 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2013, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
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 * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
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 * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast;

import org.hibernate.QueryException;

import antlr.RecognitionException;

Exception thrown when there is a syntax error in the HQL.
/** * Exception thrown when there is a syntax error in the HQL. * * @author josh */
public class QuerySyntaxException extends QueryException {
Constructs a QuerySyntaxException
  • message – Message explaining the condition that led to the exception
/** * Constructs a QuerySyntaxException * * @param message Message explaining the condition that led to the exception */
public QuerySyntaxException(String message) { super( message ); }
Constructs a QuerySyntaxException
  • message – Message explaining the condition that led to the exception
  • hql – The hql query that was being parsed/analyzed
/** * Constructs a QuerySyntaxException * * @param message Message explaining the condition that led to the exception * @param hql The hql query that was being parsed/analyzed */
public QuerySyntaxException(String message, String hql) { super( message, hql ); }
Intended for use solely from generateQueryException(String)
  • message – Message explaining the condition that led to the exception
  • queryString – The hql query that was being parsed/analyzed
  • cause – The cause, generally another QuerySyntaxException
/** * Intended for use solely from {@link #generateQueryException(String)} * * @param message Message explaining the condition that led to the exception * @param queryString The hql query that was being parsed/analyzed * @param cause The cause, generally another QuerySyntaxException */
protected QuerySyntaxException(String message, String queryString, Exception cause) { super( message, queryString, cause ); }
Converts the given ANTLR RecognitionException into a QuerySyntaxException. The RecognitionException does not become the cause because ANTLR exceptions are not serializable.
  • e – The ANTLR exception
Returns:The QuerySyntaxException
/** * Converts the given ANTLR RecognitionException into a QuerySyntaxException. The RecognitionException * does not become the cause because ANTLR exceptions are not serializable. * * @param e The ANTLR exception * * @return The QuerySyntaxException */
public static QuerySyntaxException convert(RecognitionException e) { return convert( e, null ); }
Converts the given ANTLR RecognitionException into a QuerySyntaxException. The RecognitionException does not become the cause because ANTLR exceptions are not serializable.
  • e – The ANTLR exception
  • hql – The query string
Returns:The QuerySyntaxException
/** * Converts the given ANTLR RecognitionException into a QuerySyntaxException. The RecognitionException * does not become the cause because ANTLR exceptions are not serializable. * * @param e The ANTLR exception * @param hql The query string * * @return The QuerySyntaxException */
public static QuerySyntaxException convert(RecognitionException e, String hql) { String positionInfo = e.getLine() > 0 && e.getColumn() > 0 ? " near line " + e.getLine() + ", column " + e.getColumn() : ""; return new QuerySyntaxException( e.getMessage() + positionInfo, hql ); } @Override protected QueryException generateQueryException(String queryString) { return new QuerySyntaxException( getOriginalMessage(), queryString, this ); } }