 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.dialect.unique;

import java.util.Iterator;

import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.relational.Column;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.relational.Table;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.relational.UniqueKey;

The default UniqueDelegate implementation for most dialects. Uses separate create/alter statements to apply uniqueness to a column.
Author:Brett Meyer
/** * The default UniqueDelegate implementation for most dialects. Uses * separate create/alter statements to apply uniqueness to a column. * * @author Brett Meyer */
public class DefaultUniqueDelegate implements UniqueDelegate { protected final Dialect dialect;
Constructs DefaultUniqueDelegate
  • dialect – The dialect for which we are handling unique constraints
/** * Constructs DefaultUniqueDelegate * * @param dialect The dialect for which we are handling unique constraints */
public DefaultUniqueDelegate( Dialect dialect ) { this.dialect = dialect; } // legacy model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @Override public String getColumnDefinitionUniquenessFragment(org.hibernate.mapping.Column column) { return ""; } @Override public String getTableCreationUniqueConstraintsFragment(org.hibernate.mapping.Table table) { return ""; } @Override public String getAlterTableToAddUniqueKeyCommand( org.hibernate.mapping.UniqueKey uniqueKey, String defaultCatalog, String defaultSchema) { // Do this here, rather than allowing UniqueKey/Constraint to do it. // We need full, simplified control over whether or not it happens. final String tableName = uniqueKey.getTable().getQualifiedName( dialect, defaultCatalog, defaultSchema ); final String constraintName = dialect.quote( uniqueKey.getName() ); return "alter table " + tableName + " add constraint " + constraintName + " " + uniqueConstraintSql( uniqueKey ); } protected String uniqueConstraintSql( org.hibernate.mapping.UniqueKey uniqueKey ) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "unique (" ); final Iterator<org.hibernate.mapping.Column> columnIterator = uniqueKey.columnIterator(); while ( columnIterator.hasNext() ) { final org.hibernate.mapping.Column column = columnIterator.next(); sb.append( column.getQuotedName( dialect ) ); if ( uniqueKey.getColumnOrderMap().containsKey( column ) ) { sb.append( " " ).append( uniqueKey.getColumnOrderMap().get( column ) ); } if ( columnIterator.hasNext() ) { sb.append( ", " ); } } return sb.append( ')' ).toString(); } @Override public String getAlterTableToDropUniqueKeyCommand( org.hibernate.mapping.UniqueKey uniqueKey, String defaultCatalog, String defaultSchema) { // Do this here, rather than allowing UniqueKey/Constraint to do it. // We need full, simplified control over whether or not it happens. final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( "alter table " ); buf.append( uniqueKey.getTable().getQualifiedName( dialect, defaultCatalog, defaultSchema ) ); buf.append(" drop constraint " ); if ( dialect.supportsIfExistsBeforeConstraintName() ) { buf.append( "if exists " ); } buf.append( dialect.quote( uniqueKey.getName() ) ); if ( dialect.supportsIfExistsAfterConstraintName() ) { buf.append( " if exists" ); } return buf.toString(); } // new model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @Override public String getColumnDefinitionUniquenessFragment(Column column) { return ""; } @Override public String getTableCreationUniqueConstraintsFragment(Table table) { return ""; } @Override public String getAlterTableToAddUniqueKeyCommand(UniqueKey uniqueKey) { // Do this here, rather than allowing UniqueKey/Constraint to do it. // We need full, simplified control over whether or not it happens. final String tableName = uniqueKey.getTable().getQualifiedName( dialect ); final String constraintName = dialect.quote( uniqueKey.getName() ); return "alter table " + tableName + " add constraint " + constraintName + uniqueConstraintSql( uniqueKey ); } protected String uniqueConstraintSql( UniqueKey uniqueKey ) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( " unique (" ); final Iterator columnIterator = uniqueKey.getColumns().iterator(); while ( columnIterator.hasNext() ) { final org.hibernate.mapping.Column column = (org.hibernate.mapping.Column) columnIterator.next(); sb.append( column.getQuotedName( dialect ) ); if ( columnIterator.hasNext() ) { sb.append( ", " ); } } return sb.append( ')' ).toString(); } @Override public String getAlterTableToDropUniqueKeyCommand(UniqueKey uniqueKey) { // Do this here, rather than allowing UniqueKey/Constraint to do it. // We need full, simplified control over whether or not it happens. final String tableName = uniqueKey.getTable().getQualifiedName( dialect ); final String constraintName = dialect.quote( uniqueKey.getName() ); return "alter table " + tableName + " drop constraint " + constraintName; } }