 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.event.spi;

import java.io.Serializable;

import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure;
import org.hibernate.LockMode;
import org.hibernate.LockOptions;

Defines an event class for the loading of an entity.
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * Defines an event class for the loading of an entity. * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class LoadEvent extends AbstractEvent { public static final LockMode DEFAULT_LOCK_MODE = LockMode.NONE; //Performance hotspot: avoid allocating unneeded LockOptions public static final LockOptions DEFAULT_LOCK_OPTIONS = new LockOptions() { @Override public LockOptions setLockMode(LockMode lockMode) { throw new AssertionFailure( "Should not be invoked: DEFAULT_LOCK_OPTIONS needs to be treated as immutable." ); } @Override public LockOptions setAliasSpecificLockMode(String alias, LockMode lockMode) { throw new AssertionFailure( "Should not be invoked: DEFAULT_LOCK_OPTIONS needs to be treated as immutable." ); } @Override public LockOptions setTimeOut(int timeout) { throw new AssertionFailure( "Should not be invoked: DEFAULT_LOCK_OPTIONS needs to be treated as immutable." ); } @Override public LockOptions setScope(boolean scope) { throw new AssertionFailure( "Should not be invoked: DEFAULT_LOCK_OPTIONS needs to be treated as immutable." ); } }; private Serializable entityId; private String entityClassName; private Object instanceToLoad; private LockOptions lockOptions; private boolean isAssociationFetch; private Object result; public LoadEvent(Serializable entityId, Object instanceToLoad, EventSource source) { this( entityId, null, instanceToLoad, DEFAULT_LOCK_OPTIONS, false, source ); } public LoadEvent(Serializable entityId, String entityClassName, LockMode lockMode, EventSource source) { this( entityId, entityClassName, null, lockMode, false, source ); } public LoadEvent(Serializable entityId, String entityClassName, LockOptions lockOptions, EventSource source) { this( entityId, entityClassName, null, lockOptions, false, source ); } public LoadEvent(Serializable entityId, String entityClassName, boolean isAssociationFetch, EventSource source) { this( entityId, entityClassName, null, DEFAULT_LOCK_OPTIONS, isAssociationFetch, source ); } public boolean isAssociationFetch() { return isAssociationFetch; } private LoadEvent( Serializable entityId, String entityClassName, Object instanceToLoad, LockMode lockMode, boolean isAssociationFetch, EventSource source) { this( entityId, entityClassName, instanceToLoad, lockMode == DEFAULT_LOCK_MODE ? DEFAULT_LOCK_OPTIONS : new LockOptions().setLockMode( lockMode ), isAssociationFetch, source ); } private LoadEvent( Serializable entityId, String entityClassName, Object instanceToLoad, LockOptions lockOptions, boolean isAssociationFetch, EventSource source) { super(source); if ( entityId == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("id to load is required for loading"); } if ( lockOptions.getLockMode() == LockMode.WRITE ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid lock mode for loading"); } else if ( lockOptions.getLockMode() == null ) { lockOptions.setLockMode(DEFAULT_LOCK_MODE); } this.entityId = entityId; this.entityClassName = entityClassName; this.instanceToLoad = instanceToLoad; this.lockOptions = lockOptions; this.isAssociationFetch = isAssociationFetch; } public Serializable getEntityId() { return entityId; } public void setEntityId(Serializable entityId) { this.entityId = entityId; } public String getEntityClassName() { return entityClassName; } public void setEntityClassName(String entityClassName) { this.entityClassName = entityClassName; } public Object getInstanceToLoad() { return instanceToLoad; } public void setInstanceToLoad(Object instanceToLoad) { this.instanceToLoad = instanceToLoad; } public LockOptions getLockOptions() { return lockOptions; } public LockMode getLockMode() { return lockOptions.getLockMode(); } public void setLockMode(LockMode lockMode) { if ( lockMode != lockOptions.getLockMode() ) { writingOnLockOptions(); this.lockOptions.setLockMode( lockMode ); } } private void writingOnLockOptions() { if ( lockOptions == DEFAULT_LOCK_OPTIONS ) { this.lockOptions = new LockOptions(); } } public void setLockTimeout(int timeout) { if ( timeout != lockOptions.getTimeOut() ) { writingOnLockOptions(); this.lockOptions.setTimeOut( timeout ); } } public int getLockTimeout() { return this.lockOptions.getTimeOut(); } public void setLockScope(boolean cascade) { if ( lockOptions.getScope() != cascade ) { writingOnLockOptions(); this.lockOptions.setScope( cascade ); } } public boolean getLockScope() { return this.lockOptions.getScope(); } public Object getResult() { return result; } public void setResult(Object result) { this.result = result; } }