 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2010, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
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package org.hibernate.dialect;
import java.sql.Types;

import org.hibernate.LockMode;
import org.hibernate.dialect.lock.LockingStrategy;
import org.hibernate.dialect.lock.OptimisticForceIncrementLockingStrategy;
import org.hibernate.dialect.lock.OptimisticLockingStrategy;
import org.hibernate.dialect.lock.PessimisticForceIncrementLockingStrategy;
import org.hibernate.dialect.lock.PessimisticReadUpdateLockingStrategy;
import org.hibernate.dialect.lock.PessimisticWriteUpdateLockingStrategy;
import org.hibernate.dialect.lock.SelectLockingStrategy;
import org.hibernate.dialect.lock.UpdateLockingStrategy;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.Lockable;

An SQL Dialect for Frontbase. Assumes you're using the latest version of the FrontBase JDBC driver, available from http://frontbase.com/

NOTE: The latest JDBC driver is not always included with the latest release of FrontBase. Download the driver separately, and enjoy the informative release notes.

This dialect was tested with JDBC driver version 2.3.1. This driver contains a bug that causes batches of updates to fail. (The bug should be fixed in the next release of the JDBC driver.) If you are using JDBC driver 2.3.1, you can work-around this problem by setting the following in your hibernate.properties file: hibernate.jdbc.batch_size=15

Author:Ron Lussier rlussier@lenscraft.com
/** * An SQL Dialect for Frontbase. Assumes you're using the latest version * of the FrontBase JDBC driver, available from <tt>http://frontbase.com/</tt> * <p> * <b>NOTE</b>: The latest JDBC driver is not always included with the * latest release of FrontBase. Download the driver separately, and enjoy * the informative release notes. * <p> * This dialect was tested with JDBC driver version 2.3.1. This driver * contains a bug that causes batches of updates to fail. (The bug should be * fixed in the next release of the JDBC driver.) If you are using JDBC driver * 2.3.1, you can work-around this problem by setting the following in your * <tt>hibernate.properties</tt> file: <tt>hibernate.jdbc.batch_size=15</tt> * * @author Ron Lussier <tt>rlussier@lenscraft.com</tt> */
public class FrontBaseDialect extends Dialect {
Constructs a FrontBaseDialect
/** * Constructs a FrontBaseDialect */
public FrontBaseDialect() { super(); registerColumnType( Types.BIT, "bit" ); registerColumnType( Types.BIGINT, "longint" ); registerColumnType( Types.SMALLINT, "smallint" ); registerColumnType( Types.TINYINT, "tinyint" ); registerColumnType( Types.INTEGER, "integer" ); registerColumnType( Types.CHAR, "char(1)" ); registerColumnType( Types.VARCHAR, "varchar($l)" ); registerColumnType( Types.FLOAT, "float" ); registerColumnType( Types.DOUBLE, "double precision" ); registerColumnType( Types.DATE, "date" ); registerColumnType( Types.TIME, "time" ); registerColumnType( Types.TIMESTAMP, "timestamp" ); registerColumnType( Types.VARBINARY, "bit varying($l)" ); registerColumnType( Types.NUMERIC, "numeric($p,$s)" ); registerColumnType( Types.BLOB, "blob" ); registerColumnType( Types.CLOB, "clob" ); } @Override public String getAddColumnString() { return "add column"; } @Override public String getCascadeConstraintsString() { return " cascade"; } @Override public boolean dropConstraints() { return false; }
FrontBase doesn't support this syntax, which was dropped with SQL92.

/** * FrontBase doesn't support this syntax, which was dropped with SQL92. * <p/> * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public String getForUpdateString() { return ""; } @Override public String getCurrentTimestampSelectString() { // TODO : not sure this is correct, could not find docs on how to do this. return "{?= call current_timestamp}"; } @Override public boolean isCurrentTimestampSelectStringCallable() { return true; } @Override public LockingStrategy getLockingStrategy(Lockable lockable, LockMode lockMode) { // Frontbase has no known variation of a "SELECT ... FOR UPDATE" syntax... if ( lockMode==LockMode.PESSIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT) { return new PessimisticForceIncrementLockingStrategy( lockable, lockMode); } else if ( lockMode==LockMode.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE) { return new PessimisticWriteUpdateLockingStrategy( lockable, lockMode); } else if ( lockMode==LockMode.PESSIMISTIC_READ) { return new PessimisticReadUpdateLockingStrategy( lockable, lockMode); } else if ( lockMode==LockMode.OPTIMISTIC) { return new OptimisticLockingStrategy( lockable, lockMode); } else if ( lockMode==LockMode.OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT) { return new OptimisticForceIncrementLockingStrategy( lockable, lockMode); } else if ( lockMode.greaterThan( LockMode.READ ) ) { return new UpdateLockingStrategy( lockable, lockMode ); } else { return new SelectLockingStrategy( lockable, lockMode ); } } }