 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.persister.entity;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.QueryException;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.Mapping;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.collections.ArrayHelper;
import org.hibernate.sql.Template;
import org.hibernate.type.AssociationType;
import org.hibernate.type.CompositeType;
import org.hibernate.type.EntityType;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

Basic implementation of the PropertyMapping contract.
Author:Gavin King
/** * Basic implementation of the {@link PropertyMapping} contract. * * @author Gavin King */
public abstract class AbstractPropertyMapping implements PropertyMapping { private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = Logger.getMessageLogger(CoreMessageLogger.class, AbstractPropertyMapping.class.getName()); private final Map typesByPropertyPath = new HashMap(); private final Map columnsByPropertyPath = new HashMap(); private final Map columnReadersByPropertyPath = new HashMap(); private final Map columnReaderTemplatesByPropertyPath = new HashMap(); private final Map formulaTemplatesByPropertyPath = new HashMap(); public String[] getIdentifierColumnNames() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("one-to-one is not supported here"); } public String[] getIdentifierColumnReaderTemplates() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("one-to-one is not supported here"); } public String[] getIdentifierColumnReaders() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("one-to-one is not supported here"); } protected abstract String getEntityName(); public Type toType(String propertyName) throws QueryException { Type type = (Type) typesByPropertyPath.get(propertyName); if ( type == null ) { throw propertyException( propertyName ); } return type; } protected final QueryException propertyException(String propertyName) throws QueryException { return new QueryException( "could not resolve property: " + propertyName + " of: " + getEntityName() ); } public String[] getColumnNames(String propertyName) { String[] cols = (String[]) columnsByPropertyPath.get(propertyName); if (cols==null) { throw new MappingException("unknown property: " + propertyName); } return cols; } public String[] toColumns(String alias, String propertyName) throws QueryException { //TODO: *two* hashmap lookups here is one too many... String[] columns = (String[]) columnsByPropertyPath.get(propertyName); if ( columns == null ) { throw propertyException( propertyName ); } String[] formulaTemplates = (String[]) formulaTemplatesByPropertyPath.get(propertyName); String[] columnReaderTemplates = (String[]) columnReaderTemplatesByPropertyPath.get(propertyName); String[] result = new String[columns.length]; for ( int i=0; i<columns.length; i++ ) { if ( columnReaderTemplates[i]==null ) { result[i] = StringHelper.replace( formulaTemplates[i], Template.TEMPLATE, alias ); } else { result[i] = StringHelper.replace( columnReaderTemplates[i], Template.TEMPLATE, alias ); } } return result; } public String[] toColumns(String propertyName) throws QueryException { String[] columns = (String[]) columnsByPropertyPath.get(propertyName); if ( columns == null ) { throw propertyException( propertyName ); } String[] formulaTemplates = (String[]) formulaTemplatesByPropertyPath.get(propertyName); String[] columnReaders = (String[]) columnReadersByPropertyPath.get(propertyName); String[] result = new String[columns.length]; for ( int i=0; i<columns.length; i++ ) { if ( columnReaders[i]==null ) { result[i] = StringHelper.replace( formulaTemplates[i], Template.TEMPLATE, "" ); } else { result[i] = columnReaders[i]; } } return result; } protected void addPropertyPath( String path, Type type, String[] columns, String[] columnReaders, String[] columnReaderTemplates, String[] formulaTemplates) { // TODO : not quite sure yet of the difference, but this is only needed from annotations for @Id @ManyToOne support if ( typesByPropertyPath.containsKey( path ) ) { if ( LOG.isTraceEnabled() ) { LOG.tracev( "Skipping duplicate registration of path [{0}], existing type = [{1}], incoming type = [{2}]", path, typesByPropertyPath.get( path ), type ); } return; } typesByPropertyPath.put(path, type); columnsByPropertyPath.put(path, columns); columnReadersByPropertyPath.put(path, columnReaders); columnReaderTemplatesByPropertyPath.put(path, columnReaderTemplates); if (formulaTemplates!=null) { formulaTemplatesByPropertyPath.put(path, formulaTemplates); } } /*protected void initPropertyPaths( final String path, final Type type, final String[] columns, final String[] formulaTemplates, final Mapping factory) throws MappingException { //addFormulaPropertyPath(path, type, formulaTemplates); initPropertyPaths(path, type, columns, formulaTemplates, factory); }*/ protected void initPropertyPaths( final String path, final Type type, String[] columns, String[] columnReaders, String[] columnReaderTemplates, final String[] formulaTemplates, final Mapping factory) throws MappingException { if ( columns.length!=type.getColumnSpan(factory) ) { throw new MappingException( "broken column mapping for: " + path + " of: " + getEntityName() ); } if ( type.isAssociationType() ) { AssociationType actype = (AssociationType) type; if ( actype.useLHSPrimaryKey() ) { columns = getIdentifierColumnNames(); columnReaders = getIdentifierColumnReaders(); columnReaderTemplates = getIdentifierColumnReaderTemplates(); } else { String foreignKeyProperty = actype.getLHSPropertyName(); if ( foreignKeyProperty!=null && !path.equals(foreignKeyProperty) ) { //TODO: this requires that the collection is defined after the // referenced property in the mapping file (ok?) columns = (String[]) columnsByPropertyPath.get(foreignKeyProperty); if (columns==null) return; //get em on the second pass! columnReaders = (String[]) columnReadersByPropertyPath.get(foreignKeyProperty); columnReaderTemplates = (String[]) columnReaderTemplatesByPropertyPath.get(foreignKeyProperty); } } } if (path!=null) addPropertyPath(path, type, columns, columnReaders, columnReaderTemplates, formulaTemplates); if ( type.isComponentType() ) { CompositeType actype = (CompositeType) type; initComponentPropertyPaths( path, actype, columns, columnReaders, columnReaderTemplates, formulaTemplates, factory ); if ( actype.isEmbedded() ) { initComponentPropertyPaths( path==null ? null : StringHelper.qualifier(path), actype, columns, columnReaders, columnReaderTemplates, formulaTemplates, factory ); } } else if ( type.isEntityType() ) { initIdentifierPropertyPaths( path, (EntityType) type, columns, columnReaders, columnReaderTemplates, factory ); } } protected void initIdentifierPropertyPaths( final String path, final EntityType etype, final String[] columns, final String[] columnReaders, final String[] columnReaderTemplates, final Mapping factory) throws MappingException { Type idtype = etype.getIdentifierOrUniqueKeyType( factory ); String idPropName = etype.getIdentifierOrUniqueKeyPropertyName(factory); boolean hasNonIdentifierPropertyNamedId = hasNonIdentifierPropertyNamedId( etype, factory ); if ( etype.isReferenceToPrimaryKey() ) { if ( !hasNonIdentifierPropertyNamedId ) { String idpath1 = extendPath(path, EntityPersister.ENTITY_ID); addPropertyPath(idpath1, idtype, columns, columnReaders, columnReaderTemplates, null); initPropertyPaths(idpath1, idtype, columns, columnReaders, columnReaderTemplates, null, factory); } } if (idPropName!=null) { String idpath2 = extendPath(path, idPropName); addPropertyPath(idpath2, idtype, columns, columnReaders, columnReaderTemplates, null); initPropertyPaths(idpath2, idtype, columns, columnReaders, columnReaderTemplates, null, factory); } } private boolean hasNonIdentifierPropertyNamedId(final EntityType entityType, final Mapping factory) { // TODO : would be great to have a Mapping#hasNonIdentifierPropertyNamedId method // I don't believe that Mapping#getReferencedPropertyType accounts for the identifier property; so // if it returns for a property named 'id', then we should have a non-id field named id try { return factory.getReferencedPropertyType( entityType.getAssociatedEntityName(), EntityPersister.ENTITY_ID ) != null; } catch( MappingException e ) { return false; } } protected void initComponentPropertyPaths( final String path, final CompositeType type, final String[] columns, final String[] columnReaders, final String[] columnReaderTemplates, String[] formulaTemplates, final Mapping factory) throws MappingException { Type[] types = type.getSubtypes(); String[] properties = type.getPropertyNames(); int begin=0; for ( int i=0; i<properties.length; i++ ) { String subpath = extendPath( path, properties[i] ); try { int length = types[i].getColumnSpan(factory); String[] columnSlice = ArrayHelper.slice(columns, begin, length); String[] columnReaderSlice = ArrayHelper.slice(columnReaders, begin, length); String[] columnReaderTemplateSlice = ArrayHelper.slice( columnReaderTemplates, begin, length ); String[] formulaSlice = formulaTemplates==null ? null : ArrayHelper.slice(formulaTemplates, begin, length); initPropertyPaths(subpath, types[i], columnSlice, columnReaderSlice, columnReaderTemplateSlice, formulaSlice, factory); begin+=length; } catch (Exception e) { throw new MappingException("bug in initComponentPropertyPaths", e); } } } private static String extendPath(String path, String property) { return StringHelper.isEmpty( path ) ? property : StringHelper.qualify( path, property ); } }