 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.service.internal;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

Since Service lookup is a very hot operation and essentially it's a read only data structure, to achieve threadsafety we can use immutability. For our use case we just need reference equality, and the expectation is that a limited number of elements will be contained in this custom collection (<32). So the following structure is functionally equivalent to an Identity based ConcurrentMap, but heavily tuned for reads, at cost of structural reorganization at writes. The implementation is a binary tree basing the comparison order on the identityHashCode of each key.
Author:Sanne Grinovero
/** * Since Service lookup is a very hot operation and essentially it's a read only * data structure, to achieve threadsafety we can use immutability. * For our use case we just need reference equality, and the expectation is that a limited * number of elements will be contained in this custom collection (<32). * So the following structure is functionally equivalent to an Identity based ConcurrentMap, * but heavily tuned for reads, at cost of structural reorganization at writes. * The implementation is a binary tree basing the comparison order on the identityHashCode * of each key. * * @author Sanne Grinovero */
public class ConcurrentServiceBinding<K,V> { @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) private static final Node EMPTY_LEAF = new Node( new Entry( 0, null, null ), null, null ); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private volatile Node<K,V> treeRoot = EMPTY_LEAF; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public synchronized void clear() { treeRoot = EMPTY_LEAF; } public synchronized void put(final K key, final V value) { final int code = hashKey( key ); final Entry<K,V> newEntry = new Entry<K, V>( code, key, value ); final ArrayList<Entry<K, V>> list = convertToArrayList( treeRoot, key ); list.add( newEntry ); Collections.sort( list ); final int size = list.size(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Entry<K, V>[] array = list.toArray( new Entry[size] ); treeRoot = treeFromRange( array, 0, size ); } private Node<K, V> treeFromRange(final Entry<K, V>[] array, final int minInclusive, final int maxExclusive) { if ( minInclusive == maxExclusive ) { return null; } //find the midpoint, rounding down to avoid the exclusion range: int mid = ( minInclusive + maxExclusive ) / 2; //shift to the right to make sure we won't have left children with the same hash: while ( mid > minInclusive && array[mid].hash == array[mid-1].hash ) { mid--; } return new Node( array[mid], treeFromRange( array, minInclusive, mid ), treeFromRange( array, mid + 1, maxExclusive ) ); } public V get(final K key) { final int hash = hashKey( key ); final Node<K,V> root = treeRoot; return root.get( key, hash ); } protected int hashKey(final K key) { return System.identityHashCode( key ); } public Iterable<V> values() { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") ArrayList<V> list = new ArrayList(); treeRoot.collectAllValuesInto( list ); return list; } private final ArrayList<Entry<K, V>> convertToArrayList(final Node<K, V> treeRoot, K exceptKey) { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") ArrayList<Entry<K, V>> list = new ArrayList(); if ( treeRoot != EMPTY_LEAF ) { treeRoot.collectAllEntriesInto( list, exceptKey ); } return list; } private static final class Entry<K,V> implements Comparable<Entry<K,V>> { private final int hash; private final K key; private final V value; Entry(int keyHashCode, K key, V value) { this.hash = keyHashCode; this.key = key; this.value = value; } @Override public int compareTo(Entry o) { //Sorting by the identity hashcode //Note: this class has a natural ordering that is inconsistent with equals. return ( hash < o.hash ) ? -1 : ( (hash == o.hash) ? 0 : 1 ); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { //A ClassCastException is really not expected here, //as it's an internal private class, //so just let it happen as a form of assertion. final Entry<K,V> other = (Entry<K,V>)obj; //Reference equality on the key only! return other.key == this.key; } @Override public String toString() { return "<" + key + ", " + value + ">"; } } private static final class Node<K,V> { private final Entry<K,V> entry; private final Node<K, V> left; private final Node<K, V> right; Node(Entry<K,V> entry, Node<K,V> left, Node<K,V> right) { this.entry = entry; this.left = left; this.right = right; } public V get(final K key, final int hash) { if ( entry.key == key ) { return entry.value; } //Note that same-hashcode childs need to be on the right //as we don't test for equality, nor want to chase both //branches: else if ( hash < this.entry.hash ) { return left == null ? null : left.get( key, hash ); } else { return right == null ? null : right.get( key, hash ); } } public void collectAllEntriesInto(final List<Entry<K,V>> list, final K exceptKey) { if ( entry != null && exceptKey != entry.key ) { list.add( entry ); } if ( left != null ) { left.collectAllEntriesInto( list, exceptKey ); } if ( right != null ) { right.collectAllEntriesInto( list, exceptKey ); } } public void collectAllValuesInto(final List<V> list) { if ( entry != null && entry.value != null ) { list.add( entry.value ); } if ( left != null ) { left.collectAllValuesInto( list ); } if ( right != null ) { right.collectAllValuesInto( list ); } }
Helper to visualize the tree via toString
/** * Helper to visualize the tree via toString */
private void renderToStringBuilder(final StringBuilder sb, final int indent) { sb.append( entry ); appendIndented( sb, indent, "L-> ", left ); appendIndented( sb, indent, "R-> ", right ); } private void appendIndented(final StringBuilder sb, final int indent, final String label, Node<K, V> node) { if ( node == null ) { return; } sb.append( "\n" ); for ( int i = 0; i < indent; i++ ) { sb.append( "\t" ); } sb.append( label ); node.renderToStringBuilder( sb, indent + 1 ); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); renderToStringBuilder( sb, 0 ); return sb.toString(); } } }