 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.proxy.pojo.javassist;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

import javassist.util.proxy.MethodFilter;
import javassist.util.proxy.MethodHandler;
import javassist.util.proxy.Proxy;
import javassist.util.proxy.ProxyFactory;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreLogging;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.ReflectHelper;
import org.hibernate.proxy.HibernateProxy;
import org.hibernate.proxy.pojo.BasicLazyInitializer;
import org.hibernate.type.CompositeType;

A Javassist-based lazy initializer proxy.
Author:Muga Nishizawa
/** * A Javassist-based lazy initializer proxy. * * @author Muga Nishizawa */
public class JavassistLazyInitializer extends BasicLazyInitializer implements MethodHandler { private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = CoreLogging.messageLogger( JavassistLazyInitializer.class ); private static final MethodFilter FINALIZE_FILTER = new MethodFilter() { public boolean isHandled(Method m) { // skip finalize methods return !( m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && m.getName().equals( "finalize" ) ); } }; private Class[] interfaces; private boolean constructed; private JavassistLazyInitializer( final String entityName, final Class persistentClass, final Class[] interfaces, final Serializable id, final Method getIdentifierMethod, final Method setIdentifierMethod, final CompositeType componentIdType, final SessionImplementor session, final boolean overridesEquals) { super( entityName, persistentClass, id, getIdentifierMethod, setIdentifierMethod, componentIdType, session, overridesEquals ); this.interfaces = interfaces; } public static HibernateProxy getProxy( final String entityName, final Class persistentClass, final Class[] interfaces, final Method getIdentifierMethod, final Method setIdentifierMethod, CompositeType componentIdType, final Serializable id, final SessionImplementor session) throws HibernateException { // note: interface is assumed to already contain HibernateProxy.class try { final JavassistLazyInitializer instance = new JavassistLazyInitializer( entityName, persistentClass, interfaces, id, getIdentifierMethod, setIdentifierMethod, componentIdType, session, ReflectHelper.overridesEquals(persistentClass) ); ProxyFactory factory = new ProxyFactory(); factory.setSuperclass( interfaces.length == 1 ? persistentClass : null ); factory.setInterfaces( interfaces ); factory.setFilter( FINALIZE_FILTER ); Class cl = factory.createClass(); final HibernateProxy proxy = ( HibernateProxy ) cl.newInstance(); ( ( Proxy ) proxy ).setHandler( instance ); instance.constructed = true; return proxy; } catch ( Throwable t ) { LOG.error(LOG.javassistEnhancementFailed(entityName), t); throw new HibernateException(LOG.javassistEnhancementFailed(entityName), t); } } public static HibernateProxy getProxy( final Class factory, final String entityName, final Class persistentClass, final Class[] interfaces, final Method getIdentifierMethod, final Method setIdentifierMethod, final CompositeType componentIdType, final Serializable id, final SessionImplementor session, final boolean classOverridesEquals) throws HibernateException { final JavassistLazyInitializer instance = new JavassistLazyInitializer( entityName, persistentClass, interfaces, id, getIdentifierMethod, setIdentifierMethod, componentIdType, session, classOverridesEquals ); final HibernateProxy proxy; try { proxy = ( HibernateProxy ) factory.newInstance(); } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new HibernateException( "Javassist Enhancement failed: " + persistentClass.getName(), e ); } ( ( Proxy ) proxy ).setHandler( instance ); instance.constructed = true; return proxy; } public static Class getProxyFactory( Class persistentClass, Class[] interfaces) throws HibernateException { // note: interfaces is assumed to already contain HibernateProxy.class try { ProxyFactory factory = new ProxyFactory(); factory.setSuperclass( interfaces.length == 1 ? persistentClass : null ); factory.setInterfaces( interfaces ); factory.setFilter( FINALIZE_FILTER ); return factory.createClass(); } catch ( Throwable t ) { LOG.error(LOG.javassistEnhancementFailed(persistentClass.getName()), t); throw new HibernateException(LOG.javassistEnhancementFailed(persistentClass.getName()), t); } } @Override public Object invoke( final Object proxy, final Method thisMethod, final Method proceed, final Object[] args) throws Throwable { if ( this.constructed ) { Object result; try { result = this.invoke( thisMethod, args, proxy ); } catch ( Throwable t ) { throw new Exception( t.getCause() ); } if ( result == INVOKE_IMPLEMENTATION ) { Object target = getImplementation(); final Object returnValue; try { if ( ReflectHelper.isPublic( persistentClass, thisMethod ) ) { if ( !thisMethod.getDeclaringClass().isInstance( target ) ) { throw new ClassCastException( target.getClass().getName() + " incompatible with " + thisMethod.getDeclaringClass().getName() ); } returnValue = thisMethod.invoke( target, args ); } else { thisMethod.setAccessible( true ); returnValue = thisMethod.invoke( target, args ); } if ( returnValue == target ) { if ( returnValue.getClass().isInstance(proxy) ) { return proxy; } else { LOG.narrowingProxy( returnValue.getClass() ); } } return returnValue; } catch ( InvocationTargetException ite ) { throw ite.getTargetException(); } } else { return result; } } else { // while constructor is running if ( thisMethod.getName().equals( "getHibernateLazyInitializer" ) ) { return this; } else { return proceed.invoke( proxy, args ); } } } @Override protected Object serializableProxy() { return new SerializableProxy( getEntityName(), persistentClass, interfaces, getIdentifier(), ( isReadOnlySettingAvailable() ? Boolean.valueOf( isReadOnly() ) : isReadOnlyBeforeAttachedToSession() ), getIdentifierMethod, setIdentifierMethod, componentIdType ); } }