 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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 * statements applied by the authors.  All third-party contributions are
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package org.hibernate.dialect;

import java.io.FilterReader;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;

import org.hibernate.JDBCException;
import org.hibernate.LockMode;
import org.hibernate.LockOptions;
import org.hibernate.ScrollMode;
import org.hibernate.cfg.AvailableSettings;
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.AnsiTrimFunction;
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.NoArgSQLFunction;
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.SQLFunctionTemplate;
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.StandardSQLFunction;
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.VarArgsSQLFunction;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.CharacterStream;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.ClobImplementer;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.NClobImplementer;
import org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException;
import org.hibernate.exception.LockAcquisitionException;
import org.hibernate.exception.LockTimeoutException;
import org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException;
import org.hibernate.exception.spi.SQLExceptionConversionDelegate;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.JdbcExceptionHelper;
import org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes;
import org.hibernate.type.descriptor.WrapperOptions;
import org.hibernate.type.descriptor.java.JavaTypeDescriptor;
import org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder;
import org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BitTypeDescriptor;
import org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.ClobTypeDescriptor;
import org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.NClobTypeDescriptor;
import org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.SmallIntTypeDescriptor;
import org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.SqlTypeDescriptor;

An abstract base class for HANA dialects.
SAP HANA Reference
NOTE: This dialect is currently configured to create foreign keys with on update cascade.
Author:Andrew Clemons
/** * An abstract base class for HANA dialects. <br/> * <a href="http://help.sap.com/hana/html/sqlmain.html">SAP HANA Reference</a> <br/> * * NOTE: This dialect is currently configured to create foreign keys with * <code>on update cascade</code>. * * @author Andrew Clemons <andrew.clemons@sap.com> */
public abstract class AbstractHANADialect extends Dialect { private static class CloseSuppressingReader extends FilterReader { protected CloseSuppressingReader(final Reader in) { super( in ); } @Override public void close() { // do not close } } // the ClobTypeDescriptor and NClobTypeDescriptor for HANA are slightly // changed from the standard ones. The HANA JDBC driver currently closes any // stream passed in via // PreparedStatement.setCharacterStream(int,Reader,long) // after the stream has been processed. this causes problems later if we are // using non-contexual lob creation and HANA then closes our StringReader. // see test case LobLocatorTest private static final ClobTypeDescriptor HANA_CLOB_STREAM_BINDING = new ClobTypeDescriptor() {
serial version uid.
/** serial version uid. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -379042275442752102L; @Override public <X> BasicBinder<X> getClobBinder(final JavaTypeDescriptor<X> javaTypeDescriptor) { return new BasicBinder<X>( javaTypeDescriptor, this ) { @Override protected void doBind(final PreparedStatement st, final X value, final int index, final WrapperOptions options) throws SQLException { final CharacterStream characterStream = javaTypeDescriptor.unwrap( value, CharacterStream.class, options ); if ( value instanceof ClobImplementer ) { st.setCharacterStream( index, new CloseSuppressingReader( characterStream.asReader() ), characterStream.getLength() ); } else { st.setCharacterStream( index, characterStream.asReader(), characterStream.getLength() ); } } }; } }; private static final NClobTypeDescriptor HANA_NCLOB_STREAM_BINDING = new NClobTypeDescriptor() {
serial version uid.
/** serial version uid. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5651116091681647859L; @Override public <X> BasicBinder<X> getNClobBinder(final JavaTypeDescriptor<X> javaTypeDescriptor) { return new BasicBinder<X>( javaTypeDescriptor, this ) { @Override protected void doBind(final PreparedStatement st, final X value, final int index, final WrapperOptions options) throws SQLException { final CharacterStream characterStream = javaTypeDescriptor.unwrap( value, CharacterStream.class, options ); if ( value instanceof NClobImplementer ) { st.setCharacterStream( index, new CloseSuppressingReader( characterStream.asReader() ), characterStream.getLength() ); } else { st.setCharacterStream( index, characterStream.asReader(), characterStream.getLength() ); } } }; } }; public AbstractHANADialect() { super(); registerColumnType( Types.DECIMAL, "decimal($p, $s)" ); registerColumnType( Types.DOUBLE, "double" ); // varbinary max length 5000 registerColumnType( Types.BINARY, 5000, "varbinary($l)" ); registerColumnType( Types.VARBINARY, 5000, "varbinary($l)" ); registerColumnType( Types.LONGVARBINARY, 5000, "varbinary($l)" ); // for longer values, map to blob registerColumnType( Types.BINARY, "blob" ); registerColumnType( Types.VARBINARY, "blob" ); registerColumnType( Types.LONGVARBINARY, "blob" ); registerColumnType( Types.CHAR, "varchar(1)" ); registerColumnType( Types.VARCHAR, 5000, "varchar($l)" ); registerColumnType( Types.LONGVARCHAR, 5000, "varchar($l)" ); registerColumnType( Types.NVARCHAR, 5000, "nvarchar($l)" ); // for longer values map to clob/nclob registerColumnType( Types.LONGVARCHAR, "clob" ); registerColumnType( Types.VARCHAR, "clob" ); registerColumnType( Types.NVARCHAR, "nclob" ); registerColumnType( Types.CLOB, "clob" ); registerColumnType( Types.BOOLEAN, "tinyint" ); // map bit/tinyint to smallint since tinyint is unsigned on HANA registerColumnType( Types.BIT, "smallint" ); registerColumnType( Types.TINYINT, "smallint" ); registerHibernateType( Types.NCLOB, StandardBasicTypes.NCLOB.getName() ); registerHibernateType( Types.NVARCHAR, StandardBasicTypes.STRING.getName() ); registerFunction( "to_date", new StandardSQLFunction( "to_date", StandardBasicTypes.DATE ) ); registerFunction( "to_seconddate", new StandardSQLFunction( "to_seconddate", StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP ) ); registerFunction( "to_time", new StandardSQLFunction( "to_time", StandardBasicTypes.TIME ) ); registerFunction( "to_timestamp", new StandardSQLFunction( "to_timestamp", StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP ) ); registerFunction( "current_date", new NoArgSQLFunction( "current_date", StandardBasicTypes.DATE, false ) ); registerFunction( "current_time", new NoArgSQLFunction( "current_time", StandardBasicTypes.TIME, false ) ); registerFunction( "current_timestamp", new NoArgSQLFunction( "current_timestamp", StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP, false ) ); registerFunction( "current_utcdate", new NoArgSQLFunction( "current_utcdate", StandardBasicTypes.DATE, false ) ); registerFunction( "current_utctime", new NoArgSQLFunction( "current_utctime", StandardBasicTypes.TIME, false ) ); registerFunction( "current_utctimestamp", new NoArgSQLFunction( "current_utctimestamp", StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP, false ) ); registerFunction( "add_days", new StandardSQLFunction( "add_days" ) ); registerFunction( "add_months", new StandardSQLFunction( "add_months" ) ); registerFunction( "add_seconds", new StandardSQLFunction( "add_seconds" ) ); registerFunction( "add_years", new StandardSQLFunction( "add_years" ) ); registerFunction( "dayname", new StandardSQLFunction( "dayname", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "dayofmonth", new StandardSQLFunction( "dayofmonth", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER ) ); registerFunction( "dayofyear", new StandardSQLFunction( "dayofyear", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER ) ); registerFunction( "days_between", new StandardSQLFunction( "days_between", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER ) ); registerFunction( "hour", new StandardSQLFunction( "hour", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER ) ); registerFunction( "isoweek", new StandardSQLFunction( "isoweek", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "last_day", new StandardSQLFunction( "last_day", StandardBasicTypes.DATE ) ); registerFunction( "localtoutc", new StandardSQLFunction( "localtoutc", StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP ) ); registerFunction( "minute", new StandardSQLFunction( "minute", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER ) ); registerFunction( "month", new StandardSQLFunction( "month", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER ) ); registerFunction( "monthname", new StandardSQLFunction( "monthname", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "next_day", new StandardSQLFunction( "next_day", StandardBasicTypes.DATE ) ); registerFunction( "now", new NoArgSQLFunction( "now", StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP, true ) ); registerFunction( "quarter", new StandardSQLFunction( "quarter", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "second", new StandardSQLFunction( "second", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER ) ); registerFunction( "seconds_between", new StandardSQLFunction( "seconds_between", StandardBasicTypes.LONG ) ); registerFunction( "week", new StandardSQLFunction( "week", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER ) ); registerFunction( "weekday", new StandardSQLFunction( "weekday", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER ) ); registerFunction( "year", new StandardSQLFunction( "year", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER ) ); registerFunction( "utctolocal", new StandardSQLFunction( "utctolocal", StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP ) ); registerFunction( "to_bigint", new StandardSQLFunction( "to_bigint", StandardBasicTypes.LONG ) ); registerFunction( "to_binary", new StandardSQLFunction( "to_binary", StandardBasicTypes.BINARY ) ); registerFunction( "to_decimal", new StandardSQLFunction( "to_decimal", StandardBasicTypes.BIG_DECIMAL ) ); registerFunction( "to_double", new StandardSQLFunction( "to_double", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "to_int", new StandardSQLFunction( "to_int", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER ) ); registerFunction( "to_integer", new StandardSQLFunction( "to_integer", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER ) ); registerFunction( "to_real", new StandardSQLFunction( "to_real", StandardBasicTypes.FLOAT ) ); registerFunction( "to_smalldecimal", new StandardSQLFunction( "to_smalldecimal", StandardBasicTypes.BIG_DECIMAL ) ); registerFunction( "to_smallint", new StandardSQLFunction( "to_smallint", StandardBasicTypes.SHORT ) ); registerFunction( "to_tinyint", new StandardSQLFunction( "to_tinyint", StandardBasicTypes.BYTE ) ); registerFunction( "abs", new StandardSQLFunction( "abs" ) ); registerFunction( "acos", new StandardSQLFunction( "acos", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "asin", new StandardSQLFunction( "asin", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "atan2", new StandardSQLFunction( "atan", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "bin2hex", new StandardSQLFunction( "bin2hex", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "bitand", new StandardSQLFunction( "bitand", StandardBasicTypes.LONG ) ); registerFunction( "ceil", new StandardSQLFunction( "ceil" ) ); registerFunction( "cos", new StandardSQLFunction( "cos", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "cosh", new StandardSQLFunction( "cosh", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "cot", new StandardSQLFunction( "cos", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "exp", new StandardSQLFunction( "exp", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "floor", new StandardSQLFunction( "floor" ) ); registerFunction( "greatest", new StandardSQLFunction( "greatest" ) ); registerFunction( "hex2bin", new StandardSQLFunction( "hex2bin", StandardBasicTypes.BINARY ) ); registerFunction( "least", new StandardSQLFunction( "least" ) ); registerFunction( "ln", new StandardSQLFunction( "ln", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "log", new StandardSQLFunction( "ln", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "power", new StandardSQLFunction( "power" ) ); registerFunction( "round", new StandardSQLFunction( "round" ) ); registerFunction( "mod", new StandardSQLFunction( "mod", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER ) ); registerFunction( "sign", new StandardSQLFunction( "sign", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER ) ); registerFunction( "sin", new StandardSQLFunction( "sin", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "sinh", new StandardSQLFunction( "sinh", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "sqrt", new StandardSQLFunction( "sqrt", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "tan", new StandardSQLFunction( "tan", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "tanh", new StandardSQLFunction( "tanh", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) ); registerFunction( "uminus", new StandardSQLFunction( "uminus" ) ); registerFunction( "to_alphanum", new StandardSQLFunction( "to_alphanum", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "to_nvarchar", new StandardSQLFunction( "to_nvarchar", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "to_varchar", new StandardSQLFunction( "to_varchar", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "ascii", new StandardSQLFunction( "ascii", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER ) ); registerFunction( "char", new StandardSQLFunction( "char", StandardBasicTypes.CHARACTER ) ); registerFunction( "concat", new VarArgsSQLFunction( StandardBasicTypes.STRING, "(", "||", ")" ) ); registerFunction( "lcase", new StandardSQLFunction( "lcase", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "left", new StandardSQLFunction( "left", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "length", new StandardSQLFunction( "length", StandardBasicTypes.LONG ) ); registerFunction( "locate", new StandardSQLFunction( "locate", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER ) ); registerFunction( "lpad", new StandardSQLFunction( "lpad", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "ltrim", new StandardSQLFunction( "ltrim", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "nchar", new StandardSQLFunction( "nchar", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "replace", new StandardSQLFunction( "replace", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "right", new StandardSQLFunction( "right", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "rpad", new StandardSQLFunction( "rpad", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "rtrim", new StandardSQLFunction( "rtrim", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "substr_after", new StandardSQLFunction( "substr_after", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "substr_before", new StandardSQLFunction( "substr_before", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "substring", new StandardSQLFunction( "substring", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "trim", new AnsiTrimFunction() ); registerFunction( "ucase", new StandardSQLFunction( "ucase", StandardBasicTypes.STRING ) ); registerFunction( "unicode", new StandardSQLFunction( "unicode", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER ) ); registerFunction( "bit_length", new SQLFunctionTemplate( StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER, "length(to_binary(?1))*8" ) ); registerFunction( "to_blob", new StandardSQLFunction( "to_blob", StandardBasicTypes.BLOB ) ); registerFunction( "to_clob", new StandardSQLFunction( "to_clob", StandardBasicTypes.CLOB ) ); registerFunction( "to_nclob", new StandardSQLFunction( "to_nclob", StandardBasicTypes.NCLOB ) ); registerFunction( "coalesce", new StandardSQLFunction( "coalesce" ) ); registerFunction( "current_connection", new NoArgSQLFunction( "current_connection", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER, false ) ); registerFunction( "current_schema", new NoArgSQLFunction( "current_schema", StandardBasicTypes.STRING, false ) ); registerFunction( "current_user", new NoArgSQLFunction( "current_user", StandardBasicTypes.STRING, false ) ); registerFunction( "grouping_id", new VarArgsSQLFunction( StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER, "(", ",", ")" ) ); registerFunction( "ifnull", new StandardSQLFunction( "ifnull" ) ); registerFunction( "map", new StandardSQLFunction( "map" ) ); registerFunction( "nullif", new StandardSQLFunction( "nullif" ) ); registerFunction( "session_context", new StandardSQLFunction( "session_context" ) ); registerFunction( "session_user", new NoArgSQLFunction( "session_user", StandardBasicTypes.STRING, false ) ); registerFunction( "sysuuid", new NoArgSQLFunction( "sysuuid", StandardBasicTypes.STRING, false ) ); registerHanaKeywords(); // createBlob() and createClob() are not supported by the HANA JDBC driver getDefaultProperties().setProperty( AvailableSettings.NON_CONTEXTUAL_LOB_CREATION, "true" ); } @Override public boolean bindLimitParametersInReverseOrder() { return true; } @Override public SQLExceptionConversionDelegate buildSQLExceptionConversionDelegate() { return new SQLExceptionConversionDelegate() { @Override public JDBCException convert(final SQLException sqlException, final String message, final String sql) { final int errorCode = JdbcExceptionHelper.extractErrorCode( sqlException ); if ( errorCode == 131 ) { // 131 - Transaction rolled back by lock wait timeout return new LockTimeoutException( message, sqlException, sql ); } if ( errorCode == 146 ) { // 146 - Resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified return new LockTimeoutException( message, sqlException, sql ); } if ( errorCode == 132 ) { // 132 - Transaction rolled back due to unavailable resource return new LockAcquisitionException( message, sqlException, sql ); } if ( errorCode == 133 ) { // 133 - Transaction rolled back by detected deadlock return new LockAcquisitionException( message, sqlException, sql ); } // 259 - Invalid table name // 260 - Invalid column name // 261 - Invalid index name // 262 - Invalid query name // 263 - Invalid alias name if ( errorCode == 257 || ( errorCode >= 259 && errorCode <= 263 ) ) { throw new SQLGrammarException( message, sqlException, sql ); } // 257 - Cannot insert NULL or update to NULL // 301 - Unique constraint violated // 461 - foreign key constraint violation // 462 - failed on update or delete by foreign key constraint violation if ( errorCode == 287 || errorCode == 301 || errorCode == 461 || errorCode == 462 ) { final String constraintName = getViolatedConstraintNameExtracter().extractConstraintName( sqlException ); return new ConstraintViolationException( message, sqlException, sql, constraintName ); } return null; } }; } @Override public boolean forUpdateOfColumns() { return true; } @Override public String getAddColumnString() { return "add ("; } @Override public String getAddColumnSuffixString() { return ")"; } @Override public String getCascadeConstraintsString() { return " cascade"; } @Override public String getCreateSequenceString(final String sequenceName) { return "create sequence " + sequenceName; } @Override public String getCreateTemporaryTableString() { return "create global temporary table"; } @Override public String getCurrentTimestampSelectString() { return "select current_timestamp from dummy"; } @Override public String getDropSequenceString(final String sequenceName) { return "drop sequence " + sequenceName; } @Override public String getForUpdateString(final String aliases) { return getForUpdateString() + " of " + aliases; } @Override public String getForUpdateString(final String aliases, final LockOptions lockOptions) { LockMode lockMode = lockOptions.getLockMode(); final Iterator<Map.Entry<String, LockMode>> itr = lockOptions.getAliasLockIterator(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { // seek the highest lock mode final Map.Entry<String, LockMode> entry = itr.next(); final LockMode lm = entry.getValue(); if ( lm.greaterThan( lockMode ) ) { lockMode = lm; } } // not sure why this is sometimes empty if ( aliases == null || "".equals( aliases ) ) { return getForUpdateString( lockMode ); } return getForUpdateString( lockMode ) + " of " + aliases; } @Override public String getLimitString(final String sql, final boolean hasOffset) { return new StringBuilder( sql.length() + 20 ).append( sql ) .append( hasOffset ? " limit ? offset ?" : " limit ?" ).toString(); } @Override public String getNotExpression(final String expression) { return "not (" + expression + ")"; } @Override public String getQuerySequencesString() { return "select sequence_name from sys.sequences"; } @Override public String getSelectSequenceNextValString(final String sequenceName) { return sequenceName + ".nextval"; } @Override public String getSequenceNextValString(final String sequenceName) { return "select " + getSelectSequenceNextValString( sequenceName ) + " from dummy"; } @Override protected SqlTypeDescriptor getSqlTypeDescriptorOverride(final int sqlCode) { switch ( sqlCode ) { case Types.BOOLEAN: return BitTypeDescriptor.INSTANCE; case Types.CLOB: return HANA_CLOB_STREAM_BINDING; case Types.NCLOB: return HANA_NCLOB_STREAM_BINDING; case Types.TINYINT: // tinyint is unsigned on HANA return SmallIntTypeDescriptor.INSTANCE; default: return super.getSqlTypeDescriptorOverride( sqlCode ); } } @Override public boolean isCurrentTimestampSelectStringCallable() { return false; } protected void registerHanaKeywords() { registerKeyword( "all" ); registerKeyword( "alter" ); registerKeyword( "as" ); registerKeyword( "before" ); registerKeyword( "begin" ); registerKeyword( "both" ); registerKeyword( "case" ); registerKeyword( "char" ); registerKeyword( "condition" ); registerKeyword( "connect" ); registerKeyword( "cross" ); registerKeyword( "cube" ); registerKeyword( "current_connection" ); registerKeyword( "current_date" ); registerKeyword( "current_schema" ); registerKeyword( "current_time" ); registerKeyword( "current_timestamp" ); registerKeyword( "current_user" ); registerKeyword( "current_utcdate" ); registerKeyword( "current_utctime" ); registerKeyword( "current_utctimestamp" ); registerKeyword( "currval" ); registerKeyword( "cursor" ); registerKeyword( "declare" ); registerKeyword( "distinct" ); registerKeyword( "else" ); registerKeyword( "elseif" ); registerKeyword( "elsif" ); registerKeyword( "end" ); registerKeyword( "except" ); registerKeyword( "exception" ); registerKeyword( "exec" ); registerKeyword( "for" ); registerKeyword( "from" ); registerKeyword( "full" ); registerKeyword( "group" ); registerKeyword( "having" ); registerKeyword( "if" ); registerKeyword( "in" ); registerKeyword( "inner" ); registerKeyword( "inout" ); registerKeyword( "intersect" ); registerKeyword( "into" ); registerKeyword( "is" ); registerKeyword( "join" ); registerKeyword( "leading" ); registerKeyword( "left" ); registerKeyword( "limit" ); registerKeyword( "loop" ); registerKeyword( "minus" ); registerKeyword( "natural" ); registerKeyword( "nextval" ); registerKeyword( "null" ); registerKeyword( "on" ); registerKeyword( "order" ); registerKeyword( "out" ); registerKeyword( "prior" ); registerKeyword( "return" ); registerKeyword( "returns" ); registerKeyword( "reverse" ); registerKeyword( "right" ); registerKeyword( "rollup" ); registerKeyword( "rowid" ); registerKeyword( "select" ); registerKeyword( "set" ); registerKeyword( "sql" ); registerKeyword( "start" ); registerKeyword( "sysdate" ); registerKeyword( "systime" ); registerKeyword( "systimestamp" ); registerKeyword( "sysuuid" ); registerKeyword( "top" ); registerKeyword( "trailing" ); registerKeyword( "union" ); registerKeyword( "using" ); registerKeyword( "utcdate" ); registerKeyword( "utctime" ); registerKeyword( "utctimestamp" ); registerKeyword( "values" ); registerKeyword( "when" ); registerKeyword( "where" ); registerKeyword( "while" ); registerKeyword( "with" ); } @Override public boolean supportsCircularCascadeDeleteConstraints() { // HANA does not support circular constraints return false; } @Override public ScrollMode defaultScrollMode() { return ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY; }
HANA currently does not support check constraints.
/** * HANA currently does not support check constraints. */
@Override public boolean supportsColumnCheck() { return false; } @Override public boolean supportsCurrentTimestampSelection() { return true; } @Override public boolean supportsEmptyInList() { return false; } @Override public boolean supportsExistsInSelect() { return false; } @Override public boolean supportsExpectedLobUsagePattern() { // http://scn.sap.com/thread/3221812 return false; } @Override public boolean supportsLimit() { return true; } @Override public boolean supportsPooledSequences() { return true; } @Override public boolean supportsSequences() { return true; } @Override public boolean supportsTableCheck() { return false; } @Override public boolean supportsTemporaryTables() { return true; } @Override public boolean supportsTupleDistinctCounts() { return false; } @Override public boolean supportsUnionAll() { return true; } @Override public boolean dropConstraints() { return false; } @Override public boolean supportsRowValueConstructorSyntax() { return true; } @Override public boolean supportsRowValueConstructorSyntaxInInList() { return true; } @Override public int getMaxAliasLength() { return 128; }
The default behaviour for 'on update restrict' on HANA is currently to not allow any updates to any column of a row if the row has a foreign key. Make the default for foreign keys have 'on update cascade' to work around the issue.
/** * The default behaviour for 'on update restrict' on HANA is currently * to not allow any updates to any column of a row if the row has a * foreign key. Make the default for foreign keys have 'on update cascade' * to work around the issue. */
@Override public String getAddForeignKeyConstraintString(final String constraintName, final String[] foreignKey, final String referencedTable, final String[] primaryKey, final boolean referencesPrimaryKey) { return super.getAddForeignKeyConstraintString(constraintName, foreignKey, referencedTable, primaryKey, referencesPrimaryKey) + " on update cascade"; } }