 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2010, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
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package org.hibernate.loader;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.engine.internal.JoinHelper;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.persister.collection.QueryableCollection;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.Joinable;
import org.hibernate.sql.JoinFragment;
import org.hibernate.sql.JoinType;
import org.hibernate.type.AssociationType;
import org.hibernate.type.EntityType;

Part of the Hibernate SQL rendering internals. This class represents a joinable association.
Author:Gavin King
/** * Part of the Hibernate SQL rendering internals. This class represents * a joinable association. * * @author Gavin King */
public final class OuterJoinableAssociation { private final PropertyPath propertyPath; private final AssociationType joinableType; private final Joinable joinable; private final String lhsAlias; // belong to other persister private final String[] lhsColumns; // belong to other persister private final String rhsAlias; private final String[] rhsColumns; private final JoinType joinType; private final String on; private final Map enabledFilters; private final boolean hasRestriction; public static OuterJoinableAssociation createRoot( AssociationType joinableType, String alias, SessionFactoryImplementor factory) { return new OuterJoinableAssociation( new PropertyPath(), joinableType, null, null, alias, JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN, null, false, factory, Collections.EMPTY_MAP ); } public OuterJoinableAssociation( PropertyPath propertyPath, AssociationType joinableType, String lhsAlias, String[] lhsColumns, String rhsAlias, JoinType joinType, String withClause, boolean hasRestriction, SessionFactoryImplementor factory, Map enabledFilters) throws MappingException { this.propertyPath = propertyPath; this.joinableType = joinableType; this.lhsAlias = lhsAlias; this.lhsColumns = lhsColumns; this.rhsAlias = rhsAlias; this.joinType = joinType; this.joinable = joinableType.getAssociatedJoinable(factory); this.rhsColumns = JoinHelper.getRHSColumnNames(joinableType, factory); this.on = joinableType.getOnCondition(rhsAlias, factory, enabledFilters) + ( withClause == null || withClause.trim().length() == 0 ? "" : " and ( " + withClause + " )" ); this.hasRestriction = hasRestriction; this.enabledFilters = enabledFilters; // needed later for many-to-many/filter application } public PropertyPath getPropertyPath() { return propertyPath; } public JoinType getJoinType() { return joinType; } public String getLhsAlias() { return lhsAlias; } public String getRHSAlias() { return rhsAlias; } public String getRhsAlias() { return rhsAlias; } private boolean isOneToOne() { if ( joinableType.isEntityType() ) { EntityType etype = (EntityType) joinableType; return etype.isOneToOne() /*&& etype.isReferenceToPrimaryKey()*/; } else { return false; } } public AssociationType getJoinableType() { return joinableType; } public String getRHSUniqueKeyName() { return joinableType.getRHSUniqueKeyPropertyName(); } public boolean isCollection() { return joinableType.isCollectionType(); } public Joinable getJoinable() { return joinable; } public boolean hasRestriction() { return hasRestriction; } public int getOwner(final List associations) { if ( isOneToOne() || isCollection() ) { return getPosition(lhsAlias, associations); } else { return -1; } }
Get the position of the join with the given alias in the list of joins
/** * Get the position of the join with the given alias in the * list of joins */
private static int getPosition(String lhsAlias, List associations) { int result = 0; for ( int i=0; i<associations.size(); i++ ) { OuterJoinableAssociation oj = (OuterJoinableAssociation) associations.get(i); if ( oj.getJoinable().consumesEntityAlias() /*|| oj.getJoinable().consumesCollectionAlias() */ ) { if ( oj.rhsAlias.equals(lhsAlias) ) return result; result++; } } return -1; } public void addJoins(JoinFragment outerjoin) throws MappingException { outerjoin.addJoin( joinable.getTableName(), rhsAlias, lhsColumns, rhsColumns, joinType, on ); outerjoin.addJoins( joinable.fromJoinFragment(rhsAlias, false, true), joinable.whereJoinFragment(rhsAlias, false, true) ); } public void validateJoin(String path) throws MappingException { if ( rhsColumns==null || lhsColumns==null || lhsColumns.length!=rhsColumns.length || lhsColumns.length==0 ) { throw new MappingException("invalid join columns for association: " + path); } } public boolean isManyToManyWith(OuterJoinableAssociation other) { if ( joinable.isCollection() ) { QueryableCollection persister = ( QueryableCollection ) joinable; if ( persister.isManyToMany() ) { return persister.getElementType() == other.getJoinableType(); } } return false; } public void addManyToManyJoin(JoinFragment outerjoin, QueryableCollection collection) throws MappingException { String manyToManyFilter = collection.getManyToManyFilterFragment( rhsAlias, enabledFilters ); String condition = "".equals( manyToManyFilter ) ? on : "".equals( on ) ? manyToManyFilter : on + " and " + manyToManyFilter; outerjoin.addJoin( joinable.getTableName(), rhsAlias, lhsColumns, rhsColumns, joinType, condition ); outerjoin.addJoins( joinable.fromJoinFragment(rhsAlias, false, true), joinable.whereJoinFragment(rhsAlias, false, true) ); } }