 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC or third-party contributors as
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package org.hibernate.loader.custom;

import java.util.Map;

import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.loader.CollectionAliases;
import org.hibernate.persister.collection.SQLLoadableCollection;

CollectionAliases that uses columnnames instead of generated aliases. Aliases can still be overwritten via
Author:Max Rydahl Andersen
/** * CollectionAliases that uses columnnames instead of generated aliases. * Aliases can still be overwritten via <return-property> * * @author Max Rydahl Andersen * */
public class ColumnCollectionAliases implements CollectionAliases { private final String[] keyAliases; private final String[] indexAliases; private final String[] elementAliases; private final String identifierAlias; private Map userProvidedAliases; public ColumnCollectionAliases(Map userProvidedAliases, SQLLoadableCollection persister) { this.userProvidedAliases = userProvidedAliases; this.keyAliases = getUserProvidedAliases( "key", persister.getKeyColumnNames() ); this.indexAliases = getUserProvidedAliases( "index", persister.getIndexColumnNames() ); this.elementAliases = getUserProvidedAliases( "element", persister.getElementColumnNames() ); this.identifierAlias = getUserProvidedAlias( "id", persister.getIdentifierColumnName() ); }
Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for columns making up the key for this collection (i.e., its FK to its owner).
Returns:The key result-set column aliases.
/** * Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for columns making up the key for this collection (i.e., its FK to * its owner). * * @return The key result-set column aliases. */
public String[] getSuffixedKeyAliases() { return keyAliases; }
Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for the collumns making up the collection's index (map or list).
Returns:The index result-set column aliases.
/** * Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for the collumns making up the collection's index (map or list). * * @return The index result-set column aliases. */
public String[] getSuffixedIndexAliases() { return indexAliases; }
Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for the columns making up the collection's elements.
Returns:The element result-set column aliases.
/** * Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for the columns making up the collection's elements. * * @return The element result-set column aliases. */
public String[] getSuffixedElementAliases() { return elementAliases; }
Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for the column defining the collection's identifier (if any).
Returns:The identifier result-set column aliases.
/** * Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for the column defining the collection's identifier (if any). * * @return The identifier result-set column aliases. */
public String getSuffixedIdentifierAlias() { return identifierAlias; }
Returns the suffix used to unique the column aliases for this particular alias set.
Returns:The uniqued column alias suffix.
/** * Returns the suffix used to unique the column aliases for this particular alias set. * * @return The uniqued column alias suffix. */
public String getSuffix() { return ""; } @Override public String toString() { return super.toString() + " [ suffixedKeyAliases=[" + join( keyAliases ) + "], suffixedIndexAliases=[" + join( indexAliases ) + "], suffixedElementAliases=[" + join( elementAliases ) + "], suffixedIdentifierAlias=[" + identifierAlias + "]]"; } private String join(String[] aliases) { if ( aliases == null) return null; return StringHelper.join( ", ", aliases ); } private String[] getUserProvidedAliases(String propertyPath, String[] defaultAliases) { String[] result = (String[]) userProvidedAliases.get(propertyPath); if (result==null) { return defaultAliases; } else { return result; } } private String getUserProvidedAlias(String propertyPath, String defaultAlias) { String[] columns = (String[]) userProvidedAliases.get(propertyPath); if (columns==null) { return defaultAlias; } else { return columns[0]; } } }