 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2010, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
 * statements applied by the authors.  All third-party contributions are
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package org.hibernate.engine.internal;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.collection.spi.PersistentCollection;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.CascadeStyle;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.CascadingAction;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.CollectionEntry;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.EntityEntry;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.Status;
import org.hibernate.event.spi.EventSource;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreLogging;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.persister.collection.CollectionPersister;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.EntityPersister;
import org.hibernate.pretty.MessageHelper;
import org.hibernate.type.AssociationType;
import org.hibernate.type.CollectionType;
import org.hibernate.type.CompositeType;
import org.hibernate.type.EntityType;
import org.hibernate.type.ForeignKeyDirection;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;

Delegate responsible for, in conjunction with the various actions, implementing cascade processing.
Author:Gavin King
See Also:
/** * Delegate responsible for, in conjunction with the various * {@link org.hibernate.engine.spi.CascadingAction actions}, implementing cascade processing. * * @author Gavin King * @see org.hibernate.engine.spi.CascadingAction */
public final class Cascade { private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = CoreLogging.messageLogger( Cascade.class ); private int componentPathStackDepth = 0; private final CascadingAction action; private final EventSource eventSource; private CascadePoint cascadePoint;
Constructs a Cascade
  • action – The action we are cascading
  • cascadePoint – The point in the action at which we are trying to cascade currently
  • eventSource – The session
/** * Constructs a Cascade * * @param action The action we are cascading * @param cascadePoint The point in the action at which we are trying to cascade currently * @param eventSource The session */
public Cascade(final CascadingAction action, final CascadePoint cascadePoint, final EventSource eventSource) { this.cascadePoint = cascadePoint; this.eventSource = eventSource; this.action = action; }
Cascade an action from the parent entity instance to all its children.
  • persister – The parent's entity persister
  • parent – The parent reference.
/** * Cascade an action from the parent entity instance to all its children. * * @param persister The parent's entity persister * @param parent The parent reference. */
public void cascade(final EntityPersister persister, final Object parent) { cascade( persister, parent, null ); }
Cascade an action from the parent entity instance to all its children. This form is typically called from within cascade actions.
  • persister – The parent's entity persister
  • parent – The parent reference.
  • anything – Anything ;) Typically some form of cascade-local cache which is specific to each CascadingAction type
/** * Cascade an action from the parent entity instance to all its children. This * form is typically called from within cascade actions. * * @param persister The parent's entity persister * @param parent The parent reference. * @param anything Anything ;) Typically some form of cascade-local cache * which is specific to each CascadingAction type */
public void cascade(final EntityPersister persister, final Object parent, final Object anything) { if ( persister.hasCascades() || action.requiresNoCascadeChecking() ) { // performance opt final boolean traceEnabled = LOG.isTraceEnabled(); if ( traceEnabled ) { LOG.tracev( "Processing cascade {0} for: {1}", action, persister.getEntityName() ); } final Type[] types = persister.getPropertyTypes(); final CascadeStyle[] cascadeStyles = persister.getPropertyCascadeStyles(); final boolean hasUninitializedLazyProperties = persister.hasUninitializedLazyProperties( parent ); for ( int i=0; i<types.length; i++) { final CascadeStyle style = cascadeStyles[i]; final String propertyName = persister.getPropertyNames()[i]; if ( hasUninitializedLazyProperties && persister.getPropertyLaziness()[i] && ! action.performOnLazyProperty() ) { //do nothing to avoid a lazy property initialization continue; } if ( style.doCascade( action ) ) { cascadeProperty( parent, persister.getPropertyValue( parent, i ), types[i], style, propertyName, anything, false ); } else if ( action.requiresNoCascadeChecking() ) { action.noCascade( eventSource, persister.getPropertyValue( parent, i ), parent, persister, i ); } } if ( traceEnabled ) { LOG.tracev( "Done processing cascade {0} for: {1}", action, persister.getEntityName() ); } } }
Cascade an action to the child or children
/** * Cascade an action to the child or children */
private void cascadeProperty( final Object parent, final Object child, final Type type, final CascadeStyle style, final String propertyName, final Object anything, final boolean isCascadeDeleteEnabled) throws HibernateException { if ( child != null ) { if ( type.isAssociationType() ) { final AssociationType associationType = (AssociationType) type; if ( cascadeAssociationNow( associationType ) ) { cascadeAssociation( parent, child, type, style, anything, isCascadeDeleteEnabled ); } } else if ( type.isComponentType() ) { cascadeComponent( parent, child, (CompositeType) type, propertyName, anything ); } } // potentially we need to handle orphan deletes for one-to-ones here... if ( isLogicalOneToOne( type ) ) { // We have a physical or logical one-to-one. See if the attribute cascade settings and action-type require // orphan checking if ( style.hasOrphanDelete() && action.deleteOrphans() ) { // value is orphaned if loaded state for this property shows not null // because it is currently null. final EntityEntry entry = eventSource.getPersistenceContext().getEntry( parent ); if ( entry != null && entry.getStatus() != Status.SAVING ) { final Object loadedValue; if ( componentPathStackDepth == 0 ) { // association defined on entity loadedValue = entry.getLoadedValue( propertyName ); } else { // association defined on component // todo : this is currently unsupported because of the fact that // we do not know the loaded state of this value properly // and doing so would be very difficult given how components and // entities are loaded (and how 'loaded state' is put into the // EntityEntry). Solutions here are to either: // 1) properly account for components as a 2-phase load construct // 2) just assume the association was just now orphaned and // issue the orphan delete. This would require a special // set of SQL statements though since we do not know the // orphaned value, something a delete with a subquery to // match the owner. // final EntityType entityType = (EntityType) type; // final String getPropertyPath = composePropertyPath( entityType.getPropertyName() ); loadedValue = null; } // orphaned if the association was nulled (child == null) or receives a new value while the // entity is managed (without first nulling and manually flushing). if ( child == null || ( loadedValue != null && child != loadedValue ) ) { final EntityEntry valueEntry = eventSource .getPersistenceContext().getEntry( loadedValue ); // Need to check this in case the context has // already been flushed. See HHH-7829. if ( valueEntry != null ) { final String entityName = valueEntry.getPersister().getEntityName(); if ( LOG.isTraceEnabled() ) { final Serializable id = valueEntry.getPersister().getIdentifier( loadedValue, eventSource ); final String description = MessageHelper.infoString( entityName, id ); LOG.tracev( "Deleting orphaned entity instance: {0}", description ); } if (type.isAssociationType() && ((AssociationType)type).getForeignKeyDirection().equals( ForeignKeyDirection.FOREIGN_KEY_TO_PARENT )) { // If FK direction is to-parent, we must remove the orphan *before* the queued update(s) // occur. Otherwise, replacing the association on a managed entity, without manually // nulling and flushing, causes FK constraint violations. eventSource.removeOrphanBeforeUpdates( entityName, loadedValue ); } else { // Else, we must delete after the updates. eventSource.delete( entityName, loadedValue, isCascadeDeleteEnabled, new HashSet() ); } } } } } } }
Check if the association is a one to one in the logical model (either a shared-pk or unique fk).
  • type – The type representing the attribute metadata
Returns:True if the attribute represents a logical one to one association
/** * Check if the association is a one to one in the logical model (either a shared-pk * or unique fk). * * @param type The type representing the attribute metadata * * @return True if the attribute represents a logical one to one association */
private boolean isLogicalOneToOne(Type type) { return type.isEntityType() && ( (EntityType) type ).isLogicalOneToOne(); } private boolean cascadeAssociationNow(AssociationType associationType) { return associationType.getForeignKeyDirection().cascadeNow( cascadePoint ); } private void cascadeComponent( final Object parent, final Object child, final CompositeType componentType, final String componentPropertyName, final Object anything) { componentPathStackDepth++; final Object[] children = componentType.getPropertyValues( child, eventSource ); final Type[] types = componentType.getSubtypes(); for ( int i=0; i<types.length; i++ ) { final CascadeStyle componentPropertyStyle = componentType.getCascadeStyle( i ); final String subPropertyName = componentType.getPropertyNames()[i]; if ( componentPropertyStyle.doCascade( action ) ) { cascadeProperty( parent, children[i], types[i], componentPropertyStyle, subPropertyName, anything, false ); } } componentPathStackDepth--; } private void cascadeAssociation( final Object parent, final Object child, final Type type, final CascadeStyle style, final Object anything, final boolean isCascadeDeleteEnabled) { if ( type.isEntityType() || type.isAnyType() ) { cascadeToOne( parent, child, type, style, anything, isCascadeDeleteEnabled ); } else if ( type.isCollectionType() ) { cascadeCollection( parent, child, style, anything, (CollectionType) type ); } }
Cascade an action to a collection
/** * Cascade an action to a collection */
private void cascadeCollection( final Object parent, final Object child, final CascadeStyle style, final Object anything, final CollectionType type) { final CollectionPersister persister = eventSource.getFactory().getCollectionPersister( type.getRole() ); final Type elemType = persister.getElementType(); final CascadePoint originalCascadePoint = cascadePoint; if ( cascadePoint == CascadePoint.AFTER_INSERT_BEFORE_DELETE) { cascadePoint = CascadePoint.AFTER_INSERT_BEFORE_DELETE_VIA_COLLECTION; } //cascade to current collection elements if ( elemType.isEntityType() || elemType.isAnyType() || elemType.isComponentType() ) { cascadeCollectionElements( parent, child, type, style, elemType, anything, persister.isCascadeDeleteEnabled() ); } cascadePoint = originalCascadePoint; }
Cascade an action to a to-one association or any type
/** * Cascade an action to a to-one association or any type */
private void cascadeToOne( final Object parent, final Object child, final Type type, final CascadeStyle style, final Object anything, final boolean isCascadeDeleteEnabled) { final String entityName = type.isEntityType() ? ( (EntityType) type ).getAssociatedEntityName() : null; if ( style.reallyDoCascade( action ) ) { //not really necessary, but good for consistency... eventSource.getPersistenceContext().addChildParent( child, parent ); try { action.cascade( eventSource, child, entityName, anything, isCascadeDeleteEnabled ); } finally { eventSource.getPersistenceContext().removeChildParent( child ); } } }
Cascade to the collection elements
/** * Cascade to the collection elements */
private void cascadeCollectionElements( final Object parent, final Object child, final CollectionType collectionType, final CascadeStyle style, final Type elemType, final Object anything, final boolean isCascadeDeleteEnabled) throws HibernateException { final boolean reallyDoCascade = style.reallyDoCascade( action ) && child != CollectionType.UNFETCHED_COLLECTION; if ( reallyDoCascade ) { final boolean traceEnabled = LOG.isTraceEnabled(); if ( traceEnabled ) { LOG.tracev( "Cascade {0} for collection: {1}", action, collectionType.getRole() ); } final Iterator itr = action.getCascadableChildrenIterator( eventSource, collectionType, child ); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { cascadeProperty( parent, itr.next(), elemType, style, null, anything, isCascadeDeleteEnabled ); } if ( traceEnabled ) { LOG.tracev( "Done cascade {0} for collection: {1}", action, collectionType.getRole() ); } } final boolean deleteOrphans = style.hasOrphanDelete() && action.deleteOrphans() && elemType.isEntityType() // a newly instantiated collection can't have orphans && child instanceof PersistentCollection; if ( deleteOrphans ) { final boolean traceEnabled = LOG.isTraceEnabled(); if ( traceEnabled ) { LOG.tracev( "Deleting orphans for collection: {0}", collectionType.getRole() ); } // we can do the cast since orphan-delete does not apply to: // 1. newly instantiated collections // 2. arrays (we can't track orphans for detached arrays) final String entityName = collectionType.getAssociatedEntityName( eventSource.getFactory() ); deleteOrphans( entityName, (PersistentCollection) child ); if ( traceEnabled ) { LOG.tracev( "Done deleting orphans for collection: {0}", collectionType.getRole() ); } } }
Delete any entities that were removed from the collection
/** * Delete any entities that were removed from the collection */
private void deleteOrphans(String entityName, PersistentCollection pc) throws HibernateException { //TODO: suck this logic into the collection! final Collection orphans; if ( pc.wasInitialized() ) { final CollectionEntry ce = eventSource.getPersistenceContext().getCollectionEntry( pc ); orphans = ce==null ? java.util.Collections.EMPTY_LIST : ce.getOrphans( entityName, pc ); } else { orphans = pc.getQueuedOrphans( entityName ); } for ( Object orphan : orphans ) { if ( orphan != null ) { LOG.tracev( "Deleting orphaned entity instance: {0}", entityName ); eventSource.delete( entityName, orphan, false, new HashSet() ); } } } }