 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.cache.internal;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.UnresolvableObjectException;
import org.hibernate.cache.CacheException;
import org.hibernate.cache.spi.QueryCache;
import org.hibernate.cache.spi.QueryKey;
import org.hibernate.cache.spi.QueryResultsRegion;
import org.hibernate.cache.spi.UpdateTimestampsCache;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Settings;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;
import org.hibernate.type.TypeHelper;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

The standard implementation of the Hibernate QueryCache interface. This implementation is very good at recognizing stale query results and and re-running queries when it detects this condition, re-caching the new results.
Author:Gavin King, Steve Ebersole
/** * The standard implementation of the Hibernate QueryCache interface. This * implementation is very good at recognizing stale query results and * and re-running queries when it detects this condition, re-caching the new * results. * * @author Gavin King * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class StandardQueryCache implements QueryCache { private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = Logger.getMessageLogger( CoreMessageLogger.class, StandardQueryCache.class.getName() ); private static final boolean DEBUGGING = LOG.isDebugEnabled(); private static final boolean TRACING = LOG.isTraceEnabled(); private QueryResultsRegion cacheRegion; private UpdateTimestampsCache updateTimestampsCache;
Constructs a StandardQueryCache instance
  • settings – The SessionFactory settings.
  • props – Any properties
  • updateTimestampsCache – The update-timestamps cache to use.
  • regionName – The base query cache region name
/** * Constructs a StandardQueryCache instance * * @param settings The SessionFactory settings. * @param props Any properties * @param updateTimestampsCache The update-timestamps cache to use. * @param regionName The base query cache region name */
public StandardQueryCache( final Settings settings, final Properties props, final UpdateTimestampsCache updateTimestampsCache, final String regionName) { String regionNameToUse = regionName; if ( regionNameToUse == null ) { regionNameToUse = StandardQueryCache.class.getName(); } final String prefix = settings.getCacheRegionPrefix(); if ( prefix != null ) { regionNameToUse = prefix + '.' + regionNameToUse; } LOG.startingQueryCache( regionNameToUse ); this.cacheRegion = settings.getRegionFactory().buildQueryResultsRegion( regionNameToUse, props ); this.updateTimestampsCache = updateTimestampsCache; } @Override public QueryResultsRegion getRegion() { return cacheRegion; } @Override public void destroy() { try { cacheRegion.destroy(); } catch ( Exception e ) { LOG.unableToDestroyQueryCache( cacheRegion.getName(), e.getMessage() ); } } @Override public void clear() throws CacheException { cacheRegion.evictAll(); } @Override @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public boolean put( final QueryKey key, final Type[] returnTypes, final List result, final boolean isNaturalKeyLookup, final SessionImplementor session) throws HibernateException { if ( isNaturalKeyLookup && result.isEmpty() ) { return false; } final long ts = cacheRegion.nextTimestamp(); if ( DEBUGGING ) { LOG.debugf( "Caching query results in region: %s; timestamp=%s", cacheRegion.getName(), ts ); } final List cacheable = new ArrayList( result.size() + 1 ); logCachedResultDetails( key, null, returnTypes, cacheable ); cacheable.add( ts ); final boolean isSingleResult = returnTypes.length == 1; for ( Object aResult : result ) { final Serializable cacheItem = isSingleResult ? returnTypes[0].disassemble( aResult, session, null ) : TypeHelper.disassemble( (Object[]) aResult, returnTypes, null, session, null ); cacheable.add( cacheItem ); logCachedResultRowDetails( returnTypes, aResult ); } try { session.getEventListenerManager().cachePutStart(); cacheRegion.put( key, cacheable ); } finally { session.getEventListenerManager().cachePutEnd(); } return true; } @Override @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public List get( final QueryKey key, final Type[] returnTypes, final boolean isNaturalKeyLookup, final Set<Serializable> spaces, final SessionImplementor session) throws HibernateException { if ( DEBUGGING ) { LOG.debugf( "Checking cached query results in region: %s", cacheRegion.getName() ); } final List cacheable = getCachedResults( key, session ); logCachedResultDetails( key, spaces, returnTypes, cacheable ); if ( cacheable == null ) { if ( DEBUGGING ) { LOG.debug( "Query results were not found in cache" ); } return null; } final Long timestamp = (Long) cacheable.get( 0 ); if ( !isNaturalKeyLookup && !isUpToDate( spaces, timestamp, session ) ) { if ( DEBUGGING ) { LOG.debug( "Cached query results were not up-to-date" ); } return null; } if ( DEBUGGING ) { LOG.debug( "Returning cached query results" ); } final boolean singleResult = returnTypes.length == 1; for ( int i = 1; i < cacheable.size(); i++ ) { if ( singleResult ) { returnTypes[0].beforeAssemble( (Serializable) cacheable.get( i ), session ); } else { TypeHelper.beforeAssemble( (Serializable[]) cacheable.get( i ), returnTypes, session ); } } final List result = new ArrayList( cacheable.size() - 1 ); for ( int i = 1; i < cacheable.size(); i++ ) { try { if ( singleResult ) { result.add( returnTypes[0].assemble( (Serializable) cacheable.get( i ), session, null ) ); } else { result.add( TypeHelper.assemble( (Serializable[]) cacheable.get( i ), returnTypes, session, null ) ); } logCachedResultRowDetails( returnTypes, result.get( i - 1 ) ); } catch ( RuntimeException ex ) { if ( isNaturalKeyLookup ) { // potentially perform special handling for natural-id look ups. if ( UnresolvableObjectException.class.isInstance( ex ) || EntityNotFoundException.class.isInstance( ex ) ) { if ( DEBUGGING ) { LOG.debug( "Unable to reassemble cached natural-id query result" ); } cacheRegion.evict( key ); // EARLY EXIT !!!!! return null; } } throw ex; } } return result; } private List getCachedResults(QueryKey key, SessionImplementor session) { List cacheable = null; try { session.getEventListenerManager().cacheGetStart(); cacheable = (List) cacheRegion.get( key ); } finally { session.getEventListenerManager().cacheGetEnd( cacheable != null ); } return cacheable; } protected boolean isUpToDate(Set<Serializable> spaces, Long timestamp, SessionImplementor session) { if ( DEBUGGING ) { LOG.debugf( "Checking query spaces are up-to-date: %s", spaces ); } return updateTimestampsCache.isUpToDate( spaces, timestamp, session ); } @Override public String toString() { return "StandardQueryCache(" + cacheRegion.getName() + ')'; } private static void logCachedResultDetails(QueryKey key, Set querySpaces, Type[] returnTypes, List result) { if ( !TRACING ) { return; } LOG.trace( "key.hashCode=" + key.hashCode() ); LOG.trace( "querySpaces=" + querySpaces ); if ( returnTypes == null || returnTypes.length == 0 ) { LOG.trace( "Unexpected returnTypes is " + ( returnTypes == null ? "null" : "empty" ) + "! result" + ( result == null ? " is null" : ".size()=" + result.size() ) ); } else { final StringBuilder returnTypeInfo = new StringBuilder(); for ( Type returnType : returnTypes ) { returnTypeInfo.append( "typename=" ) .append( returnType.getName() ) .append( " class=" ) .append( returnType.getReturnedClass().getName() ) .append( ' ' ); } LOG.trace( "unexpected returnTypes is " + returnTypeInfo.toString() + "! result" ); } } private static void logCachedResultRowDetails(Type[] returnTypes, Object result) { if ( !TRACING ) { return; } logCachedResultRowDetails( returnTypes, ( result instanceof Object[] ? (Object[]) result : new Object[] { result } ) ); } private static void logCachedResultRowDetails(Type[] returnTypes, Object[] tuple) { if ( !TRACING ) { return; } if ( tuple == null ) { LOG.tracef( "tuple is null; returnTypes is %s", returnTypes == null ? "null" : "Type[" + returnTypes.length + "]" ); if ( returnTypes != null && returnTypes.length > 1 ) { LOG.trace( "Unexpected result tuple! tuple is null; should be Object[" + returnTypes.length + "]!" ); } } else { if ( returnTypes == null || returnTypes.length == 0 ) { LOG.trace( "Unexpected result tuple! tuple is null; returnTypes is " + ( returnTypes == null ? "null" : "empty" ) ); } LOG.tracef( "tuple is Object[%s]; returnTypes is %s", tuple.length, returnTypes == null ? "null" : "Type[" + returnTypes.length + "]" ); if ( returnTypes != null && tuple.length != returnTypes.length ) { LOG.trace( "Unexpected tuple length! transformer= expected=" + returnTypes.length + " got=" + tuple.length ); } else { for ( int j = 0; j < tuple.length; j++ ) { if ( tuple[j] != null && returnTypes != null && ! returnTypes[j].getReturnedClass().isInstance( tuple[j] ) ) { LOG.trace( "Unexpected tuple value type! transformer= expected=" + returnTypes[j].getReturnedClass().getName() + " got=" + tuple[j].getClass().getName() ); } } } } } }