 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.reflection;

import java.beans.Introspector;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject;
import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.persistence.Access;
import javax.persistence.AccessType;
import javax.persistence.AssociationOverride;
import javax.persistence.AssociationOverrides;
import javax.persistence.AttributeOverride;
import javax.persistence.AttributeOverrides;
import javax.persistence.Basic;
import javax.persistence.Cacheable;
import javax.persistence.CascadeType;
import javax.persistence.CollectionTable;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.ColumnResult;
import javax.persistence.ConstructorResult;
import javax.persistence.Convert;
import javax.persistence.Converts;
import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorColumn;
import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorType;
import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorValue;
import javax.persistence.ElementCollection;
import javax.persistence.Embeddable;
import javax.persistence.Embedded;
import javax.persistence.EmbeddedId;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.EntityListeners;
import javax.persistence.EntityResult;
import javax.persistence.EnumType;
import javax.persistence.Enumerated;
import javax.persistence.ExcludeDefaultListeners;
import javax.persistence.ExcludeSuperclassListeners;
import javax.persistence.FetchType;
import javax.persistence.FieldResult;
import javax.persistence.ForeignKey;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.IdClass;
import javax.persistence.Index;
import javax.persistence.Inheritance;
import javax.persistence.InheritanceType;
import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;
import javax.persistence.JoinColumns;
import javax.persistence.JoinTable;
import javax.persistence.Lob;
import javax.persistence.ManyToMany;
import javax.persistence.ManyToOne;
import javax.persistence.MapKey;
import javax.persistence.MapKeyClass;
import javax.persistence.MapKeyColumn;
import javax.persistence.MapKeyEnumerated;
import javax.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumn;
import javax.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumns;
import javax.persistence.MapKeyTemporal;
import javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass;
import javax.persistence.MapsId;
import javax.persistence.NamedAttributeNode;
import javax.persistence.NamedEntityGraph;
import javax.persistence.NamedEntityGraphs;
import javax.persistence.NamedNativeQueries;
import javax.persistence.NamedNativeQuery;
import javax.persistence.NamedQueries;
import javax.persistence.NamedQuery;
import javax.persistence.NamedStoredProcedureQueries;
import javax.persistence.NamedStoredProcedureQuery;
import javax.persistence.NamedSubgraph;
import javax.persistence.OneToMany;
import javax.persistence.OneToOne;
import javax.persistence.OrderBy;
import javax.persistence.OrderColumn;
import javax.persistence.ParameterMode;
import javax.persistence.PostLoad;
import javax.persistence.PostPersist;
import javax.persistence.PostRemove;
import javax.persistence.PostUpdate;
import javax.persistence.PrePersist;
import javax.persistence.PreRemove;
import javax.persistence.PreUpdate;
import javax.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumn;
import javax.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumns;
import javax.persistence.QueryHint;
import javax.persistence.SecondaryTable;
import javax.persistence.SecondaryTables;
import javax.persistence.SequenceGenerator;
import javax.persistence.SqlResultSetMapping;
import javax.persistence.SqlResultSetMappings;
import javax.persistence.StoredProcedureParameter;
import javax.persistence.Table;
import javax.persistence.TableGenerator;
import javax.persistence.Temporal;
import javax.persistence.TemporalType;
import javax.persistence.Transient;
import javax.persistence.UniqueConstraint;
import javax.persistence.Version;

import org.hibernate.AnnotationException;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Any;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Cascade;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Columns;
import org.hibernate.annotations.ManyToAny;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.annotationfactory.AnnotationDescriptor;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.annotationfactory.AnnotationFactory;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.AnnotationReader;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.ReflectionUtil;
import org.hibernate.boot.registry.classloading.spi.ClassLoadingException;
import org.hibernate.boot.spi.BootstrapContext;
import org.hibernate.boot.spi.ClassLoaderAccess;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreLogging;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;

import org.dom4j.Attribute;
import org.dom4j.Element;

Encapsulates the overriding of Java annotations from an EJB 3.0 descriptor.
Author:Paolo Perrotta, Davide Marchignoli, Emmanuel Bernard, Hardy Ferentschik
/** * Encapsulates the overriding of Java annotations from an EJB 3.0 descriptor. * * @author Paolo Perrotta * @author Davide Marchignoli * @author Emmanuel Bernard * @author Hardy Ferentschik */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class JPAOverriddenAnnotationReader implements AnnotationReader { private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = CoreLogging.messageLogger( JPAOverriddenAnnotationReader.class ); private static final String SCHEMA_VALIDATION = "Activate schema validation for more information"; private static final String WORD_SEPARATOR = "-"; private enum PropertyType { PROPERTY, FIELD, METHOD } private static final Map<Class, String> annotationToXml; static { annotationToXml = new HashMap<>(); annotationToXml.put( Entity.class, "entity" ); annotationToXml.put( MappedSuperclass.class, "mapped-superclass" ); annotationToXml.put( Embeddable.class, "embeddable" ); annotationToXml.put( Table.class, "table" ); annotationToXml.put( SecondaryTable.class, "secondary-table" ); annotationToXml.put( SecondaryTables.class, "secondary-table" ); annotationToXml.put( PrimaryKeyJoinColumn.class, "primary-key-join-column" ); annotationToXml.put( PrimaryKeyJoinColumns.class, "primary-key-join-column" ); annotationToXml.put( IdClass.class, "id-class" ); annotationToXml.put( Inheritance.class, "inheritance" ); annotationToXml.put( DiscriminatorValue.class, "discriminator-value" ); annotationToXml.put( DiscriminatorColumn.class, "discriminator-column" ); annotationToXml.put( SequenceGenerator.class, "sequence-generator" ); annotationToXml.put( TableGenerator.class, "table-generator" ); annotationToXml.put( NamedEntityGraph.class, "named-entity-graph" ); annotationToXml.put( NamedEntityGraphs.class, "named-entity-graph" ); annotationToXml.put( NamedQuery.class, "named-query" ); annotationToXml.put( NamedQueries.class, "named-query" ); annotationToXml.put( NamedNativeQuery.class, "named-native-query" ); annotationToXml.put( NamedNativeQueries.class, "named-native-query" ); annotationToXml.put( NamedStoredProcedureQuery.class, "named-stored-procedure-query" ); annotationToXml.put( NamedStoredProcedureQueries.class, "named-stored-procedure-query" ); annotationToXml.put( SqlResultSetMapping.class, "sql-result-set-mapping" ); annotationToXml.put( SqlResultSetMappings.class, "sql-result-set-mapping" ); annotationToXml.put( ExcludeDefaultListeners.class, "exclude-default-listeners" ); annotationToXml.put( ExcludeSuperclassListeners.class, "exclude-superclass-listeners" ); annotationToXml.put( AccessType.class, "access" ); annotationToXml.put( AttributeOverride.class, "attribute-override" ); annotationToXml.put( AttributeOverrides.class, "attribute-override" ); annotationToXml.put( AttributeOverride.class, "association-override" ); annotationToXml.put( AttributeOverrides.class, "association-override" ); annotationToXml.put( AttributeOverride.class, "map-key-attribute-override" ); annotationToXml.put( AttributeOverrides.class, "map-key-attribute-override" ); annotationToXml.put( Id.class, "id" ); annotationToXml.put( EmbeddedId.class, "embedded-id" ); annotationToXml.put( GeneratedValue.class, "generated-value" ); annotationToXml.put( Column.class, "column" ); annotationToXml.put( Columns.class, "column" ); annotationToXml.put( Temporal.class, "temporal" ); annotationToXml.put( Lob.class, "lob" ); annotationToXml.put( Enumerated.class, "enumerated" ); annotationToXml.put( Version.class, "version" ); annotationToXml.put( Transient.class, "transient" ); annotationToXml.put( Basic.class, "basic" ); annotationToXml.put( Embedded.class, "embedded" ); annotationToXml.put( ManyToOne.class, "many-to-one" ); annotationToXml.put( OneToOne.class, "one-to-one" ); annotationToXml.put( OneToMany.class, "one-to-many" ); annotationToXml.put( ManyToMany.class, "many-to-many" ); annotationToXml.put( Any.class, "any" ); annotationToXml.put( ManyToAny.class, "many-to-any" ); annotationToXml.put( JoinTable.class, "join-table" ); annotationToXml.put( JoinColumn.class, "join-column" ); annotationToXml.put( JoinColumns.class, "join-column" ); annotationToXml.put( MapKey.class, "map-key" ); annotationToXml.put( OrderBy.class, "order-by" ); annotationToXml.put( EntityListeners.class, "entity-listeners" ); annotationToXml.put( PrePersist.class, "pre-persist" ); annotationToXml.put( PreRemove.class, "pre-remove" ); annotationToXml.put( PreUpdate.class, "pre-update" ); annotationToXml.put( PostPersist.class, "post-persist" ); annotationToXml.put( PostRemove.class, "post-remove" ); annotationToXml.put( PostUpdate.class, "post-update" ); annotationToXml.put( PostLoad.class, "post-load" ); annotationToXml.put( CollectionTable.class, "collection-table" ); annotationToXml.put( MapKeyClass.class, "map-key-class" ); annotationToXml.put( MapKeyTemporal.class, "map-key-temporal" ); annotationToXml.put( MapKeyEnumerated.class, "map-key-enumerated" ); annotationToXml.put( MapKeyColumn.class, "map-key-column" ); annotationToXml.put( MapKeyJoinColumn.class, "map-key-join-column" ); annotationToXml.put( MapKeyJoinColumns.class, "map-key-join-column" ); annotationToXml.put( OrderColumn.class, "order-column" ); annotationToXml.put( Cacheable.class, "cacheable" ); annotationToXml.put( Index.class, "index" ); annotationToXml.put( ForeignKey.class, "foreign-key" ); annotationToXml.put( Convert.class, "convert" ); annotationToXml.put( Converts.class, "convert" ); annotationToXml.put( ConstructorResult.class, "constructor-result" ); } private XMLContext xmlContext; private final ClassLoaderAccess classLoaderAccess; private final AnnotatedElement element; private String className; private String propertyName; private PropertyType propertyType; private transient Annotation[] annotations; private transient Map<Class, Annotation> annotationsMap; private transient List<Element> elementsForProperty; private AccessibleObject mirroredAttribute;
Deprecated:Use JPAMetadataProvider(AnnotatedElement, XMLContext, BootstrapContext) instead.
/** * @deprecated Use {@link JPAMetadataProvider(AnnotatedElement, XMLContext, BootstrapContext)} instead. */
public JPAOverriddenAnnotationReader( AnnotatedElement el, XMLContext xmlContext, ClassLoaderAccess classLoaderAccess) { this.element = el; this.xmlContext = xmlContext; this.classLoaderAccess = classLoaderAccess; if ( el instanceof Class ) { Class clazz = (Class) el; className = clazz.getName(); } else if ( el instanceof Field ) { Field field = (Field) el; className = field.getDeclaringClass().getName(); propertyName = field.getName(); propertyType = PropertyType.FIELD; String expectedGetter = "get" + Character.toUpperCase( propertyName.charAt( 0 ) ) + propertyName.substring( 1 ); try { mirroredAttribute = field.getDeclaringClass().getDeclaredMethod( expectedGetter ); } catch ( NoSuchMethodException e ) { //no method } } else if ( el instanceof Method ) { Method method = (Method) el; className = method.getDeclaringClass().getName(); propertyName = method.getName(); // YUCK! The null here is the 'boundType', we'd rather get the TypeEnvironment() if ( ReflectionUtil.isProperty( method, null, PersistentAttributeFilter.INSTANCE ) ) { if ( propertyName.startsWith( "get" ) ) { propertyName = Introspector.decapitalize( propertyName.substring( "get".length() ) ); } else if ( propertyName.startsWith( "is" ) ) { propertyName = Introspector.decapitalize( propertyName.substring( "is".length() ) ); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Method " + propertyName + " is not a property getter" ); } propertyType = PropertyType.PROPERTY; try { mirroredAttribute = method.getDeclaringClass().getDeclaredField( propertyName ); } catch ( NoSuchFieldException e ) { //no method } } else { propertyType = PropertyType.METHOD; } } else { className = null; propertyName = null; } } public JPAOverriddenAnnotationReader( AnnotatedElement el, XMLContext xmlContext, BootstrapContext bootstrapContext) { this( el, xmlContext, bootstrapContext.getClassLoaderAccess() ); } public <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation(Class<T> annotationType) { initAnnotations(); return (T) annotationsMap.get( annotationType ); } public <T extends Annotation> boolean isAnnotationPresent(Class<T> annotationType) { initAnnotations(); return annotationsMap.containsKey( annotationType ); } public Annotation[] getAnnotations() { initAnnotations(); return annotations; } /* * The idea is to create annotation proxies for the xml configuration elements. Using this proxy annotations together * with the {@link JPAMetadataProvider} allows to handle xml configuration the same way as annotation configuration. */ private void initAnnotations() { if ( annotations == null ) { XMLContext.Default defaults = xmlContext.getDefault( className ); if ( className != null && propertyName == null ) { //is a class Element tree = xmlContext.getXMLTree( className ); Annotation[] annotations = getPhysicalAnnotations(); List<Annotation> annotationList = new ArrayList<>( annotations.length + 5 ); annotationsMap = new HashMap<>( annotations.length + 5 ); for ( Annotation annotation : annotations ) { if ( !annotationToXml.containsKey( annotation.annotationType() ) ) { //unknown annotations are left over annotationList.add( annotation ); } } addIfNotNull( annotationList, getEntity( tree, defaults ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getMappedSuperclass( tree, defaults ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getEmbeddable( tree, defaults ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getTable( tree, defaults ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getSecondaryTables( tree, defaults ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getPrimaryKeyJoinColumns( tree, defaults, true ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getIdClass( tree, defaults ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getCacheable( tree, defaults ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getInheritance( tree, defaults ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getDiscriminatorValue( tree, defaults ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getDiscriminatorColumn( tree, defaults ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getSequenceGenerator( tree, defaults ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getTableGenerator( tree, defaults ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getNamedQueries( tree, defaults ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getNamedNativeQueries( tree, defaults ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getNamedStoredProcedureQueries( tree, defaults ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getNamedEntityGraphs( tree, defaults ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getSqlResultSetMappings( tree, defaults ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getExcludeDefaultListeners( tree, defaults ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getExcludeSuperclassListeners( tree, defaults ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getAccessType( tree, defaults ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getAttributeOverrides( tree, defaults, true ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getAssociationOverrides( tree, defaults, true ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getEntityListeners( tree, defaults ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getConverts( tree, defaults ) ); this.annotations = annotationList.toArray( new Annotation[annotationList.size()] ); for ( Annotation ann : this.annotations ) { annotationsMap.put( ann.annotationType(), ann ); } checkForOrphanProperties( tree ); } else if ( className != null ) { //&& propertyName != null ) { //always true but less confusing Element tree = xmlContext.getXMLTree( className ); Annotation[] annotations = getPhysicalAnnotations(); List<Annotation> annotationList = new ArrayList<>( annotations.length + 5 ); annotationsMap = new HashMap<>( annotations.length + 5 ); for ( Annotation annotation : annotations ) { if ( !annotationToXml.containsKey( annotation.annotationType() ) ) { //unknown annotations are left over annotationList.add( annotation ); } } preCalculateElementsForProperty( tree ); Transient transientAnn = getTransient( defaults ); if ( transientAnn != null ) { annotationList.add( transientAnn ); } else { if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { Annotation annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Access.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); } getId( annotationList, defaults ); getEmbeddedId( annotationList, defaults ); getEmbedded( annotationList, defaults ); getBasic( annotationList, defaults ); getVersion( annotationList, defaults ); getAssociation( ManyToOne.class, annotationList, defaults ); getAssociation( OneToOne.class, annotationList, defaults ); getAssociation( OneToMany.class, annotationList, defaults ); getAssociation( ManyToMany.class, annotationList, defaults ); getAssociation( Any.class, annotationList, defaults ); getAssociation( ManyToAny.class, annotationList, defaults ); getElementCollection( annotationList, defaults ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getSequenceGenerator( elementsForProperty, defaults ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getTableGenerator( elementsForProperty, defaults ) ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, getConvertsForAttribute( elementsForProperty, defaults ) ); } processEventAnnotations( annotationList, defaults ); //FIXME use annotationsMap rather than annotationList this will be faster since the annotation type is usually known at put() time this.annotations = annotationList.toArray( new Annotation[annotationList.size()] ); for ( Annotation ann : this.annotations ) { annotationsMap.put( ann.annotationType(), ann ); } } else { this.annotations = getPhysicalAnnotations(); annotationsMap = new HashMap<>( annotations.length + 5 ); for ( Annotation ann : this.annotations ) { annotationsMap.put( ann.annotationType(), ann ); } } } } private Annotation getConvertsForAttribute(List<Element> elementsForProperty, XMLContext.Default defaults) { // NOTE : we use a map here to make sure that an xml and annotation referring to the same attribute // properly overrides. Very sparse map, yes, but easy setup. // todo : revisit this // although bear in mind that this code is no longer used in 5.0... final Map<String,Convert> convertAnnotationsMap = new HashMap<>(); for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) { final boolean isBasic = "basic".equals( element.getName() ); final boolean isEmbedded = "embedded".equals( element.getName() ); final boolean isElementCollection = "element-collection".equals(element.getName()); final boolean canHaveConverts = isBasic || isEmbedded || isElementCollection; if ( !canHaveConverts ) { continue; } final String attributeNamePrefix = isBasic ? null : propertyName; applyXmlDefinedConverts( element, defaults, attributeNamePrefix, convertAnnotationsMap ); } // NOTE : per section of the spec <convert/> is additive, although only if "metadata-complete" is not // specified in the XML if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { // todo : note sure how to best handle attributeNamePrefix here applyPhysicalConvertAnnotations( propertyName, convertAnnotationsMap ); } if ( !convertAnnotationsMap.isEmpty() ) { final AnnotationDescriptor groupingDescriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( Converts.class ); groupingDescriptor.setValue( "value", convertAnnotationsMap.values().toArray( new Convert[convertAnnotationsMap.size()]) ); return AnnotationFactory.create( groupingDescriptor ); } return null; } private Converts getConverts(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { // NOTE : we use a map here to make sure that an xml and annotation referring to the same attribute // properly overrides. Bit sparse, but easy... final Map<String,Convert> convertAnnotationsMap = new HashMap<>(); if ( tree != null ) { applyXmlDefinedConverts( tree, defaults, null, convertAnnotationsMap ); } // NOTE : per section of the spec <convert/> is additive, although only if "metadata-complete" is not // specified in the XML if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { applyPhysicalConvertAnnotations( null, convertAnnotationsMap ); } if ( !convertAnnotationsMap.isEmpty() ) { final AnnotationDescriptor groupingDescriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( Converts.class ); groupingDescriptor.setValue( "value", convertAnnotationsMap.values().toArray( new Convert[convertAnnotationsMap.size()]) ); return AnnotationFactory.create( groupingDescriptor ); } return null; } private void applyXmlDefinedConverts( Element containingElement, XMLContext.Default defaults, String attributeNamePrefix, Map<String,Convert> convertAnnotationsMap) { final List<Element> convertElements = containingElement.elements( "convert" ); for ( Element convertElement : convertElements ) { final AnnotationDescriptor convertAnnotationDescriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( Convert.class ); copyStringAttribute( convertAnnotationDescriptor, convertElement, "attribute-name", false ); copyBooleanAttribute( convertAnnotationDescriptor, convertElement, "disable-conversion" ); final Attribute converterClassAttr = convertElement.attribute( "converter" ); if ( converterClassAttr != null ) { final String converterClassName = XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( converterClassAttr.getValue(), defaults ); try { final Class converterClass = classLoaderAccess.classForName( converterClassName ); convertAnnotationDescriptor.setValue( "converter", converterClass ); } catch (ClassLoadingException e) { throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to find specified converter class id-class: " + converterClassName, e ); } } final Convert convertAnnotation = AnnotationFactory.create( convertAnnotationDescriptor ); final String qualifiedAttributeName = qualifyConverterAttributeName( attributeNamePrefix, convertAnnotation.attributeName() ); convertAnnotationsMap.put( qualifiedAttributeName, convertAnnotation ); } } private String qualifyConverterAttributeName(String attributeNamePrefix, String specifiedAttributeName) { String qualifiedAttributeName; if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( specifiedAttributeName ) ) { if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( attributeNamePrefix ) ) { qualifiedAttributeName = attributeNamePrefix + '.' + specifiedAttributeName; } else { qualifiedAttributeName = specifiedAttributeName; } } else { qualifiedAttributeName = ""; } return qualifiedAttributeName; } private void applyPhysicalConvertAnnotations( String attributeNamePrefix, Map<String, Convert> convertAnnotationsMap) { final Convert physicalAnnotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Convert.class ); if ( physicalAnnotation != null ) { // only add if no XML element named a converter for this attribute final String qualifiedAttributeName = qualifyConverterAttributeName( attributeNamePrefix, physicalAnnotation.attributeName() ); if ( ! convertAnnotationsMap.containsKey( qualifiedAttributeName ) ) { convertAnnotationsMap.put( qualifiedAttributeName, physicalAnnotation ); } } final Converts physicalGroupingAnnotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Converts.class ); if ( physicalGroupingAnnotation != null ) { for ( Convert convertAnnotation : physicalGroupingAnnotation.value() ) { // again, only add if no XML element named a converter for this attribute final String qualifiedAttributeName = qualifyConverterAttributeName( attributeNamePrefix, convertAnnotation.attributeName() ); if ( ! convertAnnotationsMap.containsKey( qualifiedAttributeName ) ) { convertAnnotationsMap.put( qualifiedAttributeName, convertAnnotation ); } } } } private void checkForOrphanProperties(Element tree) { Class clazz; try { clazz = classLoaderAccess.classForName( className ); } catch ( ClassLoadingException e ) { return; //a primitive type most likely } Element element = tree != null ? tree.element( "attributes" ) : null; //put entity.attributes elements if ( element != null ) { //precompute the list of properties //TODO is it really useful... Set<String> properties = new HashSet<>(); for ( Field field : clazz.getFields() ) { properties.add( field.getName() ); } for ( Method method : clazz.getMethods() ) { String name = method.getName(); if ( name.startsWith( "get" ) ) { properties.add( Introspector.decapitalize( name.substring( "get".length() ) ) ); } else if ( name.startsWith( "is" ) ) { properties.add( Introspector.decapitalize( name.substring( "is".length() ) ) ); } } for ( Element subelement : (List<Element>) element.elements() ) { String propertyName = subelement.attributeValue( "name" ); if ( !properties.contains( propertyName ) ) { LOG.propertyNotFound( StringHelper.qualify( className, propertyName ) ); } } } }
Adds annotation to the list (only if it's not null) and then returns it.
  • annotationList – The list of annotations.
  • annotation – The annotation to add to the list.
Returns:The annotation which was added to the list or null.
/** * Adds {@code annotation} to the list (only if it's not null) and then returns it. * * @param annotationList The list of annotations. * @param annotation The annotation to add to the list. * * @return The annotation which was added to the list or {@code null}. */
private Annotation addIfNotNull(List<Annotation> annotationList, Annotation annotation) { if ( annotation != null ) { annotationList.add( annotation ); } return annotation; } //TODO mutualize the next 2 methods private Annotation getTableGenerator(List<Element> elementsForProperty, XMLContext.Default defaults) { for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) { Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( annotationToXml.get( TableGenerator.class ) ) : null; if ( subelement != null ) { return buildTableGeneratorAnnotation( subelement, defaults ); } } if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { return getPhysicalAnnotation( TableGenerator.class ); } else { return null; } } private Annotation getSequenceGenerator(List<Element> elementsForProperty, XMLContext.Default defaults) { for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) { Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( annotationToXml.get( SequenceGenerator.class ) ) : null; if ( subelement != null ) { return buildSequenceGeneratorAnnotation( subelement ); } } if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { return getPhysicalAnnotation( SequenceGenerator.class ); } else { return null; } } private void processEventAnnotations(List<Annotation> annotationList, XMLContext.Default defaults) { boolean eventElement = false; for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) { String elementName = element.getName(); if ( "pre-persist".equals( elementName ) ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PrePersist.class ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); eventElement = true; } else if ( "pre-remove".equals( elementName ) ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PreRemove.class ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); eventElement = true; } else if ( "pre-update".equals( elementName ) ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PreUpdate.class ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); eventElement = true; } else if ( "post-persist".equals( elementName ) ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PostPersist.class ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); eventElement = true; } else if ( "post-remove".equals( elementName ) ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PostRemove.class ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); eventElement = true; } else if ( "post-update".equals( elementName ) ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PostUpdate.class ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); eventElement = true; } else if ( "post-load".equals( elementName ) ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PostLoad.class ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); eventElement = true; } } if ( !eventElement && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { Annotation ann = getPhysicalAnnotation( PrePersist.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, ann ); ann = getPhysicalAnnotation( PreRemove.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, ann ); ann = getPhysicalAnnotation( PreUpdate.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, ann ); ann = getPhysicalAnnotation( PostPersist.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, ann ); ann = getPhysicalAnnotation( PostRemove.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, ann ); ann = getPhysicalAnnotation( PostUpdate.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, ann ); ann = getPhysicalAnnotation( PostLoad.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, ann ); } } private EntityListeners getEntityListeners(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { Element element = tree != null ? tree.element( "entity-listeners" ) : null; if ( element != null ) { List<Class> entityListenerClasses = new ArrayList<>(); for ( Element subelement : (List<Element>) element.elements( "entity-listener" ) ) { String className = subelement.attributeValue( "class" ); try { entityListenerClasses.add( classLoaderAccess.classForName( XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( className, defaults ) ) ); } catch ( ClassLoadingException e ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to find " + element.getPath() + ".class: " + className, e ); } } AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( EntityListeners.class ); ad.setValue( "value", entityListenerClasses.toArray( new Class[entityListenerClasses.size()] ) ); return AnnotationFactory.create( ad ); } else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { return getPhysicalAnnotation( EntityListeners.class ); } else { return null; } } private JoinTable overridesDefaultsInJoinTable(Annotation annotation, XMLContext.Default defaults) { //no element but might have some default or some annotation boolean defaultToJoinTable = !( isPhysicalAnnotationPresent( JoinColumn.class ) || isPhysicalAnnotationPresent( JoinColumns.class ) ); final Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass = annotation.annotationType(); defaultToJoinTable = defaultToJoinTable && ( ( annotationClass == ManyToMany.class && StringHelper.isEmpty( ( (ManyToMany) annotation ).mappedBy() ) ) || ( annotationClass == OneToMany.class && StringHelper.isEmpty( ( (OneToMany) annotation ).mappedBy() ) ) || ( annotationClass == ElementCollection.class ) ); final Class<JoinTable> annotationType = JoinTable.class; if ( defaultToJoinTable && ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) || StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( annotationType ); if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { JoinTable table = getPhysicalAnnotation( annotationType ); if ( table != null ) { ad.setValue( "name", table.name() ); ad.setValue( "schema", table.schema() ); ad.setValue( "catalog", table.catalog() ); ad.setValue( "uniqueConstraints", table.uniqueConstraints() ); ad.setValue( "joinColumns", table.joinColumns() ); ad.setValue( "inverseJoinColumns", table.inverseJoinColumns() ); } } if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) ad.valueOf( "schema" ) ) && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) { ad.setValue( "schema", defaults.getSchema() ); } if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) ad.valueOf( "catalog" ) ) && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) ) { ad.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() ); } return AnnotationFactory.create( ad ); } else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { return getPhysicalAnnotation( annotationType ); } else { return null; } } private Annotation overridesDefaultCascadePersist(Annotation annotation, XMLContext.Default defaults) { if ( Boolean.TRUE.equals( defaults.getCascadePersist() ) ) { final Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType = annotation.annotationType(); if ( annotationType == ManyToOne.class ) { ManyToOne manyToOne = (ManyToOne) annotation; List<CascadeType> cascades = new ArrayList<>( Arrays.asList( manyToOne.cascade() ) ); if ( !cascades.contains( CascadeType.ALL ) && !cascades.contains( CascadeType.PERSIST ) ) { cascades.add( CascadeType.PERSIST ); } else { return annotation; } AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( annotationType ); ad.setValue( "cascade", cascades.toArray( new CascadeType[] {} ) ); ad.setValue( "targetEntity", manyToOne.targetEntity() ); ad.setValue( "fetch", manyToOne.fetch() ); ad.setValue( "optional", manyToOne.optional() ); return AnnotationFactory.create( ad ); } else if ( annotationType == OneToOne.class ) { OneToOne oneToOne = (OneToOne) annotation; List<CascadeType> cascades = new ArrayList<>( Arrays.asList( oneToOne.cascade() ) ); if ( !cascades.contains( CascadeType.ALL ) && !cascades.contains( CascadeType.PERSIST ) ) { cascades.add( CascadeType.PERSIST ); } else { return annotation; } AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( annotationType ); ad.setValue( "cascade", cascades.toArray( new CascadeType[] {} ) ); ad.setValue( "targetEntity", oneToOne.targetEntity() ); ad.setValue( "fetch", oneToOne.fetch() ); ad.setValue( "optional", oneToOne.optional() ); ad.setValue( "mappedBy", oneToOne.mappedBy() ); ad.setValue( "orphanRemoval", oneToOne.orphanRemoval() ); return AnnotationFactory.create( ad ); } } return annotation; } private void getJoinTable(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { addIfNotNull( annotationList, buildJoinTable( tree, defaults ) ); } /* * no partial overriding possible */ private JoinTable buildJoinTable(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { Element subelement = tree == null ? null : tree.element( "join-table" ); final Class<JoinTable> annotationType = JoinTable.class; if ( subelement == null ) { return null; } //ignore java annotation, an element is defined AnnotationDescriptor annotation = new AnnotationDescriptor( annotationType ); copyStringAttribute( annotation, subelement, "name", false ); copyStringAttribute( annotation, subelement, "catalog", false ); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "catalog" ) ) ) { annotation.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() ); } copyStringAttribute( annotation, subelement, "schema", false ); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "schema" ) ) ) { annotation.setValue( "schema", defaults.getSchema() ); } buildUniqueConstraints( annotation, subelement ); buildIndex( annotation, subelement ); annotation.setValue( "joinColumns", getJoinColumns( subelement, false ) ); annotation.setValue( "inverseJoinColumns", getJoinColumns( subelement, true ) ); return AnnotationFactory.create( annotation ); }
As per section 12.2 of the JPA 2.0 specification, the association subelements (many-to-one, one-to-many, one-to-one, many-to-many, element-collection) completely override the mapping for the specified field or property. Thus, any methods which might in some contexts merge with annotations must not do so in this context.
See Also:
  • getElementCollection(List, Default)
/** * As per section 12.2 of the JPA 2.0 specification, the association * subelements (many-to-one, one-to-many, one-to-one, many-to-many, * element-collection) completely override the mapping for the specified * field or property. Thus, any methods which might in some contexts merge * with annotations must not do so in this context. * * @see #getElementCollection(List, org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.reflection.XMLContext.Default) */
private void getAssociation( Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType, List<Annotation> annotationList, XMLContext.Default defaults ) { String xmlName = annotationToXml.get( annotationType ); for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) { if ( xmlName.equals( element.getName() ) ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( annotationType ); addTargetClass( element, ad, "target-entity", defaults ); getFetchType( ad, element ); getCascades( ad, element, defaults ); getJoinTable( annotationList, element, defaults ); buildJoinColumns( annotationList, element ); Annotation annotation = getPrimaryKeyJoinColumns( element, defaults, false ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); copyBooleanAttribute( ad, element, "optional" ); copyBooleanAttribute( ad, element, "orphan-removal" ); copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "mapped-by", false ); getOrderBy( annotationList, element ); getMapKey( annotationList, element ); getMapKeyClass( annotationList, element, defaults ); getMapKeyColumn( annotationList, element ); getOrderColumn( annotationList, element ); getMapKeyTemporal( annotationList, element ); getMapKeyEnumerated( annotationList, element ); annotation = getMapKeyAttributeOverrides( element, defaults ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); buildMapKeyJoinColumns( annotationList, element ); getAssociationId( annotationList, element ); getMapsId( annotationList, element ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); getAccessType( annotationList, element ); } } if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { Annotation annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( annotationType ); if ( annotation != null ) { annotation = overridesDefaultCascadePersist( annotation, defaults ); annotationList.add( annotation ); annotation = overridesDefaultsInJoinTable( annotation, defaults ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( JoinColumn.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( JoinColumns.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( PrimaryKeyJoinColumn.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( PrimaryKeyJoinColumns.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( MapKey.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( OrderBy.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AttributeOverride.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AttributeOverrides.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AssociationOverride.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AssociationOverrides.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Lob.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Enumerated.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Temporal.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Column.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Columns.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( MapKeyClass.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( MapKeyTemporal.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( MapKeyEnumerated.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( MapKeyColumn.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( MapKeyJoinColumn.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( MapKeyJoinColumns.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( OrderColumn.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Cascade.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); } else if ( isPhysicalAnnotationPresent( ElementCollection.class ) ) { //JPA2 annotation = overridesDefaultsInJoinTable( getPhysicalAnnotation( ElementCollection.class ), defaults ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( MapKey.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( OrderBy.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AttributeOverride.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AttributeOverrides.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AssociationOverride.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AssociationOverrides.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Lob.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Enumerated.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Temporal.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Column.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( OrderColumn.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( MapKeyClass.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( MapKeyTemporal.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( MapKeyEnumerated.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( MapKeyColumn.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( MapKeyJoinColumn.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( MapKeyJoinColumns.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( CollectionTable.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); } } } private void buildMapKeyJoinColumns(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element) { MapKeyJoinColumn[] joinColumns = getMapKeyJoinColumns( element ); if ( joinColumns.length > 0 ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( MapKeyJoinColumns.class ); ad.setValue( "value", joinColumns ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); } } private MapKeyJoinColumn[] getMapKeyJoinColumns(Element element) { List<Element> subelements = element != null ? element.elements( "map-key-join-column" ) : null; List<MapKeyJoinColumn> joinColumns = new ArrayList<>(); if ( subelements != null ) { for ( Element subelement : subelements ) { AnnotationDescriptor column = new AnnotationDescriptor( MapKeyJoinColumn.class ); copyStringAttribute( column, subelement, "name", false ); copyStringAttribute( column, subelement, "referenced-column-name", false ); copyBooleanAttribute( column, subelement, "unique" ); copyBooleanAttribute( column, subelement, "nullable" ); copyBooleanAttribute( column, subelement, "insertable" ); copyBooleanAttribute( column, subelement, "updatable" ); copyStringAttribute( column, subelement, "column-definition", false ); copyStringAttribute( column, subelement, "table", false ); joinColumns.add( AnnotationFactory.create( column ) ); } } return joinColumns.toArray( new MapKeyJoinColumn[joinColumns.size()] ); } private AttributeOverrides getMapKeyAttributeOverrides(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { List<AttributeOverride> attributes = buildAttributeOverrides( tree, "map-key-attribute-override" ); return mergeAttributeOverrides( defaults, attributes, false ); } private Cacheable getCacheable(Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults){ if ( element != null ) { String attValue = element.attributeValue( "cacheable" ); if ( attValue != null ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( Cacheable.class ); ad.setValue( "value", Boolean.valueOf( attValue ) ); return AnnotationFactory.create( ad ); } } if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { return getPhysicalAnnotation( Cacheable.class ); } else { return null; } }
Adds a @MapKeyEnumerated annotation to the specified annotationList if the specified element contains a map-key-enumerated sub-element. This should only be the case for element-collection, many-to-many, or one-to-many associations.
/** * Adds a @MapKeyEnumerated annotation to the specified annotationList if the specified element * contains a map-key-enumerated sub-element. This should only be the case for * element-collection, many-to-many, or one-to-many associations. */
private void getMapKeyEnumerated(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element) { Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( "map-key-enumerated" ) : null; if ( subelement != null ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( MapKeyEnumerated.class ); EnumType value = EnumType.valueOf( subelement.getTextTrim() ); ad.setValue( "value", value ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); } }
Adds a @MapKeyTemporal annotation to the specified annotationList if the specified element contains a map-key-temporal sub-element. This should only be the case for element-collection, many-to-many, or one-to-many associations.
/** * Adds a @MapKeyTemporal annotation to the specified annotationList if the specified element * contains a map-key-temporal sub-element. This should only be the case for element-collection, * many-to-many, or one-to-many associations. */
private void getMapKeyTemporal(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element) { Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( "map-key-temporal" ) : null; if ( subelement != null ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( MapKeyTemporal.class ); TemporalType value = TemporalType.valueOf( subelement.getTextTrim() ); ad.setValue( "value", value ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); } }
Adds an @OrderColumn annotation to the specified annotationList if the specified element contains an order-column sub-element. This should only be the case for element-collection, many-to-many, or one-to-many associations.
/** * Adds an @OrderColumn annotation to the specified annotationList if the specified element * contains an order-column sub-element. This should only be the case for element-collection, * many-to-many, or one-to-many associations. */
private void getOrderColumn(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element) { Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( "order-column" ) : null; if ( subelement != null ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( OrderColumn.class ); copyStringAttribute( ad, subelement, "name", false ); copyBooleanAttribute( ad, subelement, "nullable" ); copyBooleanAttribute( ad, subelement, "insertable" ); copyBooleanAttribute( ad, subelement, "updatable" ); copyStringAttribute( ad, subelement, "column-definition", false ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); } }
Adds a @MapsId annotation to the specified annotationList if the specified element has the maps-id attribute set. This should only be the case for many-to-one or one-to-one associations.
/** * Adds a @MapsId annotation to the specified annotationList if the specified element has the * maps-id attribute set. This should only be the case for many-to-one or one-to-one * associations. */
private void getMapsId(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element) { String attrVal = element.attributeValue( "maps-id" ); if ( attrVal != null ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( MapsId.class ); ad.setValue( "value", attrVal ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); } }
Adds an @Id annotation to the specified annotationList if the specified element has the id attribute set to true. This should only be the case for many-to-one or one-to-one associations.
/** * Adds an @Id annotation to the specified annotationList if the specified element has the id * attribute set to true. This should only be the case for many-to-one or one-to-one * associations. */
private void getAssociationId(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element) { String attrVal = element.attributeValue( "id" ); if ( "true".equals( attrVal ) ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( Id.class ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); } } private void addTargetClass(Element element, AnnotationDescriptor ad, String nodeName, XMLContext.Default defaults) { String className = element.attributeValue( nodeName ); if ( className != null ) { Class clazz; try { clazz = classLoaderAccess.classForName( XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( className, defaults ) ); } catch ( ClassLoadingException e ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to find " + element.getPath() + " " + nodeName + ": " + className, e ); } ad.setValue( getJavaAttributeNameFromXMLOne( nodeName ), clazz ); } }
As per sections, and of the JPA 2.0 specification, the element-collection subelement completely overrides the mapping for the specified field or property. Thus, any methods which might in some contexts merge with annotations must not do so in this context.
/** * As per sections, and of the JPA 2.0 * specification, the element-collection subelement completely overrides the * mapping for the specified field or property. Thus, any methods which * might in some contexts merge with annotations must not do so in this * context. */
private void getElementCollection(List<Annotation> annotationList, XMLContext.Default defaults) { for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) { if ( "element-collection".equals( element.getName() ) ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( ElementCollection.class ); addTargetClass( element, ad, "target-class", defaults ); getFetchType( ad, element ); getOrderBy( annotationList, element ); getOrderColumn( annotationList, element ); getMapKey( annotationList, element ); getMapKeyClass( annotationList, element, defaults ); getMapKeyTemporal( annotationList, element ); getMapKeyEnumerated( annotationList, element ); getMapKeyColumn( annotationList, element ); buildMapKeyJoinColumns( annotationList, element ); Annotation annotation = getColumn( element.element( "column" ), false, element ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); getTemporal( annotationList, element ); getEnumerated( annotationList, element ); getLob( annotationList, element ); //Both map-key-attribute-overrides and attribute-overrides //translate into AttributeOverride annotations, which need //need to be wrapped in the same AttributeOverrides annotation. List<AttributeOverride> attributes = new ArrayList<>(); attributes.addAll( buildAttributeOverrides( element, "map-key-attribute-override" ) ); attributes.addAll( buildAttributeOverrides( element, "attribute-override" ) ); annotation = mergeAttributeOverrides( defaults, attributes, false ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getAssociationOverrides( element, defaults, false ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); getCollectionTable( annotationList, element, defaults ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); getAccessType( annotationList, element ); } } } private void getOrderBy(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element) { Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( "order-by" ) : null; if ( subelement != null ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( OrderBy.class ); copyStringElement( subelement, ad, "value" ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); } } private void getMapKey(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element) { Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( "map-key" ) : null; if ( subelement != null ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( MapKey.class ); copyStringAttribute( ad, subelement, "name", false ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); } } private void getMapKeyColumn(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element) { Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( "map-key-column" ) : null; if ( subelement != null ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( MapKeyColumn.class ); copyStringAttribute( ad, subelement, "name", false ); copyBooleanAttribute( ad, subelement, "unique" ); copyBooleanAttribute( ad, subelement, "nullable" ); copyBooleanAttribute( ad, subelement, "insertable" ); copyBooleanAttribute( ad, subelement, "updatable" ); copyStringAttribute( ad, subelement, "column-definition", false ); copyStringAttribute( ad, subelement, "table", false ); copyIntegerAttribute( ad, subelement, "length" ); copyIntegerAttribute( ad, subelement, "precision" ); copyIntegerAttribute( ad, subelement, "scale" ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); } } private void getMapKeyClass(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults) { String nodeName = "map-key-class"; Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( nodeName ) : null; if ( subelement != null ) { String mapKeyClassName = subelement.attributeValue( "class" ); AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( MapKeyClass.class ); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( mapKeyClassName ) ) { Class clazz; try { clazz = classLoaderAccess.classForName( XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( mapKeyClassName, defaults ) ); } catch ( ClassLoadingException e ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to find " + element.getPath() + " " + nodeName + ": " + mapKeyClassName, e ); } ad.setValue( "value", clazz ); } annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); } } private void getCollectionTable(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults) { Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( "collection-table" ) : null; if ( subelement != null ) { AnnotationDescriptor annotation = new AnnotationDescriptor( CollectionTable.class ); copyStringAttribute( annotation, subelement, "name", false ); copyStringAttribute( annotation, subelement, "catalog", false ); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "catalog" ) ) ) { annotation.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() ); } copyStringAttribute( annotation, subelement, "schema", false ); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "schema" ) ) ) { annotation.setValue( "schema", defaults.getSchema() ); } JoinColumn[] joinColumns = getJoinColumns( subelement, false ); if ( joinColumns.length > 0 ) { annotation.setValue( "joinColumns", joinColumns ); } buildUniqueConstraints( annotation, subelement ); buildIndex( annotation, subelement ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( annotation ) ); } } private void buildJoinColumns(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element) { JoinColumn[] joinColumns = getJoinColumns( element, false ); if ( joinColumns.length > 0 ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( JoinColumns.class ); ad.setValue( "value", joinColumns ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); } } private void getCascades(AnnotationDescriptor ad, Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults) { List<Element> elements = element != null ? element.elements( "cascade" ) : new ArrayList<>( 0 ); List<CascadeType> cascades = new ArrayList<>(); for ( Element subelement : elements ) { if ( subelement.element( "cascade-all" ) != null ) { cascades.add( CascadeType.ALL ); } if ( subelement.element( "cascade-persist" ) != null ) { cascades.add( CascadeType.PERSIST ); } if ( subelement.element( "cascade-merge" ) != null ) { cascades.add( CascadeType.MERGE ); } if ( subelement.element( "cascade-remove" ) != null ) { cascades.add( CascadeType.REMOVE ); } if ( subelement.element( "cascade-refresh" ) != null ) { cascades.add( CascadeType.REFRESH ); } if ( subelement.element( "cascade-detach" ) != null ) { cascades.add( CascadeType.DETACH ); } } if ( Boolean.TRUE.equals( defaults.getCascadePersist() ) && !cascades.contains( CascadeType.ALL ) && !cascades.contains( CascadeType.PERSIST ) ) { cascades.add( CascadeType.PERSIST ); } if ( cascades.size() > 0 ) { ad.setValue( "cascade", cascades.toArray( new CascadeType[cascades.size()] ) ); } } private void getEmbedded(List<Annotation> annotationList, XMLContext.Default defaults) { for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) { if ( "embedded".equals( element.getName() ) ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( Embedded.class ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); Annotation annotation = getAttributeOverrides( element, defaults, false ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getAssociationOverrides( element, defaults, false ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); getAccessType( annotationList, element ); } } if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { Annotation annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Embedded.class ); if ( annotation != null ) { annotationList.add( annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AttributeOverride.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AttributeOverrides.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AssociationOverride.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AssociationOverrides.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); } } } private Transient getTransient(XMLContext.Default defaults) { for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) { if ( "transient".equals( element.getName() ) ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( Transient.class ); return AnnotationFactory.create( ad ); } } if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { return getPhysicalAnnotation( Transient.class ); } else { return null; } } private void getVersion(List<Annotation> annotationList, XMLContext.Default defaults) { for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) { if ( "version".equals( element.getName() ) ) { Annotation annotation = buildColumns( element ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); getTemporal( annotationList, element ); AnnotationDescriptor basic = new AnnotationDescriptor( Version.class ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( basic ) ); getAccessType( annotationList, element ); } } if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { //we have nothing, so Java annotations might occurs Annotation annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Version.class ); if ( annotation != null ) { annotationList.add( annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Column.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Columns.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Temporal.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); } } } private void getBasic(List<Annotation> annotationList, XMLContext.Default defaults) { for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) { if ( "basic".equals( element.getName() ) ) { Annotation annotation = buildColumns( element ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); getAccessType( annotationList, element ); getTemporal( annotationList, element ); getLob( annotationList, element ); getEnumerated( annotationList, element ); AnnotationDescriptor basic = new AnnotationDescriptor( Basic.class ); getFetchType( basic, element ); copyBooleanAttribute( basic, element, "optional" ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( basic ) ); } } if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { //no annotation presence constraint, basic is the default Annotation annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Basic.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Lob.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Enumerated.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Temporal.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Column.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Columns.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AttributeOverride.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AttributeOverrides.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AssociationOverride.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AssociationOverrides.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); } } private void getEnumerated(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element) { Element subElement = element != null ? element.element( "enumerated" ) : null; if ( subElement != null ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( Enumerated.class ); String enumerated = subElement.getTextTrim(); if ( "ORDINAL".equalsIgnoreCase( enumerated ) ) { ad.setValue( "value", EnumType.ORDINAL ); } else if ( "STRING".equalsIgnoreCase( enumerated ) ) { ad.setValue( "value", EnumType.STRING ); } else if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( enumerated ) ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Unknown EnumType: " + enumerated + ". " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION ); } annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); } } private void getLob(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element) { Element subElement = element != null ? element.element( "lob" ) : null; if ( subElement != null ) { annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( new AnnotationDescriptor( Lob.class ) ) ); } } private void getFetchType(AnnotationDescriptor descriptor, Element element) { String fetchString = element != null ? element.attributeValue( "fetch" ) : null; if ( fetchString != null ) { if ( "eager".equalsIgnoreCase( fetchString ) ) { descriptor.setValue( "fetch", FetchType.EAGER ); } else if ( "lazy".equalsIgnoreCase( fetchString ) ) { descriptor.setValue( "fetch", FetchType.LAZY ); } } } private void getEmbeddedId(List<Annotation> annotationList, XMLContext.Default defaults) { for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) { if ( "embedded-id".equals( element.getName() ) ) { if ( isProcessingId( defaults ) ) { Annotation annotation = getAttributeOverrides( element, defaults, false ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getAssociationOverrides( element, defaults, false ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( EmbeddedId.class ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); getAccessType( annotationList, element ); } } } if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { Annotation annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( EmbeddedId.class ); if ( annotation != null ) { annotationList.add( annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Column.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Columns.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( GeneratedValue.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Temporal.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( TableGenerator.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( SequenceGenerator.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AttributeOverride.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AttributeOverrides.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AssociationOverride.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AssociationOverrides.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); } } } private void preCalculateElementsForProperty(Element tree) { elementsForProperty = new ArrayList<>(); Element element = tree != null ? tree.element( "attributes" ) : null; //put entity.attributes elements if ( element != null ) { for ( Element subelement : (List<Element>) element.elements() ) { if ( propertyName.equals( subelement.attributeValue( "name" ) ) ) { elementsForProperty.add( subelement ); } } } //add pre-* etc from entity and pure entity listener classes if ( tree != null ) { for ( Element subelement : (List<Element>) tree.elements() ) { if ( propertyName.equals( subelement.attributeValue( "method-name" ) ) ) { elementsForProperty.add( subelement ); } } } } private void getId(List<Annotation> annotationList, XMLContext.Default defaults) { for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) { if ( "id".equals( element.getName() ) ) { boolean processId = isProcessingId( defaults ); if ( processId ) { Annotation annotation = buildColumns( element ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = buildGeneratedValue( element ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); getTemporal( annotationList, element ); //FIXME: fix the priority of xml over java for generator names annotation = getTableGenerator( element, defaults ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getSequenceGenerator( element, defaults ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); AnnotationDescriptor id = new AnnotationDescriptor( Id.class ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( id ) ); getAccessType( annotationList, element ); } } } if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { Annotation annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Id.class ); if ( annotation != null ) { annotationList.add( annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Column.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Columns.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( GeneratedValue.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( Temporal.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( TableGenerator.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( SequenceGenerator.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AttributeOverride.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AttributeOverrides.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AssociationOverride.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AssociationOverrides.class ); addIfNotNull( annotationList, annotation ); } } } private boolean isProcessingId(XMLContext.Default defaults) { boolean isExplicit = defaults.getAccess() != null; boolean correctAccess = ( PropertyType.PROPERTY.equals( propertyType ) && AccessType.PROPERTY.equals( defaults.getAccess() ) ) || ( PropertyType.FIELD.equals( propertyType ) && AccessType.FIELD .equals( defaults.getAccess() ) ); boolean hasId = defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() && ( isPhysicalAnnotationPresent( Id.class ) || isPhysicalAnnotationPresent( EmbeddedId.class ) ); //if ( properAccessOnMetadataComplete || properOverridingOnMetadataNonComplete ) { boolean mirrorAttributeIsId = defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() && ( mirroredAttribute != null && ( mirroredAttribute.isAnnotationPresent( Id.class ) || mirroredAttribute.isAnnotationPresent( EmbeddedId.class ) ) ); boolean propertyIsDefault = PropertyType.PROPERTY.equals( propertyType ) && !mirrorAttributeIsId; return correctAccess || ( !isExplicit && hasId ) || ( !isExplicit && propertyIsDefault ); } private Columns buildColumns(Element element) { List<Element> subelements = element.elements( "column" ); List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<>( subelements.size() ); for ( Element subelement : subelements ) { columns.add( getColumn( subelement, false, element ) ); } if ( columns.size() > 0 ) { AnnotationDescriptor columnsDescr = new AnnotationDescriptor( Columns.class ); columnsDescr.setValue( "columns", columns.toArray( new Column[columns.size()] ) ); return AnnotationFactory.create( columnsDescr ); } else { return null; } } private GeneratedValue buildGeneratedValue(Element element) { Element subElement = element != null ? element.element( "generated-value" ) : null; if ( subElement != null ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( GeneratedValue.class ); String strategy = subElement.attributeValue( "strategy" ); if ( "TABLE".equalsIgnoreCase( strategy ) ) { ad.setValue( "strategy", GenerationType.TABLE ); } else if ( "SEQUENCE".equalsIgnoreCase( strategy ) ) { ad.setValue( "strategy", GenerationType.SEQUENCE ); } else if ( "IDENTITY".equalsIgnoreCase( strategy ) ) { ad.setValue( "strategy", GenerationType.IDENTITY ); } else if ( "AUTO".equalsIgnoreCase( strategy ) ) { ad.setValue( "strategy", GenerationType.AUTO ); } else if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( strategy ) ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Unknown GenerationType: " + strategy + ". " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION ); } copyStringAttribute( ad, subElement, "generator", false ); return AnnotationFactory.create( ad ); } else { return null; } } private void getTemporal(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element) { Element subElement = element != null ? element.element( "temporal" ) : null; if ( subElement != null ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( Temporal.class ); String temporal = subElement.getTextTrim(); if ( "DATE".equalsIgnoreCase( temporal ) ) { ad.setValue( "value", TemporalType.DATE ); } else if ( "TIME".equalsIgnoreCase( temporal ) ) { ad.setValue( "value", TemporalType.TIME ); } else if ( "TIMESTAMP".equalsIgnoreCase( temporal ) ) { ad.setValue( "value", TemporalType.TIMESTAMP ); } else if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( temporal ) ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Unknown TemporalType: " + temporal + ". " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION ); } annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); } } private void getAccessType(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element) { if ( element == null ) { return; } String access = element.attributeValue( "access" ); if ( access != null ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( Access.class ); AccessType type; try { type = AccessType.valueOf( access ); } catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) { throw new AnnotationException( access + " is not a valid access type. Check you xml confguration." ); } if ( ( AccessType.PROPERTY.equals( type ) && this.element instanceof Method ) || ( AccessType.FIELD.equals( type ) && this.element instanceof Field ) ) { return; } ad.setValue( "value", type ); annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) ); } }
  • mergeWithAnnotations – Whether to use Java annotations for this element, if present and not disabled by the XMLContext defaults. In some contexts (such as an element-collection mapping) merging with annotations is never allowed.
/** * @param mergeWithAnnotations Whether to use Java annotations for this * element, if present and not disabled by the XMLContext defaults. * In some contexts (such as an element-collection mapping) merging * with annotations is never allowed. */
private AssociationOverrides getAssociationOverrides(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults, boolean mergeWithAnnotations) { List<AssociationOverride> attributes = buildAssociationOverrides( tree, defaults ); if ( mergeWithAnnotations && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { AssociationOverride annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AssociationOverride.class ); addAssociationOverrideIfNeeded( annotation, attributes ); AssociationOverrides annotations = getPhysicalAnnotation( AssociationOverrides.class ); if ( annotations != null ) { for ( AssociationOverride current : annotations.value() ) { addAssociationOverrideIfNeeded( current, attributes ); } } } if ( attributes.size() > 0 ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( AssociationOverrides.class ); ad.setValue( "value", attributes.toArray( new AssociationOverride[attributes.size()] ) ); return AnnotationFactory.create( ad ); } else { return null; } } private List<AssociationOverride> buildAssociationOverrides(Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults) { List<Element> subelements = element == null ? null : element.elements( "association-override" ); List<AssociationOverride> overrides = new ArrayList<>(); if ( subelements != null && subelements.size() > 0 ) { for ( Element current : subelements ) { AnnotationDescriptor override = new AnnotationDescriptor( AssociationOverride.class ); copyStringAttribute( override, current, "name", true ); override.setValue( "joinColumns", getJoinColumns( current, false ) ); JoinTable joinTable = buildJoinTable( current, defaults ); if ( joinTable != null ) { override.setValue( "joinTable", joinTable ); } overrides.add( AnnotationFactory.create( override ) ); } } return overrides; } private JoinColumn[] getJoinColumns(Element element, boolean isInverse) { List<Element> subelements = element != null ? element.elements( isInverse ? "inverse-join-column" : "join-column" ) : null; List<JoinColumn> joinColumns = new ArrayList<>(); if ( subelements != null ) { for ( Element subelement : subelements ) { AnnotationDescriptor column = new AnnotationDescriptor( JoinColumn.class ); copyStringAttribute( column, subelement, "name", false ); copyStringAttribute( column, subelement, "referenced-column-name", false ); copyBooleanAttribute( column, subelement, "unique" ); copyBooleanAttribute( column, subelement, "nullable" ); copyBooleanAttribute( column, subelement, "insertable" ); copyBooleanAttribute( column, subelement, "updatable" ); copyStringAttribute( column, subelement, "column-definition", false ); copyStringAttribute( column, subelement, "table", false ); joinColumns.add( AnnotationFactory.create( column ) ); } } return joinColumns.toArray( new JoinColumn[joinColumns.size()] ); } private void addAssociationOverrideIfNeeded(AssociationOverride annotation, List<AssociationOverride> overrides) { if ( annotation != null ) { String overrideName = annotation.name(); boolean present = false; for ( AssociationOverride current : overrides ) { if ( current.name().equals( overrideName ) ) { present = true; break; } } if ( !present ) { overrides.add( annotation ); } } }
  • mergeWithAnnotations – Whether to use Java annotations for this element, if present and not disabled by the XMLContext defaults. In some contexts (such as an association mapping) merging with annotations is never allowed.
/** * @param mergeWithAnnotations Whether to use Java annotations for this * element, if present and not disabled by the XMLContext defaults. * In some contexts (such as an association mapping) merging with * annotations is never allowed. */
private AttributeOverrides getAttributeOverrides(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults, boolean mergeWithAnnotations) { List<AttributeOverride> attributes = buildAttributeOverrides( tree, "attribute-override" ); return mergeAttributeOverrides( defaults, attributes, mergeWithAnnotations ); }
  • mergeWithAnnotations – Whether to use Java annotations for this element, if present and not disabled by the XMLContext defaults. In some contexts (such as an association mapping) merging with annotations is never allowed.
/** * @param mergeWithAnnotations Whether to use Java annotations for this * element, if present and not disabled by the XMLContext defaults. * In some contexts (such as an association mapping) merging with * annotations is never allowed. */
private AttributeOverrides mergeAttributeOverrides(XMLContext.Default defaults, List<AttributeOverride> attributes, boolean mergeWithAnnotations) { if ( mergeWithAnnotations && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { AttributeOverride annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( AttributeOverride.class ); addAttributeOverrideIfNeeded( annotation, attributes ); AttributeOverrides annotations = getPhysicalAnnotation( AttributeOverrides.class ); if ( annotations != null ) { for ( AttributeOverride current : annotations.value() ) { addAttributeOverrideIfNeeded( current, attributes ); } } } if ( attributes.size() > 0 ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( AttributeOverrides.class ); ad.setValue( "value", attributes.toArray( new AttributeOverride[attributes.size()] ) ); return AnnotationFactory.create( ad ); } else { return null; } } private List<AttributeOverride> buildAttributeOverrides(Element element, String nodeName) { List<Element> subelements = element == null ? null : element.elements( nodeName ); return buildAttributeOverrides( subelements, nodeName ); } private List<AttributeOverride> buildAttributeOverrides(List<Element> subelements, String nodeName) { List<AttributeOverride> overrides = new ArrayList<>(); if ( subelements != null && subelements.size() > 0 ) { for ( Element current : subelements ) { if ( !current.getName().equals( nodeName ) ) { continue; } AnnotationDescriptor override = new AnnotationDescriptor( AttributeOverride.class ); copyStringAttribute( override, current, "name", true ); Element column = current.element( "column" ); override.setValue( "column", getColumn( column, true, current ) ); overrides.add( AnnotationFactory.create( override ) ); } } return overrides; } private Column getColumn(Element element, boolean isMandatory, Element current) { //Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( "column" ) : null; if ( element != null ) { AnnotationDescriptor column = new AnnotationDescriptor( Column.class ); copyStringAttribute( column, element, "name", false ); copyBooleanAttribute( column, element, "unique" ); copyBooleanAttribute( column, element, "nullable" ); copyBooleanAttribute( column, element, "insertable" ); copyBooleanAttribute( column, element, "updatable" ); copyStringAttribute( column, element, "column-definition", false ); copyStringAttribute( column, element, "table", false ); copyIntegerAttribute( column, element, "length" ); copyIntegerAttribute( column, element, "precision" ); copyIntegerAttribute( column, element, "scale" ); return (Column) AnnotationFactory.create( column ); } else { if ( isMandatory ) { throw new AnnotationException( current.getPath() + ".column is mandatory. " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION ); } return null; } } private void addAttributeOverrideIfNeeded(AttributeOverride annotation, List<AttributeOverride> overrides) { if ( annotation != null ) { String overrideName = annotation.name(); boolean present = false; for ( AttributeOverride current : overrides ) { if ( current.name().equals( overrideName ) ) { present = true; break; } } if ( !present ) { overrides.add( annotation ); } } } private Access getAccessType(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { String access = tree == null ? null : tree.attributeValue( "access" ); if ( access != null ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( Access.class ); AccessType type; try { type = AccessType.valueOf( access ); } catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) { throw new AnnotationException( access + " is not a valid access type. Check you xml confguration." ); } ad.setValue( "value", type ); return AnnotationFactory.create( ad ); } else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() && isPhysicalAnnotationPresent( Access.class ) ) { return getPhysicalAnnotation( Access.class ); } else if ( defaults.getAccess() != null ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( Access.class ); ad.setValue( "value", defaults.getAccess() ); return AnnotationFactory.create( ad ); } else { return null; } } private ExcludeSuperclassListeners getExcludeSuperclassListeners(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { return (ExcludeSuperclassListeners) getMarkerAnnotation( ExcludeSuperclassListeners.class, tree, defaults ); } private ExcludeDefaultListeners getExcludeDefaultListeners(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { return (ExcludeDefaultListeners) getMarkerAnnotation( ExcludeDefaultListeners.class, tree, defaults ); } private Annotation getMarkerAnnotation( Class<? extends Annotation> clazz, Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults ) { Element subelement = element == null ? null : element.element( annotationToXml.get( clazz ) ); if ( subelement != null ) { return AnnotationFactory.create( new AnnotationDescriptor( clazz ) ); } else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { //TODO wonder whether it should be excluded so that user can undone it return getPhysicalAnnotation( clazz ); } else { return null; } } private SqlResultSetMappings getSqlResultSetMappings(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { List<SqlResultSetMapping> results = buildSqlResultsetMappings( tree, defaults, classLoaderAccess ); if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { SqlResultSetMapping annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( SqlResultSetMapping.class ); addSqlResultsetMappingIfNeeded( annotation, results ); SqlResultSetMappings annotations = getPhysicalAnnotation( SqlResultSetMappings.class ); if ( annotations != null ) { for ( SqlResultSetMapping current : annotations.value() ) { addSqlResultsetMappingIfNeeded( current, results ); } } } if ( results.size() > 0 ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( SqlResultSetMappings.class ); ad.setValue( "value", results.toArray( new SqlResultSetMapping[results.size()] ) ); return AnnotationFactory.create( ad ); } else { return null; } } public static List<NamedEntityGraph> buildNamedEntityGraph( Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults, ClassLoaderAccess classLoaderAccess) { if ( element == null ) { return new ArrayList<>(); } List<NamedEntityGraph> namedEntityGraphList = new ArrayList<>(); List<Element> namedEntityGraphElements = element.elements( "named-entity-graph" ); for ( Element subElement : namedEntityGraphElements ) { AnnotationDescriptor ann = new AnnotationDescriptor( NamedEntityGraph.class ); copyStringAttribute( ann, subElement, "name", false ); copyBooleanAttribute( ann, subElement, "include-all-attributes" ); bindNamedAttributeNodes( subElement, ann ); List<Element> subgraphNodes = subElement.elements( "subgraph" ); List<Element> subclassSubgraphNodes = subElement.elements( "subclass-subgraph" ); if(!subclassSubgraphNodes.isEmpty()) { subgraphNodes.addAll( subclassSubgraphNodes ); } bindNamedSubgraph( defaults, ann, subgraphNodes, classLoaderAccess ); namedEntityGraphList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ann ) ); } //TODO return namedEntityGraphList; } private static void bindNamedSubgraph( XMLContext.Default defaults, AnnotationDescriptor ann, List<Element> subgraphNodes, ClassLoaderAccess classLoaderAccess) { List<NamedSubgraph> annSubgraphNodes = new ArrayList<>( ); for(Element subgraphNode : subgraphNodes){ AnnotationDescriptor annSubgraphNode = new AnnotationDescriptor( NamedSubgraph.class ); copyStringAttribute( annSubgraphNode, subgraphNode, "name", true ); String clazzName = subgraphNode.attributeValue( "class" ); Class clazz; try { clazz = classLoaderAccess.classForName( XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( clazzName, defaults ) ); } catch ( ClassLoadingException e ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to find entity-class: " + clazzName, e ); } annSubgraphNode.setValue( "type", clazz ); bindNamedAttributeNodes(subgraphNode, annSubgraphNode); annSubgraphNodes.add( AnnotationFactory.create( annSubgraphNode ) ); } ann.setValue( "subgraphs", annSubgraphNodes.toArray( new NamedSubgraph[annSubgraphNodes.size()] ) ); } private static void bindNamedAttributeNodes(Element subElement, AnnotationDescriptor ann) { List<Element> namedAttributeNodes = subElement.elements("named-attribute-node"); List<NamedAttributeNode> annNamedAttributeNodes = new ArrayList<>( ); for(Element namedAttributeNode : namedAttributeNodes){ AnnotationDescriptor annNamedAttributeNode = new AnnotationDescriptor( NamedAttributeNode.class ); copyStringAttribute( annNamedAttributeNode, namedAttributeNode, "value", "name", true ); copyStringAttribute( annNamedAttributeNode, namedAttributeNode, "subgraph", false ); copyStringAttribute( annNamedAttributeNode, namedAttributeNode, "key-subgraph", false ); annNamedAttributeNodes.add( AnnotationFactory.create( annNamedAttributeNode ) ); } ann.setValue( "attributeNodes", annNamedAttributeNodes.toArray( new NamedAttributeNode[annNamedAttributeNodes.size()] ) ); } public static List<NamedStoredProcedureQuery> buildNamedStoreProcedureQueries( Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults, ClassLoaderAccess classLoaderAccess) { if ( element == null ) { return new ArrayList<>(); } List namedStoredProcedureElements = element.elements( "named-stored-procedure-query" ); List<NamedStoredProcedureQuery> namedStoredProcedureQueries = new ArrayList<>(); for ( Object obj : namedStoredProcedureElements ) { Element subElement = (Element) obj; AnnotationDescriptor ann = new AnnotationDescriptor( NamedStoredProcedureQuery.class ); copyStringAttribute( ann, subElement, "name", true ); copyStringAttribute( ann, subElement, "procedure-name", true ); List<Element> elements = subElement.elements( "parameter" ); List<StoredProcedureParameter> storedProcedureParameters = new ArrayList<>(); for ( Element parameterElement : elements ) { AnnotationDescriptor parameterDescriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( StoredProcedureParameter.class ); copyStringAttribute( parameterDescriptor, parameterElement, "name", false ); String modeValue = parameterElement.attributeValue( "mode" ); if ( modeValue == null ) { parameterDescriptor.setValue( "mode", ParameterMode.IN ); } else { parameterDescriptor.setValue( "mode", ParameterMode.valueOf( modeValue.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT) ) ); } String clazzName = parameterElement.attributeValue( "class" ); Class clazz; try { clazz = classLoaderAccess.classForName( XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( clazzName, defaults ) ); } catch ( ClassLoadingException e ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to find entity-class: " + clazzName, e ); } parameterDescriptor.setValue( "type", clazz ); storedProcedureParameters.add( AnnotationFactory.create( parameterDescriptor ) ); } ann.setValue( "parameters", storedProcedureParameters.toArray( new StoredProcedureParameter[storedProcedureParameters.size()] ) ); elements = subElement.elements( "result-class" ); List<Class> returnClasses = new ArrayList<>(); for ( Element classElement : elements ) { String clazzName = classElement.getTextTrim(); Class clazz; try { clazz = classLoaderAccess.classForName( XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( clazzName, defaults ) ); } catch ( ClassLoadingException e ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to find entity-class: " + clazzName, e ); } returnClasses.add( clazz ); } ann.setValue( "resultClasses", returnClasses.toArray( new Class[returnClasses.size()] ) ); elements = subElement.elements( "result-set-mapping" ); List<String> resultSetMappings = new ArrayList<>(); for ( Element resultSetMappingElement : elements ) { resultSetMappings.add( resultSetMappingElement.getTextTrim() ); } ann.setValue( "resultSetMappings", resultSetMappings.toArray( new String[resultSetMappings.size()] ) ); elements = subElement.elements( "hint" ); buildQueryHints( elements, ann ); namedStoredProcedureQueries.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ann ) ); } return namedStoredProcedureQueries; } public static List<SqlResultSetMapping> buildSqlResultsetMappings( Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults, ClassLoaderAccess classLoaderAccess) { final List<SqlResultSetMapping> builtResultSetMappings = new ArrayList<>(); if ( element == null ) { return builtResultSetMappings; } // iterate over each <sql-result-set-mapping/> element for ( Object resultSetMappingElementObject : element.elements( "sql-result-set-mapping" ) ) { final Element resultSetMappingElement = (Element) resultSetMappingElementObject; final AnnotationDescriptor resultSetMappingAnnotation = new AnnotationDescriptor( SqlResultSetMapping.class ); copyStringAttribute( resultSetMappingAnnotation, resultSetMappingElement, "name", true ); // iterate over the <sql-result-set-mapping/> sub-elements, which should include: // * <entity-result/> // * <column-result/> // * <constructor-result/> List<EntityResult> entityResultAnnotations = null; List<ColumnResult> columnResultAnnotations = null; List<ConstructorResult> constructorResultAnnotations = null; for ( Object resultElementObject : resultSetMappingElement.elements() ) { final Element resultElement = (Element) resultElementObject; if ( "entity-result".equals( resultElement.getName() ) ) { if ( entityResultAnnotations == null ) { entityResultAnnotations = new ArrayList<>(); } // process the <entity-result/> entityResultAnnotations.add( buildEntityResult( resultElement, defaults, classLoaderAccess ) ); } else if ( "column-result".equals( resultElement.getName() ) ) { if ( columnResultAnnotations == null ) { columnResultAnnotations = new ArrayList<>(); } columnResultAnnotations.add( buildColumnResult( resultElement, defaults, classLoaderAccess ) ); } else if ( "constructor-result".equals( resultElement.getName() ) ) { if ( constructorResultAnnotations == null ) { constructorResultAnnotations = new ArrayList<>(); } constructorResultAnnotations.add( buildConstructorResult( resultElement, defaults, classLoaderAccess ) ); } else { // most likely the <result-class/> this code used to handle. I have left the code here, // but commented it out for now. I'll just log a warning for now. LOG.debug( "Encountered unrecognized sql-result-set-mapping sub-element : " + resultElement.getName() ); // String clazzName = subelement.attributeValue( "result-class" ); // if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( clazzName ) ) { // Class clazz; // try { // clazz = ReflectHelper.classForName( // XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( clazzName, defaults ), // JPAOverriddenAnnotationReader.class // ); // } // catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) { // throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to find entity-class: " + clazzName, e ); // } // ann.setValue( "resultClass", clazz ); // } } } if ( entityResultAnnotations != null && !entityResultAnnotations.isEmpty() ) { resultSetMappingAnnotation.setValue( "entities", entityResultAnnotations.toArray( new EntityResult[entityResultAnnotations.size()] ) ); } if ( columnResultAnnotations != null && !columnResultAnnotations.isEmpty() ) { resultSetMappingAnnotation.setValue( "columns", columnResultAnnotations.toArray( new ColumnResult[columnResultAnnotations.size()] ) ); } if ( constructorResultAnnotations != null && !constructorResultAnnotations.isEmpty() ) { resultSetMappingAnnotation.setValue( "classes", constructorResultAnnotations.toArray( new ConstructorResult[constructorResultAnnotations.size()] ) ); } // this was part of the old code too, but could never figure out what it is supposed to do... // copyStringAttribute( ann, subelement, "result-set-mapping", false ); builtResultSetMappings.add( AnnotationFactory.create( resultSetMappingAnnotation ) ); } return builtResultSetMappings; } private static EntityResult buildEntityResult( Element entityResultElement, XMLContext.Default defaults, ClassLoaderAccess classLoaderAccess) { final AnnotationDescriptor entityResultDescriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( EntityResult.class ); final Class entityClass = resolveClassReference( entityResultElement.attributeValue( "entity-class" ), defaults, classLoaderAccess ); entityResultDescriptor.setValue( "entityClass", entityClass ); copyStringAttribute( entityResultDescriptor, entityResultElement, "discriminator-column", false ); // process the <field-result/> sub-elements List<FieldResult> fieldResultAnnotations = new ArrayList<>(); for ( Element fieldResult : (List<Element>) entityResultElement.elements( "field-result" ) ) { AnnotationDescriptor fieldResultDescriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( FieldResult.class ); copyStringAttribute( fieldResultDescriptor, fieldResult, "name", true ); copyStringAttribute( fieldResultDescriptor, fieldResult, "column", true ); fieldResultAnnotations.add( AnnotationFactory.create( fieldResultDescriptor ) ); } entityResultDescriptor.setValue( "fields", fieldResultAnnotations.toArray( new FieldResult[fieldResultAnnotations.size()] ) ); return AnnotationFactory.create( entityResultDescriptor ); } private static Class resolveClassReference( String className, XMLContext.Default defaults, ClassLoaderAccess classLoaderAccess) { if ( className == null ) { throw new AnnotationException( "<entity-result> without entity-class. " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION ); } try { return classLoaderAccess.classForName( XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( className, defaults ) ); } catch ( ClassLoadingException e ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to find specified class: " + className, e ); } } private static ColumnResult buildColumnResult( Element columnResultElement, XMLContext.Default defaults, ClassLoaderAccess classLoaderAccess) { // AnnotationDescriptor columnResultDescriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( ColumnResult.class ); // copyStringAttribute( columnResultDescriptor, columnResultElement, "name", true ); // return AnnotationFactory.create( columnResultDescriptor ); AnnotationDescriptor columnResultDescriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( ColumnResult.class ); copyStringAttribute( columnResultDescriptor, columnResultElement, "name", true ); final String columnTypeName = columnResultElement.attributeValue( "class" ); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( columnTypeName ) ) { columnResultDescriptor.setValue( "type", resolveClassReference( columnTypeName, defaults, classLoaderAccess ) ); } return AnnotationFactory.create( columnResultDescriptor ); } private static ConstructorResult buildConstructorResult( Element constructorResultElement, XMLContext.Default defaults, ClassLoaderAccess classLoaderAccess) { AnnotationDescriptor constructorResultDescriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( ConstructorResult.class ); final Class entityClass = resolveClassReference( constructorResultElement.attributeValue( "target-class" ), defaults, classLoaderAccess ); constructorResultDescriptor.setValue( "targetClass", entityClass ); List<ColumnResult> columnResultAnnotations = new ArrayList<>(); for ( Element columnResultElement : (List<Element>) constructorResultElement.elements( "column" ) ) { columnResultAnnotations.add( buildColumnResult( columnResultElement, defaults, classLoaderAccess ) ); } constructorResultDescriptor.setValue( "columns", columnResultAnnotations.toArray( new ColumnResult[ columnResultAnnotations.size() ] ) ); return AnnotationFactory.create( constructorResultDescriptor ); } private void addSqlResultsetMappingIfNeeded(SqlResultSetMapping annotation, List<SqlResultSetMapping> resultsets) { if ( annotation != null ) { String resultsetName = annotation.name(); boolean present = false; for ( SqlResultSetMapping current : resultsets ) { if ( current.name().equals( resultsetName ) ) { present = true; break; } } if ( !present ) { resultsets.add( annotation ); } } } private NamedQueries getNamedQueries(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { //TODO avoid the Proxy Creation (@NamedQueries) when possible List<NamedQuery> queries = (List<NamedQuery>) buildNamedQueries( tree, false, defaults, classLoaderAccess ); if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { NamedQuery annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( NamedQuery.class ); addNamedQueryIfNeeded( annotation, queries ); NamedQueries annotations = getPhysicalAnnotation( NamedQueries.class ); if ( annotations != null ) { for ( NamedQuery current : annotations.value() ) { addNamedQueryIfNeeded( current, queries ); } } } if ( queries.size() > 0 ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( NamedQueries.class ); ad.setValue( "value", queries.toArray( new NamedQuery[queries.size()] ) ); return AnnotationFactory.create( ad ); } else { return null; } } private void addNamedQueryIfNeeded(NamedQuery annotation, List<NamedQuery> queries) { if ( annotation != null ) { String queryName = annotation.name(); boolean present = false; for ( NamedQuery current : queries ) { if ( current.name().equals( queryName ) ) { present = true; break; } } if ( !present ) { queries.add( annotation ); } } } private NamedEntityGraphs getNamedEntityGraphs(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { List<NamedEntityGraph> queries = buildNamedEntityGraph( tree, defaults, classLoaderAccess ); if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { NamedEntityGraph annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( NamedEntityGraph.class ); addNamedEntityGraphIfNeeded( annotation, queries ); NamedEntityGraphs annotations = getPhysicalAnnotation( NamedEntityGraphs.class ); if ( annotations != null ) { for ( NamedEntityGraph current : annotations.value() ) { addNamedEntityGraphIfNeeded( current, queries ); } } } if ( queries.size() > 0 ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( NamedEntityGraphs.class ); ad.setValue( "value", queries.toArray( new NamedEntityGraph[queries.size()] ) ); return AnnotationFactory.create( ad ); } else { return null; } } private void addNamedEntityGraphIfNeeded(NamedEntityGraph annotation, List<NamedEntityGraph> queries) { if ( annotation != null ) { String queryName = annotation.name(); boolean present = false; for ( NamedEntityGraph current : queries ) { if ( current.name().equals( queryName ) ) { present = true; break; } } if ( !present ) { queries.add( annotation ); } } } private NamedStoredProcedureQueries getNamedStoredProcedureQueries(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { List<NamedStoredProcedureQuery> queries = buildNamedStoreProcedureQueries( tree, defaults, classLoaderAccess ); if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { NamedStoredProcedureQuery annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( NamedStoredProcedureQuery.class ); addNamedStoredProcedureQueryIfNeeded( annotation, queries ); NamedStoredProcedureQueries annotations = getPhysicalAnnotation( NamedStoredProcedureQueries.class ); if ( annotations != null ) { for ( NamedStoredProcedureQuery current : annotations.value() ) { addNamedStoredProcedureQueryIfNeeded( current, queries ); } } } if ( queries.size() > 0 ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( NamedStoredProcedureQueries.class ); ad.setValue( "value", queries.toArray( new NamedStoredProcedureQuery[queries.size()] ) ); return AnnotationFactory.create( ad ); } else { return null; } } private void addNamedStoredProcedureQueryIfNeeded(NamedStoredProcedureQuery annotation, List<NamedStoredProcedureQuery> queries) { if ( annotation != null ) { String queryName = annotation.name(); boolean present = false; for ( NamedStoredProcedureQuery current : queries ) { if ( current.name().equals( queryName ) ) { present = true; break; } } if ( !present ) { queries.add( annotation ); } } } private NamedNativeQueries getNamedNativeQueries( Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { List<NamedNativeQuery> queries = (List<NamedNativeQuery>) buildNamedQueries( tree, true, defaults, classLoaderAccess ); if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { NamedNativeQuery annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( NamedNativeQuery.class ); addNamedNativeQueryIfNeeded( annotation, queries ); NamedNativeQueries annotations = getPhysicalAnnotation( NamedNativeQueries.class ); if ( annotations != null ) { for ( NamedNativeQuery current : annotations.value() ) { addNamedNativeQueryIfNeeded( current, queries ); } } } if ( queries.size() > 0 ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( NamedNativeQueries.class ); ad.setValue( "value", queries.toArray( new NamedNativeQuery[queries.size()] ) ); return AnnotationFactory.create( ad ); } else { return null; } } private void addNamedNativeQueryIfNeeded(NamedNativeQuery annotation, List<NamedNativeQuery> queries) { if ( annotation != null ) { String queryName = annotation.name(); boolean present = false; for ( NamedNativeQuery current : queries ) { if ( current.name().equals( queryName ) ) { present = true; break; } } if ( !present ) { queries.add( annotation ); } } } private static void buildQueryHints(List<Element> elements, AnnotationDescriptor ann){ List<QueryHint> queryHints = new ArrayList<>( elements.size() ); for ( Element hint : elements ) { AnnotationDescriptor hintDescriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( QueryHint.class ); String value = hint.attributeValue( "name" ); if ( value == null ) { throw new AnnotationException( "<hint> without name. " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION ); } hintDescriptor.setValue( "name", value ); value = hint.attributeValue( "value" ); if ( value == null ) { throw new AnnotationException( "<hint> without value. " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION ); } hintDescriptor.setValue( "value", value ); queryHints.add( AnnotationFactory.create( hintDescriptor ) ); } ann.setValue( "hints", queryHints.toArray( new QueryHint[queryHints.size()] ) ); } public static List buildNamedQueries( Element element, boolean isNative, XMLContext.Default defaults, ClassLoaderAccess classLoaderAccess) { if ( element == null ) { return new ArrayList(); } List namedQueryElementList = isNative ? element.elements( "named-native-query" ) : element.elements( "named-query" ); List namedQueries = new ArrayList(); for ( Object aNamedQueryElementList : namedQueryElementList ) { Element subelement = (Element) aNamedQueryElementList; AnnotationDescriptor ann = new AnnotationDescriptor( isNative ? NamedNativeQuery.class : NamedQuery.class ); copyStringAttribute( ann, subelement, "name", false ); Element queryElt = subelement.element( "query" ); if ( queryElt == null ) { throw new AnnotationException( "No <query> element found." + SCHEMA_VALIDATION ); } copyStringElement( queryElt, ann, "query" ); List<Element> elements = subelement.elements( "hint" ); buildQueryHints( elements, ann ); String clazzName = subelement.attributeValue( "result-class" ); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( clazzName ) ) { Class clazz; try { clazz = classLoaderAccess.classForName( XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( clazzName, defaults ) ); } catch (ClassLoadingException e) { throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to find entity-class: " + clazzName, e ); } ann.setValue( "resultClass", clazz ); } copyStringAttribute( ann, subelement, "result-set-mapping", false ); namedQueries.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ann ) ); } return namedQueries; } private TableGenerator getTableGenerator(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { Element element = tree != null ? tree.element( annotationToXml.get( TableGenerator.class ) ) : null; if ( element != null ) { return buildTableGeneratorAnnotation( element, defaults ); } else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() && isPhysicalAnnotationPresent( TableGenerator.class ) ) { TableGenerator tableAnn = getPhysicalAnnotation( TableGenerator.class ); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) || StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) ) { AnnotationDescriptor annotation = new AnnotationDescriptor( TableGenerator.class ); annotation.setValue( "name", tableAnn.name() ); annotation.setValue( "table", tableAnn.table() ); annotation.setValue( "catalog", tableAnn.table() ); if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "catalog" ) ) && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) ) { annotation.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() ); } annotation.setValue( "schema", tableAnn.table() ); if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "schema" ) ) && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) { annotation.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getSchema() ); } annotation.setValue( "pkColumnName", tableAnn.pkColumnName() ); annotation.setValue( "valueColumnName", tableAnn.valueColumnName() ); annotation.setValue( "pkColumnValue", tableAnn.pkColumnValue() ); annotation.setValue( "initialValue", tableAnn.initialValue() ); annotation.setValue( "allocationSize", tableAnn.allocationSize() ); annotation.setValue( "uniqueConstraints", tableAnn.uniqueConstraints() ); return AnnotationFactory.create( annotation ); } else { return tableAnn; } } else { return null; } } public static TableGenerator buildTableGeneratorAnnotation(Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( TableGenerator.class ); copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "name", false ); copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "table", false ); copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "catalog", false ); copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "schema", false ); copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "pk-column-name", false ); copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "value-column-name", false ); copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "pk-column-value", false ); copyIntegerAttribute( ad, element, "initial-value" ); copyIntegerAttribute( ad, element, "allocation-size" ); buildUniqueConstraints( ad, element ); if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) ad.valueOf( "schema" ) ) && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) { ad.setValue( "schema", defaults.getSchema() ); } if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) ad.valueOf( "catalog" ) ) && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) ) { ad.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() ); } return AnnotationFactory.create( ad ); } private SequenceGenerator getSequenceGenerator(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { Element element = tree != null ? tree.element( annotationToXml.get( SequenceGenerator.class ) ) : null; if ( element != null ) { return buildSequenceGeneratorAnnotation( element ); } else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { return getPhysicalAnnotation( SequenceGenerator.class ); } else { return null; } } public static SequenceGenerator buildSequenceGeneratorAnnotation(Element element) { if ( element != null ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( SequenceGenerator.class ); copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "name", false ); copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "sequence-name", false ); copyIntegerAttribute( ad, element, "initial-value" ); copyIntegerAttribute( ad, element, "allocation-size" ); return AnnotationFactory.create( ad ); } else { return null; } } private DiscriminatorColumn getDiscriminatorColumn(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { Element element = tree != null ? tree.element( "discriminator-column" ) : null; if ( element != null ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( DiscriminatorColumn.class ); copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "name", false ); copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "column-definition", false ); String value = element.attributeValue( "discriminator-type" ); DiscriminatorType type = DiscriminatorType.STRING; if ( value != null ) { if ( "STRING".equals( value ) ) { type = DiscriminatorType.STRING; } else if ( "CHAR".equals( value ) ) { type = DiscriminatorType.CHAR; } else if ( "INTEGER".equals( value ) ) { type = DiscriminatorType.INTEGER; } else { throw new AnnotationException( "Unknown DiscrimiatorType in XML: " + value + " (" + SCHEMA_VALIDATION + ")" ); } } ad.setValue( "discriminatorType", type ); copyIntegerAttribute( ad, element, "length" ); return AnnotationFactory.create( ad ); } else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { return getPhysicalAnnotation( DiscriminatorColumn.class ); } else { return null; } } private DiscriminatorValue getDiscriminatorValue(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { Element element = tree != null ? tree.element( "discriminator-value" ) : null; if ( element != null ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( DiscriminatorValue.class ); copyStringElement( element, ad, "value" ); return AnnotationFactory.create( ad ); } else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { return getPhysicalAnnotation( DiscriminatorValue.class ); } else { return null; } } private Inheritance getInheritance(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { Element element = tree != null ? tree.element( "inheritance" ) : null; if ( element != null ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( Inheritance.class ); Attribute attr = element.attribute( "strategy" ); InheritanceType strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE; if ( attr != null ) { String value = attr.getValue(); if ( "SINGLE_TABLE".equals( value ) ) { strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE; } else if ( "JOINED".equals( value ) ) { strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED; } else if ( "TABLE_PER_CLASS".equals( value ) ) { strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS; } else { throw new AnnotationException( "Unknown InheritanceType in XML: " + value + " (" + SCHEMA_VALIDATION + ")" ); } } ad.setValue( "strategy", strategy ); return AnnotationFactory.create( ad ); } else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { return getPhysicalAnnotation( Inheritance.class ); } else { return null; } } private IdClass getIdClass(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { Element element = tree == null ? null : tree.element( "id-class" ); if ( element != null ) { Attribute attr = element.attribute( "class" ); if ( attr != null ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( IdClass.class ); Class clazz; try { clazz = classLoaderAccess.classForName( XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( attr.getValue(), defaults ) ); } catch ( ClassLoadingException e ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to find id-class: " + attr.getValue(), e ); } ad.setValue( "value", clazz ); return AnnotationFactory.create( ad ); } else { throw new AnnotationException( "id-class without class. " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION ); } } else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { return getPhysicalAnnotation( IdClass.class ); } else { return null; } }
  • mergeWithAnnotations – Whether to use Java annotations for this element, if present and not disabled by the XMLContext defaults. In some contexts (such as an association mapping) merging with annotations is never allowed.
/** * @param mergeWithAnnotations Whether to use Java annotations for this * element, if present and not disabled by the XMLContext defaults. * In some contexts (such as an association mapping) merging with * annotations is never allowed. */
private PrimaryKeyJoinColumns getPrimaryKeyJoinColumns(Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults, boolean mergeWithAnnotations) { PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[] columns = buildPrimaryKeyJoinColumns( element ); if ( mergeWithAnnotations ) { if ( columns.length == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { PrimaryKeyJoinColumn annotation = getPhysicalAnnotation( PrimaryKeyJoinColumn.class ); if ( annotation != null ) { columns = new PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[] { annotation }; } else { PrimaryKeyJoinColumns annotations = getPhysicalAnnotation( PrimaryKeyJoinColumns.class ); columns = annotations != null ? annotations.value() : columns; } } } if ( columns.length > 0 ) { AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PrimaryKeyJoinColumns.class ); ad.setValue( "value", columns ); return AnnotationFactory.create( ad ); } else { return null; } } private Entity getEntity(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { if ( tree == null ) { return defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ? getPhysicalAnnotation( Entity.class ) : null; } else { if ( "entity".equals( tree.getName() ) ) { AnnotationDescriptor entity = new AnnotationDescriptor( Entity.class ); copyStringAttribute( entity, tree, "name", false ); if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) entity.valueOf( "name" ) ) ) { Entity javaAnn = getPhysicalAnnotation( Entity.class ); if ( javaAnn != null ) { entity.setValue( "name", javaAnn.name() ); } } return AnnotationFactory.create( entity ); } else { return null; //this is not an entity } } } private MappedSuperclass getMappedSuperclass(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { if ( tree == null ) { return defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ? getPhysicalAnnotation( MappedSuperclass.class ) : null; } else { if ( "mapped-superclass".equals( tree.getName() ) ) { AnnotationDescriptor entity = new AnnotationDescriptor( MappedSuperclass.class ); return AnnotationFactory.create( entity ); } else { return null; //this is not an entity } } } private Embeddable getEmbeddable(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { if ( tree == null ) { return defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ? getPhysicalAnnotation( Embeddable.class ) : null; } else { if ( "embeddable".equals( tree.getName() ) ) { AnnotationDescriptor entity = new AnnotationDescriptor( Embeddable.class ); return AnnotationFactory.create( entity ); } else { return null; //this is not an entity } } } private Table getTable(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { Element subelement = tree == null ? null : tree.element( "table" ); if ( subelement == null ) { //no element but might have some default or some annotation if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) || StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) { AnnotationDescriptor annotation = new AnnotationDescriptor( Table.class ); if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { Table table = getPhysicalAnnotation( Table.class ); if ( table != null ) { annotation.setValue( "name", table.name() ); annotation.setValue( "schema", table.schema() ); annotation.setValue( "catalog", table.catalog() ); annotation.setValue( "uniqueConstraints", table.uniqueConstraints() ); annotation.setValue( "indexes", table.indexes() ); } } if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "schema" ) ) && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) { annotation.setValue( "schema", defaults.getSchema() ); } if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "catalog" ) ) && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) ) { annotation.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() ); } return AnnotationFactory.create( annotation ); } else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { return getPhysicalAnnotation( Table.class ); } else { return null; } } else { //ignore java annotation, an element is defined AnnotationDescriptor annotation = new AnnotationDescriptor( Table.class ); copyStringAttribute( annotation, subelement, "name", false ); copyStringAttribute( annotation, subelement, "catalog", false ); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "catalog" ) ) ) { annotation.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() ); } copyStringAttribute( annotation, subelement, "schema", false ); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "schema" ) ) ) { annotation.setValue( "schema", defaults.getSchema() ); } buildUniqueConstraints( annotation, subelement ); buildIndex( annotation, subelement ); return AnnotationFactory.create( annotation ); } } private SecondaryTables getSecondaryTables(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { List<Element> elements = tree == null ? new ArrayList<>() : (List<Element>) tree.elements( "secondary-table" ); List<SecondaryTable> secondaryTables = new ArrayList<>( 3 ); for ( Element element : elements ) { AnnotationDescriptor annotation = new AnnotationDescriptor( SecondaryTable.class ); copyStringAttribute( annotation, element, "name", false ); copyStringAttribute( annotation, element, "catalog", false ); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "catalog" ) ) ) { annotation.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() ); } copyStringAttribute( annotation, element, "schema", false ); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "schema" ) ) ) { annotation.setValue( "schema", defaults.getSchema() ); } buildUniqueConstraints( annotation, element ); buildIndex( annotation, element ); annotation.setValue( "pkJoinColumns", buildPrimaryKeyJoinColumns( element ) ); secondaryTables.add( AnnotationFactory.create( annotation ) ); } /* * You can't have both secondary table in XML and Java, * since there would be no way to "remove" a secondary table */ if ( secondaryTables.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { SecondaryTable secTableAnn = getPhysicalAnnotation( SecondaryTable.class ); overridesDefaultInSecondaryTable( secTableAnn, defaults, secondaryTables ); SecondaryTables secTablesAnn = getPhysicalAnnotation( SecondaryTables.class ); if ( secTablesAnn != null ) { for ( SecondaryTable table : secTablesAnn.value() ) { overridesDefaultInSecondaryTable( table, defaults, secondaryTables ); } } } if ( secondaryTables.size() > 0 ) { AnnotationDescriptor descriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( SecondaryTables.class ); descriptor.setValue( "value", secondaryTables.toArray( new SecondaryTable[secondaryTables.size()] ) ); return AnnotationFactory.create( descriptor ); } else { return null; } } private void overridesDefaultInSecondaryTable( SecondaryTable secTableAnn, XMLContext.Default defaults, List<SecondaryTable> secondaryTables ) { if ( secTableAnn != null ) { //handle default values if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) || StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) { AnnotationDescriptor annotation = new AnnotationDescriptor( SecondaryTable.class ); annotation.setValue( "name", secTableAnn.name() ); annotation.setValue( "schema", secTableAnn.schema() ); annotation.setValue( "catalog", secTableAnn.catalog() ); annotation.setValue( "uniqueConstraints", secTableAnn.uniqueConstraints() ); annotation.setValue( "pkJoinColumns", secTableAnn.pkJoinColumns() ); if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "schema" ) ) && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) { annotation.setValue( "schema", defaults.getSchema() ); } if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "catalog" ) ) && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) ) { annotation.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() ); } secondaryTables.add( AnnotationFactory.create( annotation ) ); } else { secondaryTables.add( secTableAnn ); } } } private static void buildIndex(AnnotationDescriptor annotation, Element element){ List indexElementList = element.elements( "index" ); Index[] indexes = new Index[indexElementList.size()]; for(int i=0;i<indexElementList.size();i++){ Element subelement = (Element)indexElementList.get( i ); AnnotationDescriptor indexAnn = new AnnotationDescriptor( Index.class ); copyStringAttribute( indexAnn, subelement, "name", false ); copyStringAttribute( indexAnn, subelement, "column-list", true ); copyBooleanAttribute( indexAnn, subelement, "unique" ); indexes[i] = AnnotationFactory.create( indexAnn ); } annotation.setValue( "indexes", indexes ); } private static void buildUniqueConstraints(AnnotationDescriptor annotation, Element element) { List uniqueConstraintElementList = element.elements( "unique-constraint" ); UniqueConstraint[] uniqueConstraints = new UniqueConstraint[uniqueConstraintElementList.size()]; int ucIndex = 0; Iterator ucIt = uniqueConstraintElementList.listIterator(); while ( ucIt.hasNext() ) { Element subelement = (Element) ucIt.next(); List<Element> columnNamesElements = subelement.elements( "column-name" ); String[] columnNames = new String[columnNamesElements.size()]; int columnNameIndex = 0; Iterator it = columnNamesElements.listIterator(); while ( it.hasNext() ) { Element columnNameElt = (Element) it.next(); columnNames[columnNameIndex++] = columnNameElt.getTextTrim(); } AnnotationDescriptor ucAnn = new AnnotationDescriptor( UniqueConstraint.class ); copyStringAttribute( ucAnn, subelement, "name", false ); ucAnn.setValue( "columnNames", columnNames ); uniqueConstraints[ucIndex++] = AnnotationFactory.create( ucAnn ); } annotation.setValue( "uniqueConstraints", uniqueConstraints ); } private PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[] buildPrimaryKeyJoinColumns(Element element) { if ( element == null ) { return new PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[] { }; } List pkJoinColumnElementList = element.elements( "primary-key-join-column" ); PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[] pkJoinColumns = new PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[pkJoinColumnElementList.size()]; int index = 0; Iterator pkIt = pkJoinColumnElementList.listIterator(); while ( pkIt.hasNext() ) { Element subelement = (Element) pkIt.next(); AnnotationDescriptor pkAnn = new AnnotationDescriptor( PrimaryKeyJoinColumn.class ); copyStringAttribute( pkAnn, subelement, "name", false ); copyStringAttribute( pkAnn, subelement, "referenced-column-name", false ); copyStringAttribute( pkAnn, subelement, "column-definition", false ); pkJoinColumns[index++] = AnnotationFactory.create( pkAnn ); } return pkJoinColumns; }
Copy a string attribute from an XML element to an annotation descriptor. The name of the annotation attribute is computed from the name of the XML attribute by getJavaAttributeNameFromXMLOne(String).
  • annotation – annotation descriptor where to copy to the attribute.
  • element – XML element from where to copy the attribute.
  • attributeName – name of the XML attribute to copy.
  • mandatory – whether the attribute is mandatory.
/** * Copy a string attribute from an XML element to an annotation descriptor. The name of the annotation attribute is * computed from the name of the XML attribute by {@link #getJavaAttributeNameFromXMLOne(String)}. * * @param annotation annotation descriptor where to copy to the attribute. * @param element XML element from where to copy the attribute. * @param attributeName name of the XML attribute to copy. * @param mandatory whether the attribute is mandatory. */
private static void copyStringAttribute( final AnnotationDescriptor annotation, final Element element, final String attributeName, final boolean mandatory) { copyStringAttribute( annotation, element, getJavaAttributeNameFromXMLOne( attributeName ), attributeName, mandatory ); }
Copy a string attribute from an XML element to an annotation descriptor. The name of the annotation attribute is explicitely given.
  • annotation – annotation where to copy to the attribute.
  • element – XML element from where to copy the attribute.
  • annotationAttributeName – name of the annotation attribute where to copy.
  • attributeName – name of the XML attribute to copy.
  • mandatory – whether the attribute is mandatory.
/** * Copy a string attribute from an XML element to an annotation descriptor. The name of the annotation attribute is * explicitely given. * * @param annotation annotation where to copy to the attribute. * @param element XML element from where to copy the attribute. * @param annotationAttributeName name of the annotation attribute where to copy. * @param attributeName name of the XML attribute to copy. * @param mandatory whether the attribute is mandatory. */
private static void copyStringAttribute( final AnnotationDescriptor annotation, final Element element, final String annotationAttributeName, final String attributeName, boolean mandatory) { String attribute = element.attributeValue( attributeName ); if ( attribute != null ) { annotation.setValue( annotationAttributeName, attribute ); } else { if ( mandatory ) { throw new AnnotationException( element.getName() + "." + attributeName + " is mandatory in XML overriding. " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION ); } } } private static void copyIntegerAttribute(AnnotationDescriptor annotation, Element element, String attributeName) { String attribute = element.attributeValue( attributeName ); if ( attribute != null ) { String annotationAttributeName = getJavaAttributeNameFromXMLOne( attributeName ); annotation.setValue( annotationAttributeName, attribute ); try { int length = Integer.parseInt( attribute ); annotation.setValue( annotationAttributeName, length ); } catch ( NumberFormatException e ) { throw new AnnotationException( element.getPath() + attributeName + " not parseable: " + attribute + " (" + SCHEMA_VALIDATION + ")" ); } } } private static String getJavaAttributeNameFromXMLOne(String attributeName) { StringBuilder annotationAttributeName = new StringBuilder( attributeName ); int index = annotationAttributeName.indexOf( WORD_SEPARATOR ); while ( index != -1 ) { annotationAttributeName.deleteCharAt( index ); annotationAttributeName.setCharAt( index, Character.toUpperCase( annotationAttributeName.charAt( index ) ) ); index = annotationAttributeName.indexOf( WORD_SEPARATOR ); } return annotationAttributeName.toString(); } private static void copyStringElement(Element element, AnnotationDescriptor ad, String annotationAttribute) { String discr = element.getTextTrim(); ad.setValue( annotationAttribute, discr ); } private static void copyBooleanAttribute(AnnotationDescriptor descriptor, Element element, String attribute) { String attributeValue = element.attributeValue( attribute ); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( attributeValue ) ) { String javaAttribute = getJavaAttributeNameFromXMLOne( attribute ); descriptor.setValue( javaAttribute, Boolean.parseBoolean( attributeValue ) ); } } private <T extends Annotation> T getPhysicalAnnotation(Class<T> annotationType) { return element.getAnnotation( annotationType ); } private <T extends Annotation> boolean isPhysicalAnnotationPresent(Class<T> annotationType) { return element.isAnnotationPresent( annotationType ); } private Annotation[] getPhysicalAnnotations() { return element.getAnnotations(); } }