 * Hibernate Validator, declare and validate application constraints
 * License: Apache License, Version 2.0
 * See the license.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>.
package org.hibernate.validator.internal.metadata.aggregated;

import static org.hibernate.validator.internal.util.CollectionHelper.newHashMap;
import static org.hibernate.validator.internal.util.CollectionHelper.newHashSet;

import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.reflect.Executable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import jakarta.validation.ElementKind;
import jakarta.validation.groups.Default;
import jakarta.validation.metadata.BeanDescriptor;
import jakarta.validation.metadata.ConstructorDescriptor;
import jakarta.validation.metadata.PropertyDescriptor;

import org.hibernate.validator.internal.engine.groups.Sequence;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.engine.groups.ValidationOrder;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.engine.groups.ValidationOrderGenerator;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.metadata.core.MetaConstraint;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.metadata.descriptor.BeanDescriptorImpl;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.metadata.descriptor.ConstraintDescriptorImpl;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.metadata.descriptor.ExecutableDescriptorImpl;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.metadata.facets.Cascadable;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.metadata.location.ConstraintLocation.ConstraintLocationKind;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.properties.Signature;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.util.CollectionHelper;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.util.ExecutableHelper;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.util.classhierarchy.ClassHierarchyHelper;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.util.classhierarchy.Filters;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.util.logging.Log;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.util.logging.LoggerFactory;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.util.stereotypes.Immutable;
import org.hibernate.validator.spi.group.DefaultGroupSequenceProvider;

This class encapsulates all meta data needed for validation. Implementations of Validator interface can instantiate an instance of this class and delegate the metadata extraction to it.
Author:Hardy Ferentschik, Gunnar Morling, Kevin Pollet <kevin.pollet@serli.com> (C) 2011 SERLI, Chris Beckey <cbeckey@paypal.com>, Guillaume Smet, Marko Bekhta
/** * This class encapsulates all meta data needed for validation. Implementations of {@code Validator} interface can * instantiate an instance of this class and delegate the metadata extraction to it. * * @author Hardy Ferentschik * @author Gunnar Morling * @author Kevin Pollet &lt;kevin.pollet@serli.com&gt; (C) 2011 SERLI * @author Chris Beckey &lt;cbeckey@paypal.com&gt; * @author Guillaume Smet * @author Marko Bekhta */
public final class BeanMetaDataImpl<T> implements BeanMetaData<T> { private static final Log LOG = LoggerFactory.make( MethodHandles.lookup() );
Represents the "sequence" of just Default.class.
/** * Represents the "sequence" of just Default.class. */
private static final List<Class<?>> DEFAULT_GROUP_SEQUENCE = Collections.<Class<?>>singletonList( Default.class );
Whether there are any constraints or cascades at all.
/** * Whether there are any constraints or cascades at all. */
private final boolean hasConstraints; private final ValidationOrderGenerator validationOrderGenerator;
The root bean class for this meta data.
/** * The root bean class for this meta data. */
private final Class<T> beanClass;
Set of all constraints for this bean type (defined on any implemented interfaces or super types)
/** * Set of all constraints for this bean type (defined on any implemented interfaces or super types) */
@Immutable private final Set<MetaConstraint<?>> allMetaConstraints;
Set of all constraints which are directly defined on the bean or any of the directly implemented interfaces
/** * Set of all constraints which are directly defined on the bean or any of the directly implemented interfaces */
@Immutable private final Set<MetaConstraint<?>> directMetaConstraints;
Contains constrained related meta data for all the constrained methods and constructors of the type represented by this bean meta data. Keyed by executable, values are an aggregated view on each executable together with all the executables from the inheritance hierarchy with the same signature.

An entry will be stored once under the signature of the represented method and all the methods it overrides (there will only be more than one entry in case of generics in the parameters, e.g. in case of a super-type method foo(T) and an overriding sub-type method foo(String) two entries for the same executable meta-data will be stored).

/** * Contains constrained related meta data for all the constrained methods and constructors of the type represented * by this bean meta data. Keyed by executable, values are an aggregated view on each executable together with all * the executables from the inheritance hierarchy with the same signature. * <p> * An entry will be stored once under the signature of the represented method and all the methods it overrides * (there will only be more than one entry in case of generics in the parameters, e.g. in case of a super-type * method {@code foo(T)} and an overriding sub-type method {@code foo(String)} two entries for the same executable * meta-data will be stored). */
@Immutable private final Map<Signature, ExecutableMetaData> executableMetaDataMap;
The set of unconstrained executables of the bean. It contains all the relevant signatures, following the same rules as executableMetaDataMap.
/** * The set of unconstrained executables of the bean. It contains all the relevant signatures, following the same * rules as {@code executableMetaDataMap}. */
@Immutable private final Set<Signature> unconstrainedExecutables;
Property meta data keyed against the property name
/** * Property meta data keyed against the property name */
@Immutable private final Map<String, PropertyMetaData> propertyMetaDataMap;
The cascaded properties of this bean.
/** * The cascaded properties of this bean. */
@Immutable private final Set<Cascadable> cascadedProperties;
The default groups sequence for this bean class.
/** * The default groups sequence for this bean class. */
@Immutable private final List<Class<?>> defaultGroupSequence;
The default group sequence provider.
See Also:
/** * The default group sequence provider. * * @see org.hibernate.validator.group.GroupSequenceProvider * @see DefaultGroupSequenceProvider */
private final DefaultGroupSequenceProvider<? super T> defaultGroupSequenceProvider; private final ValidationOrder validationOrder;
The class hierarchy for this class starting with the class itself going up the inheritance chain. Interfaces are not included.
/** * The class hierarchy for this class starting with the class itself going up the inheritance chain. Interfaces * are not included. */
@Immutable private final List<Class<? super T>> classHierarchyWithoutInterfaces;
{code true} if the default group sequence is redefined, either via a group sequence redefinition or a group sequence provider.
/** * {code true} if the default group sequence is redefined, either via a group sequence redefinition or a group * sequence provider. */
private final boolean defaultGroupSequenceRedefined;
The resolved default group sequence.
/** * The resolved default group sequence. */
private final List<Class<?>> resolvedDefaultGroupSequence;
The bean descriptor for this bean. Lazily created.
/** * The bean descriptor for this bean. Lazily created. */
private volatile BeanDescriptor beanDescriptor;
Creates a new BeanMetaDataImpl
  • beanClass – The Java type represented by this meta data object.
  • defaultGroupSequence – The default group sequence.
  • defaultGroupSequenceProvider – The default group sequence provider if set.
  • constraintMetaDataSet – All constraint meta data relating to the represented type.
/** * Creates a new {@link BeanMetaDataImpl} * * @param beanClass The Java type represented by this meta data object. * @param defaultGroupSequence The default group sequence. * @param defaultGroupSequenceProvider The default group sequence provider if set. * @param constraintMetaDataSet All constraint meta data relating to the represented type. */
public BeanMetaDataImpl(Class<T> beanClass, List<Class<?>> defaultGroupSequence, DefaultGroupSequenceProvider<? super T> defaultGroupSequenceProvider, Set<ConstraintMetaData> constraintMetaDataSet, ValidationOrderGenerator validationOrderGenerator) { this.validationOrderGenerator = validationOrderGenerator; this.beanClass = beanClass; this.propertyMetaDataMap = newHashMap(); Set<PropertyMetaData> propertyMetaDataSet = newHashSet(); Set<ExecutableMetaData> executableMetaDataSet = newHashSet(); Set<Signature> tmpUnconstrainedExecutables = newHashSet(); boolean hasConstraints = false; Set<MetaConstraint<?>> allMetaConstraints = newHashSet(); for ( ConstraintMetaData constraintMetaData : constraintMetaDataSet ) { boolean elementHasConstraints = constraintMetaData.isCascading() || constraintMetaData.isConstrained(); hasConstraints |= elementHasConstraints; if ( constraintMetaData.getKind() == ElementKind.PROPERTY ) { propertyMetaDataSet.add( (PropertyMetaData) constraintMetaData ); } else if ( constraintMetaData.getKind() == ElementKind.BEAN ) { allMetaConstraints.addAll( ( (ClassMetaData) constraintMetaData ).getAllConstraints() ); } else { ExecutableMetaData executableMetaData = (ExecutableMetaData) constraintMetaData; if ( elementHasConstraints ) { executableMetaDataSet.add( executableMetaData ); } else { tmpUnconstrainedExecutables.addAll( executableMetaData.getSignatures() ); } } } Set<Cascadable> cascadedProperties = newHashSet(); for ( PropertyMetaData propertyMetaData : propertyMetaDataSet ) { propertyMetaDataMap.put( propertyMetaData.getName(), propertyMetaData ); cascadedProperties.addAll( propertyMetaData.getCascadables() ); allMetaConstraints.addAll( propertyMetaData.getAllConstraints() ); } this.hasConstraints = hasConstraints; this.cascadedProperties = CollectionHelper.toImmutableSet( cascadedProperties ); this.allMetaConstraints = CollectionHelper.toImmutableSet( allMetaConstraints ); this.classHierarchyWithoutInterfaces = CollectionHelper.toImmutableList( ClassHierarchyHelper.getHierarchy( beanClass, Filters.excludeInterfaces() ) ); DefaultGroupSequenceContext<? super T> defaultGroupContext = getDefaultGroupSequenceData( beanClass, defaultGroupSequence, defaultGroupSequenceProvider, validationOrderGenerator ); this.defaultGroupSequenceProvider = defaultGroupContext.defaultGroupSequenceProvider; this.defaultGroupSequence = CollectionHelper.toImmutableList( defaultGroupContext.defaultGroupSequence ); this.validationOrder = defaultGroupContext.validationOrder; this.directMetaConstraints = getDirectConstraints(); this.executableMetaDataMap = CollectionHelper.toImmutableMap( bySignature( executableMetaDataSet ) ); this.unconstrainedExecutables = CollectionHelper.toImmutableSet( tmpUnconstrainedExecutables ); // We initialize those elements eagerly so that any eventual error is thrown when bootstrapping the bean metadata this.defaultGroupSequenceRedefined = this.defaultGroupSequence.size() > 1 || hasDefaultGroupSequenceProvider(); this.resolvedDefaultGroupSequence = getDefaultGroupSequence( null ); } @Override public Class<T> getBeanClass() { return beanClass; } @Override public boolean hasConstraints() { return hasConstraints; } @Override public BeanDescriptor getBeanDescriptor() { BeanDescriptor beanDescriptor = this.beanDescriptor; if ( beanDescriptor == null ) { synchronized (this) { beanDescriptor = this.beanDescriptor; if ( beanDescriptor == null ) { beanDescriptor = createBeanDescriptor( beanClass, allMetaConstraints, propertyMetaDataMap, executableMetaDataMap, defaultGroupSequenceRedefined, resolvedDefaultGroupSequence ); this.beanDescriptor = beanDescriptor; } } } return beanDescriptor; } @Override public Set<Cascadable> getCascadables() { return cascadedProperties; } @Override public boolean hasCascadables() { return !cascadedProperties.isEmpty(); } @Override public PropertyMetaData getMetaDataFor(String propertyName) { PropertyMetaData propertyMetaData = propertyMetaDataMap.get( propertyName ); if ( propertyMetaData == null ) { throw LOG.getPropertyNotDefinedByValidatedTypeException( beanClass, propertyName ); } return propertyMetaData; } @Override public Set<MetaConstraint<?>> getMetaConstraints() { return allMetaConstraints; } @Override public Set<MetaConstraint<?>> getDirectMetaConstraints() { return directMetaConstraints; } @Override public Optional<ExecutableMetaData> getMetaDataFor(Executable executable) { Signature signature = ExecutableHelper.getSignature( executable ); if ( unconstrainedExecutables.contains( signature ) ) { return Optional.empty(); } ExecutableMetaData executableMetaData = executableMetaDataMap.get( signature ); if ( executableMetaData == null ) { // there is no executable metadata - specified object and method do not match throw LOG.getMethodOrConstructorNotDefinedByValidatedTypeException( beanClass, executable ); } return Optional.of( executableMetaData ); } @Override public List<Class<?>> getDefaultGroupSequence(T beanState) { if ( hasDefaultGroupSequenceProvider() ) { List<Class<?>> providerDefaultGroupSequence = defaultGroupSequenceProvider.getValidationGroups( beanState ); return getValidDefaultGroupSequence( beanClass, providerDefaultGroupSequence ); } return defaultGroupSequence; } @Override public Iterator<Sequence> getDefaultValidationSequence(T beanState) { if ( hasDefaultGroupSequenceProvider() ) { List<Class<?>> providerDefaultGroupSequence = defaultGroupSequenceProvider.getValidationGroups( beanState ); return validationOrderGenerator.getDefaultValidationOrder( beanClass, getValidDefaultGroupSequence( beanClass, providerDefaultGroupSequence ) ) .getSequenceIterator(); } else { return validationOrder.getSequenceIterator(); } } @Override public boolean isDefaultGroupSequenceRedefined() { return defaultGroupSequenceRedefined; } @Override public List<Class<? super T>> getClassHierarchy() { return classHierarchyWithoutInterfaces; } private static BeanDescriptor createBeanDescriptor(Class<?> beanClass, Set<MetaConstraint<?>> allMetaConstraints, Map<String, PropertyMetaData> propertyMetaDataMap, Map<Signature, ExecutableMetaData> executableMetaDataMap, boolean defaultGroupSequenceRedefined, List<Class<?>> resolvedDefaultGroupSequence) { Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> propertyDescriptors = getConstrainedPropertiesAsDescriptors( propertyMetaDataMap, defaultGroupSequenceRedefined, resolvedDefaultGroupSequence ); Map<Signature, ExecutableDescriptorImpl> methodsDescriptors = getConstrainedMethodsAsDescriptors( executableMetaDataMap, defaultGroupSequenceRedefined, resolvedDefaultGroupSequence ); Map<Signature, ConstructorDescriptor> constructorsDescriptors = getConstrainedConstructorsAsDescriptors( executableMetaDataMap, defaultGroupSequenceRedefined, resolvedDefaultGroupSequence ); return new BeanDescriptorImpl( beanClass, getClassLevelConstraintsAsDescriptors( allMetaConstraints ), propertyDescriptors, methodsDescriptors, constructorsDescriptors, defaultGroupSequenceRedefined, resolvedDefaultGroupSequence ); } private static Set<ConstraintDescriptorImpl<?>> getClassLevelConstraintsAsDescriptors(Set<MetaConstraint<?>> constraints) { return constraints.stream() .filter( c -> c.getConstraintLocationKind() == ConstraintLocationKind.TYPE ) .map( MetaConstraint::getDescriptor ) .collect( Collectors.toSet() ); } private static Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> getConstrainedPropertiesAsDescriptors(Map<String, PropertyMetaData> propertyMetaDataMap, boolean defaultGroupSequenceIsRedefined, List<Class<?>> resolvedDefaultGroupSequence) { Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> theValue = newHashMap(); for ( Entry<String, PropertyMetaData> entry : propertyMetaDataMap.entrySet() ) { if ( entry.getValue().isConstrained() && entry.getValue().getName() != null ) { theValue.put( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().asDescriptor( defaultGroupSequenceIsRedefined, resolvedDefaultGroupSequence ) ); } } return theValue; } private static Map<Signature, ExecutableDescriptorImpl> getConstrainedMethodsAsDescriptors( Map<Signature, ExecutableMetaData> executableMetaDataMap, boolean defaultGroupSequenceIsRedefined, List<Class<?>> resolvedDefaultGroupSequence) { Map<Signature, ExecutableDescriptorImpl> constrainedMethodDescriptors = newHashMap(); for ( ExecutableMetaData executableMetaData : executableMetaDataMap.values() ) { if ( executableMetaData.getKind() == ElementKind.METHOD && executableMetaData.isConstrained() ) { ExecutableDescriptorImpl descriptor = executableMetaData.asDescriptor( defaultGroupSequenceIsRedefined, resolvedDefaultGroupSequence ); for ( Signature signature : executableMetaData.getSignatures() ) { constrainedMethodDescriptors.put( signature, descriptor ); } } } return constrainedMethodDescriptors; } private static Map<Signature, ConstructorDescriptor> getConstrainedConstructorsAsDescriptors(Map<Signature, ExecutableMetaData> executableMetaDataMap, boolean defaultGroupSequenceIsRedefined, List<Class<?>> resolvedDefaultGroupSequence) { Map<Signature, ConstructorDescriptor> constrainedMethodDescriptors = newHashMap(); for ( ExecutableMetaData executableMetaData : executableMetaDataMap.values() ) { if ( executableMetaData.getKind() == ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR && executableMetaData.isConstrained() ) { constrainedMethodDescriptors.put( // constructors never override, so there will be exactly one identifier executableMetaData.getSignatures().iterator().next(), executableMetaData.asDescriptor( defaultGroupSequenceIsRedefined, resolvedDefaultGroupSequence ) ); } } return constrainedMethodDescriptors; } private static <T> DefaultGroupSequenceContext<T> getDefaultGroupSequenceData(Class<?> beanClass, List<Class<?>> defaultGroupSequence, DefaultGroupSequenceProvider<? super T> defaultGroupSequenceProvider, ValidationOrderGenerator validationOrderGenerator) { if ( defaultGroupSequence != null && defaultGroupSequenceProvider != null ) { throw LOG.getInvalidDefaultGroupSequenceDefinitionException(); } DefaultGroupSequenceContext<T> context = new DefaultGroupSequenceContext<>(); if ( defaultGroupSequenceProvider != null ) { context.defaultGroupSequenceProvider = defaultGroupSequenceProvider; context.defaultGroupSequence = Collections.emptyList(); context.validationOrder = null; } else if ( defaultGroupSequence != null && !defaultGroupSequence.isEmpty() ) { context.defaultGroupSequence = getValidDefaultGroupSequence( beanClass, defaultGroupSequence ); context.validationOrder = validationOrderGenerator.getDefaultValidationOrder( beanClass, context.defaultGroupSequence ); } else { context.defaultGroupSequence = DEFAULT_GROUP_SEQUENCE; context.validationOrder = ValidationOrder.DEFAULT_SEQUENCE; } return context; } private Set<MetaConstraint<?>> getDirectConstraints() { Set<MetaConstraint<?>> constraints = newHashSet(); Set<Class<?>> classAndInterfaces = newHashSet(); classAndInterfaces.add( beanClass ); classAndInterfaces.addAll( ClassHierarchyHelper.getDirectlyImplementedInterfaces( beanClass ) ); for ( Class<?> clazz : classAndInterfaces ) { for ( MetaConstraint<?> metaConstraint : allMetaConstraints ) { if ( metaConstraint.getLocation().getDeclaringClass().equals( clazz ) ) { constraints.add( metaConstraint ); } } } return CollectionHelper.toImmutableSet( constraints ); }
Builds up the method meta data for this type; each meta-data entry will be stored under the signature of the represented method and all the methods it overrides.
/** * Builds up the method meta data for this type; each meta-data entry will be stored under the signature of the * represented method and all the methods it overrides. */
private Map<Signature, ExecutableMetaData> bySignature(Set<ExecutableMetaData> executables) { Map<Signature, ExecutableMetaData> theValue = newHashMap(); for ( ExecutableMetaData executableMetaData : executables ) { for ( Signature signature : executableMetaData.getSignatures() ) { theValue.put( signature, executableMetaData ); } } return theValue; } private static List<Class<?>> getValidDefaultGroupSequence(Class<?> beanClass, List<Class<?>> groupSequence) { List<Class<?>> validDefaultGroupSequence = new ArrayList<>(); boolean groupSequenceContainsDefault = false; if ( groupSequence != null ) { for ( Class<?> group : groupSequence ) { if ( group.getName().equals( beanClass.getName() ) ) { validDefaultGroupSequence.add( Default.class ); groupSequenceContainsDefault = true; } else if ( group.getName().equals( Default.class.getName() ) ) { throw LOG.getNoDefaultGroupInGroupSequenceException(); } else { validDefaultGroupSequence.add( group ); } } } if ( !groupSequenceContainsDefault ) { throw LOG.getBeanClassMustBePartOfRedefinedDefaultGroupSequenceException( beanClass ); } if ( LOG.isTraceEnabled() ) { LOG.tracef( "Members of the default group sequence for bean %s are: %s.", beanClass.getName(), validDefaultGroupSequence ); } return validDefaultGroupSequence; } private boolean hasDefaultGroupSequenceProvider() { return defaultGroupSequenceProvider != null; } @Override public String toString() { return "BeanMetaDataImpl" + "{beanClass=" + beanClass.getSimpleName() + ", constraintCount=" + getMetaConstraints().size() + ", cascadedPropertiesCount=" + cascadedProperties.size() + ", defaultGroupSequence=" + getDefaultGroupSequence( null ) + '}'; }
Tuple for returning default group sequence, provider and validation order at once.
/** * Tuple for returning default group sequence, provider and validation order at once. */
private static class DefaultGroupSequenceContext<T> { List<Class<?>> defaultGroupSequence; DefaultGroupSequenceProvider<? super T> defaultGroupSequenceProvider; ValidationOrder validationOrder; } }