 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.loader.entity.plan;

import org.hibernate.LockMode;
import org.hibernate.LockOptions;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.LoadQueryInfluencers;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreLogging;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.exec.query.spi.QueryBuildingParameters;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.OuterJoinLoadable;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

UniqueEntityLoader implementation that is the main functionality for LoadPlan-based Entity loading.

Can handle batch-loading as well as non-pk, unique-key loading,

Much is ultimately delegated to its superclass, AbstractLoadPlanBasedEntityLoader. However: Loads an entity instance using outerjoin fetching to fetch associated entities.
The EntityPersister must implement Loadable. For other entities, create a customized subclass of Loader.
Author:Gavin King, Steve Ebersole, Gail Badner
/** * UniqueEntityLoader implementation that is the main functionality for LoadPlan-based Entity loading. * <p/> * Can handle batch-loading as well as non-pk, unique-key loading, * <p/> * Much is ultimately delegated to its superclass, AbstractLoadPlanBasedEntityLoader. However: * * Loads an entity instance using outerjoin fetching to fetch associated entities. * <br> * The <tt>EntityPersister</tt> must implement <tt>Loadable</tt>. For other entities, * create a customized subclass of <tt>Loader</tt>. * * @author Gavin King * @author Steve Ebersole * @author Gail Badner */
public class EntityLoader extends AbstractLoadPlanBasedEntityLoader { private static final Logger log = CoreLogging.logger( EntityLoader.class ); public static Builder forEntity(OuterJoinLoadable persister) { return new Builder( persister ); } public static class Builder { private final OuterJoinLoadable persister; private int batchSize = 1; private LoadQueryInfluencers influencers = LoadQueryInfluencers.NONE; private LockMode lockMode = LockMode.NONE; private LockOptions lockOptions; public Builder(OuterJoinLoadable persister) { this.persister = persister; } public Builder withBatchSize(int batchSize) { this.batchSize = batchSize; return this; } public Builder withInfluencers(LoadQueryInfluencers influencers) { this.influencers = influencers; return this; } public Builder withLockMode(LockMode lockMode) { this.lockMode = lockMode; return this; } public Builder withLockOptions(LockOptions lockOptions) { this.lockOptions = lockOptions; return this; } public EntityLoader byPrimaryKey() { return byUniqueKey( persister.getIdentifierColumnNames(), persister.getIdentifierType() ); } public EntityLoader byUniqueKey(String[] keyColumnNames, Type keyType) { return new EntityLoader( persister.getFactory(), persister, keyColumnNames, keyType, new QueryBuildingParameters() { @Override public LoadQueryInfluencers getQueryInfluencers() { return influencers; } @Override public int getBatchSize() { return batchSize; } @Override public LockMode getLockMode() { return lockMode; } @Override public LockOptions getLockOptions() { return lockOptions; } } ); } } private EntityLoader( SessionFactoryImplementor factory, OuterJoinLoadable persister, String[] uniqueKeyColumnNames, Type uniqueKeyType, QueryBuildingParameters buildingParameters) throws MappingException { super( persister, factory, uniqueKeyColumnNames, uniqueKeyType, buildingParameters ); if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) { if ( buildingParameters.getLockOptions() != null ) { log.debugf( "Static select for entity %s [%s:%s]: %s", getEntityName(), buildingParameters.getLockOptions().getLockMode(), buildingParameters.getLockOptions().getTimeOut(), getStaticLoadQuery().getSqlStatement() ); } else if ( buildingParameters.getLockMode() != null ) { log.debugf( "Static select for entity %s [%s]: %s", getEntityName(), buildingParameters.getLockMode(), getStaticLoadQuery().getSqlStatement() ); } } } }