 * Hibernate Validator, declare and validate application constraints
 * License: Apache License, Version 2.0
 * See the license.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>.
package org.hibernate.validator.internal.engine.valuecontext;

import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;

import jakarta.validation.groups.Default;

import org.hibernate.validator.internal.engine.path.PathImpl;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.engine.valueextraction.AnnotatedObject;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.engine.valueextraction.ArrayElement;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.metadata.facets.Cascadable;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.metadata.facets.Validatable;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.metadata.location.ConstraintLocation;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.metadata.location.ConstraintLocation.ConstraintLocationKind;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.util.ExecutableParameterNameProvider;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.util.TypeVariables;

An instance of this class is used to collect all the relevant information for validating a single class, property or method invocation.
Author:Hardy Ferentschik, Gunnar Morling, Guillaume Smet
/** * An instance of this class is used to collect all the relevant information for validating a single class, property or * method invocation. * * @author Hardy Ferentschik * @author Gunnar Morling * @author Guillaume Smet */
public class ValueContext<T, V> { private final ExecutableParameterNameProvider parameterNameProvider;
The current bean which gets validated. This is the bean hosting the constraints which get validated.
/** * The current bean which gets validated. This is the bean hosting the constraints which get validated. */
private final T currentBean;
The current property path we are validating.
/** * The current property path we are validating. */
private PathImpl propertyPath;
The current group we are validating.
/** * The current group we are validating. */
private Class<?> currentGroup;
The value which gets currently evaluated.
/** * The value which gets currently evaluated. */
private V currentValue; private final Validatable currentValidatable;
The ConstraintLocationKind the constraint was defined on
/** * The {@code ConstraintLocationKind} the constraint was defined on */
private ConstraintLocationKind constraintLocationKind; ValueContext(ExecutableParameterNameProvider parameterNameProvider, T currentBean, Validatable validatable, PathImpl propertyPath) { this.parameterNameProvider = parameterNameProvider; this.currentBean = currentBean; this.currentValidatable = validatable; this.propertyPath = propertyPath; } public final PathImpl getPropertyPath() { return propertyPath; } public final Class<?> getCurrentGroup() { return currentGroup; } public final T getCurrentBean() { return currentBean; } public Validatable getCurrentValidatable() { return currentValidatable; }
Returns the current value to be validated.
/** * Returns the current value to be validated. */
public final Object getCurrentValidatedValue() { return currentValue; } public final void appendNode(Cascadable node) { PathImpl newPath = PathImpl.createCopy( propertyPath ); node.appendTo( newPath ); propertyPath = newPath; } public final void appendNode(ConstraintLocation location) { PathImpl newPath = PathImpl.createCopy( propertyPath ); location.appendTo( parameterNameProvider, newPath ); propertyPath = newPath; } public final void appendTypeParameterNode(String nodeName) { PathImpl newPath = PathImpl.createCopy( propertyPath ); newPath.addContainerElementNode( nodeName ); propertyPath = newPath; } public final void markCurrentPropertyAsIterable() { propertyPath.makeLeafNodeIterable(); } public final void markCurrentPropertyAsIterableAndSetKey(Object key) { propertyPath.makeLeafNodeIterableAndSetMapKey( key ); } public final void markCurrentPropertyAsIterableAndSetIndex(Integer index) { propertyPath.makeLeafNodeIterableAndSetIndex( index ); }
Sets the container element information.
  • containerClass – the class of the container
  • typeParameterIndex – the index of the actual type parameter
See Also:
/** * Sets the container element information. * * @param containerClass the class of the container * @param typeParameterIndex the index of the actual type parameter * * @see TypeVariables#getContainerClass(TypeVariable) * @see TypeVariables#getActualTypeParameter(TypeVariable) * @see AnnotatedObject * @see ArrayElement */
public final void setTypeParameter(Class<?> containerClass, Integer typeParameterIndex) { if ( containerClass == null ) { return; } propertyPath.setLeafNodeTypeParameter( containerClass, typeParameterIndex ); } public final void setCurrentGroup(Class<?> currentGroup) { this.currentGroup = currentGroup; } public final void setCurrentValidatedValue(V currentValue) { propertyPath.setLeafNodeValueIfRequired( currentValue ); this.currentValue = currentValue; } public final boolean validatingDefault() { return getCurrentGroup() != null && getCurrentGroup().getName().equals( Default.class.getName() ); } public final ConstraintLocationKind getConstraintLocationKind() { return constraintLocationKind; } public final void setConstraintLocationKind(ConstraintLocationKind constraintLocationKind) { this.constraintLocationKind = constraintLocationKind; } public final ValueState<V> getCurrentValueState() { return new ValueState<V>( propertyPath, currentValue ); } public final void resetValueState(ValueState<V> valueState) { this.propertyPath = valueState.getPropertyPath(); this.currentValue = valueState.getCurrentValue(); } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "ValueContext" ); sb.append( "{currentBean=" ).append( currentBean ); sb.append( ", propertyPath=" ).append( propertyPath ); sb.append( ", currentGroup=" ).append( currentGroup ); sb.append( ", currentValue=" ).append( currentValue ); sb.append( ", constraintLocationKind=" ).append( constraintLocationKind ); sb.append( '}' ); return sb.toString(); } public Object getValue(Object parent, ConstraintLocation location) { // TODO: For BVAL-214 we'd get the value from a map or another alternative structure instead return location.getValue( parent ); } public static class ValueState<V> { private final PathImpl propertyPath; private final V currentValue; ValueState(PathImpl propertyPath, V currentValue) { this.propertyPath = propertyPath; this.currentValue = currentValue; } public PathImpl getPropertyPath() { return propertyPath; } public V getCurrentValue() { return currentValue; } } }