, start ); if ( end < 0 ) { end = message.length(); } return message.substring( start, end ); } }