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package org.hibernate.dialect.function;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.hibernate.QueryException;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.Mapping;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;

A specialized concat() function definition in which:
  1. we translate to use the concat operator ('||')
  2. wrap dynamic parameters in CASTs to VARCHAR

This last spec is to deal with a limitation on DB2 and variants (e.g. Derby) where dynamic parameters cannot be used in concatenation unless they are being concatenated with at least one non-dynamic operand. And even then, the rules are so convoluted as to what is allowed and when the CAST is needed and when it is not that we just go ahead and do the CASTing.
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * A specialized concat() function definition in which:<ol> * <li>we translate to use the concat operator ('||')</li> * <li>wrap dynamic parameters in CASTs to VARCHAR</li> * </ol> * <p/> * This last spec is to deal with a limitation on DB2 and variants (e.g. Derby) * where dynamic parameters cannot be used in concatenation unless they are being * concatenated with at least one non-dynamic operand. And even then, the rules * are so convoluted as to what is allowed and when the CAST is needed and when * it is not that we just go ahead and do the CASTing. * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class DerbyConcatFunction implements SQLFunction {

Here we always return true
/** * {@inheritDoc} * <p/> * Here we always return <tt>true</tt> */
@Override public boolean hasArguments() { return true; }

Here we always return true
/** * {@inheritDoc} * <p/> * Here we always return <tt>true</tt> */
@Override public boolean hasParenthesesIfNoArguments() { return true; }

Here we always return StandardBasicTypes.STRING.
/** * {@inheritDoc} * <p/> * Here we always return {@link StandardBasicTypes#STRING}. */
@Override public Type getReturnType(Type argumentType, Mapping mapping) throws QueryException { return StandardBasicTypes.STRING; }

Here's the meat.. The whole reason we have a separate impl for this for Derby is to re-define this method. The logic here says that if not all the incoming args are dynamic parameters (i.e. ?) then we simply use the Derby concat operator (||) on the unchanged arg elements. However, if all the args are dynamic parameters, then we need to wrap the individual arg elements in cast function calls, use the concatenation operator on the cast returns, and then wrap that whole thing in a call to the Derby varchar function.
/** * {@inheritDoc} * <p/> * Here's the meat.. The whole reason we have a separate impl for this for Derby is to re-define * this method. The logic here says that if not all the incoming args are dynamic parameters * (i.e. <tt>?</tt>) then we simply use the Derby concat operator (<tt>||</tt>) on the unchanged * arg elements. However, if all the args are dynamic parameters, then we need to wrap the individual * arg elements in <tt>cast</tt> function calls, use the concatenation operator on the <tt>cast</tt> * returns, and then wrap that whole thing in a call to the Derby <tt>varchar</tt> function. */
@Override public String render(Type argumentType, List args, SessionFactoryImplementor factory) throws QueryException { // first figure out if all arguments are dynamic (jdbc parameters) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ boolean areAllArgumentsDynamic = true; for ( Object arg1 : args ) { final String arg = (String) arg1; if ( !"?".equals( arg ) ) { // we found a non-dynamic argument areAllArgumentsDynamic = false; break; } } if ( areAllArgumentsDynamic ) { return join( args.iterator(), CAST_STRING_TRANSFORMER, new StringJoinTemplate() { public String getBeginning() { return "varchar( "; } public String getSeparator() { return " || "; } public String getEnding() { return " )"; } } ); } else { return join( args.iterator(), NO_TRANSFORM_STRING_TRANSFORMER, new StringJoinTemplate() { public String getBeginning() { return "("; } public String getSeparator() { return "||"; } public String getEnding() { return ")"; } } ); } } private static interface StringTransformer {
Transform a string to another
  • string – The String to be transformed
Returns:The transformed form
/** * Transform a string to another * * @param string The String to be transformed * * @return The transformed form */
public String transform(String string); } private static final StringTransformer CAST_STRING_TRANSFORMER = new StringTransformer() { @Override public String transform(String string) { // expectation is that incoming string is "?" return "cast( ? as varchar(32672) )"; } }; private static final StringTransformer NO_TRANSFORM_STRING_TRANSFORMER = new StringTransformer() { @Override public String transform(String string) { return string; } }; private static interface StringJoinTemplate {
Getter for property 'beginning'.
Returns:Value for property 'beginning'.
/** * Getter for property 'beginning'. * * @return Value for property 'beginning'. */
public String getBeginning();
Getter for property 'separator'.
Returns:Value for property 'separator'.
/** * Getter for property 'separator'. * * @return Value for property 'separator'. */
public String getSeparator();
Getter for property 'ending'.
Returns:Value for property 'ending'.
/** * Getter for property 'ending'. * * @return Value for property 'ending'. */
public String getEnding(); } private static String join(Iterator/*<String>*/ elements, StringTransformer elementTransformer, StringJoinTemplate template) { // todo : make this available via StringHelper? final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder( template.getBeginning() ); while ( elements.hasNext() ) { final String element = (String) elements.next(); buffer.append( elementTransformer.transform( element ) ); if ( elements.hasNext() ) { buffer.append( template.getSeparator() ); } } return buffer.append( template.getEnding() ).toString(); } }