 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.engine.jdbc;

import java.io.Reader;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.sql.NClob;

Manages aspects of proxying java.sql.NClobs for non-contextual creation, including proxy creation and handling proxy invocations. We use proxies here solely to avoid JDBC version incompatibilities.

Generated proxies are typed as Clob (java.sql.NClob extends Clob) and in JDK 1.6+ environments, they are also typed to java.sql.NClob
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * Manages aspects of proxying java.sql.NClobs for non-contextual creation, including proxy creation and * handling proxy invocations. We use proxies here solely to avoid JDBC version incompatibilities. * <p/> * Generated proxies are typed as {@link java.sql.Clob} (java.sql.NClob extends {@link java.sql.Clob}) * and in JDK 1.6+ environments, they are also typed to java.sql.NClob * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class NClobProxy extends ClobProxy {
The interfaces used to generate the proxy
/** * The interfaces used to generate the proxy */
public static final Class[] PROXY_INTERFACES = new Class[] { NClob.class, NClobImplementer.class }; protected NClobProxy(String string) { super( string ); } protected NClobProxy(Reader reader, long length) { super( reader, length ); }
Generates a Clob proxy using the string data.
  • string – The data to be wrapped as a Clob.
Returns:The generated proxy.
/** * Generates a {@link java.sql.Clob} proxy using the string data. * * @param string The data to be wrapped as a {@link java.sql.Clob}. * * @return The generated proxy. */
public static NClob generateProxy(String string) { return (NClob) Proxy.newProxyInstance( getProxyClassLoader(), PROXY_INTERFACES, new ClobProxy( string ) ); }
Generates a NClob proxy using a character reader of given length.
  • reader – The character reader
  • length – The length of the character reader
Returns:The generated proxy.
/** * Generates a {@link java.sql.NClob} proxy using a character reader of given length. * * @param reader The character reader * @param length The length of the character reader * * @return The generated proxy. */
public static NClob generateProxy(Reader reader, long length) { return (NClob) Proxy.newProxyInstance( getProxyClassLoader(), PROXY_INTERFACES, new ClobProxy( reader, length ) ); }
Determines the appropriate class loader to which the generated proxy should be scoped.
Returns:The class loader appropriate for proxy construction.
/** * Determines the appropriate class loader to which the generated proxy * should be scoped. * * @return The class loader appropriate for proxy construction. */
protected static ClassLoader getProxyClassLoader() { return NClobImplementer.class.getClassLoader(); } }