 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree;
import org.hibernate.param.ParameterSpecification;

Currently this is needed in order to deal with FromElements which contain "hidden" JDBC parameters from applying filters.

Would love for this to go away, but that would require that Hibernate's internal join handling be able to either:
  • render the same AST structures
  • render structures capable of being converted to these AST structures

In the interim, this allows us to at least treat these "hidden" parameters properly which is the most pressing need.
Author:Steve Ebersole
Deprecated:See entire discussion above
/** * Currently this is needed in order to deal with {@link FromElement FromElements} which * contain "hidden" JDBC parameters from applying filters. * <p/> * Would love for this to go away, but that would require that Hibernate's * internal {@link org.hibernate.engine.internal.JoinSequence join handling} be able to either:<ul> * <li>render the same AST structures</li> * <li>render structures capable of being converted to these AST structures</li> * </ul> * <p/> * In the interim, this allows us to at least treat these "hidden" parameters properly which is * the most pressing need. * * @deprecated See entire discussion above * * @author Steve Ebersole */
@Deprecated public interface ParameterContainer {
Set the renderable text of this node.
  • text – The renderable text
/** * Set the renderable text of this node. * * @param text The renderable text */
public void setText(String text);
Adds a parameter specification for a parameter encountered within this node. We use the term 'embedded' here because of the fact that the parameter was simply encountered as part of the node's text; it does not exist as part of a subtree as it might in a true AST.
  • specification – The generated specification.
/** * Adds a parameter specification for a parameter encountered within this node. We use the term 'embedded' here * because of the fact that the parameter was simply encountered as part of the node's text; it does not exist * as part of a subtree as it might in a true AST. * * @param specification The generated specification. */
public void addEmbeddedParameter(ParameterSpecification specification);
Determine whether this node contains embedded parameters. The implication is that getEmbeddedParameters() is allowed to return null if this method returns false.
Returns:True if this node contains embedded parameters; false otherwise.
/** * Determine whether this node contains embedded parameters. The implication is that * {@link #getEmbeddedParameters()} is allowed to return null if this method returns false. * * @return True if this node contains embedded parameters; false otherwise. */
public boolean hasEmbeddedParameters();
Retrieve all embedded parameter specifications.
See Also:
Returns:All embedded parameter specifications; may return null.
/** * Retrieve all embedded parameter specifications. * * @return All embedded parameter specifications; may return null. * @see #hasEmbeddedParameters() */
public ParameterSpecification[] getEmbeddedParameters(); }