 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util;

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;

import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.DisplayableNode;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;

import antlr.collections.AST;

Utility for generating pretty "ASCII art" representations of syntax trees.
Author:Joshua Davis, Steve Ebersole
/** * Utility for generating pretty "ASCII art" representations of syntax trees. * * @author Joshua Davis * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class ASTPrinter { private final Map tokenTypeNameCache; private final boolean showClassNames;
Constructs a printer.

Delegates to ASTPrinter(Class, boolean) with showClassNames as true
  • tokenTypeConstants – The token types to use during printing; typically the {vocabulary}TokenTypes.java interface generated by ANTLR.
/** * Constructs a printer. * <p/> * Delegates to {@link #ASTPrinter(Class, boolean)} with {@link #isShowClassNames showClassNames} as <tt>true</tt> * * @param tokenTypeConstants The token types to use during printing; typically the {vocabulary}TokenTypes.java * interface generated by ANTLR. */
public ASTPrinter(Class tokenTypeConstants) { this( ASTUtil.generateTokenNameCache( tokenTypeConstants ), true ); } public ASTPrinter(boolean showClassNames) { this( (Map) null, showClassNames ); }
Constructs a printer.
  • tokenTypeConstants – The token types to use during printing; typically the {vocabulary}TokenTypes.java interface generated by ANTLR.
  • showClassNames – Should the AST class names be shown.
/** * Constructs a printer. * * @param tokenTypeConstants The token types to use during printing; typically the {vocabulary}TokenTypes.java * interface generated by ANTLR. * @param showClassNames Should the AST class names be shown. */
public ASTPrinter(Class tokenTypeConstants, boolean showClassNames) { this( ASTUtil.generateTokenNameCache( tokenTypeConstants ), showClassNames ); } private ASTPrinter(Map tokenTypeNameCache, boolean showClassNames) { this.tokenTypeNameCache = tokenTypeNameCache; this.showClassNames = showClassNames; }
Getter for property 'showClassNames'.
Returns:Value for property 'showClassNames'.
/** * Getter for property 'showClassNames'. * * @return Value for property 'showClassNames'. */
public boolean isShowClassNames() { return showClassNames; }
Renders the AST into 'ASCII art' form and returns that string representation.
  • ast – The AST to display.
  • header – The header for the display.
Returns:The AST in 'ASCII art' form, as a string.
/** * Renders the AST into 'ASCII art' form and returns that string representation. * * @param ast The AST to display. * @param header The header for the display. * * @return The AST in 'ASCII art' form, as a string. */
public String showAsString(AST ast, String header) { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream( baos ); ps.println( header ); showAst( ast, ps ); ps.flush(); return new String( baos.toByteArray() ); }
Prints the AST in 'ASCII art' form to the specified print stream.
  • ast – The AST to print.
  • out – The print stream to which the AST should be printed.
/** * Prints the AST in 'ASCII art' form to the specified print stream. * * @param ast The AST to print. * @param out The print stream to which the AST should be printed. */
public void showAst(AST ast, PrintStream out) { showAst( ast, new PrintWriter( out ) ); }
Prints the AST in 'ASCII art' tree form to the specified print writer.
  • ast – The AST to print.
  • pw – The print writer to which the AST should be written.
/** * Prints the AST in 'ASCII art' tree form to the specified print writer. * * @param ast The AST to print. * @param pw The print writer to which the AST should be written. */
public void showAst(AST ast, PrintWriter pw) { ArrayList<AST> parents = new ArrayList<AST>(); showAst( parents, pw, ast ); pw.flush(); }
Returns the token type name for the given token type.
  • type – The token type.
Returns:String - The token type name from the token type constant class, or just the integer as a string if none exists.
/** * Returns the token type name for the given token type. * * @param type The token type. * * @return String - The token type name from the token type constant class, * or just the integer as a string if none exists. */
public String getTokenTypeName(int type) { final Integer typeInteger = type; String value = null; if ( tokenTypeNameCache != null ) { value = (String) tokenTypeNameCache.get( typeInteger ); } if ( value == null ) { value = typeInteger.toString(); } return value; } private void showAst(ArrayList<AST> parents, PrintWriter pw, AST ast) { if ( ast == null ) { pw.println( "AST is null!" ); return; } for ( AST parent : parents ) { if ( parent.getNextSibling() == null ) { pw.print( " " ); } else { pw.print( " | " ); } } if ( ast.getNextSibling() == null ) { pw.print( " \\-" ); } else { pw.print( " +-" ); } showNode( pw, ast ); ArrayList<AST> newParents = new ArrayList<AST>( parents ); newParents.add( ast ); for ( AST child = ast.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNextSibling() ) { showAst( newParents, pw, child ); } newParents.clear(); } private void showNode(PrintWriter pw, AST ast) { String s = nodeToString( ast, isShowClassNames() ); pw.println( s ); } public String nodeToString(AST ast, boolean showClassName) { if ( ast == null ) { return "{node:null}"; } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append( "[" ).append( getTokenTypeName( ast.getType() ) ).append( "] " ); if ( showClassName ) { buf.append( StringHelper.unqualify( ast.getClass().getName() ) ).append( ": " ); } buf.append( "'" ); String text = ast.getText(); if ( text == null ) { text = "{text:null}"; } appendEscapedMultibyteChars( text, buf ); buf.append( "'" ); if ( ast instanceof DisplayableNode ) { DisplayableNode displayableNode = (DisplayableNode) ast; // Add a space before the display text. buf.append( " " ).append( displayableNode.getDisplayText() ); } return buf.toString(); } public static void appendEscapedMultibyteChars(String text, StringBuilder buf) { char[] chars = text.toCharArray(); for ( char aChar : chars ) { if ( aChar > 256 ) { buf.append( "\\u" ); buf.append( Integer.toHexString( aChar ) ); } else { buf.append( aChar ); } } } public static String escapeMultibyteChars(String text) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); appendEscapedMultibyteChars( text, buf ); return buf.toString(); } }