 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree;

import org.hibernate.hql.internal.antlr.HqlSqlTokenTypes;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreLogging;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;

import antlr.SemanticException;
import antlr.collections.AST;

Represents a reference to a FROM element, for example a class alias in a WHERE clause.
/** * Represents a reference to a FROM element, for example a class alias in a WHERE clause. * * @author josh */
public abstract class FromReferenceNode extends AbstractSelectExpression implements ResolvableNode, DisplayableNode, InitializeableNode, PathNode { private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = CoreLogging.messageLogger( FromReferenceNode.class ); private FromElement fromElement; private boolean resolved; public static final int ROOT_LEVEL = 0; @Override public FromElement getFromElement() { return fromElement; } public void setFromElement(FromElement fromElement) { this.fromElement = fromElement; }
Resolves the left hand side of the DOT.
  • SemanticException –
/** * Resolves the left hand side of the DOT. * * @throws SemanticException */
public void resolveFirstChild() throws SemanticException { } @Override public String getPath() { return getOriginalText(); } public boolean isResolved() { return resolved; } public void setResolved() { this.resolved = true; if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() ) { LOG.debugf( "Resolved : %s -> %s", this.getPath(), this.getText() ); } } @Override public String getDisplayText() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append( "{" ).append( ( fromElement == null ) ? "no fromElement" : fromElement.getDisplayText() ); buf.append( "}" ); return buf.toString(); } public void recursiveResolve(int level, boolean impliedAtRoot, String classAlias) throws SemanticException { recursiveResolve( level, impliedAtRoot, classAlias, this ); } public void recursiveResolve(int level, boolean impliedAtRoot, String classAlias, AST parent) throws SemanticException { AST lhs = getFirstChild(); int nextLevel = level + 1; if ( lhs != null ) { FromReferenceNode n = (FromReferenceNode) lhs; n.recursiveResolve( nextLevel, impliedAtRoot, null, this ); } resolveFirstChild(); boolean impliedJoin = true; if ( level == ROOT_LEVEL && !impliedAtRoot ) { impliedJoin = false; } resolve( true, impliedJoin, classAlias, parent ); } @Override public boolean isReturnableEntity() throws SemanticException { return !isScalar() && fromElement.isEntity(); } @Override public void resolveInFunctionCall(boolean generateJoin, boolean implicitJoin) throws SemanticException { resolve( generateJoin, implicitJoin ); } @Override public void resolve(boolean generateJoin, boolean implicitJoin) throws SemanticException { resolve( generateJoin, implicitJoin, null ); } @Override public void resolve(boolean generateJoin, boolean implicitJoin, String classAlias) throws SemanticException { resolve( generateJoin, implicitJoin, classAlias, null ); } public void prepareForDot(String propertyName) throws SemanticException { }
Sub-classes can override this method if they produce implied joins (e.g. DotNode).
Returns:an implied join created by this from reference.
/** * Sub-classes can override this method if they produce implied joins (e.g. DotNode). * * @return an implied join created by this from reference. */
public FromElement getImpliedJoin() { return null; } @SuppressWarnings("SimplifiableIfStatement") protected boolean isFromElementUpdateOrDeleteRoot(FromElement element) { if ( element.getFromClause().getParentFromClause() != null ) { // its not even a root... return false; } return getWalker().getStatementType() == HqlSqlTokenTypes.DELETE || getWalker().getStatementType() == HqlSqlTokenTypes.UPDATE; } }