 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.dialect;

import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.Properties;

import org.hibernate.cfg.Environment;

A SQL dialect for Ingres 10 and later versions.

  • Add native BOOLEAN type support
  • Add identity column support
Author:Raymond Fan
/** * A SQL dialect for Ingres 10 and later versions. * <p/> * Changes: * <ul> * <li>Add native BOOLEAN type support</li> * <li>Add identity column support</li> * </ul> * * @author Raymond Fan */
public class Ingres10Dialect extends Ingres9Dialect {
Constructs a Ingres10Dialect
/** * Constructs a Ingres10Dialect */
public Ingres10Dialect() { super(); registerBooleanSupport(); registerDefaultProperties(); } protected void registerBooleanSupport() { // Boolean type (mapping/BooleanType) mapping maps SQL BIT to Java // Boolean. In order to create a boolean column, BIT needs to be mapped // to boolean as well, similar to H2Dialect. registerColumnType( Types.BIT, "boolean" ); registerColumnType( Types.BOOLEAN, "boolean" ); } private void registerDefaultProperties() { // true, false and unknown are now valid values // Remove the query substitutions previously added in IngresDialect. final Properties properties = getDefaultProperties(); final String querySubst = properties.getProperty( Environment.QUERY_SUBSTITUTIONS ); if ( querySubst != null ) { final String newQuerySubst = querySubst.replace( "true=1,false=0", "" ); properties.setProperty( Environment.QUERY_SUBSTITUTIONS, newQuerySubst ); } } // IDENTITY support ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @Override public String toBooleanValueString(boolean bool) { return bool ? "true" : "false"; } @Override public boolean supportsIdentityColumns() { return true; } @Override public boolean hasDataTypeInIdentityColumn() { return true; } @Override public String getIdentitySelectString() { return "select last_identity()"; } @Override public String getIdentityColumnString() { return "not null generated by default as identity"; } @Override public String getIdentityInsertString() { return "default"; } }