 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2011, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
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package org.hibernate.event.spi;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;

Enumeration of the recognized types of events, including meta-information about each.
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * Enumeration of the recognized types of events, including meta-information about each. * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class EventType<T> { public static final EventType<LoadEventListener> LOAD = create( "load", LoadEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<ResolveNaturalIdEventListener> RESOLVE_NATURAL_ID = create( "resolve-natural-id", ResolveNaturalIdEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<InitializeCollectionEventListener> INIT_COLLECTION = create( "load-collection", InitializeCollectionEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<SaveOrUpdateEventListener> SAVE_UPDATE = create( "save-update", SaveOrUpdateEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<SaveOrUpdateEventListener> UPDATE = create( "update", SaveOrUpdateEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<SaveOrUpdateEventListener> SAVE = create( "save", SaveOrUpdateEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<PersistEventListener> PERSIST = create( "create", PersistEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<PersistEventListener> PERSIST_ONFLUSH = create( "create-onflush", PersistEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<MergeEventListener> MERGE = create( "merge", MergeEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<DeleteEventListener> DELETE = create( "delete", DeleteEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<ReplicateEventListener> REPLICATE = create( "replicate", ReplicateEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<FlushEventListener> FLUSH = create( "flush", FlushEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<AutoFlushEventListener> AUTO_FLUSH = create( "auto-flush", AutoFlushEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<DirtyCheckEventListener> DIRTY_CHECK = create( "dirty-check", DirtyCheckEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<FlushEntityEventListener> FLUSH_ENTITY = create( "flush-entity", FlushEntityEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<ClearEventListener> CLEAR = create( "clear", ClearEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<EvictEventListener> EVICT = create( "evict", EvictEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<LockEventListener> LOCK = create( "lock", LockEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<RefreshEventListener> REFRESH = create( "refresh", RefreshEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<PreLoadEventListener> PRE_LOAD = create( "pre-load", PreLoadEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<PreDeleteEventListener> PRE_DELETE = create( "pre-delete", PreDeleteEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<PreUpdateEventListener> PRE_UPDATE = create( "pre-update", PreUpdateEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<PreInsertEventListener> PRE_INSERT = create( "pre-insert", PreInsertEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<PostLoadEventListener> POST_LOAD = create( "post-load", PostLoadEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<PostDeleteEventListener> POST_DELETE = create( "post-delete", PostDeleteEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<PostUpdateEventListener> POST_UPDATE = create( "post-update", PostUpdateEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<PostInsertEventListener> POST_INSERT = create( "post-insert", PostInsertEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<PostDeleteEventListener> POST_COMMIT_DELETE = create( "post-commit-delete", PostDeleteEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<PostUpdateEventListener> POST_COMMIT_UPDATE = create( "post-commit-update", PostUpdateEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<PostInsertEventListener> POST_COMMIT_INSERT = create( "post-commit-insert", PostInsertEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<PreCollectionRecreateEventListener> PRE_COLLECTION_RECREATE = create( "pre-collection-recreate", PreCollectionRecreateEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<PreCollectionRemoveEventListener> PRE_COLLECTION_REMOVE = create( "pre-collection-remove", PreCollectionRemoveEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<PreCollectionUpdateEventListener> PRE_COLLECTION_UPDATE = create( "pre-collection-update", PreCollectionUpdateEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<PostCollectionRecreateEventListener> POST_COLLECTION_RECREATE = create( "post-collection-recreate", PostCollectionRecreateEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<PostCollectionRemoveEventListener> POST_COLLECTION_REMOVE = create( "post-collection-remove", PostCollectionRemoveEventListener.class ); public static final EventType<PostCollectionUpdateEventListener> POST_COLLECTION_UPDATE = create( "post-collection-update", PostCollectionUpdateEventListener.class ); private static <T> EventType<T> create(String name, Class<T> listenerClass) { return new EventType<T>( name, listenerClass ); }
Maintain a map of EventType instances keyed by name for lookup by name as well as values() resolution.
/** * Maintain a map of {@link EventType} instances keyed by name for lookup by name as well as {@link #values()} * resolution. */
private static final Map<String,EventType> EVENT_TYPE_BY_NAME_MAP = AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<Map<String, EventType>>() { @Override public Map<String, EventType> run() { final Map<String, EventType> typeByNameMap = new HashMap<String, EventType>(); for ( Field field : EventType.class.getDeclaredFields() ) { if ( EventType.class.isAssignableFrom( field.getType() ) ) { try { final EventType typeField = (EventType) field.get( null ); typeByNameMap.put( typeField.eventName(), typeField ); } catch (Exception t) { throw new HibernateException( "Unable to initialize EventType map", t ); } } } return typeByNameMap; } } );
Find an EventType by its name
  • eventName – The name
  • HibernateException – If eventName is null, or if eventName does not correlate to any known event type.
Returns:The EventType instance.
/** * Find an {@link EventType} by its name * * @param eventName The name * * @return The {@link EventType} instance. * * @throws HibernateException If eventName is null, or if eventName does not correlate to any known event type. */
public static EventType resolveEventTypeByName(final String eventName) { if ( eventName == null ) { throw new HibernateException( "event name to resolve cannot be null" ); } final EventType eventType = EVENT_TYPE_BY_NAME_MAP.get( eventName ); if ( eventType == null ) { throw new HibernateException( "Unable to locate proper event type for event name [" + eventName + "]" ); } return eventType; }
Get a collection of all EventType instances.
Returns:All EventType instances
/** * Get a collection of all {@link EventType} instances. * * @return All {@link EventType} instances */
public static Collection<EventType> values() { return EVENT_TYPE_BY_NAME_MAP.values(); } private final String eventName; private final Class<? extends T> baseListenerInterface; private EventType(String eventName, Class<? extends T> baseListenerInterface) { this.eventName = eventName; this.baseListenerInterface = baseListenerInterface; } public String eventName() { return eventName; } public Class baseListenerInterface() { return baseListenerInterface; } @Override public String toString() { return eventName(); } }