 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2011, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
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package org.hibernate.metamodel.source.hbm;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;

import org.hibernate.FetchMode;
import org.hibernate.cache.spi.access.AccessType;
import org.hibernate.cfg.NotYetImplementedException;
import org.hibernate.engine.FetchStyle;
import org.hibernate.engine.FetchTiming;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.CascadeStyle;
import org.hibernate.internal.jaxb.mapping.hbm.JaxbCacheElement;
import org.hibernate.internal.jaxb.mapping.hbm.PluralAttributeElement;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.binding.Caching;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.binding.CustomSQL;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.source.LocalBindingContext;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.source.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.source.binder.AttributeSourceContainer;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.source.binder.ExplicitHibernateTypeSource;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.source.binder.MetaAttributeSource;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.source.binder.PluralAttributeElementSource;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.source.binder.PluralAttributeKeySource;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.source.binder.PluralAttributeSource;

Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * @author Steve Ebersole */
public abstract class AbstractPluralAttributeSourceImpl implements PluralAttributeSource { private final PluralAttributeElement pluralAttributeElement; private final AttributeSourceContainer container; private final ExplicitHibernateTypeSource typeInformation; private final PluralAttributeKeySource keySource; private final PluralAttributeElementSource elementSource; protected AbstractPluralAttributeSourceImpl( final PluralAttributeElement pluralAttributeElement, AttributeSourceContainer container) { this.pluralAttributeElement = pluralAttributeElement; this.container = container; this.keySource = new PluralAttributeKeySourceImpl( pluralAttributeElement.getKey(), container ); this.elementSource = interpretElementType(); this.typeInformation = new ExplicitHibernateTypeSource() { @Override public String getName() { return pluralAttributeElement.getCollectionType(); } @Override public Map<String, String> getParameters() { return Collections.emptyMap(); } }; } private PluralAttributeElementSource interpretElementType() { if ( pluralAttributeElement.getElement() != null ) { return new BasicPluralAttributeElementSourceImpl( pluralAttributeElement.getElement(), container.getLocalBindingContext() ); } else if ( pluralAttributeElement.getCompositeElement() != null ) { return new CompositePluralAttributeElementSourceImpl( pluralAttributeElement.getCompositeElement(), container.getLocalBindingContext() ); } else if ( pluralAttributeElement.getOneToMany() != null ) { return new OneToManyPluralAttributeElementSourceImpl( pluralAttributeElement.getOneToMany(), container.getLocalBindingContext() ); } else if ( pluralAttributeElement.getManyToMany() != null ) { return new ManyToManyPluralAttributeElementSourceImpl( pluralAttributeElement.getManyToMany(), container.getLocalBindingContext() ); } else if ( pluralAttributeElement.getManyToAny() != null ) { throw new NotYetImplementedException( "Support for many-to-any not yet implemented" ); // return PluralAttributeElementNature.MANY_TO_ANY; } else { throw new MappingException( "Unexpected collection element type : " + pluralAttributeElement.getName(), bindingContext().getOrigin() ); } } public PluralAttributeElement getPluralAttributeElement() { return pluralAttributeElement; } protected AttributeSourceContainer container() { return container; } protected LocalBindingContext bindingContext() { return container().getLocalBindingContext(); } @Override public PluralAttributeKeySource getKeySource() { return keySource; } @Override public PluralAttributeElementSource getElementSource() { return elementSource; } @Override public String getExplicitSchemaName() { return pluralAttributeElement.getSchema(); } @Override public String getExplicitCatalogName() { return pluralAttributeElement.getCatalog(); } @Override public String getExplicitCollectionTableName() { return pluralAttributeElement.getTable(); } @Override public String getCollectionTableComment() { return pluralAttributeElement.getComment(); } @Override public String getCollectionTableCheck() { return pluralAttributeElement.getCheck(); } @Override public Caching getCaching() { final JaxbCacheElement cache = pluralAttributeElement.getCache(); if ( cache == null ) { return null; } final String region = cache.getRegion() != null ? cache.getRegion() : StringHelper.qualify( container().getPath(), getName() ); final AccessType accessType = Enum.valueOf( AccessType.class, cache.getUsage() ); final boolean cacheLazyProps = !"non-lazy".equals( cache.getInclude() ); return new Caching( region, accessType, cacheLazyProps ); } @Override public String getWhere() { return pluralAttributeElement.getWhere(); } @Override public String getName() { return pluralAttributeElement.getName(); } @Override public boolean isSingular() { return false; } @Override public ExplicitHibernateTypeSource getTypeInformation() { return typeInformation; } @Override public String getPropertyAccessorName() { return pluralAttributeElement.getAccess(); } @Override public boolean isIncludedInOptimisticLocking() { return pluralAttributeElement.isOptimisticLock(); } @Override public boolean isInverse() { return pluralAttributeElement.isInverse(); } @Override public String getCustomPersisterClassName() { return pluralAttributeElement.getPersister(); } @Override public String getCustomLoaderName() { return pluralAttributeElement.getLoader() == null ? null : pluralAttributeElement.getLoader().getQueryRef(); } @Override public CustomSQL getCustomSqlInsert() { return Helper.buildCustomSql( pluralAttributeElement.getSqlInsert() ); } @Override public CustomSQL getCustomSqlUpdate() { return Helper.buildCustomSql( pluralAttributeElement.getSqlUpdate() ); } @Override public CustomSQL getCustomSqlDelete() { return Helper.buildCustomSql( pluralAttributeElement.getSqlDelete() ); } @Override public CustomSQL getCustomSqlDeleteAll() { return Helper.buildCustomSql( pluralAttributeElement.getSqlDeleteAll() ); } @Override public Iterable<MetaAttributeSource> metaAttributes() { return Helper.buildMetaAttributeSources( pluralAttributeElement.getMeta() ); } @Override public Iterable<CascadeStyle> getCascadeStyles() { return Helper.interpretCascadeStyles( pluralAttributeElement.getCascade(), bindingContext() ); } @Override public FetchTiming getFetchTiming() { final String fetchSelection = pluralAttributeElement.getFetch() != null ? pluralAttributeElement.getFetch().value() : null; final String lazySelection = pluralAttributeElement.getLazy() != null ? pluralAttributeElement.getLazy().value() : null; final String outerJoinSelection = pluralAttributeElement.getOuterJoin() != null ? pluralAttributeElement.getOuterJoin().value() : null; if ( lazySelection == null ) { if ( "join".equals( fetchSelection ) || "true".equals( outerJoinSelection ) ) { return FetchTiming.IMMEDIATE; } else if ( "false".equals( outerJoinSelection ) ) { return FetchTiming.DELAYED; } else { return bindingContext().getMappingDefaults().areAssociationsLazy() ? FetchTiming.DELAYED : FetchTiming.IMMEDIATE; } } else if ( "extra".equals( lazySelection ) ) { return FetchTiming.EXTRA_LAZY; } else if ( "true".equals( lazySelection ) ) { return FetchTiming.DELAYED; } else if ( "false".equals( lazySelection ) ) { return FetchTiming.IMMEDIATE; } throw new MappingException( String.format( "Unexpected lazy selection [%s] on '%s'", lazySelection, pluralAttributeElement.getName() ), bindingContext().getOrigin() ); } @Override public FetchStyle getFetchStyle() { final String fetchSelection = pluralAttributeElement.getFetch() != null ? pluralAttributeElement.getFetch().value() : null; final String outerJoinSelection = pluralAttributeElement.getOuterJoin() != null ? pluralAttributeElement.getOuterJoin().value() : null; final int batchSize = Helper.getIntValue( pluralAttributeElement.getBatchSize(), -1 ); if ( fetchSelection == null ) { if ( outerJoinSelection == null ) { return batchSize > 1 ? FetchStyle.BATCH : FetchStyle.SELECT; } else { if ( "auto".equals( outerJoinSelection ) ) { return bindingContext().getMappingDefaults().areAssociationsLazy() ? FetchStyle.SELECT : FetchStyle.JOIN; } else { return "true".equals( outerJoinSelection ) ? FetchStyle.JOIN : FetchStyle.SELECT; } } } else { if ( "subselect".equals( fetchSelection ) ) { return FetchStyle.SUBSELECT; } else { return "join".equals( fetchSelection ) ? FetchStyle.JOIN : FetchStyle.SELECT; } } } @Override public FetchMode getFetchMode() { return pluralAttributeElement.getFetch() == null ? FetchMode.DEFAULT : FetchMode.valueOf( pluralAttributeElement.getFetch().value() ); } }