* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* Copyright (c) 2013, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
* indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
* statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are
* distributed under license by Red Hat Inc.
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* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package org.hibernate.id.enhanced;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.id.IntegralDataTypeHolder;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
Optimizer which applies a 'hilo' algorithm in memory to achieve
A 'hilo' algorithm is simply a means for a single value stored in the
database to represent a "bucket" of possible, contiguous values. The
database value identifies which particular bucket we are on.
This database value must be paired with another value that defines the size of the bucket; the number of possible values available. The incrementSize
serves this purpose. The naming here is meant more for consistency in that this value serves the same purpose as the increment supplied to the PooledOptimizer
The general algorithms used to determine the bucket are:
upperLimit = (databaseValue * incrementSize) + 1
lowerLimit = upperLimit - incrementSize
As an example, consider a case with incrementSize of 20. Initially the
database holds 1:
upperLimit = (1 * 20) + 1 = 21
lowerLimit = 21 - 20 = 1
From there we increment the value from lowerLimit until we reach the
upperLimit, at which point we would define a new bucket. The database
now contains 2, though incrementSize remains unchanged:
upperLimit = (2 * 20) + 1 = 41
lowerLimit = 41 - 20 = 21
And so on...
Note, 'value' always (after init) holds the next value to return
Author: Steve Ebersole
* Optimizer which applies a 'hilo' algorithm in memory to achieve
* optimization.
* <p/>
* A 'hilo' algorithm is simply a means for a single value stored in the
* database to represent a "bucket" of possible, contiguous values. The
* database value identifies which particular bucket we are on.
* <p/>
* This database value must be paired with another value that defines the
* size of the bucket; the number of possible values available.
* The {@link #getIncrementSize() incrementSize} serves this purpose. The
* naming here is meant more for consistency in that this value serves the
* same purpose as the increment supplied to the {@link PooledOptimizer}.
* <p/>
* The general algorithms used to determine the bucket are:<ol>
* <li>{@code upperLimit = (databaseValue * incrementSize) + 1}</li>
* <li>{@code lowerLimit = upperLimit - incrementSize}</li>
* </ol>
* As an example, consider a case with incrementSize of 20. Initially the
* database holds 1:<ol>
* <li>{@code upperLimit = (1 * 20) + 1 = 21}</li>
* <li>{@code lowerLimit = 21 - 20 = 1}</li>
* </ol>
* From there we increment the value from lowerLimit until we reach the
* upperLimit, at which point we would define a new bucket. The database
* now contains 2, though incrementSize remains unchanged:<ol>
* <li>{@code upperLimit = (2 * 20) + 1 = 41}</li>
* <li>{@code lowerLimit = 41 - 20 = 21}</li>
* </ol>
* And so on...
* <p/>
* Note, 'value' always (after init) holds the next value to return
* @author Steve Ebersole
public class HiLoOptimizer extends AbstractOptimizer {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( HiLoOptimizer.class );
private static class GenerationState {
private IntegralDataTypeHolder lastSourceValue;
private IntegralDataTypeHolder upperLimit;
private IntegralDataTypeHolder value;
Constructs a HiLoOptimizer
Params: - returnClass – The Java type of the values to be generated
- incrementSize – The increment size.
* Constructs a HiLoOptimizer
* @param returnClass The Java type of the values to be generated
* @param incrementSize The increment size.
public HiLoOptimizer(Class returnClass, int incrementSize) {
super( returnClass, incrementSize );
if ( incrementSize < 1 ) {
throw new HibernateException( "increment size cannot be less than 1" );
if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) {
log.tracev( "Creating hilo optimizer with [incrementSize={0}; returnClass={1}]", incrementSize, returnClass.getName() );
public synchronized Serializable generate(AccessCallback callback) {
final GenerationState generationState = locateGenerationState( callback.getTenantIdentifier() );
if ( generationState.lastSourceValue == null ) {
// first call, so initialize ourselves. we need to read the database
// value and set up the 'bucket' boundaries
generationState.lastSourceValue = callback.getNextValue();
while ( generationState.lastSourceValue.lt( 1 ) ) {
generationState.lastSourceValue = callback.getNextValue();
// upperLimit defines the upper end of the bucket values
generationState.upperLimit = generationState.lastSourceValue.copy().multiplyBy( incrementSize ).increment();
// initialize value to the low end of the bucket
generationState.value = generationState.upperLimit.copy().subtract( incrementSize );
else if ( ! generationState.upperLimit.gt( generationState.value ) ) {
generationState.lastSourceValue = callback.getNextValue();
generationState.upperLimit = generationState.lastSourceValue.copy().multiplyBy( incrementSize ).increment();
return generationState.value.makeValueThenIncrement();
private GenerationState noTenantState;
private Map<String,GenerationState> tenantSpecificState;
private GenerationState locateGenerationState(String tenantIdentifier) {
if ( tenantIdentifier == null ) {
if ( noTenantState == null ) {
noTenantState = new GenerationState();
return noTenantState;
else {
GenerationState state;
if ( tenantSpecificState == null ) {
tenantSpecificState = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, GenerationState>();
state = new GenerationState();
tenantSpecificState.put( tenantIdentifier, state );
else {
state = tenantSpecificState.get( tenantIdentifier );
if ( state == null ) {
state = new GenerationState();
tenantSpecificState.put( tenantIdentifier, state );
return state;
private GenerationState noTenantGenerationState() {
if ( noTenantState == null ) {
throw new IllegalStateException( "Could not locate previous generation state for no-tenant" );
return noTenantState;
public synchronized IntegralDataTypeHolder getLastSourceValue() {
return noTenantGenerationState().lastSourceValue;
public boolean applyIncrementSizeToSourceValues() {
return false;
Getter for property 'lastValue'.
Exposure intended for testing purposes.
Returns: Value for property 'lastValue'.
* Getter for property 'lastValue'.
* <p/>
* Exposure intended for testing purposes.
* @return Value for property 'lastValue'.
public synchronized IntegralDataTypeHolder getLastValue() {
return noTenantGenerationState().value.copy().decrement();
Getter for property 'upperLimit'.
Exposure intended for testing purposes.
Returns: Value for property 'upperLimit'.
* Getter for property 'upperLimit'.
* <p/>
* Exposure intended for testing purposes.
* @return Value for property 'upperLimit'.
public synchronized IntegralDataTypeHolder getHiValue() {
return noTenantGenerationState().upperLimit;