 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.boot.model.relational;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.Identifier;
import org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.IllegalIdentifierException;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.compare.EqualsHelper;

Parses a qualified name.
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * Parses a qualified name. * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class QualifiedNameParser {
Singleton access
/** * Singleton access */
public static final QualifiedNameParser INSTANCE = new QualifiedNameParser(); public static class NameParts implements QualifiedName { private final Identifier catalogName; private final Identifier schemaName; private final Identifier objectName; private final String qualifiedText; public NameParts(Identifier catalogName, Identifier schemaName, Identifier objectName) { if ( objectName == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Name cannot be null" ); } this.catalogName = catalogName; this.schemaName = schemaName; this.objectName = objectName; StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); if ( catalogName != null ) { buff.append( catalogName.toString() ).append( '.' ); } if ( schemaName != null ) { buff.append( schemaName.toString() ).append( '.' ); } buff.append( objectName.toString() ); qualifiedText = buff.toString(); } @Override public Identifier getCatalogName() { return catalogName; } @Override public Identifier getSchemaName() { return schemaName; } @Override public Identifier getObjectName() { return objectName; } @Override public String render() { return qualifiedText; } @Override public String toString() { return qualifiedText; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("SimplifiableIfStatement") public boolean equals(Object o) { if ( this == o ) { return true; } if ( o == null || getClass() != o.getClass() ) { return false; } NameParts that = (NameParts) o; return EqualsHelper.equals( this.getCatalogName(), that.getCatalogName() ) && EqualsHelper.equals( this.getSchemaName(), that.getSchemaName() ) && EqualsHelper.equals( this.getObjectName(), that.getObjectName() ); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = getCatalogName() != null ? getCatalogName().hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + ( getSchemaName() != null ? getSchemaName().hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + getObjectName().hashCode(); return result; } }
Parses a textual representation of a qualified name into a NameParts representation. Explicitly looks for the form catalog.schema.name.
  • text – The simple text representation of the qualified name.
Returns:The wrapped QualifiedName
/** * Parses a textual representation of a qualified name into a NameParts * representation. Explicitly looks for the form {@code catalog.schema.name}. * * @param text The simple text representation of the qualified name. * * @return The wrapped QualifiedName */
public NameParts parse(String text, Identifier defaultCatalog, Identifier defaultSchema) { if ( text == null ) { throw new IllegalIdentifierException( "Object name to parse must be specified, but found null" ); } String catalogName = null; String schemaName = null; String name; boolean catalogWasQuoted = false; boolean schemaWasQuoted = false; boolean nameWasQuoted; // Note that we try to handle both forms of quoting, // 1) where the entire string was quoted // 2) where one or more individual parts were quoted boolean wasQuotedInEntirety = text.startsWith( "`" ) && text.endsWith( "`" ); if ( wasQuotedInEntirety ) { text = unquote( text ); } final String[] tokens = text.split( "\\." ); if ( tokens.length == 0 || tokens.length == 1 ) { // we have just a local name... name = text; } else if ( tokens.length == 2 ) { schemaName = tokens[0]; name = tokens[1]; } else if ( tokens.length == 3 ) { schemaName = tokens[0]; catalogName = tokens[1]; name = tokens[2]; } else { throw new HibernateException( "Unable to parse object name: " + text ); } nameWasQuoted = Identifier.isQuoted( name ); if ( nameWasQuoted ) { name = unquote( name ); } if ( schemaName != null ) { schemaWasQuoted = Identifier.isQuoted( schemaName ); if ( schemaWasQuoted ) { schemaName = unquote( schemaName ); } } else if ( defaultSchema != null ) { schemaName = defaultSchema.getText(); schemaWasQuoted = defaultSchema.isQuoted(); } if ( catalogName != null ) { catalogWasQuoted = Identifier.isQuoted( catalogName ); if ( catalogWasQuoted ) { catalogName = unquote( catalogName ); } } else if ( defaultCatalog != null ) { catalogName = defaultCatalog.getText(); catalogWasQuoted = defaultCatalog.isQuoted(); } return new NameParts( Identifier.toIdentifier( catalogName, wasQuotedInEntirety||catalogWasQuoted ), Identifier.toIdentifier( schemaName, wasQuotedInEntirety||schemaWasQuoted ), Identifier.toIdentifier( name, wasQuotedInEntirety||nameWasQuoted ) ); } private static String unquote(String text) { return text.substring( 1, text.length() - 1 ); }
Parses a textual representation of a qualified name into a NameParts representation. Explicitly looks for the form catalog.schema.name.
  • text – The simple text representation of the qualified name.
Returns:The wrapped QualifiedName
/** * Parses a textual representation of a qualified name into a NameParts * representation. Explicitly looks for the form {@code catalog.schema.name}. * * @param text The simple text representation of the qualified name. * * @return The wrapped QualifiedName */
public NameParts parse(String text) { return parse( text, null, null ); } }