 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2010, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
 * statements applied by the authors.  All third-party contributions are
 * distributed under license by Red Hat Inc.
 * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
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 * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package org.hibernate.metamodel.relational;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.collections.ArrayHelper;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.Metadata;

Represents a database and manages the named schema/catalog pairs defined within.
Author:Steve Ebersole, Gail Badner
/** * Represents a database and manages the named schema/catalog pairs defined within. * * @author Steve Ebersole * @author Gail Badner */
public class Database { private final Schema.Name implicitSchemaName; private final Map<Schema.Name,Schema> schemaMap = new HashMap<Schema.Name, Schema>(); private final List<AuxiliaryDatabaseObject> auxiliaryDatabaseObjects = new ArrayList<AuxiliaryDatabaseObject>(); public Database(Metadata.Options options) { String schemaName = options.getDefaultSchemaName(); String catalogName = options.getDefaultCatalogName(); if ( options.isGloballyQuotedIdentifiers() ) { schemaName = StringHelper.quote( schemaName ); catalogName = StringHelper.quote( catalogName ); } implicitSchemaName = new Schema.Name( schemaName, catalogName ); makeSchema( implicitSchemaName ); } public Schema getDefaultSchema() { return schemaMap.get( implicitSchemaName ); } public Schema locateSchema(Schema.Name name) { if ( name.getSchema() == null && name.getCatalog() == null ) { return getDefaultSchema(); } Schema schema = schemaMap.get( name ); if ( schema == null ) { schema = makeSchema( name ); } return schema; } private Schema makeSchema(Schema.Name name) { Schema schema; schema = new Schema( name ); schemaMap.put( name, schema ); return schema; } public Schema getSchema(Identifier schema, Identifier catalog) { return locateSchema( new Schema.Name( schema, catalog ) ); } public Schema getSchema(String schema, String catalog) { return locateSchema( new Schema.Name( Identifier.toIdentifier( schema ), Identifier.toIdentifier( catalog ) ) ); } public void addAuxiliaryDatabaseObject(AuxiliaryDatabaseObject auxiliaryDatabaseObject) { if ( auxiliaryDatabaseObject == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Auxiliary database object is null." ); } auxiliaryDatabaseObjects.add( auxiliaryDatabaseObject ); } public Iterable<AuxiliaryDatabaseObject> getAuxiliaryDatabaseObjects() { return auxiliaryDatabaseObjects; } public String[] generateSchemaCreationScript(Dialect dialect) { Set<String> exportIdentifiers = new HashSet<String>( 50 ); List<String> script = new ArrayList<String>( 50 ); for ( Schema schema : schemaMap.values() ) { // TODO: create schema/catalog??? for ( Table table : schema.getTables() ) { addSqlCreateStrings( dialect, exportIdentifiers, script, table ); } } for ( Schema schema : schemaMap.values() ) { for ( Table table : schema.getTables() ) { for ( UniqueKey uniqueKey : table.getUniqueKeys() ) { addSqlCreateStrings( dialect, exportIdentifiers, script, uniqueKey ); } for ( Index index : table.getIndexes() ) { addSqlCreateStrings( dialect, exportIdentifiers, script, index ); } if ( dialect.hasAlterTable() ) { for ( ForeignKey foreignKey : table.getForeignKeys() ) { // only add the foreign key if its target is a physical table if ( Table.class.isInstance( foreignKey.getTargetTable() ) ) { addSqlCreateStrings( dialect, exportIdentifiers, script, foreignKey ); } } } } } // TODO: add sql create strings from PersistentIdentifierGenerator.sqlCreateStrings() for ( AuxiliaryDatabaseObject auxiliaryDatabaseObject : auxiliaryDatabaseObjects ) { if ( auxiliaryDatabaseObject.appliesToDialect( dialect ) ) { addSqlCreateStrings( dialect, exportIdentifiers, script, auxiliaryDatabaseObject ); } } return ArrayHelper.toStringArray( script ); } public String[] generateDropSchemaScript(Dialect dialect) { Set<String> exportIdentifiers = new HashSet<String>( 50 ); List<String> script = new ArrayList<String>( 50 ); // drop them in reverse order in case db needs it done that way... for ( int i = auxiliaryDatabaseObjects.size() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) { AuxiliaryDatabaseObject object = auxiliaryDatabaseObjects.get( i ); if ( object.appliesToDialect( dialect ) ) { addSqlDropStrings( dialect, exportIdentifiers, script, object ); } } if ( dialect.dropConstraints() ) { for ( Schema schema : schemaMap.values() ) { for ( Table table : schema.getTables() ) { for ( ForeignKey foreignKey : table.getForeignKeys() ) { // only include foreign key if the target table is physical if ( foreignKey.getTargetTable() instanceof Table ) { addSqlDropStrings( dialect, exportIdentifiers, script, foreignKey ); } } } } } for ( Schema schema : schemaMap.values() ) { for ( Table table : schema.getTables() ) { addSqlDropStrings( dialect, exportIdentifiers, script, table ); } } // TODO: add sql drop strings from PersistentIdentifierGenerator.sqlCreateStrings() // TODO: drop schemas/catalogs??? return ArrayHelper.toStringArray( script ); } private static void addSqlDropStrings( Dialect dialect, Set<String> exportIdentifiers, List<String> script, Exportable exportable) { addSqlStrings( exportIdentifiers, script, exportable.getExportIdentifier(), exportable.sqlDropStrings( dialect ) ); } private static void addSqlCreateStrings( Dialect dialect, Set<String> exportIdentifiers, List<String> script, Exportable exportable) { addSqlStrings( exportIdentifiers, script, exportable.getExportIdentifier(), exportable.sqlCreateStrings( dialect ) ); } private static void addSqlStrings( Set<String> exportIdentifiers, List<String> script, String exportIdentifier, String[] sqlStrings) { if ( sqlStrings == null ) { return; } if ( exportIdentifiers.contains( exportIdentifier ) ) { throw new MappingException( "SQL strings added more than once for: " + exportIdentifier ); } exportIdentifiers.add( exportIdentifier ); script.addAll( Arrays.asList( sqlStrings ) ); } }