 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2011, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
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 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package org.hibernate.metamodel.source.hbm;

import org.hibernate.internal.jaxb.mapping.hbm.EntityElement;
import org.hibernate.internal.jaxb.mapping.hbm.JaxbJoinedSubclassElement;
import org.hibernate.internal.jaxb.mapping.hbm.JaxbSubclassElement;
import org.hibernate.internal.jaxb.mapping.hbm.JaxbUnionSubclassElement;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.source.binder.SubclassEntitySource;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.source.binder.TableSource;

Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class SubclassEntitySourceImpl extends AbstractEntitySourceImpl implements SubclassEntitySource { protected SubclassEntitySourceImpl(MappingDocument sourceMappingDocument, EntityElement entityElement) { super( sourceMappingDocument, entityElement ); } @Override public TableSource getPrimaryTable() { if ( JaxbJoinedSubclassElement.class.isInstance( entityElement() ) ) { return new TableSource() { @Override public String getExplicitSchemaName() { return ( (JaxbJoinedSubclassElement) entityElement() ).getSchema(); } @Override public String getExplicitCatalogName() { return ( (JaxbJoinedSubclassElement) entityElement() ).getCatalog(); } @Override public String getExplicitTableName() { return ( (JaxbJoinedSubclassElement) entityElement() ).getTable(); } @Override public String getLogicalName() { // logical name for the primary table is null return null; } }; } else if ( JaxbUnionSubclassElement.class.isInstance( entityElement() ) ) { return new TableSource() { @Override public String getExplicitSchemaName() { return ( (JaxbUnionSubclassElement) entityElement() ).getSchema(); } @Override public String getExplicitCatalogName() { return ( (JaxbUnionSubclassElement) entityElement() ).getCatalog(); } @Override public String getExplicitTableName() { return ( (JaxbUnionSubclassElement) entityElement() ).getTable(); } @Override public String getLogicalName() { // logical name for the primary table is null return null; } }; } return null; } @Override public String getDiscriminatorMatchValue() { return JaxbSubclassElement.class.isInstance( entityElement() ) ? ( (JaxbSubclassElement) entityElement() ).getDiscriminatorValue() : null; } }