 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.bytecode.instrumentation.internal;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import org.hibernate.bytecode.instrumentation.internal.javassist.JavassistHelper;
import org.hibernate.bytecode.instrumentation.spi.FieldInterceptor;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;

Helper class for dealing with enhanced entity classes. These operations are expensive. They are only meant to be used when code does not have access to a SessionFactory (namely from the instrumentation tasks). When code has access to a SessionFactory, EntityInstrumentationMetadata should be used instead to query the instrumentation state. EntityInstrumentationMetadata is accessed from the EntityPersister via the EntityPersister.getInstrumentationMetadata() method.
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * Helper class for dealing with enhanced entity classes. * * These operations are expensive. They are only meant to be used when code does not have access to a * SessionFactory (namely from the instrumentation tasks). When code has access to a SessionFactory, * {@link org.hibernate.bytecode.spi.EntityInstrumentationMetadata} should be used instead to query the * instrumentation state. EntityInstrumentationMetadata is accessed from the * {@link org.hibernate.persister.entity.EntityPersister} via the * {@link org.hibernate.persister.entity.EntityPersister#getInstrumentationMetadata()} method. * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class FieldInterceptionHelper { private static final Set<Delegate> INSTRUMENTATION_DELEGATES = buildInstrumentationDelegates(); private static Set<Delegate> buildInstrumentationDelegates() { final HashSet<Delegate> delegates = new HashSet<Delegate>(); delegates.add( JavassistDelegate.INSTANCE ); return delegates; }
Utility to check to see if a given entity class is instrumented.
  • entityClass – The entity class to check
Returns:true if it has been instrumented; false otherwise
/** * Utility to check to see if a given entity class is instrumented. * * @param entityClass The entity class to check * * @return {@code true} if it has been instrumented; {@code false} otherwise */
public static boolean isInstrumented(Class entityClass) { for ( Delegate delegate : INSTRUMENTATION_DELEGATES ) { if ( delegate.isInstrumented( entityClass ) ) { return true; } } return false; }
Utility to check to see if a given object is an instance of an instrumented class. If the instance is null, the check returns false
  • object – The object to check
Returns:true if it has been instrumented; false otherwise
/** * Utility to check to see if a given object is an instance of an instrumented class. If the instance * is {@code null}, the check returns {@code false} * * @param object The object to check * * @return {@code true} if it has been instrumented; {@code false} otherwise */
public static boolean isInstrumented(Object object) { return object != null && isInstrumented( object.getClass() ); }
Assuming the given object is an enhanced entity, extract and return its interceptor. Will return null if object is null, or if the object was deemed to not be instrumented
  • object – The object from which to extract the interceptor
Returns:The extracted interceptor, or null
/** * Assuming the given object is an enhanced entity, extract and return its interceptor. Will * return {@code null} if object is {@code null}, or if the object was deemed to not be * instrumented * * @param object The object from which to extract the interceptor * * @return The extracted interceptor, or {@code null} */
public static FieldInterceptor extractFieldInterceptor(Object object) { if ( object == null ) { return null; } FieldInterceptor interceptor = null; for ( Delegate delegate : INSTRUMENTATION_DELEGATES ) { interceptor = delegate.extractInterceptor( object ); if ( interceptor != null ) { break; } } return interceptor; }
Assuming the given object is an enhanced entity, inject a field interceptor.
  • entity – The entity instance
  • entityName – The entity name
  • uninitializedFieldNames – The names of any uninitialized fields
  • session – The session
Returns:The injected interceptor
/** * Assuming the given object is an enhanced entity, inject a field interceptor. * * @param entity The entity instance * @param entityName The entity name * @param uninitializedFieldNames The names of any uninitialized fields * @param session The session * * @return The injected interceptor */
public static FieldInterceptor injectFieldInterceptor( Object entity, String entityName, Set uninitializedFieldNames, SessionImplementor session) { if ( entity == null ) { return null; } FieldInterceptor interceptor = null; for ( Delegate delegate : INSTRUMENTATION_DELEGATES ) { interceptor = delegate.injectInterceptor( entity, entityName, uninitializedFieldNames, session ); if ( interceptor != null ) { break; } } return interceptor; } private static interface Delegate { public boolean isInstrumented(Class classToCheck); public FieldInterceptor extractInterceptor(Object entity); public FieldInterceptor injectInterceptor(Object entity, String entityName, Set uninitializedFieldNames, SessionImplementor session); } private static class JavassistDelegate implements Delegate { public static final JavassistDelegate INSTANCE = new JavassistDelegate(); public static final String MARKER = "org.hibernate.bytecode.internal.javassist.FieldHandled"; @Override public boolean isInstrumented(Class classToCheck) { for ( Class definedInterface : classToCheck.getInterfaces() ) { if ( MARKER.equals( definedInterface.getName() ) ) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public FieldInterceptor extractInterceptor(Object entity) { for ( Class definedInterface : entity.getClass().getInterfaces() ) { if ( MARKER.equals( definedInterface.getName() ) ) { return JavassistHelper.extractFieldInterceptor( entity ); } } return null; } @Override public FieldInterceptor injectInterceptor( Object entity, String entityName, Set uninitializedFieldNames, SessionImplementor session) { for ( Class definedInterface : entity.getClass().getInterfaces() ) { if ( MARKER.equals( definedInterface.getName() ) ) { return JavassistHelper.injectFieldInterceptor( entity, entityName, uninitializedFieldNames, session ); } } return null; } } private FieldInterceptionHelper() { } }