 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
 * statements applied by the authors.  All third-party contributions are
 * distributed under license by Red Hat Inc.
 * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
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 * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package org.hibernate.loader.hql;

import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.LockMode;
import org.hibernate.LockOptions;
import org.hibernate.QueryException;
import org.hibernate.ScrollableResults;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.QueryParameters;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.event.spi.EventSource;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.HolderInstantiator;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.AggregatedSelectExpression;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.FromElement;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.QueryNode;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.SelectClause;
import org.hibernate.internal.IteratorImpl;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.collections.ArrayHelper;
import org.hibernate.loader.BasicLoader;
import org.hibernate.loader.spi.AfterLoadAction;
import org.hibernate.param.ParameterSpecification;
import org.hibernate.persister.collection.CollectionPersister;
import org.hibernate.persister.collection.QueryableCollection;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.Loadable;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.Lockable;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.Queryable;
import org.hibernate.transform.ResultTransformer;
import org.hibernate.type.EntityType;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;

A delegate that implements the Loader part of QueryTranslator.
/** * A delegate that implements the Loader part of QueryTranslator. * * @author josh */
public class QueryLoader extends BasicLoader {
The query translator that is delegating to this object.
/** * The query translator that is delegating to this object. */
private QueryTranslatorImpl queryTranslator; private Queryable[] entityPersisters; private String[] entityAliases; private String[] sqlAliases; private String[] sqlAliasSuffixes; private boolean[] includeInSelect; private String[] collectionSuffixes; private boolean hasScalars; private String[][] scalarColumnNames; //private Type[] sqlResultTypes; private Type[] queryReturnTypes; private final Map<String, String> sqlAliasByEntityAlias = new HashMap<String, String>(8); private EntityType[] ownerAssociationTypes; private int[] owners; private boolean[] entityEagerPropertyFetches; private int[] collectionOwners; private QueryableCollection[] collectionPersisters; private int selectLength; private AggregatedSelectExpression aggregatedSelectExpression; private String[] queryReturnAliases; private LockMode[] defaultLockModes;
Creates a new Loader implementation.
  • queryTranslator – The query translator that is the delegator.
  • factory – The factory from which this loader is being created.
  • selectClause – The AST representing the select clause for loading.
/** * Creates a new Loader implementation. * * @param queryTranslator The query translator that is the delegator. * @param factory The factory from which this loader is being created. * @param selectClause The AST representing the select clause for loading. */
public QueryLoader( final QueryTranslatorImpl queryTranslator, final SessionFactoryImplementor factory, final SelectClause selectClause) { super( factory ); this.queryTranslator = queryTranslator; initialize( selectClause ); postInstantiate(); } private void initialize(SelectClause selectClause) { List fromElementList = selectClause.getFromElementsForLoad(); hasScalars = selectClause.isScalarSelect(); scalarColumnNames = selectClause.getColumnNames(); //sqlResultTypes = selectClause.getSqlResultTypes(); queryReturnTypes = selectClause.getQueryReturnTypes(); aggregatedSelectExpression = selectClause.getAggregatedSelectExpression(); queryReturnAliases = selectClause.getQueryReturnAliases(); List collectionFromElements = selectClause.getCollectionFromElements(); if ( collectionFromElements != null && collectionFromElements.size()!=0 ) { int length = collectionFromElements.size(); collectionPersisters = new QueryableCollection[length]; collectionOwners = new int[length]; collectionSuffixes = new String[length]; for ( int i=0; i<length; i++ ) { FromElement collectionFromElement = (FromElement) collectionFromElements.get(i); collectionPersisters[i] = collectionFromElement.getQueryableCollection(); collectionOwners[i] = fromElementList.indexOf( collectionFromElement.getOrigin() ); // collectionSuffixes[i] = collectionFromElement.getColumnAliasSuffix(); // collectionSuffixes[i] = Integer.toString( i ) + "_"; collectionSuffixes[i] = collectionFromElement.getCollectionSuffix(); } } int size = fromElementList.size(); entityPersisters = new Queryable[size]; entityEagerPropertyFetches = new boolean[size]; entityAliases = new String[size]; sqlAliases = new String[size]; sqlAliasSuffixes = new String[size]; includeInSelect = new boolean[size]; owners = new int[size]; ownerAssociationTypes = new EntityType[size]; for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { final FromElement element = ( FromElement ) fromElementList.get( i ); entityPersisters[i] = ( Queryable ) element.getEntityPersister(); if ( entityPersisters[i] == null ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "No entity persister for " + element.toString() ); } entityEagerPropertyFetches[i] = element.isAllPropertyFetch(); sqlAliases[i] = element.getTableAlias(); entityAliases[i] = element.getClassAlias(); sqlAliasByEntityAlias.put( entityAliases[i], sqlAliases[i] ); // TODO should we just collect these like with the collections above? sqlAliasSuffixes[i] = ( size == 1 ) ? "" : Integer.toString( i ) + "_"; // sqlAliasSuffixes[i] = element.getColumnAliasSuffix(); includeInSelect[i] = !element.isFetch(); if ( includeInSelect[i] ) { selectLength++; } owners[i] = -1; //by default if ( element.isFetch() ) { if ( element.isCollectionJoin() || element.getQueryableCollection() != null ) { // This is now handled earlier in this method. } else if ( element.getDataType().isEntityType() ) { EntityType entityType = ( EntityType ) element.getDataType(); if ( entityType.isOneToOne() ) { owners[i] = fromElementList.indexOf( element.getOrigin() ); } ownerAssociationTypes[i] = entityType; } } } //NONE, because its the requested lock mode, not the actual! defaultLockModes = ArrayHelper.fillArray( LockMode.NONE, size ); } public AggregatedSelectExpression getAggregatedSelectExpression() { return aggregatedSelectExpression; } // -- Loader implementation -- public final void validateScrollability() throws HibernateException { queryTranslator.validateScrollability(); } @Override protected boolean needsFetchingScroll() { return queryTranslator.containsCollectionFetches(); } @Override public Loadable[] getEntityPersisters() { return entityPersisters; } @Override public String[] getAliases() { return sqlAliases; } public String[] getSqlAliasSuffixes() { return sqlAliasSuffixes; } @Override public String[] getSuffixes() { return getSqlAliasSuffixes(); } @Override public String[] getCollectionSuffixes() { return collectionSuffixes; } @Override protected String getQueryIdentifier() { return queryTranslator.getQueryIdentifier(); }
The SQL query string to be called.
/** * The SQL query string to be called. */
@Override public String getSQLString() { return queryTranslator.getSQLString(); }
An (optional) persister for a collection to be initialized; only collection loaders return a non-null value
/** * An (optional) persister for a collection to be initialized; only collection loaders * return a non-null value */
@Override protected CollectionPersister[] getCollectionPersisters() { return collectionPersisters; } @Override protected int[] getCollectionOwners() { return collectionOwners; } @Override protected boolean[] getEntityEagerPropertyFetches() { return entityEagerPropertyFetches; }
An array of indexes of the entity that owns a one-to-one association to the entity at the given index (-1 if there is no "owner")
/** * An array of indexes of the entity that owns a one-to-one association * to the entity at the given index (-1 if there is no "owner") */
@Override protected int[] getOwners() { return owners; } @Override protected EntityType[] getOwnerAssociationTypes() { return ownerAssociationTypes; } // -- Loader overrides -- @Override protected boolean isSubselectLoadingEnabled() { return hasSubselectLoadableCollections(); }
  • lockOptions – a collection of lock modes specified dynamically via the Query interface
/** * @param lockOptions a collection of lock modes specified dynamically via the Query interface */
@Override protected LockMode[] getLockModes(LockOptions lockOptions) { if ( lockOptions == null ) { return defaultLockModes; } if ( lockOptions.getAliasLockCount() == 0 && ( lockOptions.getLockMode() == null || LockMode.NONE.equals( lockOptions.getLockMode() ) ) ) { return defaultLockModes; } // unfortunately this stuff can't be cached because // it is per-invocation, not constant for the // QueryTranslator instance LockMode[] lockModesArray = new LockMode[entityAliases.length]; for ( int i = 0; i < entityAliases.length; i++ ) { LockMode lockMode = lockOptions.getEffectiveLockMode( entityAliases[i] ); if ( lockMode == null ) { //NONE, because its the requested lock mode, not the actual! lockMode = LockMode.NONE; } lockModesArray[i] = lockMode; } return lockModesArray; } @Override protected String applyLocks( String sql, QueryParameters parameters, Dialect dialect, List<AfterLoadAction> afterLoadActions) throws QueryException { // can't cache this stuff either (per-invocation) // we are given a map of user-alias -> lock mode // create a new map of sql-alias -> lock mode final LockOptions lockOptions = parameters.getLockOptions(); if ( lockOptions == null || ( lockOptions.getLockMode() == LockMode.NONE && lockOptions.getAliasLockCount() == 0 ) ) { return sql; } // user is request locking, lets see if we can apply locking directly to the SQL... // some dialects wont allow locking with paging... if ( shouldUseFollowOnLocking( parameters, dialect, afterLoadActions ) ) { return sql; } // there are other conditions we might want to add here, such as checking the result types etc // but those are better served after we have redone the SQL generation to use ASTs. // we need both the set of locks and the columns to reference in locks // as the ultimate output of this section... final LockOptions locks = new LockOptions( lockOptions.getLockMode() ); final Map<String, String[]> keyColumnNames = dialect.forUpdateOfColumns() ? new HashMap<String, String[]>() : null; locks.setScope( lockOptions.getScope() ); locks.setTimeOut( lockOptions.getTimeOut() ); for ( Map.Entry<String, String> entry : sqlAliasByEntityAlias.entrySet() ) { final String userAlias = entry.getKey(); final String drivingSqlAlias = entry.getValue(); if ( drivingSqlAlias == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "could not locate alias to apply lock mode : " + userAlias ); } // at this point we have (drivingSqlAlias) the SQL alias of the driving table // corresponding to the given user alias. However, the driving table is not // (necessarily) the table against which we want to apply locks. Mainly, // the exception case here is joined-subclass hierarchies where we instead // want to apply the lock against the root table (for all other strategies, // it just happens that driving and root are the same). final QueryNode select = (QueryNode) queryTranslator.getSqlAST(); final Lockable drivingPersister = (Lockable) select.getFromClause() .findFromElementByUserOrSqlAlias( userAlias, drivingSqlAlias ) .getQueryable(); final String sqlAlias = drivingPersister.getRootTableAlias( drivingSqlAlias ); final LockMode effectiveLockMode = lockOptions.getEffectiveLockMode( userAlias ); locks.setAliasSpecificLockMode( sqlAlias, effectiveLockMode ); if ( keyColumnNames != null ) { keyColumnNames.put( sqlAlias, drivingPersister.getRootTableIdentifierColumnNames() ); } } // apply the collected locks and columns return dialect.applyLocksToSql( sql, locks, keyColumnNames ); } @Override protected void applyPostLoadLocks(Object[] row, LockMode[] lockModesArray, SessionImplementor session) { // todo : scalars??? // if ( row.length != lockModesArray.length ) { // return; // } // // for ( int i = 0; i < lockModesArray.length; i++ ) { // if ( LockMode.OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT.equals( lockModesArray[i] ) ) { // final EntityEntry pcEntry = // } // else if ( LockMode.PESSIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT.equals( lockModesArray[i] ) ) { // // } // } } @Override protected boolean upgradeLocks() { return true; } private boolean hasSelectNew() { return aggregatedSelectExpression != null && aggregatedSelectExpression.getResultTransformer() != null; } @Override protected String[] getResultRowAliases() { return queryReturnAliases; } @Override protected ResultTransformer resolveResultTransformer(ResultTransformer resultTransformer) { final ResultTransformer implicitResultTransformer = aggregatedSelectExpression == null ? null : aggregatedSelectExpression.getResultTransformer(); return HolderInstantiator.resolveResultTransformer( implicitResultTransformer, resultTransformer ); } @Override protected boolean[] includeInResultRow() { boolean[] includeInResultTuple = includeInSelect; if ( hasScalars ) { includeInResultTuple = new boolean[ queryReturnTypes.length ]; Arrays.fill( includeInResultTuple, true ); } return includeInResultTuple; } @Override protected Object getResultColumnOrRow(Object[] row, ResultTransformer transformer, ResultSet rs, SessionImplementor session) throws SQLException, HibernateException { Object[] resultRow = getResultRow( row, rs, session ); boolean hasTransform = hasSelectNew() || transformer!=null; return ( ! hasTransform && resultRow.length == 1 ? resultRow[ 0 ] : resultRow ); } @Override protected Object[] getResultRow(Object[] row, ResultSet rs, SessionImplementor session) throws SQLException, HibernateException { Object[] resultRow; if ( hasScalars ) { String[][] scalarColumns = scalarColumnNames; int queryCols = queryReturnTypes.length; resultRow = new Object[queryCols]; for ( int i = 0; i < queryCols; i++ ) { resultRow[i] = queryReturnTypes[i].nullSafeGet( rs, scalarColumns[i], session, null ); } } else { resultRow = toResultRow( row ); } return resultRow; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected List getResultList(List results, ResultTransformer resultTransformer) throws QueryException { // meant to handle dynamic instantiation queries... HolderInstantiator holderInstantiator = buildHolderInstantiator( resultTransformer ); if ( holderInstantiator.isRequired() ) { for ( int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++ ) { Object[] row = ( Object[] ) results.get( i ); Object result = holderInstantiator.instantiate(row); results.set( i, result ); } if ( !hasSelectNew() && resultTransformer != null ) { return resultTransformer.transformList(results); } else { return results; } } else { return results; } } private HolderInstantiator buildHolderInstantiator(ResultTransformer queryLocalResultTransformer) { final ResultTransformer implicitResultTransformer = aggregatedSelectExpression == null ? null : aggregatedSelectExpression.getResultTransformer(); return HolderInstantiator.getHolderInstantiator( implicitResultTransformer, queryLocalResultTransformer, queryReturnAliases ); } // --- Query translator methods --- public List list( SessionImplementor session, QueryParameters queryParameters) throws HibernateException { checkQuery( queryParameters ); return list( session, queryParameters, queryTranslator.getQuerySpaces(), queryReturnTypes ); } private void checkQuery(QueryParameters queryParameters) { if ( hasSelectNew() && queryParameters.getResultTransformer() != null ) { throw new QueryException( "ResultTransformer is not allowed for 'select new' queries." ); } } public Iterator iterate( QueryParameters queryParameters, EventSource session) throws HibernateException { checkQuery( queryParameters ); final boolean stats = session.getFactory().getStatistics().isStatisticsEnabled(); long startTime = 0; if ( stats ) { startTime = System.nanoTime(); } try { if ( queryParameters.isCallable() ) { throw new QueryException("iterate() not supported for callable statements"); } final SqlStatementWrapper wrapper = executeQueryStatement( queryParameters, false, Collections.<AfterLoadAction>emptyList(), session ); final ResultSet rs = wrapper.getResultSet(); final PreparedStatement st = (PreparedStatement) wrapper.getStatement(); final Iterator result = new IteratorImpl( rs, st, session, queryParameters.isReadOnly( session ), queryReturnTypes, queryTranslator.getColumnNames(), buildHolderInstantiator( queryParameters.getResultTransformer() ) ); if ( stats ) { final long endTime = System.nanoTime(); final long milliseconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert( endTime - startTime, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS ); session.getFactory().getStatisticsImplementor().queryExecuted( // "HQL: " + queryTranslator.getQueryString(), getQueryIdentifier(), 0, milliseconds ); } return result; } catch ( SQLException sqle ) { throw getFactory().getSQLExceptionHelper().convert( sqle, "could not execute query using iterate", getSQLString() ); } } public ScrollableResults scroll( final QueryParameters queryParameters, final SessionImplementor session) throws HibernateException { checkQuery( queryParameters ); return scroll( queryParameters, queryReturnTypes, buildHolderInstantiator( queryParameters.getResultTransformer() ), session ); } // -- Implementation private methods -- private Object[] toResultRow(Object[] row) { if ( selectLength == row.length ) { return row; } else { Object[] result = new Object[selectLength]; int j = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < row.length; i++ ) { if ( includeInSelect[i] ) { result[j++] = row[i]; } } return result; } }
Returns the locations of all occurrences of the named parameter.
/** * Returns the locations of all occurrences of the named parameter. */
@Override public int[] getNamedParameterLocs(String name) throws QueryException { return queryTranslator.getParameterTranslations().getNamedParameterSqlLocations( name ); }
We specifically override this method here, because in general we know much more about the parameters and their appropriate bind positions here then we do in our super because we track them explicitly here through the ParameterSpecification interface.
  • queryParameters – The encapsulation of the parameter values to be bound.
  • startIndex – The position from which to start binding parameter values.
  • session – The originating session.
Returns:The number of JDBC bind positions actually bound during this method execution.
/** * We specifically override this method here, because in general we know much more * about the parameters and their appropriate bind positions here then we do in * our super because we track them explicitly here through the ParameterSpecification * interface. * * @param queryParameters The encapsulation of the parameter values to be bound. * @param startIndex The position from which to start binding parameter values. * @param session The originating session. * @return The number of JDBC bind positions actually bound during this method execution. * @throws SQLException Indicates problems performing the binding. */
@Override protected int bindParameterValues( final PreparedStatement statement, final QueryParameters queryParameters, final int startIndex, final SessionImplementor session) throws SQLException { int position = startIndex; List<ParameterSpecification> parameterSpecs = queryTranslator.getCollectedParameterSpecifications(); for ( ParameterSpecification spec : parameterSpecs ) { position += spec.bind( statement, queryParameters, session, position ); } return position - startIndex; } }