 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2010, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
 * statements applied by the authors.  All third-party contributions are
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package org.hibernate.internal;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.LockMode;
import org.hibernate.LockOptions;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.QueryException;
import org.hibernate.SQLQuery;
import org.hibernate.ScrollMode;
import org.hibernate.ScrollableResults;
import org.hibernate.engine.ResultSetMappingDefinition;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.ParameterMetadata;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.sql.NativeSQLQueryConstructorReturn;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.sql.NativeSQLQueryJoinReturn;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.sql.NativeSQLQueryReturn;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.sql.NativeSQLQueryRootReturn;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.sql.NativeSQLQueryScalarReturn;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.sql.NativeSQLQuerySpecification;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.NamedSQLQueryDefinition;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.QueryParameters;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;

Implementation of the SQLQuery contract.
Author:Max Andersen, Steve Ebersole
/** * Implementation of the {@link SQLQuery} contract. * * @author Max Andersen * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class SQLQueryImpl extends AbstractQueryImpl implements SQLQuery { private List<NativeSQLQueryReturn> queryReturns; private List<ReturnBuilder> queryReturnBuilders; private boolean autoDiscoverTypes; private Collection<String> querySpaces; private final boolean callable; private final LockOptions lockOptions = new LockOptions();
Constructs a SQLQueryImpl given a sql query defined in the mappings.
  • queryDef – The representation of the defined .
  • session – The session to which this SQLQueryImpl belongs.
  • parameterMetadata – Metadata about parameters found in the query.
/** * Constructs a SQLQueryImpl given a sql query defined in the mappings. * * @param queryDef The representation of the defined <sql-query/>. * @param session The session to which this SQLQueryImpl belongs. * @param parameterMetadata Metadata about parameters found in the query. */
SQLQueryImpl(NamedSQLQueryDefinition queryDef, SessionImplementor session, ParameterMetadata parameterMetadata) { super( queryDef.getQueryString(), queryDef.getFlushMode(), session, parameterMetadata ); if ( queryDef.getResultSetRef() != null ) { ResultSetMappingDefinition definition = session.getFactory() .getResultSetMapping( queryDef.getResultSetRef() ); if (definition == null) { throw new MappingException( "Unable to find resultset-ref definition: " + queryDef.getResultSetRef() ); } this.queryReturns = new ArrayList<NativeSQLQueryReturn>(Arrays.asList( definition.getQueryReturns() )); } else if ( queryDef.getQueryReturns() != null && queryDef.getQueryReturns().length > 0 ) { this.queryReturns = new ArrayList<NativeSQLQueryReturn>(Arrays.asList( queryDef.getQueryReturns())); } else { this.queryReturns = new ArrayList<NativeSQLQueryReturn>(); } this.querySpaces = queryDef.getQuerySpaces(); this.callable = queryDef.isCallable(); } SQLQueryImpl(String sql, SessionImplementor session, ParameterMetadata parameterMetadata) { this( sql, false, session, parameterMetadata ); } SQLQueryImpl(String sql, boolean callable, SessionImplementor session, ParameterMetadata parameterMetadata) { super( sql, null, session, parameterMetadata ); this.queryReturns = new ArrayList<NativeSQLQueryReturn>(); this.querySpaces = null; this.callable = callable; } @Override public List<NativeSQLQueryReturn> getQueryReturns() { prepareQueryReturnsIfNecessary(); return queryReturns; } @Override public Collection<String> getSynchronizedQuerySpaces() { return querySpaces; } @Override public boolean isCallable() { return callable; } @Override public List list() throws HibernateException { verifyParameters(); before(); Map namedParams = getNamedParams(); NativeSQLQuerySpecification spec = generateQuerySpecification( namedParams ); try { return getSession().list( spec, getQueryParameters( namedParams ) ); } finally { after(); } } private NativeSQLQuerySpecification generateQuerySpecification(Map namedParams) { return new NativeSQLQuerySpecification( expandParameterLists(namedParams), queryReturns.toArray( new NativeSQLQueryReturn[queryReturns.size()] ), querySpaces ); } public ScrollableResults scroll(ScrollMode scrollMode) throws HibernateException { verifyParameters(); before(); Map namedParams = getNamedParams(); NativeSQLQuerySpecification spec = generateQuerySpecification( namedParams ); QueryParameters qp = getQueryParameters( namedParams ); qp.setScrollMode( scrollMode ); try { return getSession().scroll( spec, qp ); } finally { after(); } } public ScrollableResults scroll() throws HibernateException { return scroll( session.getFactory().getDialect().defaultScrollMode() ); } public Iterator iterate() throws HibernateException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("SQL queries do not currently support iteration"); } @Override public QueryParameters getQueryParameters(Map namedParams) { QueryParameters qp = super.getQueryParameters(namedParams); qp.setCallable(callable); qp.setAutoDiscoverScalarTypes( autoDiscoverTypes ); return qp; } @Override protected void verifyParameters() { // verifyParameters is called at the start of all execution type methods, so we use that here to perform // some preparation work. prepareQueryReturnsIfNecessary(); verifyParameters( callable ); boolean noReturns = queryReturns==null || queryReturns.isEmpty(); if ( noReturns ) { this.autoDiscoverTypes = noReturns; } else { for ( NativeSQLQueryReturn queryReturn : queryReturns ) { if ( queryReturn instanceof NativeSQLQueryScalarReturn ) { NativeSQLQueryScalarReturn scalar = (NativeSQLQueryScalarReturn) queryReturn; if ( scalar.getType() == null ) { autoDiscoverTypes = true; break; } } else if ( NativeSQLQueryConstructorReturn.class.isInstance( queryReturn ) ) { autoDiscoverTypes = true; break; } } } } private void prepareQueryReturnsIfNecessary() { if ( queryReturnBuilders != null ) { if ( ! queryReturnBuilders.isEmpty() ) { if ( queryReturns != null ) { queryReturns.clear(); queryReturns = null; } queryReturns = new ArrayList<NativeSQLQueryReturn>(); for ( ReturnBuilder builder : queryReturnBuilders ) { queryReturns.add( builder.buildReturn() ); } queryReturnBuilders.clear(); } queryReturnBuilders = null; } } @Override public String[] getReturnAliases() throws HibernateException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("SQL queries do not currently support returning aliases"); } @Override public Type[] getReturnTypes() throws HibernateException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented for SQL queries"); } public Query setLockMode(String alias, LockMode lockMode) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("cannot set the lock mode for a native SQL query"); } public Query setLockOptions(LockOptions lockOptions) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("cannot set lock options for a native SQL query"); } @Override public LockOptions getLockOptions() { //we never need to apply locks to the SQL, however the native-sql loader handles this specially return lockOptions; } public SQLQuery addScalar(final String columnAlias, final Type type) { if ( queryReturnBuilders == null ) { queryReturnBuilders = new ArrayList<ReturnBuilder>(); } queryReturnBuilders.add( new ReturnBuilder() { public NativeSQLQueryReturn buildReturn() { return new NativeSQLQueryScalarReturn( columnAlias, type ); } } ); return this; } public SQLQuery addScalar(String columnAlias) { return addScalar( columnAlias, null ); } public RootReturn addRoot(String tableAlias, String entityName) { RootReturnBuilder builder = new RootReturnBuilder( tableAlias, entityName ); if ( queryReturnBuilders == null ) { queryReturnBuilders = new ArrayList<ReturnBuilder>(); } queryReturnBuilders.add( builder ); return builder; } public RootReturn addRoot(String tableAlias, Class entityType) { return addRoot( tableAlias, entityType.getName() ); } public SQLQuery addEntity(String entityName) { return addEntity( StringHelper.unqualify( entityName ), entityName ); } public SQLQuery addEntity(String alias, String entityName) { addRoot( alias, entityName ); return this; } public SQLQuery addEntity(String alias, String entityName, LockMode lockMode) { addRoot( alias, entityName ).setLockMode( lockMode ); return this; } public SQLQuery addEntity(Class entityType) { return addEntity( entityType.getName() ); } public SQLQuery addEntity(String alias, Class entityClass) { return addEntity( alias, entityClass.getName() ); } public SQLQuery addEntity(String alias, Class entityClass, LockMode lockMode) { return addEntity( alias, entityClass.getName(), lockMode ); } public FetchReturn addFetch(String tableAlias, String ownerTableAlias, String joinPropertyName) { FetchReturnBuilder builder = new FetchReturnBuilder( tableAlias, ownerTableAlias, joinPropertyName ); if ( queryReturnBuilders == null ) { queryReturnBuilders = new ArrayList<ReturnBuilder>(); } queryReturnBuilders.add( builder ); return builder; } public SQLQuery addJoin(String tableAlias, String ownerTableAlias, String joinPropertyName) { addFetch( tableAlias, ownerTableAlias, joinPropertyName ); return this; } public SQLQuery addJoin(String alias, String path) { createFetchJoin( alias, path ); return this; } private FetchReturn createFetchJoin(String tableAlias, String path) { int loc = path.indexOf('.'); if ( loc < 0 ) { throw new QueryException( "not a property path: " + path ); } final String ownerTableAlias = path.substring( 0, loc ); final String joinedPropertyName = path.substring( loc+1 ); return addFetch( tableAlias, ownerTableAlias, joinedPropertyName ); } public SQLQuery addJoin(String alias, String path, LockMode lockMode) { createFetchJoin( alias, path ).setLockMode( lockMode ); return this; } public SQLQuery setResultSetMapping(String name) { ResultSetMappingDefinition mapping = session.getFactory().getResultSetMapping( name ); if ( mapping == null ) { throw new MappingException( "Unknown SqlResultSetMapping [" + name + "]" ); } NativeSQLQueryReturn[] returns = mapping.getQueryReturns(); queryReturns.addAll( Arrays.asList( returns ) ); return this; } public SQLQuery addSynchronizedQuerySpace(String querySpace) { if ( querySpaces == null ) { querySpaces = new ArrayList<String>(); } querySpaces.add( querySpace ); return this; } public SQLQuery addSynchronizedEntityName(String entityName) { return addQuerySpaces( getSession().getFactory().getEntityPersister( entityName ).getQuerySpaces() ); } public SQLQuery addSynchronizedEntityClass(Class entityClass) { return addQuerySpaces( getSession().getFactory().getEntityPersister( entityClass.getName() ).getQuerySpaces() ); } private SQLQuery addQuerySpaces(Serializable[] spaces) { if ( spaces != null ) { if ( querySpaces == null ) { querySpaces = new ArrayList<String>(); } querySpaces.addAll( Arrays.asList( (String[]) spaces ) ); } return this; } public int executeUpdate() throws HibernateException { Map namedParams = getNamedParams(); before(); try { return getSession().executeNativeUpdate( generateQuerySpecification( namedParams ), getQueryParameters( namedParams ) ); } finally { after(); } } private class RootReturnBuilder implements RootReturn, ReturnBuilder { private final String alias; private final String entityName; private LockMode lockMode = LockMode.READ; private Map<String,String[]> propertyMappings; private RootReturnBuilder(String alias, String entityName) { this.alias = alias; this.entityName = entityName; } public RootReturn setLockMode(LockMode lockMode) { this.lockMode = lockMode; return this; } public RootReturn setDiscriminatorAlias(String alias) { addProperty( "class", alias ); return this; } public RootReturn addProperty(String propertyName, String columnAlias) { addProperty( propertyName ).addColumnAlias( columnAlias ); return this; } public ReturnProperty addProperty(final String propertyName) { if ( propertyMappings == null ) { propertyMappings = new HashMap<String,String[]>(); } return new ReturnProperty() { public ReturnProperty addColumnAlias(String columnAlias) { String[] columnAliases = propertyMappings.get( propertyName ); if ( columnAliases == null ) { columnAliases = new String[]{columnAlias}; }else{ String[] newColumnAliases = new String[columnAliases.length + 1]; System.arraycopy( columnAliases, 0, newColumnAliases, 0, columnAliases.length ); newColumnAliases[columnAliases.length] = columnAlias; columnAliases = newColumnAliases; } propertyMappings.put( propertyName,columnAliases ); return this; } }; } public NativeSQLQueryReturn buildReturn() { return new NativeSQLQueryRootReturn( alias, entityName, propertyMappings, lockMode ); } } private class FetchReturnBuilder implements FetchReturn, ReturnBuilder { private final String alias; private String ownerTableAlias; private final String joinedPropertyName; private LockMode lockMode = LockMode.READ; private Map<String,String[]> propertyMappings; private FetchReturnBuilder(String alias, String ownerTableAlias, String joinedPropertyName) { this.alias = alias; this.ownerTableAlias = ownerTableAlias; this.joinedPropertyName = joinedPropertyName; } public FetchReturn setLockMode(LockMode lockMode) { this.lockMode = lockMode; return this; } public FetchReturn addProperty(String propertyName, String columnAlias) { addProperty( propertyName ).addColumnAlias( columnAlias ); return this; } public ReturnProperty addProperty(final String propertyName) { if ( propertyMappings == null ) { propertyMappings = new HashMap<String,String[]>(); } return new ReturnProperty() { public ReturnProperty addColumnAlias(String columnAlias) { String[] columnAliases = propertyMappings.get( propertyName ); if ( columnAliases == null ) { columnAliases = new String[]{columnAlias}; }else{ String[] newColumnAliases = new String[columnAliases.length + 1]; System.arraycopy( columnAliases, 0, newColumnAliases, 0, columnAliases.length ); newColumnAliases[columnAliases.length] = columnAlias; columnAliases = newColumnAliases; } propertyMappings.put( propertyName,columnAliases ); return this; } }; } public NativeSQLQueryReturn buildReturn() { return new NativeSQLQueryJoinReturn( alias, ownerTableAlias, joinedPropertyName, propertyMappings, lockMode ); } } private interface ReturnBuilder { NativeSQLQueryReturn buildReturn(); } }