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package org.hibernate.dialect;

import java.sql.Types;

import org.hibernate.cfg.Environment;
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.StandardSQLFunction;
import org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes;

An Hibernate 3 SQL dialect for Mimer SQL. This dialect requires Mimer SQL 9.2.1 or later because of the mappings to NCLOB, BINARY, and BINARY VARYING.
Author:Fredrik lund
/** * An Hibernate 3 SQL dialect for Mimer SQL. This dialect requires Mimer SQL 9.2.1 or later * because of the mappings to NCLOB, BINARY, and BINARY VARYING. * * @author Fredrik lund <fredrik.alund@mimer.se> */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class MimerSQLDialect extends Dialect { private static final int NATIONAL_CHAR_LENGTH = 2000; private static final int BINARY_MAX_LENGTH = 2000;
Even thoug Mimer SQL supports character and binary columns up to 15 000 in lenght, this is also the maximum width of the table (exluding LOBs). To avoid breaking the limit all the time we limit the length of the character columns to CHAR_MAX_LENTH, NATIONAL_CHAR_LENGTH for national characters, and BINARY_MAX_LENGTH for binary types.
/** * Even thoug Mimer SQL supports character and binary columns up to 15 000 in lenght, * this is also the maximum width of the table (exluding LOBs). To avoid breaking the limit all the * time we limit the length of the character columns to CHAR_MAX_LENTH, NATIONAL_CHAR_LENGTH for national * characters, and BINARY_MAX_LENGTH for binary types. */
public MimerSQLDialect() { super(); registerColumnType( Types.BIT, "ODBC.BIT" ); registerColumnType( Types.BIGINT, "BIGINT" ); registerColumnType( Types.SMALLINT, "SMALLINT" ); registerColumnType( Types.TINYINT, "ODBC.TINYINT" ); registerColumnType( Types.INTEGER, "INTEGER" ); registerColumnType( Types.CHAR, "NCHAR(1)" ); registerColumnType( Types.VARCHAR, NATIONAL_CHAR_LENGTH, "NATIONAL CHARACTER VARYING($l)" ); registerColumnType( Types.VARCHAR, "NCLOB($l)" ); registerColumnType( Types.LONGVARCHAR, "CLOB($1)" ); registerColumnType( Types.FLOAT, "FLOAT" ); registerColumnType( Types.DOUBLE, "DOUBLE PRECISION" ); registerColumnType( Types.DATE, "DATE" ); registerColumnType( Types.TIME, "TIME" ); registerColumnType( Types.TIMESTAMP, "TIMESTAMP" ); registerColumnType( Types.VARBINARY, BINARY_MAX_LENGTH, "BINARY VARYING($l)" ); registerColumnType( Types.VARBINARY, "BLOB($1)" ); registerColumnType( Types.LONGVARBINARY, "BLOB($1)" ); registerColumnType( Types.BINARY, BINARY_MAX_LENGTH, "BINARY" ); registerColumnType( Types.BINARY, "BLOB($1)" ); registerColumnType( Types.NUMERIC, "NUMERIC(19, $l)" ); registerColumnType( Types.BLOB, "BLOB($l)" ); registerColumnType( Types.CLOB, "NCLOB($l)" ); registerFunction( "abs", new StandardSQLFunction( "abs" ) ); registerFunction( "sign", new StandardSQLFunction( "sign", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER ) ); registerFunction( "ceiling", new StandardSQLFunction( "ceiling" ) ); registerFunction( "floor", new StandardSQLFunction( "floor" ) ); registerFunction( "round", new StandardSQLFunction( "round" ) ); registerFunction( "dacos", new StandardSQLFunction( "dacos", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "acos", new StandardSQLFunction( "dacos", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "dasin", new StandardSQLFunction( "dasin", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "asin", new StandardSQLFunction( "dasin", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "datan", new StandardSQLFunction( "datan", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "atan", new StandardSQLFunction( "datan", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "datan2", new StandardSQLFunction( "datan2", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "atan2", new StandardSQLFunction( "datan2", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "dcos", new StandardSQLFunction( "dcos", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "cos", new StandardSQLFunction( "dcos", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "dcot", new StandardSQLFunction( "dcot", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "cot", new StandardSQLFunction( "dcot", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "ddegrees", new StandardSQLFunction( "ddegrees", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "degrees", new StandardSQLFunction( "ddegrees", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "dexp", new StandardSQLFunction( "dexp", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "exp", new StandardSQLFunction( "dexp", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "dlog", new StandardSQLFunction( "dlog", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "log", new StandardSQLFunction( "dlog", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "dlog10", new StandardSQLFunction( "dlog10", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "log10", new StandardSQLFunction( "dlog10", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "dradian", new StandardSQLFunction( "dradian", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "radian", new StandardSQLFunction( "dradian", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "dsin", new StandardSQLFunction( "dsin", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "sin", new StandardSQLFunction( "dsin", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "soundex", new StandardSQLFunction( "soundex", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "dsqrt", new StandardSQLFunction( "dsqrt", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "sqrt", new StandardSQLFunction( "dsqrt", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "dtan", new StandardSQLFunction( "dtan", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "tan", new StandardSQLFunction( "dtan", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "dpower", new StandardSQLFunction( "dpower" ) ); registerFunction( "power", new StandardSQLFunction( "dpower" ) ); registerFunction( "date", new StandardSQLFunction( "date", StandardBasicTypes.DATE ) ); registerFunction( "dayofweek", new StandardSQLFunction( "dayofweek", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER ) ); registerFunction( "dayofyear", new StandardSQLFunction( "dayofyear", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER ) ); registerFunction( "time", new StandardSQLFunction( "time", StandardBasicTypes.TIME ) ); registerFunction( "timestamp", new StandardSQLFunction( "timestamp", StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP ) ); registerFunction( "week", new StandardSQLFunction( "week", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER ) ); registerFunction( "varchar", new StandardSQLFunction( "varchar", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "real", new StandardSQLFunction( "real", StandardBasicTypes.FLOAT ) ); registerFunction( "bigint", new StandardSQLFunction( "bigint", StandardBasicTypes.LONG ) ); registerFunction( "char", new StandardSQLFunction( "char", StandardBasicTypes.CHARACTER ) ); registerFunction( "integer", new StandardSQLFunction( "integer", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER ) ); registerFunction( "smallint", new StandardSQLFunction( "smallint", StandardBasicTypes.SHORT ) ); registerFunction( "ascii_char", new StandardSQLFunction( "ascii_char", StandardBasicTypes.CHARACTER ) ); registerFunction( "ascii_code", new StandardSQLFunction( "ascii_code", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "unicode_char", new StandardSQLFunction( "unicode_char", StandardBasicTypes.LONG ) ); registerFunction( "unicode_code", new StandardSQLFunction( "unicode_code", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "upper", new StandardSQLFunction( "upper" ) ); registerFunction( "lower", new StandardSQLFunction( "lower" ) ); registerFunction( "char_length", new StandardSQLFunction( "char_length", StandardBasicTypes.LONG ) ); registerFunction( "bit_length", new StandardSQLFunction( "bit_length", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); getDefaultProperties().setProperty( Environment.USE_STREAMS_FOR_BINARY, "true" ); getDefaultProperties().setProperty( Environment.STATEMENT_BATCH_SIZE, "50" ); } @Override public String getAddColumnString() { return "add column"; } @Override public boolean dropConstraints() { return false; } @Override public boolean supportsIdentityColumns() { return false; } @Override public boolean supportsSequences() { return true; } @Override public String getSequenceNextValString(String sequenceName) { return "select next_value of " + sequenceName + " from system.onerow"; } @Override public String getCreateSequenceString(String sequenceName) { return "create unique sequence " + sequenceName; } @Override public String getDropSequenceString(String sequenceName) { return "drop sequence " + sequenceName + " restrict"; } @Override public boolean supportsLimit() { return false; } @Override public String getCascadeConstraintsString() { return " cascade"; } @Override public String getQuerySequencesString() { return "select sequence_schema || '.' || sequence_name from information_schema.ext_sequences"; } @Override public boolean forUpdateOfColumns() { return false; } @Override public boolean supportsOuterJoinForUpdate() { return false; } }