 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2011, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
 * statements applied by the authors.  All third-party contributions are
 * distributed under license by Red Hat Inc.
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package org.hibernate.metamodel.source.annotations;

import java.beans.Introspector;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.boot.registry.classloading.spi.ClassLoaderService;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.type.PrimitiveWrapperHelper;

import org.jboss.jandex.AnnotationInstance;
import org.jboss.jandex.AnnotationTarget;
import org.jboss.jandex.AnnotationValue;
import org.jboss.jandex.ClassInfo;
import org.jboss.jandex.DotName;
import org.jboss.jandex.FieldInfo;
import org.jboss.jandex.Index;
import org.jboss.jandex.Indexer;
import org.jboss.jandex.MethodInfo;
import org.jboss.jandex.Type;

Utility methods for working with the jandex annotation index.
Author:Hardy Ferentschik
/** * Utility methods for working with the jandex annotation index. * * @author Hardy Ferentschik */
public class JandexHelper { private static final Map<String, Object> DEFAULT_VALUES_BY_ELEMENT = new HashMap<String, Object>(); private JandexHelper() { }
Retrieves a jandex annotation element value. If the value is null, the default value specified in the annotation class is retrieved instead.

There are two special cases. Class parameters should be retrieved as strings (and then can later be loaded) and enumerated values should be retrieved via getEnumValue(AnnotationInstance, String, Class<Z#0-T#8>).

  • annotation – the annotation containing the element with the supplied name
  • element – the name of the element value to be retrieve
  • type – the type of element to retrieve. The following types are supported:
    • Byte
    • Short
    • Integer
    • Character
    • Float
    • Double
    • Long
    • Boolean
    • String
    • AnnotationInstance
  • AssertionFailure – in case the specified type is a class instance or the specified type causes a ClassCastException when retrieving the value.
Returns:the value if not null, else the default value if not null, else null.
/** * Retrieves a jandex annotation element value. If the value is {@code null}, the default value specified in the * annotation class is retrieved instead. * <p> * There are two special cases. {@code Class} parameters should be retrieved as strings (and then can later be * loaded) and enumerated values should be retrieved via {@link #getEnumValue(AnnotationInstance, String, Class)}. * </p> * * @param annotation the annotation containing the element with the supplied name * @param element the name of the element value to be retrieve * @param type the type of element to retrieve. The following types are supported: * <ul> * <li>Byte</li> * <li>Short</li> * <li>Integer</li> * <li>Character</li> * <li>Float</li> * <li>Double</li> * <li>Long</li> * <li>Boolean</li> * <li>String</li> * <li>AnnotationInstance</li> * * @return the value if not {@code null}, else the default value if not * {@code null}, else {@code null}. * * @throws AssertionFailure in case the specified {@code type} is a class instance or the specified type causes a {@code ClassCastException} * when retrieving the value. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> T getValue(AnnotationInstance annotation, String element, Class<T> type) throws AssertionFailure { if ( Class.class.equals( type ) ) { throw new AssertionFailure( "Annotation parameters of type Class should be retrieved as strings (fully qualified class names)" ); } if ( type.isPrimitive() ) { type = PrimitiveWrapperHelper.getDescriptorByPrimitiveType( type ).getWrapperClass(); } // try getting the untyped value from Jandex AnnotationValue annotationValue = annotation.value( element ); try { if ( annotationValue != null ) { return explicitAnnotationParameter( annotationValue, type ); } else { return defaultAnnotationParameter( getDefaultValue( annotation, element ), type ); } } catch ( ClassCastException e ) { throw new AssertionFailure( String.format( "the annotation property %s of annotation %s is not of type %s", element, annotation.name(), type.getName() ), e ); } } // THIS IS FOR 4.3.x AND SHOULD BE CONSIDERED TEMPORARY. HHH-8118 corrected CL use in JandexHelper by adding // CLS as method arguments. But that was done in the metamodel branch only before I knew that master added a few // uses. HHH-8316 needs it for 4.3. DO NOT LET THIS GET MERGED INTO METAMODEL! public static <T> T getValue(AnnotationInstance annotation, String element, Class<T> type, ClassLoaderService classLoaderService) throws AssertionFailure { if ( Class.class.equals( type ) ) { throw new AssertionFailure( "Annotation parameters of type Class should be retrieved as strings (fully qualified class names)" ); } if ( type.isPrimitive() ) { type = PrimitiveWrapperHelper.getDescriptorByPrimitiveType( type ).getWrapperClass(); } // try getting the untyped value from Jandex AnnotationValue annotationValue = annotation.value( element ); try { if ( annotationValue != null ) { return explicitAnnotationParameter( annotationValue, type ); } else { return defaultAnnotationParameter( getDefaultValue( annotation, element, classLoaderService ), type ); } } catch ( ClassCastException e ) { throw new AssertionFailure( String.format( "the annotation property %s of annotation %s is not of type %s", element, annotation.name(), type.getName() ), e ); } }
Retrieves a jandex annotation element value, converting it to the supplied enumerated type. If the value is null, the default value specified in the annotation class is retrieved instead.
  • annotation – the annotation containing the enumerated element with the supplied name
  • element – the name of the enumerated element value to be retrieve
  • type – the type to which to convert the value before being returned
Type parameters:
  • <T> – an enumerated type
See Also:
Returns:the value converted to the supplied enumerated type if the value is not null, else the default value if not null, else null.
/** * Retrieves a jandex annotation element value, converting it to the supplied enumerated type. If the value is * <code>null</code>, the default value specified in the annotation class is retrieved instead. * * @param <T> an enumerated type * @param annotation the annotation containing the enumerated element with the supplied name * @param element the name of the enumerated element value to be retrieve * @param type the type to which to convert the value before being returned * * @return the value converted to the supplied enumerated type if the value is not <code>null</code>, else the default value if * not <code>null</code>, else <code>null</code>. * * @see #getValue(AnnotationInstance, String, Class) */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends Enum<T>> T getEnumValue(AnnotationInstance annotation, String element, Class<T> type) { AnnotationValue val = annotation.value( element ); if ( val == null ) { return (T) getDefaultValue( annotation, element ); } return Enum.valueOf( type, val.asEnum() ); }
Expects a method or field annotation target and returns the property name for this target
  • target – the annotation target
Returns:the property name of the target. For a field it is the field name and for a method name it is the method name stripped of 'is', 'has' or 'get'
/** * Expects a method or field annotation target and returns the property name for this target * * @param target the annotation target * * @return the property name of the target. For a field it is the field name and for a method name it is * the method name stripped of 'is', 'has' or 'get' */
public static String getPropertyName(AnnotationTarget target) { if ( !( target instanceof MethodInfo || target instanceof FieldInfo ) ) { throw new AssertionFailure( "Unexpected annotation target " + target.toString() ); } if ( target instanceof FieldInfo ) { return ( (FieldInfo) target ).name(); } else { final String methodName = ( (MethodInfo) target ).name(); String propertyName; if ( methodName.startsWith( "is" ) ) { propertyName = Introspector.decapitalize( methodName.substring( 2 ) ); } else if ( methodName.startsWith( "has" ) ) { propertyName = Introspector.decapitalize( methodName.substring( 3 ) ); } else if ( methodName.startsWith( "get" ) ) { propertyName = Introspector.decapitalize( methodName.substring( 3 ) ); } else { throw new AssertionFailure( "Expected a method following the Java Bean notation" ); } return propertyName; } }
  • classInfo – the class info from which to retrieve the annotation instance
  • annotationName – the annotation to retrieve from the class info
  • AssertionFailure – in case there is there is more than one annotation of this type.
Returns:the single annotation defined on the class or null in case the annotation is not specified at all
/** * @param classInfo the class info from which to retrieve the annotation instance * @param annotationName the annotation to retrieve from the class info * * @return the single annotation defined on the class or {@code null} in case the annotation is not specified at all * * @throws org.hibernate.AssertionFailure in case there is there is more than one annotation of this type. */
public static AnnotationInstance getSingleAnnotation(ClassInfo classInfo, DotName annotationName) throws AssertionFailure { return getSingleAnnotation( classInfo.annotations(), annotationName ); }
  • annotations – List of annotation instances keyed against their dot name.
  • annotationName – the annotation to retrieve from map
  • AssertionFailure – in case there is there is more than one annotation of this type.
Returns:the single annotation of the specified dot name or null in case the annotation is not specified at all
/** * @param annotations List of annotation instances keyed against their dot name. * @param annotationName the annotation to retrieve from map * * @return the single annotation of the specified dot name or {@code null} in case the annotation is not specified at all * * @throws org.hibernate.AssertionFailure in case there is there is more than one annotation of this type. */
public static AnnotationInstance getSingleAnnotation(Map<DotName, List<AnnotationInstance>> annotations, DotName annotationName) throws AssertionFailure { List<AnnotationInstance> annotationList = annotations.get( annotationName ); if ( annotationList == null ) { return null; } else if ( annotationList.size() == 1 ) { return annotationList.get( 0 ); } else { throw new AssertionFailure( "Found more than one instance of the annotation " + annotationList.get( 0 ).name().toString() + ". Expected was one." ); } }
  • annotations – List of annotation instances keyed against their dot name.
  • annotationName – the annotation to check
  • AssertionFailure – in case there is there is more than one annotation of this type.
Returns:returns true if the map contains only a single instance of specified annotation or false otherwise.
/** * @param annotations List of annotation instances keyed against their dot name. * @param annotationName the annotation to check * * @return returns {@code true} if the map contains only a single instance of specified annotation or {@code false} otherwise. * * @throws org.hibernate.AssertionFailure in case there is there is more than one annotation of this type. */
public static boolean containsSingleAnnotations(Map<DotName, List<AnnotationInstance>> annotations, DotName annotationName) throws AssertionFailure { return getSingleAnnotation( annotations, annotationName ) != null; }
Creates a jandex index for the specified classes
  • classLoaderService – class loader service
  • classes – the classes to index
Returns:an annotation repository w/ all the annotation discovered in the specified classes
/** * Creates a jandex index for the specified classes * * @param classLoaderService class loader service * @param classes the classes to index * * @return an annotation repository w/ all the annotation discovered in the specified classes */
public static Index indexForClass(ClassLoaderService classLoaderService, Class<?>... classes) { Indexer indexer = new Indexer(); for ( Class<?> clazz : classes ) { InputStream stream = classLoaderService.locateResourceStream( clazz.getName().replace( '.', '/' ) + ".class" ); try { indexer.index( stream ); } catch ( IOException e ) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append( "[" ); int count = 0; for ( Class<?> c : classes ) { builder.append( c.getName() ); if ( count < classes.length - 1 ) { builder.append( "," ); } count++; } builder.append( "]" ); throw new HibernateException( "Unable to create annotation index for " + builder.toString() ); } } return indexer.complete(); } public static Map<DotName, List<AnnotationInstance>> getMemberAnnotations(ClassInfo classInfo, String name) { if ( classInfo == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "classInfo cannot be null" ); } if ( name == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "name cannot be null" ); } Map<DotName, List<AnnotationInstance>> annotations = new HashMap<DotName, List<AnnotationInstance>>(); for ( List<AnnotationInstance> annotationList : classInfo.annotations().values() ) { for ( AnnotationInstance instance : annotationList ) { String targetName = null; if ( instance.target() instanceof FieldInfo ) { targetName = ( (FieldInfo) instance.target() ).name(); } else if ( instance.target() instanceof MethodInfo ) { targetName = ( (MethodInfo) instance.target() ).name(); } if ( targetName != null && name.equals( targetName ) ) { addAnnotationToMap( instance, annotations ); } } } return annotations; } private static void addAnnotationToMap(AnnotationInstance instance, Map<DotName, List<AnnotationInstance>> annotations) { DotName dotName = instance.name(); List<AnnotationInstance> list; if ( annotations.containsKey( dotName ) ) { list = annotations.get( dotName ); } else { list = new ArrayList<AnnotationInstance>(); annotations.put( dotName, list ); } list.add( instance ); } private static Object getDefaultValue(AnnotationInstance annotation, String element) { String name = annotation.name().toString(); String fqElement = name + '.' + element; Object val = DEFAULT_VALUES_BY_ELEMENT.get( fqElement ); if ( val != null ) { return val; } try { val = Index.class.getClassLoader().loadClass( name ).getMethod( element ).getDefaultValue(); DEFAULT_VALUES_BY_ELEMENT.put( fqElement, val ); return val == null ? null : val; } catch ( RuntimeException error ) { throw error; } catch ( Exception error ) { throw new AssertionFailure( String.format( "The annotation %s does not define a parameter '%s'", name, element ), error ); } } // THIS IS FOR 4.3.x AND SHOULD BE CONSIDERED TEMPORARY. HHH-8118 corrected CL use in JandexHelper by adding // CLS as method arguments. But that was done in the metamodel branch only before I knew that master added a few // uses. HHH-8316 needs it for 4.3. DO NOT LET THIS GET MERGED INTO METAMODEL! private static Object getDefaultValue(AnnotationInstance annotation, String element, ClassLoaderService classLoaderService) { String name = annotation.name().toString(); String fqElement = name + '.' + element; Object val = DEFAULT_VALUES_BY_ELEMENT.get( fqElement ); if ( val != null ) { return val; } try { val = classLoaderService.classForName( name ).getMethod( element ).getDefaultValue(); if ( val != null ) { // Annotation parameters of type Class are handled using Strings if ( val instanceof Class ) { val = ( ( Class ) val ).getName(); } } DEFAULT_VALUES_BY_ELEMENT.put( fqElement, val ); return val; } catch ( RuntimeException error ) { throw error; } catch ( Exception error ) { throw new AssertionFailure( String.format( "The annotation %s does not define a parameter '%s'", name, element ), error ); } } private static <T> T defaultAnnotationParameter(Object defaultValue, Class<T> type) { Object returnValue = defaultValue; // resolve some mismatches between what's stored in jandex and what the defaults are for annotations // in case of nested annotation arrays, jandex returns arrays of AnnotationInstances, hence we return // an empty array of this type here if ( defaultValue.getClass().isArray() && defaultValue.getClass().getComponentType().isAnnotation() ) { returnValue = new AnnotationInstance[0]; } return type.cast( returnValue ); } private static <T> T explicitAnnotationParameter(AnnotationValue annotationValue, Class<T> type) { Object returnValue = annotationValue.value(); // if the jandex return type is Type we actually try to retrieve a class parameter // for our purposes we just return the fqcn of the class if ( returnValue instanceof Type ) { returnValue = ( (Type) returnValue ).name().toString(); } // arrays we have to handle explicitly if ( type.isArray() ) { AnnotationValue[] values = (AnnotationValue[]) returnValue; Class<?> componentType = type.getComponentType(); Object[] arr = (Object[]) Array.newInstance( componentType, values.length ); for ( int i = 0; i < values.length; i++ ) { arr[i] = componentType.cast( values[i].value() ); } returnValue = arr; } return type.cast( returnValue ); } }