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package org.hibernate.cache.spi;

Defines contract for regions which hold transactionally-managed data.

The data is not transactionally managed within the region; merely it is transactionally-managed in relation to its association with a particular Session.
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * Defines contract for regions which hold transactionally-managed data. * <p/> * The data is not transactionally managed within the region; merely it is * transactionally-managed in relation to its association with a particular * {@link org.hibernate.Session}. * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public interface TransactionalDataRegion extends Region {
Is the underlying cache implementation aware of (and "participating in") ongoing JTA transactions?

Regions which report that they are transaction-aware are considered "synchronous", in that we assume we can immediately (i.e. synchronously) write the changes to the cache and that the cache will properly manage application of the written changes within the bounds of ongoing JTA transactions. Conversely, regions reporting false are considered "asynchronous", where it is assumed that changes must be manually delayed by Hibernate until we are certain that the current transaction is successful (i.e. maintaining READ_COMMITTED isolation).
Returns:True if transaction aware; false otherwise.
/** * Is the underlying cache implementation aware of (and "participating in") * ongoing JTA transactions? * <p/> * Regions which report that they are transaction-aware are considered * "synchronous", in that we assume we can immediately (i.e. synchronously) * write the changes to the cache and that the cache will properly manage * application of the written changes within the bounds of ongoing JTA * transactions. Conversely, regions reporting false are considered * "asynchronous", where it is assumed that changes must be manually * delayed by Hibernate until we are certain that the current transaction * is successful (i.e. maintaining READ_COMMITTED isolation). * * @return True if transaction aware; false otherwise. */
public boolean isTransactionAware();
Get the description of the type of data to be stored here, which would have been given to the RegionFactory when creating this region
Returns:The data descriptor.
/** * Get the description of the type of data to be stored here, which would have been given to the RegionFactory * when creating this region * * @return The data descriptor. */
public CacheDataDescription getCacheDataDescription(); }