 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.cfg.naming;

import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;

Author:Gail Badner
/** * @author Gail Badner */
public class JpaNamingStrategyDelegate extends NamingStrategyDelegateAdapter { @Override public String determineImplicitPrimaryTableName(String entityName, String jpaEntityName) { return StringHelper.unqualify( determineEntityNameToUse( entityName, jpaEntityName ) ); } @Override public String determineImplicitElementCollectionTableName( String ownerEntityName, String ownerJpaEntityName, String ownerEntityTable, String propertyPath) { // JPA states we should use the following as default: // "The concatenation of the name of the containing entity and the name of the // collection attribute, separated by an underscore. // aka: // if owning entity has a JPA entity name: {OWNER JPA ENTITY NAME}_{COLLECTION ATTRIBUTE NAME} // otherwise: {OWNER ENTITY NAME}_{COLLECTION ATTRIBUTE NAME} return determineEntityNameToUse( ownerEntityName, ownerJpaEntityName ) + '_' + StringHelper.unqualify( propertyPath ); } @Override public String determineImplicitElementCollectionJoinColumnName( String ownerEntityName, String ownerJpaEntityName, String ownerEntityTable, String referencedColumnName, String propertyPath) { // JPA states we should use the following as default: // "The concatenation of the following: the name of the entity; "_"; the name of the // referenced primary key column" return determineEntityNameToUse( ownerEntityName, ownerJpaEntityName ) + '_' + referencedColumnName; } @Override public String determineImplicitEntityAssociationJoinTableName( String ownerEntityName, String ownerJpaEntityName, String ownerEntityTable, String associatedEntityName, String associatedJpaEntityName, String associatedEntityTable, String propertyPath) { // JPA states we should use the following as default: // "The concatenated names of the two associated primary entity tables (owning side // first), separated by an underscore." // aka: // {OWNING SIDE PRIMARY TABLE NAME}_{NON-OWNING SIDE PRIMARY TABLE NAME} return ownerEntityTable + '_' + associatedEntityTable; } @Override public String determineImplicitEntityAssociationJoinColumnName( String propertyEntityName, String propertyJpaEntityName, String propertyTableName, String referencedColumnName, String referencingPropertyName) { // JPA states we should use the following as default: // "The concatenation of the following: the name of the referencing relationship // property or field of the referencing entity or embeddable class; "_"; the name // of the referenced primary key column. If there is no such referencing relationship // property or field in the entity, or if the join is for an element collection, the // join column name is formed as the concatenation of the following: the name of the // entity; "_"; the name of the referenced primary key column // The part referring to an entity collection can be disregarded here since, determination of // an element collection foreign key column name is covered by #entityAssociationJoinTableName(). // // For a unidirectional association: // {PROPERTY_ENTITY_NAME}_{REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME} // For a bidirectional association: // {REFERENCING_PROPERTY_NAME}_{REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME} final String header; if ( referencingPropertyName == null ) { // This is a unidirectional association. header = determineEntityNameToUse( propertyEntityName, propertyJpaEntityName ); } else { // This is a bidirectional association. header = StringHelper.unqualify( referencingPropertyName ); } if ( header == null ) { throw new AssertionFailure( "propertyJpaEntityName and referencingPropertyName cannot both be empty." ); } return toPhysicalColumnName( header + "_" + referencedColumnName ); } @Override public String determineLogicalElementCollectionTableName( String tableName, String ownerEntityName, String ownerJpaEntityName, String ownerEntityTable, String propertyName) { if ( tableName != null ) { return tableName; } else { return determineImplicitElementCollectionTableName( ownerEntityName, ownerJpaEntityName, ownerEntityTable, propertyName ); } } @Override public String determineLogicalEntityAssociationJoinTableName( String tableName, String ownerEntityName, String ownerJpaEntityName, String ownerEntityTable, String associatedEntityName, String associatedJpaEntityName, String associatedEntityTable, String propertyName) { if ( tableName != null ) { return tableName; } else { return determineImplicitEntityAssociationJoinTableName( ownerEntityName, ownerJpaEntityName, ownerEntityTable, associatedEntityName, associatedJpaEntityName, associatedEntityTable, propertyName ); } } private String determineEntityNameToUse(String entityName, String jpaEntityName) { if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( jpaEntityName ) ) { // prefer the JPA entity name, if specified... return jpaEntityName; } else { // otherwise, use the Hibernate entity name return StringHelper.unqualifyEntityName( entityName ); } } }