 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.boot.model.source.spi;

import org.hibernate.EntityMode;
import org.hibernate.boot.model.Caching;
import org.hibernate.engine.OptimisticLockStyle;

Models the source-agnostic view of an entity hierarchy.
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * Models the source-agnostic view of an entity hierarchy. * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public interface EntityHierarchySource {
Obtain the hierarchy's root type source.
Returns:The root type source.
/** * Obtain the hierarchy's root type source. * * @return The root type source. */
public EntitySource getRoot();
The inheritance type/strategy for the hierarchy.

NOTE : The entire hierarchy must comply with the same inheritance strategy.
Returns:The inheritance type.
/** * The inheritance type/strategy for the hierarchy. * <p/> * NOTE : The entire hierarchy must comply with the same inheritance strategy. * * @return The inheritance type. */
public InheritanceType getHierarchyInheritanceType();
Obtain source information about this entity's identifier.
Returns:Identifier source information.
/** * Obtain source information about this entity's identifier. * * @return Identifier source information. */
public IdentifierSource getIdentifierSource();
Obtain the source information about the attribute used for optimistic locking.
Returns:the source information about the attribute used for optimistic locking
/** * Obtain the source information about the attribute used for optimistic locking. * * @return the source information about the attribute used for optimistic locking */
public VersionAttributeSource getVersionAttributeSource();
Obtain the source information about the discriminator attribute for single table inheritance
Returns:the source information about the discriminator attribute for single table inheritance
/** * Obtain the source information about the discriminator attribute for single table inheritance * * @return the source information about the discriminator attribute for single table inheritance */
public DiscriminatorSource getDiscriminatorSource();
Obtain the source information about the multi-tenancy discriminator for this entity
Returns:the source information about the multi-tenancy discriminator for this entity
/** * Obtain the source information about the multi-tenancy discriminator for this entity * * @return the source information about the multi-tenancy discriminator for this entity */
public MultiTenancySource getMultiTenancySource();
Obtain the entity mode for this entity.
Returns:The entity mode.
/** * Obtain the entity mode for this entity. * * @return The entity mode. */
public EntityMode getEntityMode();
Is this root entity mutable?
Returns:true indicates mutable; false non-mutable.
/** * Is this root entity mutable? * * @return {@code true} indicates mutable; {@code false} non-mutable. */
public boolean isMutable();
Should explicit polymorphism (querying) be applied to this entity?
Returns:true indicates explicit polymorphism; false implicit.
/** * Should explicit polymorphism (querying) be applied to this entity? * * @return {@code true} indicates explicit polymorphism; {@code false} implicit. */
public boolean isExplicitPolymorphism();
Obtain the specified extra where condition to be applied to this entity.
Returns:The extra where condition
/** * Obtain the specified extra where condition to be applied to this entity. * * @return The extra where condition */
public String getWhere();
Obtain the row-id name for this entity
Returns:The row-id name
/** * Obtain the row-id name for this entity * * @return The row-id name */
public String getRowId();
Obtain the optimistic locking style for this entity.
Returns:The optimistic locking style.
/** * Obtain the optimistic locking style for this entity. * * @return The optimistic locking style. */
public OptimisticLockStyle getOptimisticLockStyle();
Obtain the caching configuration for this entity.
Returns:The caching configuration.
/** * Obtain the caching configuration for this entity. * * @return The caching configuration. */
public Caching getCaching();
Obtain the natural id caching configuration for this entity.
Returns:The natural id caching configuration.
/** * Obtain the natural id caching configuration for this entity. * * @return The natural id caching configuration. */
public Caching getNaturalIdCaching(); }